Lord Highlander

Chapter 873: 860. Lobbyist

When Suldak came to the military headquarters, he found that many citizens gathered in the square outside, and several young magicians were standing on the high platform in the center of the square, giving speeches in turn.

Some citizens whispered around, and there were also many supporters of the magicians. Whenever these young magicians finished their speeches, they would applaud enthusiastically.

They made a speech on the square opposite the military headquarters, clearly targeting the military headquarters in Wilkes City.

However, the Green Empire has been advocating freedom of speech, but this sentence generally refers to the nobles of the empire, so what these magician nobles say on the square, the military really has no right to interfere, and they can only let them Magicians are making noise in the square.

When Suldak walked into the military headquarters, he met some young officers head-on, and there were always some who would take the initiative to greet him.

Now he is quite famous in the Wilkes military headquarters, and he dared to confront the Magic Union head-on. If it was another officer, he might have been forced to surrender long ago.

As the priests and priests of the Temple of Liberty left the empire one after another, the status of magicians has increased again... The magic pattern constructions, enchanted weapons, magic potions and daily necessities related to them, for a noble lord Either one is indispensable.

The leather boots stepped on the floor of the corridor, making a dull sound. The corridor of the military building is a bit long.

Chester Great Swordsman's office is just deep in the corridor.

Walking to the door of Great Swordsman Chester's office, Suldak pushed away the people outside. The adjutant of Great Swordsman Chester was sitting at the desk outside. Seeing Suldak walk in, he immediately put his index finger on the lips, motioned him not to speak, and then pointed to the office inside.

Suldak closed his mouth, nodded, and then sat down on a row of chairs opposite the desk in the outer room.

Some voices could be heard from inside, but I couldn't make out what was being said.

The exchange between the two sides ended soon, and then footsteps sounded, and a middle-aged nobleman walked out of the office.

Chester Great Swordsman's adjutant immediately stood up.

Suldak also stood up, and the great swordsman Chester followed behind. He nodded slightly to Suldak, and was about to send the middle-aged nobleman out of the house. When the middle-aged nobleman saw Suldak, He stopped, squinted his eyes and said restrainedly, "You are Suldak, right?"

Seeing the Earl Noble Medal on his chest, Suldak quickly saluted and replied shortly, "Yes."

The middle-aged nobleman was also noncommittal, and only said: "Sure enough, you are young and promising, but! If you have time, you should participate in more activities for young people in Wilkes City, and communicate more with young people here... ..."

Surdak didn't expect that the middle-aged man would put on the airs of an elder and warn him.

After the nobleman left, the great swordsman Chester put away the smile on his face and pulled Surdak into the office.

The Great Swordsman Chester opened the curtains to let the sunlight in, motioned for Suldak to sit casually, and then said:

"In the past few days, the president of the Wilkes City Magical Union and the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce have come to me one after another, saying that they are persuading us, or rather letting us take a step back. But I have been I was thinking, we have worked so hard to fight the land, why should we give in, we have taken one step back now, two steps back, and in the future we may take five steps back, ten steps back, and don't expect the magicians to say goodbye to us ..."

"It is estimated that this kind of thing will not only come to me, but maybe someone will come to you one after another. They may be dignitaries in Wilkes City, or some other people. I often , we will be imprisoned by the circle we live in, so we need to overcome obstacles all the way and keep moving forward.”

He seemed preoccupied.

Suldak didn't ask any further questions, but just nodded and said, "I know."

The adjutant brought in two cups of tea and put them on the desk.

Great Swordsman Chester turned his head and looked out the window. His office window was facing the square outside. More and more citizens gathered there, and their voices became much louder.

Great Swordsman Chester continued: "Speaking of which, Christopher the Magician is still quite famous in Wilkes City. His title as director of the Alchemy Union is like a halo on him. He has the ability to influence the people of Wilkes City. In the alchemy market, many merchants and nobles are his customers."

