Lord Highlander

Chapter 869: 857. Viscounty of Invercargill

Several aboriginal women brought some food and fruit, and poured fruit wine into the glasses.

The aboriginal women in the north of the Bailin plane have brownish-red complexion, good facial features and good figure, especially the dress in the tribe, the tailoring of clothes is rarely sewn, and the body is covered with colorful gemstones and beads, the only thing that is not very beautiful The reason is that walking barefoot all day not only makes the feet look big, but also very rough.

These aboriginal women carried a faint fragrance of flowers. After they sat down in the cave, each of them was accompanied by an aboriginal woman.

They will wash their hands carefully and peel the fruits for the guests.

Since Suldak sent some daily necessities in Dodan Town to the tribe, cups, pots, cloth, iron nails, oil paint, and knives have become indispensable to the indigenous tribes, and their quality of life has also improved. a lot.

Although he still lives in the cave, there are already some cloth curtains in the cave, and there is also a round cushion where Suldak sits.

"After the beast tide is over, what are your plans?"

Suldak asked.

He was not used to the service of the native girl behind him, so he grabbed a handful of nuts for her and motioned her to peel them slowly.

The indigenous patriarch and several warriors in the tribe looked at each other. He still remembered that when Suldak brought some strong men under his command to the tribe, he once said to him: The Grimm Empire will expand to the north in the Bailin plane. I hope that young people from the tribe can go out and see the outside world.

In fact, the group of young people in the tribe went out and wandered around the Invercargill Warcraft Forest, and did not leave here.

But life in the tribe has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, those materials that were in short supply, even sophisticated weapons, were continuously transported through the town of Dodan and transported to the tribe.

In this beast tide, the tribes in the hills and mountains were almost turned into ruins.

But the tribal patriarch is now confident in rebuilding his homeland...

"We want to go back to the hills and mountains to rebuild our homeland," the indigenous chief said to Surdak.

Sitting next to the patriarch, the other tribal warriors also nodded to show that this was the idea of ​​almost everyone in the tribe.

Suldak also nodded in approval, and then said:

"The imperial cavalry will continue to step north into the Invercargill Forest of Warcraft. You want to stay in the hills and mountains, so that you will not be infested by monsters in the future. In addition, the promise I made at the beginning is still valid."

"I will continue to expand the border of the empire's territory to the north. At that time, a large area of ​​land can be circled on the hilly and mountainous side to ensure the life of the tribe."

"Of course, the young people of the tribe can also come to Duodan Town to make a living in the future. Whether they join the garrison or work in the small town, young people will have more choices in the future."

Hearing what Suldak said, the nervous look of the indigenous patriarch finally relaxed.

"We still want to rebuild our home on the hilly side..." the indigenous patriarch said in blunt imperial language.

Suldak nodded again, and said: "It's best to sign a formal magic contract for this kind of thing, so that the two parties will not use various reasons to break the contract in the future, but I need to have the right to speak about the hills and mountains and the Invercargill Forest. , to convince all the tribes in the Invercargill Forest."

"Only by joining the Green Empire can we continue to live in the hills and mountains and the Invercargill Forest. I promise not only to divide a large area of ​​land, but also to have complete autonomy for all tribes. The empire will not interfere in the internal affairs of the tribes."

"Of course, if you don't want to continue living in the hills and mountains, you can also move to Duodan Town."

"However, the land I can allocate to you can only be in the north of the Thorn Mountains, including the area where the hills and mountains meet the Invercargill Warcraft Forest."

"If you are worried about relocating to Dodan Township, you will have no way to live in the future."

"Don't worry about it at all. Please believe me. When you come to Duodan Town, you will know how easy it is to make a living in the town."

"There is no need to worry too much about the invasion of imperial culture. I guarantee that within your territory, tribal culture will not be downplayed."

"If you don't want to join the empire, where any tribe here wants to go, my cavalry battalion will provide the necessary migration funding, not only in terms of supplies, but also use the army to provide security services."

After Suldak said so many words in one breath, the indigenous patriarchs and tribal warriors got together and discussed for a long time before they understood Suldak's consciousness.

