Lord Highlander

Chapter 872: 860. Chaos

When Suldak came to Wilkes City, the businessman Malakom naturally welcomed him warmly.

Originally, businessman Malakom also invited Suldak to live in his house in Wilkes City, but Suldak declined.

The house of businessman Malacombe is located in Wilkes Business District. There are many styles and elements indigenous to the southern part of the forest plane, and a swimming pool with a pergola was built in the yard.

Surrounded by marble Roman columns, the vaulted dome above the swimming pool looks like three hemispheres squeezed together from the outside.

The high light white courtyard walls around are covered with colorful flags of different colors.

Suldak originally planned to go to the magic union. Nika awakened the magic pool, but he has not yet officially registered as a magician. Driven out.

Originally, Suldak was going to let others take Nika to the Magic Union to register casually, but unexpectedly Nika was not very willing to become a magician.

Suldak felt that it didn't matter if it was a few days earlier or later. Since Nika didn't want to go now, he planned to talk about it in a few days.

So I accepted the invitation of the businessman Malakom and came to his house as a guest. After all, the two are close partners in the Bailin plane. Shipped to the province of Pena.


The merchant Malakom stood at the gate of the house with several beautiful wives, walked up with open arms, and said enthusiastically to Suldak, "Viscount Suldak, welcome to my house as a guest."

Several maids even sent beautiful garlands to hang around the necks of Surdak and the others.

Suldak, Samira, and Nika walked into the house, and saw the sparkling swimming pool in the yard, and the delicate white building opposite, with circular arch elements everywhere.

There are also some dark wooden sculptures standing in the yard, showing a strong aboriginal style in the south of Bailin.

"Malakom, this house is really beautiful." Suldak climbed onto the outer terrace of the house, stood beside the gushing waterfall, and said to Malakom.

The businessman Malakom said to Suldak with a smug expression, "This house was built when my great-grandfather was still alive, and it has been in my hands for nearly a hundred years."

After speaking, he put his hand on a black wooden pillar, and introduced to Suldak: "These are all from the aborigines in the southern part of the Bailin plane. Got it, but I love the vibrant colors of the wood."

"How long have you been doing business in the southern part of the Bailin Plane?" Suldak looked at the colorful patterns on the black wood, and felt that the statue could come alive at any time...

"I've been running the Thunder Rhino Merchant Group over there, but I only returned to Wilkes City from Chatham in the past six months," Malacombe said.

Several of his wives also prepared all kinds of wine and exquisite food very diligently, and placed them under the awning on the terrace one by one.

"I heard that the natives in the southern part of the Bailin plane are very good at magic herbalism?" Suldak sat down and asked Malakom.

"Yeah!" Malacombe nodded, and said, "Actually, they are a little different. Although they are from the Yanisbo tribe, they serve a sacred tree in the shrine in the tribe..."

Malacolm was very proud when talking about this past.

"At the beginning, I ran a business in a place called the Chatham Basin in the southern part of the Bailin Plane."

He even asked the butler to take out a map of the southern area of ​​the white-collar plane.

"For a while, an adventure group found a piece of thorium the size of a fist over there, so Chatham suddenly flooded with a large number of immigrants, and I followed the caravan to deliver various living supplies to Chatham .”

Pointing to a red line in his hand, he said:

"There are large jungles everywhere. Many of the natives living there are good at herbal medicine. They believe in nature. The patron saint is a sacred tree that has grown for tens of thousands of years."

"The summer before last, the Thunder Rhino Caravan just happened to deliver a batch of grain to Chatham. It was just in time for the rainy season, and the entire eastern part of the Chatham Basin turned into a vast ocean. The Thunder Rhino Caravan was not afraid of floods, and they saved many Less local aborigines."

"At that time, a high priest of the Yanisbo indigenous tribe gave me the fourteen maids they sent to the temple to serve the sacred tree in order to express their gratitude to me."

"It is said that because the sacred tree did not protect them from the flood, these maids gave it to me who helped them avoid the flood."

"Those maids already had some foundations of herbal medicine in the tribe, and then learned some more. I also do some magic herbal medicine business in the south of the Bailin plane. They can identify all kinds of primary magic herbs and know Some common medicinal materials..."

"So that's how it is!" After listening to Malakom's narration, Suldak suddenly realized, and then asked him: "By the way, Malakom, do you know the local slave trader?"

Malacolm nodded without thinking, "Yes, what kind of slave do you need to buy?"

Suldak quickly asked, "Are there any dwarves in the slave market?"

Then he said: "I found a large copper mine in Invercargill Forest, but I don't know anything about mining, so I thought of dwarven slaves. For them, building a copper mine should not be a problem." What is the problem."

The merchant Malakom was sitting on the sofa opposite Suldak, a maid was helping him rub his shoulders, and another maid was helping him squeeze his legs.

"That's it, no problem, I can help you pay attention first." Merchant Malacombe said.

The grasslands on the Bailin Plane are vast, and there are pastures everywhere, but there are very few mines here.

So in the slave market here, dwarf slaves are actually not common.

After having lunch in Malakom's mansion, Suldak rejected Malakom's evening program and left with Samira and Nika.


I don't know who spread the complete news of what happened in the House of Representatives in just three or two days.

When the aristocratic lords of Wilkes City heard the news, they immediately exploded. They began to express their extreme dissatisfaction with the empire's legal code.

I haven't encountered this kind of conflict before, and I don't know about these things, so it doesn't matter.

But now all the nobles in Wilkes City know about it, so the noble lords stood up and protested to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Why should our legion open up undeveloped areas, and you magicians will come to give priority to choosing territories. Pick the rest!

In just a few days, the contradiction between the magician nobles and the veteran nobles of the empire was exposed again.

The aristocratic lords blocked the door of the House of Representatives, demanding that the code of the province of Bena be revised and supplemented.

At the same time, the magicians of Wilkes City also expressed their condemnation of the noble lords of Wilkes City and protested against the military department.

Suldak saw that this farce was getting worse and worse, so he planned to give up...

But when he thought of the thirty-seven treaties signed with the tribe in his hand, it was impossible to give up so easily.

On the third day after the reconsideration by the House of Representatives, Chester Great Swordsman publicly announced in Wilkes City that all towns in the northern defense zone of the Bailin Plane belonged to the Luthor Legion, and magicians were not allowed to enter.

This news was like a depth bomb that exploded in the deep water area of ​​Wilkes City, and immediately several large fish surfaced.

The entire Wilkes City was blown up. While the noble lords were applauding, the head of the magic union went to the military headquarters in person to discuss the matter with Chester Great Swordsman^

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