Lord Highlander

Chapter 860: 849. Nika of Light

Since there are 18 thunder rhinos raised in the barracks, each thunder rhino can be equipped with fifty archers, so the barracks has recruited a thousand archers, 80% of which are from the hills and mountains. local young aborigines.

The remaining 20% ​​came from the aborigines of Dodan Town and the mercenaries in the town.

In this way, the Archer Battalion transformed itself and became the largest battalion in Suldak's army. The captain of the Archer Battalion was the king of achievements in the barracks. He came to Duodan Town for just two months. The resident slashed 240,000 merit points.

What puzzled the soldiers was that Captain Samira had never seen any merits exchanged, and no matter how many merits she had accumulated, she didn't even bother to look at them.

Andrew and Samira have successively advanced to rank two powerhouses, their bodies have a stronger carrying capacity, and both of them can have a second magic pattern growth outfit.

Now that they are rank two powerhouses, Suldak feels that they are not suitable for colonizing the life magic pattern of ghost pattern soldier ants.

The second magicweave breeding outfit should at least be stripped from the third-level monster, but the life magicweave of the ghost pattern male ant and the ghost pattern queen are obviously not suitable for Andrew and Samira, so Suldak decided to wait. wait.

It is said that the carrying capacity possessed by the second-rank powerhouses can allow them to wear intermediate magic pattern structures.

However, in the Grimm Empire, even the primary magic-weave constructions are in short supply, and the intermediate-level magic-weave constructions are even rarer. I heard that only at large auctions can you have a chance to meet intermediate-level magic-weave constructions, and the auction reserve price is enough to dissuade A lot of second turn strong.


After the cavalry battalion cleaned up the ghost-striped red ants in the hills and mountains, they continued to move towards the Invercargill Forest.

The Archer Battalion can carry a large amount of supplies, so every time the Cavalry Battalion goes to the edge of the Invercargill Forest to eliminate the ghost-striped red ants, it basically stays for five or six days before returning to Dodan Town.

Those young natives who came out of the native tribes, after possessing excellent armor and weapons, showed much stronger combat power than the veterans of the barren land, and because they were young and vigorous, they also had greater growth space.

The indigenous tribal fighters are more familiar with the hills and mountains, and are more familiar with the Invercargill forest, which makes the cavalry battalion and archer battalion almost invincible in the edge of the Invercargill forest.

The ghost-striped red ants invaded the hills and mountains, and gnawed on the large areas of grass and bushes, exposing large areas of terracotta in the hills and mountains.

The cavalry battalion came to the edge of the Invercargill forest, only to find that the entire forest was covered with dead trees all over the mountains and plains.

After the ant infestation, some dead trees sprouted again, and the vegetation in the forest revived.

Some high-level monsters returned to the Invercargill Forest. They originally occupied a territory in this forest. When the ant swarm came, they left the Invercargill Forest with their strong survival instincts and hid in the Thorny Mountains for refuge.

Now that the ant swarm is beginning to decay, these magical beasts that occupied the Invercargill Forest have returned. I am afraid that these high-level magical beasts are the biggest enemies that Suldak will face when he enters the Invercargill Forest.


The situation in Dodan Town stabilized. Hundreds of mercenary groups and adventure groups passed through the Dodan Canyon and entered the hills and mountains to hunt the remaining ghost-striped red ants in the mountains.

Almost every day, a team of horses carries a large amount of monster materials and transports them from the hills and mountains to Dodan Town.

It was the monster materials transported by these horse convoys that attracted many caravans from Wilkes City to Dodan Town to do business, making the trade in Dodan Town unprecedentedly prosperous.

Many businessmen think that the prosperity of Dodan Town is only temporary. There is no special output here, and there are no large mines. As the tide of beasts recedes, Dodan Town will eventually return to its former calm.

There are a lot of caravans coming to Dodan Town now, and each caravan will basically bring some supplies when they come to Dodan Town. After disposing of these materials, they will buy some Warcraft materials and transport them to Wilkes City.

A large amount of materials were transported to Duodan Town, which greatly improved the living standards of local residents.