To put it bluntly, these tribes must join the Grimm Empire in order to continue to live in the hills and mountains and the Invercargill Forest area. The empire will not dry up the lives of the indigenous tribes. Tribes who are unwilling to join the Grimm Empire must leave the hills and mountains and the Invercargill Forest. As for where to go...the cavalry battalion will escort them along the way.

Anta, the tribal warrior, frowned tightly, and the wrinkles on his forehead were very deep. He asked Suldak:

"Isn't it enough for us to give up the prairie south of the Thorny Mountains? Is it necessary to continue to expand north? Can't we leave some living space for us?"

Of course, Suldak would not say that he had to give this area his own territory because he wanted to obtain the two mines in the Invercargill Warcraft Forest and a large piece of woodland with ironwood.

"I'm sorry, the Grimm Empire's local population base is too large. We can only keep the empire prosperous by expanding outward step by step..." Suldak said.

Now his cavalry battalion is enough to crush any tribe in the Invercargill Warcraft Forest. It is the most troublesome way to eliminate these indigenous tribes by force. A tribe is like planting a seed of hatred.

This kind of entanglement will make those homeless tribal natives launch crazy revenge.

If everyone can sit down and negotiate, Suldak is still willing to sit down and talk.

"In fact, joining the Green Empire is a better choice. The land around your tribe will still belong to you, and you don't need to pay any taxes to the empire..." Suldak said to the indigenous patriarch: "Of course, the relationship between us now It is so close that my army has recruited a large number of tribal youths, and I guarantee that I will not send cavalry to any tribe for no reason... I am willing to sit down and talk about anything, and I can talk about anything."

When he said this, the indigenous patriarch's eyelids trembled slightly.

Suldak paused, and then said:

"Actually, what I want to say is... Only when I am here can I win great benefits for everyone. After all, I hope that your tribe will become more prosperous, so that my army can recruit more tribe fighters."

"If the garrison changes defense someday in the future, I'm not sure whether the new garrison commander will have the same views as mine, maybe their views will be different..."

"You also know that the Grimm Empire has a large population, and not everyone thinks so."

The indigenous patriarch thought about it carefully, and then said, "Speaking so much at once, I need time to think about it, this Invercargill Warcraft Forest is not just our tribe, there are dozens of tribes, large and small, in the Warcraft Forest. I need to discuss it with them"

"I will bring together all the indigenous tribal chiefs in the vicinity, and we will sit down and talk."

"If possible, allocate a piece of land for us in the hills and mountains. I would like to lead the tribe to live a herding life. When we lived in the big grassland, we lived this kind of nomadic life."

After the indigenous patriarch finished speaking, he took a sip of water to moisten his throat.

Suldak casually shared his ranch management experience with the indigenous patriarch: "Of course there is no problem. You can also raise more war horses. This is my suggestion. The price of war horses of the Grimm Empire is extremely expensive now. The Grimm Empire is a high-quality horse." Gu Bolai's horse is worth at least twenty gold coins. If it is cattle and yellow sheep that are raised for big meat, an adult bull can only be sold for less than two gold coins, and a yellow sheep can only be sold for fifteen silver coins..."

Hearing Suldak's introduction, the indigenous patriarch also said with longing:

"I really hope that one day I can live that kind of life, and I can drive cattle and horses to wander in the mountains every day..."

After talking about this with the indigenous patriarch, Suldak left the indigenous tribe before the sun went down.

Seeing Suldak and his party walk to the foot of the mountain, the indigenous patriarch standing beside the rocky pillars on the mountainside was relieved, but the wrinkles on his brows did not relax.


In the following week, Suldak almost took the cavalry battalion and the archer battalion around the Invercargill Warcraft Forest. The high-level monsters returning to Invercargill Forest one after another outside.

During this period, some aborigines who hid in the Thorn Mountain also tried to return to the hills and the Invercargill Forest one after another.

Surdak has met several indigenous tribes in succession in the past few days.

Obviously, they didn't have a good impression of the imperial army. At this time, they saw that the imperial army was fleeing far away. They were very familiar with the Invercargill Forest. Suldak's cavalry could not catch these natives in the jungle. shadows, they can run away in the woods as soon as they turn around.

