Lord Highlander

Chapter 868: 856. Gift

As for the Invercargill World of Warcraft Forest, there are still many local aboriginal tribes living. When the beast tide came, these aboriginal tribes hid in their respective refuges on the thorny mountainside, so there are basically no local aborigines in this mountain range.

But that doesn't mean anything!

The indigenous tribes in the Invercargill Warcraft Forest still control the forest.

The most important thing for Suldak to develop the lush and lush Invercargill Warcraft Forest in front of him is to reach an agreement with these local indigenous tribes.

The first method is to continue the method of the Grimm Empire to open up territory in the Bailin plane. Suldak can directly mobilize his cavalry and archers to drive out the indigenous tribes in the Invercargill Warcraft Forest, allowing them to live in a harsh environment further north in the plane.

The second method is to make these indigenous tribes the subjects of the Grimm Empire, just like the aborigines in the small town.

But there is one thing involved in this, that is, they cannot completely swallow up their homes and all their land, and they must leave a living area for them.

Only in this way can the indigenous tribes be willing to submit to the Green Empire.

Of course, these aboriginal tribes are the same aboriginal tribes that had previously resisted the full-scale invasion of the Grimm Empire.

Decades ago, they were defeated by the Grimm Empire in the Bailin Plane War.

Their tribe has experienced several migrations one after another, and now they have no choice but to hide in the inaccessible Invercargill Warcraft Forest, which is called the end of the north by the indigenous tribes of the Bailin plane...

I thought that by hiding in the forest of monsters, I could avoid the imperial cavalry.

Unexpectedly, the expansion of the Green Empire has not stopped, and it has already entered the Warcraft Forest.

According to Suldak's understanding of the indigenous tribes during this period, these indigenous tribes probably don't want to move north any more.

It is estimated that there is no way to migrate, and further north is the dark worm valley. The large wetland outside the worm valley is full of poisonous miasma. Except for the ghost-striped red ants, no monsters can freely pass through that area.

Suldak felt that there was nothing wrong with the second option. The reason why the native tribes rejected the Grimm Empire people was because the Empire people did not leave a good impression on them. Of course, this was just one of them.

Another point is that when the imperial army started a plane war with the indigenous tribes, after the victory of the war, the imperials did not leave some land for these indigenous peoples to live on, but turned the native tribes that surrendered into a group of proletarians, that is, The aborigines in the slums of the towns.

After they have nothing, it is far better to be at ease in the indigenous tribes.

It is for this reason that many tribes would rather hide in the Invercargill Forest, where monsters roam, than belong to the territory of the Grimm Empire and become subjects of the empire.

So the cavalry battalion spent two days traveling around this area rich in mineral veins. After knowing the approximate scope of Suldak's first private territory in the Warcraft Forest, they immediately prepared Go get in touch with these native tribes.

It is of course best if the indigenous tribes can leave on their own initiative.

If they don't want to leave, Suldak will try to persuade them, if they can't do it, it's better not to do it.

Because most of the archers recruited by Suldak are aborigines and young aboriginal warriors... Once they start a war with the aboriginal tribes, even if these people don't turn back and give the Suldak cavalry battalion a fatal blow, they will die overnight Run away quickly.

These aborigines have a very strong collective consciousness, and no young aborigine will point their weapons at their compatriots in the tribe.

In addition, Suldak found that although these indigenous tribes were full of hostility towards the Green Empire people, they were extremely tolerant towards the aborigines living in the towns.

Probably they feel that these compatriots have been under the dire rule of the Green Empire after losing their homes...

Of course Suldak was unwilling to go to war with the indigenous tribes in the Invercargill Forest, as this would only cause him a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Of the nearly 1,000 archers in the Archer Battalion, more than 80% are basically aboriginals and young aboriginals. They are very familiar with the Invercargill Forest. No one knows better than them how many aboriginal tribes live here.

Although they have not moved back to the Warcraft Forest at present, these young natives are also very familiar with the hiding places of these tribes in the Thorn Mountains.

Suldak intends to let these young natives take him to visit the chiefs of these native tribes separately.

If they were willing to accept the rule of the Green Empire, Suldak would have avoided a war.

No one can tell for sure, but it should be tried anyway.

It was out of this mentality that Suldak brought some gifts into the refuge of the indigenous tribes in the Thorn Mountains.

The gifts he carried were weapons and food, and these were the things that most moved the natives.

Suldak said that he needed to pay a visit to the chief of the largest indigenous tribe nearby. Only the chief of this tribe with the greatest voice can decide this forest of monsters.

However, when Suldak was taken to the refuge of this indigenous tribe by the young natives, Suldak discovered that this indigenous tribe was actually the tribe he had first contacted before. He recently recruited from this tribe. Two or three hundred archers were recruited.

Recently, Suldak not only hired a lot of young natives one after another, but also actively prepared various supplies, and conducted several trade exchanges with this native tribe.

This time, Suldak stopped his army near Stonehenge in the hilly area, took Andrew and Sami to the upper half of the mountain, and saw friendly chiefs of the indigenous tribes waiting at the entrance of the refuge.

Suldak strode away the entourage behind him, and warmly embraced the chief of the indigenous tribe who was waiting at the door.

The native chief is very strong, and he can speak some simple Grimm Empire language recently, hugging Suldak, excitedly said to Suldak: "Old friend, long time no see, this time you brought us another What kind of good stuff?"

Suldak spread his hands, patted the indigenous chief on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "For you, the innumerable refined steel arrows and inexhaustible food are the best things."

After finishing speaking, Suldak didn't leave these gifts at the end, but waved his hand directly, bringing them all up from behind, and placed them in front of the chief of the indigenous tribe

The native chief cheered happily and loudly: "Ouch! Old friend...you are so polite, every time you come here, you have to give me some gifts..."

After speaking, he warmly invited Suerdak and his party into his residence.

Everyone was sitting by the bonfire in the cave. At this time, a black lacquered kettle was hanging on the fire in the hearth, and some indigenous women had already prepared some cups.

Suldak sat opposite the native chief, and began to chat about the beast tide in the Invercargill Forest this time...

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