Lord Highlander

Chapter 861: 850. Fair

Nika was a little flustered at first, but when she saw Surdak, she calmed down.

When Suldak was chatting with Lance before, he heard a few words about the magic pool. When he was not a magician after all, when the knight's methods had no effect on Nika, he didn't know it at all. What should I do.

Maybe Aphrodite knew that she was a knowledgeable succubus... Suldak thought so.

So, he hurriedly brought Nikara into the living room, asked her to sit on the sofa and wait for a while, then walked into the bedroom alone, and called Aphrodite, who was sleepy next to the pustule mountain, to the lava pool.

Aphrodite entered the bedroom through the void door and asked Suldak what happened.

Suldak didn't know how to explain it, so he brought her to Nika.

Aphrodite came out of the stairs, and saw the pure light emanating from Nika's abdomen at a glance. The soft light was like a hot flame in front of Aphrodite, making her unwilling to go any further. step.

Aphrodite was standing at the stairs, leaning close to Suldak's ear angrily, with one hand on his shoulder, her soft body pressed against Suldak, and said through gritted teeth:

"You annoying Priest of Light, you asked me to come over... do you want me to kill her?"

Suldak didn't expect Aphrodite to say this, he was slightly taken aback, and whispered: "Is there any difference between her and me? You don't reject me so much..."

Aphrodite said angrily: "How could it be the same! You saved me, but she didn't..."

"She doesn't mean anything to you!" Suldak patted Aphrodite's soft hand and whispered, "I called you here just to ask you to give me some advice. She is completely out of control right now. This power, but now I'm afraid her magic pool may be awakened, I want her to maintain and control this state, do you have any good solution!"

Aphrodite fiddled with her long dark hair, pointed to the two pointed demon horns hidden in the thick long hair on top of her head, and asked a little speechlessly:

"Don't you think it's against the law for a succubus to teach a priest of light to control the power of light? The source of our succubus' power is on the wings, and we rely on the horns of the devil to control magic, but you humans are different. Open a magic storage container in the body to learn to control magic..."

"How could I do this? Do you think a succubus is omnipotent?"

Suldak was so questioned that he was speechless.


Aphrodite didn't even go to the living room, turned around and walked upstairs slowly with her long skirt, and said as she walked, "You can find any magician to solve this...but I can't, where are your magician friends?"

"They're back to Roland Continent." Suldak stood at the stairs and said helplessly.

"I really can't help you with this matter, maybe Celia Cooper knows how to solve it..."

After the succubus finished speaking, the figure was slowly walking upstairs.

It's just that every time she takes a step, her body becomes darker.

When she was about to walk to the jogging platform, her figure disappeared at the stairs.

It seems to be returning to Pustule Mountain...

Suldak wondered whether he should call Earl Funak from the undead world, and didn't know if the ghost would understand this. He reached out and took out the phalanx hanging around his neck, and rubbed it in his palm. For a moment, I thought that the undead would probably not be willing to see a priest of light like Nika.


When Suldak walked back to the living room, Nika was sitting quietly on the leather sofa. She curled up slightly, using a small cushion to block the light from her abdomen.

She had calmed down, and the light didn't cause her any discomfort.

She just didn't know what to do just now, and although she still didn't know what to do now, at least Suldak was here now, so she wasn't so scared.

She just felt a little bit of power pouring into the light ball in her lower abdomen, and she quietly closed her eyes, quietly feeling this inexplicable warm power.

That feeling is like standing alone in the open field in a bright afternoon, the sky is cloudless, the bright sun shines down from the top of her head, her body is like a transparent empty bottle, and the sun shines into the bottle , refracting faint rays of light inside.

She found that she could keep the light...

That soft shimmer that feels in my belly is like that.

It's a pity that she couldn't condense the light in the palm of her hand as Suldak said. Nika felt that she might not have mastered the technical essentials, and she could control the light ball in her lower abdomen by doing more exercises.

After she calmed down, she was not so worried at this time.

Seeing Suldak walking into the living room, he quickly stood up from the sofa and said to Suldak, "You haven't had dinner yet, I'll go and prepare it..."

"Um... how do you feel now?"

Seeing Suldak's eyes staring at him with concern, Nika's small face was slightly flushed, and she quickly said: "I don't feel anything special, but it keeps emitting light, which makes me a little unaccustomed."

"I guess...you may have awakened the magic pool that ordinary people dream of. Unfortunately, I am not a magician and I know almost nothing about it. Maybe Celia Cooper can help you. We will wait for Selena and Signa to Come."

Suldak sat across from Nika, and then stretched out his hand, palm up, and placed it flat on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Follow me to do this, we can try again, can we control... these elemental powers like this."

As he said that, Suldak focused his eyes on his palm, and a hot and burning light cluster appeared in his palm.

This is very different from the soft holy light technique, which is filled with a strong breath of holy light.

Nika also spread out her hands on the coffee table obediently, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't gather a light ball in her palm.


In the town of Dodan, the slums of the aborigines are only one street away from the wealthy areas of imperial immigrants. There are shops on both sides of this street, which are blocked by the shops, so passers-by cannot see the living area behind the shops. .

The end of this street is the edge of the town close to the river bank. This is a crossroads, but there are very few pedestrians and vehicles. Usually, a group of aboriginal children play in this square.

However, in the recent period, this square has been surrounded by curtains, and it is said that a temple of two goddesses will be built in the entire square.

To this end, the nobles in Dodan Town also donated a lot of money.

It is said that the nobles chose the gate of the Temple of Dawn on their side, and the side close to the aboriginal slums is the gate of the Temple of the Evernight.