Although the trading market in Duodan Town needs to pay taxes, it provides great convenience for merchants. First of all, such a trading market also guarantees some interests of merchants, at least there are no scammers in the market.

Secondly, the market in Duodan Town has become a distribution center for monster materials. Merchants who want to buy any materials related to ghost-striped red ants can always find them in the market.

Everyone began to appreciate the benefits of having rules and order after the market was established.

Businessmen's opposition to paying taxes is also fading away.


Martino stepped off the magic caravan, and Martin's boots sank into the black mud, and when he lifted his feet again, there was a mass of heavy sticky mud under his feet.

Fortunately, the attendant supported Baron Martineau behind him, so that he didn't fall down in the mud.

The town of Dodan just had a rain last night, and the construction site by the river became muddy.

Baron Martineau walked crookedly as if he was drunk. The road here has been crushed by trucks transporting timber.

The figure of Mrs. Luna was just in front of the first riverside wooden house built not far away. She was holding a sheepskin notepad in her hand and was listening attentively to what Suldak was saying.

Suldak was holding a wooden house construction plan in his hand, and was discussing the details with a craftsman in charge.

Baron Martino walked over, with more and more mud under his feet, and his steps were heavy. The short distance of tens of meters made him sweat all the way down.

Suldak saw Baron Martino and hurriedly beckoned him to walk over.

Martino walked into the wooden house, only to find that in just three days, the first wooden house had begun to take shape.

However, according to Suldak's strict requirements, the construction of this riverside wooden house was not exquisite enough, and many details needed to be rectified immediately, but the craftsman in charge felt that some places did not need to be so troublesome.

Mrs. Luna didn't quite understand many things, but she wrote them all down in her notebook.

Surdak boarded the wooden steps outside the wooden house, stood at the door, pointed to the corridor of the room, and said: "The floor here needs to be paved with oak floors and varnish on them, and the walls must also be made of oak boards." Lay it flat, the edges of the windows should not expose the logs, and there must be window sills and window frames to wrap the logs, and these wooden windows should be filled with as many large pieces of glass as possible..."

The craftsman in charge had a bitter face, but he didn't dare to argue.

Suldak walked into the living room, stood beside the empty window frame that had not yet been installed, looked at the Dodan River ten meters away, and said to the craftsman:

"The windows here need to be opened wider. I want to open the windows to see the Dodan River. The land outside the window will be the courtyard of this wooden house. A flower pond will be built here..."

If it weren't for his fear of his power, the craftsman manager really wanted to put down the work in hand, so he simply quit.

Suldak didn't feel that he was talking too much. In his heart, he still maintained the habitual thinking that the customer is God.

He continued to point to the footings of the walls around the living room and the stairs on one side, and said: "In addition, the stairs here are too rough, there must be erected wooden fences here, and there must be baseboards under all the wooden walls... Um, do you know what baseboard is? It's just..."

Suldak explained everything to a craftsman in charge for a long time.

The craftsman in charge stood beside Suldak, and at first he was almost scolded by Suldak. Now when he talked about the rectification plan, he realized how high Suldak's requirements were. I was dizzy, but I didn't dare to say any objection.

The people in the town, who don't know how strong the character of Commander Suldak is, drove away Mayor Marko, suppressed Baron Josh Golding's trading firm, and shut down the cooked leather business by the Viscount Dalton River. The workshop, this series of things are all aimed at the most powerful nobles in the town of Dodan.

The steward of the craftsman glanced at the saber at Suldak's waist. The sword didn't know how much blood it was stained with to show its bright red color...

Baron Martino, who was following him, listened with gusto. He believed that Suldak must have come from a noble family and lived in an exquisite house since he was a child, so he had such high requirements for the construction of wooden houses.

The final draft of the model room of this riverside wooden house is based on the design of Baron Martino, which is very consistent with the architectural features of the Bailin plane, but there is an essential difference from those simple style wooden houses. It feels very advanced.

"Overall, it's not bad. It shows the charm that this wooden house should have, but some places are not detailed enough." Suldak walked upstairs again, and came down to meet the craftsman The steward ordered: "Let's build twenty wooden houses of this kind by the river first. There is a shortage of houses in the town, so you need to move faster..."