"Before the Marquis Luther came, he once told me that if you are willing to open up a territory in the Bailin plane, the Luthor Legion will fully cooperate, but I didn't expect these magic unions to go so far this time. This matter I have written to Marquis Luther about this matter, and I will follow his advice."

The Great Swordsman Chester is the absolute confidant of Marquis Luther... Suldak thought so.

Then he said: "I have now signed a peace treaty with all the indigenous tribes in the Invercargill Warcraft Forest. They are all willing to accept the rule of the Grimm Empire. The four tribes who do not want to join the empire have migrated to the west of the Thorn Mountains Near the wetlands, the territory I get may first meet the needs of the indigenous tribes, and I will set aside a large area of ​​pasture in the hills and mountains to compensate them, so I will not give up this territory no matter what."

Suldak added: "I'd rather have this land deadlocked in the House of Representatives than give it to someone else."

The great swordsman Chester clicked his tongue in amazement: "You strike really fast..."


Suldak returned to the hotel from the military headquarters.

In the past few days, he has been on two points and one line, going back and forth between the military headquarters and the hotel.

Nika would occasionally go out to visit Wilkes City. She was full of curiosity about this city. Every day after breakfast, she would leave the hotel with a small cloth bag containing water and white bread, and then walk a whole day. Days, will not come back from the outside until the evening.

At first she didn't go very far, the city is so big, it would take almost half a day to walk back and forth on this commercial street.

Now Nika has learned to ride a stagecoach for fifteen coppers, and travels all over the other neighborhoods.

Samira usually practiced archery in the backyard of the hotel. Recently, she discovered that there was an archery gym in the back street of the military headquarters, and she stayed there for three consecutive days.

Suerdak walked to the front desk of the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, intending to order a dinner and ask the hotel waiter to deliver it to his room.

"Master Viscount Suldak, there is an adult who has been waiting for you over there."

After the hotel waiter finished speaking, he pointed to the rest area in the hotel lobby.

Suldak walked over and saw a middle-aged nobleman with a thin face on the sofa in the lounge area of ​​the hotel lobby. The nobleman's face looked familiar.

"Are you...?" Suldak asked.

"David Golding..." He deliberately puffed up his chest, exposing the noble badge on his chest, and then said to Suldak very firmly, "You must have heard my name!"

Suldak thought for a while before asking tentatively, "Are you a distant relative of Baron Josie Golding?"

"If you want to say that, then I don't deny it. Maybe you can say it the other way around." Representative Golding sat on the sofa motionless with his legs crossed, staring at Suldak with his head raised.

His face had a somewhat rigid look, and his narrow eyes liked to look at people with his nostrils.

"The trading house in Dodan Town is just one of my many properties, and now Josie is helping to take care of it." His tone changed slightly, and he said: "I think since nobles enjoy tax-free privileges, it is a good idea to open a trading house tax-free." As it should be."

Surdak was unmoved at all, and said casually: "Sorry, I am currently the mayor of Duodan Town, so these must be done according to my regulations."

"I heard that you are from Hailansa, Tarapagan District, Bena Province?" Congressman Golding continued to ask.

"That's right, my hometown is in the barren land of Hailansa City." Suldak replied.

"Probably there are no aristocrats doing business in your hometown... Well, it's just a trading house, and it doesn't matter to me whether it collects taxes or not. This time I came to see you, but I was entrusted by someone." Gore Councilor Ding clapped his hands, stood up and said.

With a condescending attitude, he continued to Suldak:

"A friend asked me to tell you in person that the land north of the Thorn Mountain Range should be given up on my own initiative."

As he spoke, he walked out of the rest area, walked into the hotel lobby, and then turned around and said:

"In addition, let me talk about my thoughts. I will vote against you in the next House of Representatives reconsideration. There are exactly seven members who have the same idea as me, which is just over half of the members of the House of Representatives..."

Councilor Golding looked a little complacent, dusted himself with a white handkerchief, and then said with a smile:

"Instead of losing in the voting process, it's better to take the initiative to give up the land and leave a good impression..."

Suldak just smiled 'hehe' and waved casually at Representative Golding.

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