Lord Highlander

Chapter 877: 864. Returning to Invercargill

The door covered with bloody thorns between the walls of the hotel was reopened, and under the howling wind, countless bone arms stretched in from behind the door.

Earl Fornac stepped into the gate first. He seemed to have a faint halo on his body. After entering the gate, those bone arms quickly retracted.

Earl Funak stood at the bloody gate, looked back with some nostalgia in his eyes, then waved his hand at Suldak, and said to him: "Thank you for remembering to invite me to have an afternoon drink." Tea……"

After finishing speaking, he returned to that gloomy world.

Afterwards, the bloody thorns on the hotel wall withered quickly, and even the faint blood spots on the wall disappeared little by little.

Until finally, the wall returned to its original appearance.

The last trace of gloom in the room disappeared, and Suldak walked to the window, pulled back the thick curtains, opened the window, and took a deep breath of fresh air outside.

Kieran Town in early July was already full of wild flowers. From the window on the second floor of the hotel, you could see the green grass outside the town covered with white wild chives.

Suldak called Samira and Nika through the window to let them pack their luggage.

After Suldak found out about Joel Singh's whereabouts, he didn't plan to stay in Kieran Town. He could still travel a little longer while the weather was still early.

When Samira and Nika came out of the room, their hair was still wet. They should have both taken a shower just now.

"Is there any clue so soon?" Sami asked Suldak before stepping into the magic caravan.

Suldak turned over and rode on the ancient Bolai horse, took the rein of the war horse with one hand, twisted his body and said, "Well, Joel Singh died in the crevice of the mine lode in the Invercargill Forest of Warcraft. Where should we find it?" Find, try to dig out his body..."

Although Samira was a little puzzled, she wasn't the kind of person who was particularly curious. Seeing that Suldak didn't continue, she didn't ask any more questions.

Nika, who was following Samira, lifted the hem of her skirt and briskly boarded the magic caravan, and sat in the carriage. She looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window with some nostalgia, and was about to leave the place she was most familiar with. At this moment, Nika The state of mind is completely different from the previous two.

The first time she followed Suldak out of Kilan Town, she was an aboriginal girl who had just escaped a crime. At that time, the girl’s heart was full of anxiety about future life and deep dissatisfaction with Kilan Town. She, leave with the army.

The second time I went back to Kieran Town to visit my mother. When I left, I just kept thinking about what Wilkes City was like.

Now, Nika only hopes to return to Dodan as soon as possible. She feels that her life is there, as if something deep in her heart is constantly calling her.

Every time a person is lying on the bed, there will always be that kind of whispering in the ear, and the voice is very soft.

She sat in the carriage, pressed her face against the cold windowpane, raised her pointed chin, closed her eyes, and faced the breeze on the prairie...


It took only five days for Suldak to ride back from Wilkes City to Dodan Town.

Today, Dodan Town has become the most prosperous town in the northern border town. From a distance, you can see a row of exquisite wooden houses on the north bank of the river. Behind these wooden houses, there were originally aboriginal shanty towns, but now they have been collectively demolished and built along the street. The townhouses are being built in an orderly manner from east to west.

The lazy aborigines in the town who only knew how to bask in the sun every day were all organized and joined Aung San's construction team.

Suldak rode his horse through the town, and saw an adventure group at the entrance of the hotel, loading some salutes into the magic caravan. Stare at them.

Suldak stopped his horse and waved to the sheriff.

With a long sword hanging from his waist, the sheriff in light metal armor quickly ran up to Suldak, bowed slightly and asked Suldak cautiously:

"Mayor, what are your orders?"

Suldak pointed to the members of the adventure group and asked:

"What mistake did they make?"

There was a fawning smirk on the magistrate's face, and he replied:

"Oh, we have received an order from the military to expel all magicians from the northern part of the Bailin Plane..."

Suldak knew that this was an order from the great swordsman Chester, but he didn't expect that Dodan Town's execution was so strong that it had already started to do it.

He nodded slightly, patted the sheriff on the shoulder noncommittally, and rode to the barracks.