The craftsman steward finally heard a compliment, and immediately said with a smile on his face: "Mayor, we will definitely do our best."

Suldak reached out and patted him on the shoulder, saying: "Work hard, the next wooden house must be of the same quality as the model room, there are still many future projects, this time it is done, and the subsequent projects will definitely be given priority Hand it over to the construction team in Dodan Township, but if it doesn't do a good job, the project may be stopped at any time."

Suldak decided to give the artisan steward a big pie first, so he said to him: "In addition to the Temple of the Two Goddesses, I plan to transform this aboriginal slum..."

"This slum area?" The craftsman manager looked back at the dilapidated slum area tens of meters away, and then thought of Suldak's forced relocation of the cooked leather workshop, so he asked with some concern: "Are you going to let these Are the aborigines moving away too?"

Suldak was slightly taken aback, and asked back:

"Why do you want to move away? They will continue to live here, but I will build them a new townhouse for free, so that the layout is more reasonable. In the future, these saved places can be used to build more townhouses..."

Baron Martino and Mrs. Luna stood side by side behind Suldak, and after listening to his plans for Dodan Town, he realized that Suldak was determined to change the appearance of Dodan Town.

For a while, I even looked forward to the future of the town...


Nika didn't go to the barracks to change the wounded soldiers' dressings, she hid in the corner of the attic room.

The panic in her heart caused her chest to rise and fall, and even her breathing became weak.

She wanted to take a sip of cold water to calm down her hot heart, but it was useless.

Suldak and Selena were not at home, and Signa followed Selena to the barracks, and she didn't know who to discuss this matter with.

Afterwards, she lowered her head to look at the shimmering light emerging from her lower abdomen, so she hugged a back cushion to block the shimmering light.

This is somewhat different from the Holy Light described by Suldak...

Suldak told Nika that the power of the holy light he felt was hidden in countless nodes of the body, and as long as he needed the power of the holy light, he would use his mental power to control the power of the holy light to pass out of his body.

She didn't know how this mutation happened. She couldn't feel any nodes in her body, and the power of the holy light that she condensed through meditation could slowly gather in her lower abdomen.

This group of holy light is very penetrating. If you only wear a thin long skirt, you can clearly see this group of pale golden holy light.

She wanted to wear a thicker dress to cover the holy light, but it seemed impossible.

Nika didn't dare to go to the street, so she could only obediently hide in the attic of her home, trying to cover up the light.

As her faith turned, this holy light appeared in her palm. She sat in the corner of the room, put her chin on her knees, hugged her knees with her hands, and stared at the holy light in her palm. I don't know what to do.

She had sensed the light very early, but it hadn't condensed to the lower abdomen before.

She even felt that at this moment she was like a firefly that was constantly glowing in the night. If the light in her body was always shining like this in the future, Nika felt that it would be a luxury if she wanted to go shopping in the future.

She kept chanting Surdak's name silently in her heart, hoping that he would come back soon.

The holy light in the palm of his hand is not like a burning flame, but more like a scattered light.

Nika sighed slightly. She knew that she was different from others, but she never thought that these would bring troubles to her life.

At this moment, there was a familiar sound of horseshoes outside the yard.

Nika's eyes lit up immediately, she stood up abruptly, but forgot that this was an attic, and hit her head firmly on the sloping ridge, which immediately made her dizzy and almost fell to the floor.

There is a piece of gold star in front of my eyes.

Suldak's familiar footsteps came from downstairs, walked into the yard, and opened the door...

Nika finally breathed a sigh of relief, quickly hugged the cushion, endured a strong sense of dizziness, and quickly ran downstairs to find Suldak,


As soon as Suldak entered the small building, he saw Nika rushing down the stairs in a nightgown.

Thought she was sick.

I just wanted to ask Nika what happened...

Seeing that she threw the cushion on the floor, and her lower abdomen revealed a pale golden light, Nika also looked at Suldak eagerly.

At this time, Suldak was a little stunned and speechless. He pointed to Nika's shimmering belly, paused for a while, and then said with a look of astonishment: "Nika, are you a magician?" Did Chi wake up?"

Sorry it's a bit late today and there's only one chapter

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