At present, Selena will come to the square every morning after pricing the vegetables and meat in the free market, and check the progress of the project. She will come to the square again before dark in the afternoon, and every time she comes here, she only pays attention to the Temple of the Evernight. project progress.

The temple is built with square granite foundation stones, and only the roof of the building has a triangular wooden structure roof.

Selina is very demanding on this Temple of the Evernight, and she even has to carefully check every layer of stone blocks, and there are reservations for the internal layout of the building, which can basically be clearly expressed, and it feels like she has lived in Similar shrines.

The construction team had to ask Selena to confirm every morning and night before starting construction, otherwise, if something was done wrong, Selena would not hesitate to ask to dismantle and rework.

In view of Selina's demanding construction requirements, the construction team also followed the same standard when building the Temple of Dawn.

The Temple of Dawn is supervised by Baron Martino. He is a lazy and casual person. He rarely asks the construction team to do this or that. As long as he can roughly understand the construction drawings, he can build them roughly according to the construction drawings.

But the construction team didn't know that the two temples were completely independent. They had dug out the foundation of the temple and dug a deep basement in the square. Since Selena would check the progress of the project every day, this team The construction team did not dare to be lazy.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Selena walked out of the construction site of the square, pulled Signa who was waiting outside under the eaves of the street shop, and walked home along a quiet alley in the town.


Signa held the magic note and followed Selena up and down, flicking the braids on her head.

Now she is not so shy of strangers, but no matter where she goes, she likes to hold that magic note.

Signa skillfully pushed open the gate, and ran to sit under the swing in the yard for a while.

"Signa, aren't you coming in?" Selena stood at the door and said to Signa in the yard.

"Okay, I'll be right here..." Signa obediently jumped off the swing, then quickly followed her mother, and followed Selena into the small building.

Passing through the corridor, I saw Suldak and Nika sitting on the sofa in the living room. Suldak was explaining to Nika seriously with the power of the Holy Light burning in his palm, but Nika did not have the Holy Light in his hand. strength, but her belly...

Selena was slightly taken aback, then walked over slowly, and asked gently: "What are you doing?"

Seeing Nika holding her slightly shiny belly, Signa felt an inexplicable disgust in her heart, and she didn't even want to get close.

It was a kind of physical rejection, so she stood in the corridor, hid her body behind the stone pillar, and looked towards the living room.

Selena sat down beside Suldak, seeing the frustration on Nika's face, she asked Suldak:

"What happened to Nika?"

Suldak turned his head and glanced at Selina before saying:

"I think she seems to have awakened the magic pool, but she doesn't know how to control this magic power, and my situation is completely different from hers. She can't use my experience to control this magic power. We are constantly Tried it, but it didn't work."

"It's not the power of the Holy Light, it's more like pure light," he added.

"If there is nothing else, I want to go upstairs to rest for a while." Signa poked her head out from behind the stone pillar, said something quickly, and was about to run upstairs.

Suldak hurriedly shouted to Signa:

"Signa, I want to have a chat with the magician Celia Cooper, can you lend me that magic notebook?"

Signa stopped, then walked up to Suldak, handed the magic note to Suldak, and said with a smile: "Of course, it is yours."

Reluctance was written all over her little face, and she was not in a hurry to go upstairs at this moment, so she sat obediently beside Selena.

Suldak opened the last page of the magic notebook...

Celia Cooper in the magic notebook looked at Suldak helplessly. She stood in the fence of the pages and looked at Nika with a particularly complicated expression.

"Light and darkness are always opposites!"

"But now what you show me is that two people with completely different life trajectories can live together very harmoniously, and they burst out with infinite enthusiasm for life every night..."

"Okay! It's just these words, I can bear it..."

"After all, I don't have the right to choose, but you can't let a black mage take the initiative...willingly...to help a future white mage or priest of light...it's not fair!"

"It's also an insult to the black magician, a pure insult! You are trampling on the last bit of my dignity!"

Celia Cooper in the book made a generous statement, which suddenly made Suldak speechless.

He scratched his head, smiled and said:

"It's not that serious! Celia Cooper, I just hope that she can control the magic in her body like ordinary magicians, so that she can look back to normal, just like those magicians, and then... the rest The next way is up to her to figure it out."

Hearing what Suldak said, Celia Cooper sighed softly, and then said:

"She awakened the magic pool without participating in the magic awakening ceremony, which is extremely rare in the Green Empire, but it is not possible to awaken the magic pool without herself in history. In fact, before the great sage created the magic awakening ceremony, human beings Almost all magicians born rely on self-awakening, which requires excellent talent and luck."

She turned her head to look at Nika, as if she was speaking to Suldak, or to Nika:

"I taught her to meditate. In fact, meditation is trying to get in touch with the magical power in the body and control these magical powers. It doesn't mean that you follow your command, you also have to guide and integrate, and slowly and carefully perceive with spiritual power. The magic pool has a layer of barriers at the beginning of its birth, and the continuous advancement of magicians is also the process of growing the magic pool, try to restrain the magic power in your body..."

Signa stared at Nika for a while, and then tentatively asked Suldak:

"Nica has already awakened the magic pool, and it seems that there is no need to go to Wilkes City to participate in the magic awakening ceremony, so don't we need to go to Wilkes?"

Signa was still very resistant to going to Wilkes City.

After all, what she will master in the future is dark magic, which is the same as undead magic and voodoo magic in the Grimm Empire. It is not a mainstream magic, and it will be troublesome if she is convicted of heresy.

Moreover, Celia Cooper is a member of the Black Magic Retreat and a wanted person of the Grimm Empire Magic Union. How could she have a good impression of the Magic Union...

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