When passing the town hall, I didn't go in to take a look.

Unlike the chaos in the town, the barracks looked very orderly. There were soldiers practicing repeatedly in the cavalry training ground and archery range. During the period when Suldak left, the ogre brothers stayed in the barracks. And Andrew led the cavalry battalion into the Invercargill forest, and cleaned up the monsters that kept returning to the forest in the copper mining area.

Suldak got some dragon dung from the red dragon Iser, dried it and ground it into powder.

During this period of time, Andrew sprinkled dragon dung under some big trees along the outermost line of the mine vein.

For the monsters in Invercargill Forest, these dry dragon dung are boundary markers, and there are very few monsters who are not afraid of dragons.

"Suldak, you're back!" Gulitham stood in the barracks and shouted loudly, "How was your trip to Wilkes City?"

"It doesn't seem to be going well, look at Nika..." Naohuaer, another ogre mage, blinked and shouted loudly: "Didn't it be agreed to apply for a magic status for Nika?" Is it right? When we come back this time, our little Nika is not a magic apprentice, it seems that the situation is not as expected..."

Nika was getting out of the magic caravan at this moment.

Samira had already got off the car ahead of time, and couldn't wait to return to the Archer Battalion. As the captain of the Archer Battalion, Samira also had to deal with a lot of affairs every day.

"Gulitum, that magician who emerged from the mining camp that night actually occupied the entire Invercargill Forest in advance." Suldak walked up to the ogre and said to the ogre said the brother.

"You really guessed it right!" Gulitum said to his good brother, and then turned around and asked: "Suldak, what should we do? Are we really going to give up that territory to others?" ?"

Suldak walked into the small building and said:

"Of course not. I'm planning to go to Invercargill Forest this time to find evidence of Christopher the magician."

Gulitum stared at eyes as big as bells, and shouted to Suldak: "Let Samira stay in Dodan this time, and let me go with you!"


The Luthor Legion expelled the magician from the garrison area, and even Justin in the garrison camp was stunned.

He himself didn't know why, but he was ordered to leave the northern part of the Bailin plane within a limited time anyway, so he waited for Suldak to return from Wilkes so that he could give him an explanation.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the convenience of getting magic herbs in the military camp to study magic pharmacy, but now his plan is in vain.

Hearing that Suldak had returned from Wilkes City, Justin came to look for Suldak.

Suldak is assembling the Thunder Rhino archers battalion in the garrison camp. This time he is going to the Invercargill Forest, and he is going to bring ten Thunder Rhinos with him.

It was only after Suldak revealed his conflict with the magic union that the Luthor Legion drove the magicians out of the northern region.

Justin pressed his forehead with one hand, and complained, "It's really troublesome..."

Suldak said: "Why don't you come with us to Invercargill Forest."

Justin didn't want to leave Dodan Town like this, so he immediately agreed, "That's fine!"

So the magic pharmacist followed the garrison to Invercargill Forest.


After Suldak led a team of thunder rhinos into the Invercargill Forest, they rushed directly to the temporary camp of the copper mine vein. It happened that Andrew led the cavalry battalion to drive a crystal lion here. The southern mining area here Several camps have been set up, and a group of natives are here cutting down trees and clearing the site for a mine.

In fact, when Suldak went to Wilkes this time, he originally planned to order a batch of equipment used in mining from the merchant Malakom, such as special tools such as rails, mine carts, and iron picks, but unfortunately no application was made for this territory. Arrived, all plans were temporarily shelved.

Andrew has started to clear the mine land according to the original plan.

Recently, a second-level magic beast crystal lion came to this forest area. It has been wandering around here, and bitten two local aborigines a few days ago.

Andrew led the cavalry battalion in the mountains here, and the horses couldn't speed up in the complicated terrain, and several hunting operations failed.

In front of the camp, Andrew saw Suldak and heard Suldak talk about the incidents in Wilkes City. Andrew also didn't know what to say.

Then Suldak talked about Joel Singh again, and Andrew said: "We have walked through the middle area several times in the past few days, and we really haven't found any cracks. It should not be too late. We are now Just go find it!"

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