Lord Highlander

Chapter 876: 863. Psychic

Earl Fornak sat gracefully on the hotel sofa, his face was nothing but a white skull, the light blue soul fire was burning in the black holes in the eye sockets, and he was covered with black silk that only ghosts should have. A bony arm lifted the teacup on the table.

With only his skeleton left, he has been unable to eat for a long time, but he still misses that good feeling.

He brought the teacup to his mouth, trying to smell the aroma wafting from the teacup, but unfortunately his five senses of taste and smell had completely disappeared, and he could not smell the aroma of tea at all.

The fire of soul beating in his eyes was a kind of aristocratic melancholy. He leaned on the sofa and looked around carefully.

Suldak smiled and explained to Earl Funak: "This is Kilan Town on the Bailin Plane, Earl Funak, I have encountered a little trouble this time, so I invite you to come and see if there is anything I can do. help……"

Count Funak looked around cautiously. On the phalanx of his middle finger was a ring inlaid with rubies, which looked very gorgeous indeed.

Suldak lowered his head a little dejectedly, and said to Earl Funak with some embarrassment: "I have encountered a troublesome thing recently. At present, a magician is competing with me for the ownership of a territory, and now I am at a disadvantage. , if the situation is not reversed, this territory will probably not fall into my hands."

The will-o'-the-wisps in Earl Fonak's eyes flashed brightly, probably this topic aroused his interest.

"Then what can I do for you?" Earl Funak turned to Suldak and asked.

Suldak rubbed his nose and continued: "When we were in Wilkes City, we accidentally discovered some private affairs of that opponent, which probably involved him possibly killing a young magician."

"However, I guess the young magician is likely to have been killed by Christopher, and it's the kind of death without proof."

"That's why I invited you here to ask you—whether a person will go to the world of the undead after death, and is it possible to find his soul wandering outside..."

Earl Fornak opened his mouth wide, but there was no pleasant laughter, and the scene was a bit awkward.

Earl Funak put down his wine glass, stared at Suldak and said: "First of all, after people die, not everyone will fall into the undead world, otherwise the king in the undead world will not have nothing to do and launch a war of all races." .”

"It is said that the souls of a very small number of sages will be admired by countless descendants. Such noble souls will ascend to the kingdom of gods. If there are enough believers, they may also become gods in the kingdom of gods."

"More people enter the Kingdom of God as believers after death, and they will become warriors to protect the Kingdom of God."

"There are also some people who will enter various hells and realms after death, become a part of there, or simply be sucked by the strange creatures there."

"The remaining people have to resist being robbed of their souls by demons, and finally those souls who still have obsessions after death will enter the world of the undead."

"Of course, it is not ruled out that there are some souls who have become lonely ghosts, or are simply purified by the holy light..."

Suldak opened his mouth wide. Unexpectedly, death is just a new life for the undead. If the mental power is not strong enough before death, it is very likely that all memories will be lost, and it is very likely that they will really disappear...

Seeing Suldak sitting there lost in thought, Earl Funak immediately comforted him:

"But don't worry, as long as he enters the undead world, I will have a way to find him."

Afterwards, Earl Funak sat up straight and asked Suldak very formally:

"Know his name?"

"Joel Singh." Suldak replied.

"Is he a magician?"

"Yes." Surdak replied,

"Anything he used?"

Suldak shook his head, pointed here again, and said, "No, but he stayed in this room for one night."

Earl Funak tapped his forehead with his bony arm, and just said: "Okay, I'll give it a try. I just understand this kind of soul-absorbing technique, but I'm not very proficient in it."

After speaking, he spread a magic sheepskin on the wooden table in the room almost non-stop.

Afterwards, he dipped his long dry nails in a kind of bone black oil, and drew a very profound and complicated magic pattern on this piece of magic parchment. As traces of souls flowed into this magic pattern, the whole The magic patterns all lit up.

A stream of soul fires gathered from all directions, and Earl Funak would occasionally take a deep breath next to these soul fires, swallowing these soul-like things into his stomach.

Earl Fornak only took a small sip each time, and then continued to stare at the magic circle.

Knowing that a dilapidated soul flew out of the darkness and circled back and forth beside Earl Fornak's spirit-gathering circle, Earl Fornak stopped.

He stretched out his bone-like arm, gently grabbed the soul, and brought him in front of him.

The face of the soul has become a little blurred, and many parts of the body are dilapidated.

"Tell me your name?" Earl Fonak floated in the room, staring at the broken soul curiously, and at the same time injecting his powerful soul power into his body, making the broken soul a bit more complete, and the shape changed. Clearer.

"Joel Singh." The soul floated in the air and said in a dull voice.

"Where are you from?" Earl Fornak continued to ask.

"Invercargill Forest..." the spirit continued.

"Where did you die, can you tell me exactly where?" Earl Fornak asked, getting closer this time.

The soul paused for a long time before finally saying:

"In a crevice in the middle of a copper mine in the Invercargill Forest, there is a vein of copper deposits with abundant reserves. The entire crevice is full of precipitated natural red copper. I died there..."

Earl Fornac couldn't help asking:

"Well, remember who killed you?"

At this moment, the soul suddenly became angry, and shouted hysterically: "Of course, even if I am reduced to ashes, I will know me. He is my teacher Christopher."

Earl Fornac hurriedly tried to appease him, and asked him, "What evidence do you have?"

The soul said casually: "Finding my skeleton is the evidence, and I still have his dagger stuck in me..."

Earl Funak finally let go of the big hand that imprisoned the soul, and said to him: "Okay, you can leave, maybe we will help you fulfill... your long-cherished wish."

Watching the broken soul slowly dissipate in the air, Earl Funak and Suldak took a deep breath almost at the same time, it turned out that this is the truth...

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