During this period, Suldak also returned to the town of Dodan once.

A week later, news came from the indigenous patriarch that most of the indigenous tribes were unwilling to leave the Invercargill Forest. They accepted the jurisdiction of Suldak, but they accepted the premise of Suldak's jurisdiction.

It is necessary for the garrison to provide weapons and food to these indigenous tribes and help them overcome the immediate difficulties.

In addition, they also need to have a completely autonomous territory in the Invercargill forest or hills and mountains.

It is certainly impossible for the Green Empire to let go of this gap and give these indigenous tribes a large area of ​​​​autonomous territory.

But this does not prevent Suldak from taking advantage of the loophole. This time he persuaded almost the entire Invercargill forest of the indigenous tribes. Most of these indigenous tribes agreed to join the Grimm Empire, and only a few tribes planned to move to the wetlands. The area to the west lives independently.

In this way, as long as the hidden monsters in the Invercargill Forest are eliminated, it is equivalent to opening up the entire Invercargill Forest.

According to the four-three-three land distribution law, Suldak owns one-third of the Invercargill Forest, and he can choose this part of the land.

The entire Invercargill forest is very vast, and Suldak intends to use this part of the land he acquired as compensation to these indigenous tribes.

So taking advantage of the thirty-seven indigenous tribe chiefs gathering at the refuge near Stonehenge, Suldak rushed there and signed thirty-seven magic contracts with these indigenous chiefs.

It is worth mentioning that when Suldak signed the magic contract this time, Aphrodite helped him review the detailed terms of all the magic contracts... Suldak did not expect the succubus to be so proficient in magic contracts.

In fact, these indigenous tribes were able to agree to attach to Suldak so easily, mainly because they all saw the grand scene of the archer sitting on the thunder rhinoceros, cleaning the ghost pattern red ants back and forth in the hills and mountains.

With such powerful force, the natives believed that even if they sent tribal warriors to resist the invasion of the Suldak cavalry, there was not much chance of winning.

In addition, these indigenous patriarchs seem to have no disadvantages when they see trade with the imperials. The indigenous tribes in the Stonehenge refuge in front of them are the most true portrayal.

So as soon as someone took the lead and expressed their willingness to submit, other indigenous tribes also agreed.

But what surprised Suldak was that none of these indigenous tribes knew Viru...

Regarding the division of land for these aboriginal tribes, Suldak personally took Andrew through the Invercargill Forest to determine the location of almost all the aboriginal tribes and perfected the hand-drawn map in his hand.

According to the distribution of the indigenous tribes, Suldak included two mine veins and the Ironwood Forest Farm area.

Seeing that the territory he occupies is only one-tenth of the entire Invercargill Forest.

When dividing into other territories, Suldak just connected his territory into a large piece as much as possible.

When all this is confirmed, it will be the beginning of July, and the barren land of Hailansa City will soon usher in the rainy season.

And the beast tide in the northern part of the Bailin Plane had completely subsided, and it was only at this time that Suldak was allowed by the military to leave Dodan Town and rush to Wilkes City immediately.

This time Selena and Signa stayed in Dodan Town, and Suldak just took Nika and Samira to Wilkes City.

Gulitum stayed in Duodan Town, and Duodan Town needs a strong man to sit in it.

Andrew is leading the cavalry battalion, preparing to help four indigenous tribes who do not want to join the Green Empire, and move their homes to the edge of the wetland west of the hilly mountains.

When the team passed through Kieran Town, Suldak also personally visited Baron Merlin Goss. Baron Goss and Baroness Goss hosted a feast for Suldak.

Nika also took this opportunity to go home and visit her mother.

Suldak hurried and rushed, and finally arrived in Wilkes City in mid-July.

On the day he arrived in Wilkes City, Suldak handed over the complete map of the Invercargill Warcraft forest and hills and mountains to the military department, and also submitted to the military department a description of the expansion of the territory and the cooperation with thirty-seven aborigines. The tribe signed to join the Grimm Empire Convention, and also formally submitted an application for the Viscounty to the Wilkes House of Representatives.

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