Lord Highlander

Chapter 878: 865. Little Skull Joel Singh

The outline of the Invercargill copper vein is like a not too high mountain ridge, which obliquely spans the Invercargill forest belt from southwest to northeast, stretching for dozens of kilometers.

Looking for a crack on a ridge tens of kilometers long is actually not as easy as imagined. Even after knowing that the crack is in the middle of the ore vein, Suldak led the cavalry battalion to search for it for two full days, but failed. Find that chasm in the canyon.

In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun dimmed the forest light.

It’s not as dark as early in the town of Dodan in the canyon. The red sea-like clouds are lit up in the sky. Coupled with the crisp and tender branches and buds from most of the trees in the forest, the scenery of the Invercargill Forest becomes very beautiful.

The temporary camp of the cavalry battalion was set up at the foot of the mountain, and there were only three people, Suldak, Andrew, and Gulitum.

Suldak was sitting on a boulder on the hillside, holding a piece of scone and a bowl of hot soup, silently eating his dinner.

It has been two days since I came to the copper mining area. In the past two days, the veterans of the cavalry battalion have almost trampled all over this mountain ridge. Unfortunately, they did not find the cracks in the rocks that Joel Singh described.

Andrew and the ogre Gullitum huddled together on a parchment map, and sat by the campfire to carefully examine the map.

"Boss, could it be in other mining areas? We have searched all over this mountain ridge, but we can't find any rock cracks at all!" Andrew held a bowl of mushroom soup in his hand, The scone took a big bite, and said indistinctly.

Suldak said very firmly: "It should not be wrong. He appeared in our mining area that night, which means that this is the copper mining area..."

Andrew looked up at the mountain ridge full of dead trees in front of him, frowned and muttered:

"Then what should we do? We won't have to cut down all the trees on the mountain ridge just to find a crack in the rock..."

Suldak shook his head, looked down at his neckline, then hurriedly ate the last bite of scones, jumped off the big rock, and said, "No need, I'll ask Earl Fornak to help."

After speaking, he took out that knuckle and put it to his lips and whistled silently.

Not long after, countless blood-colored thorns grew on the boulder where Suldak sat for a long time. These blood-colored thorns were like countless tentacles of a tree, quickly weaving a blood-colored door out of thin air.

This time, Earl Fornak walked out of the bloody thorn gate in military uniform, looking very energetic.

The coercion of a strong man on him made Suldak tremble all over.

But this time Earl Fornak walked out of the bloody gate, saw the ogre for the first time, and looked at it cautiously.

He glanced at Andrew for a second time, then glanced at the butcher's ax behind him, and then set his eyes on Suldak.

Suldak seemed a little ashamed, but he pushed the cup in front of him to Earl Funak, and said with some embarrassment:

"I'm sorry to invite you here again so soon. This is the mine vein that Joel Singh described, but we have been searching here for more than two days. I am worried that if we continue to search, Joel Singh's body will It will completely rot, and there will be no evidence at all..."

Count Funak walked up to Suldak, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "You should call me out when you get here."

This time, instead of continuing to draw the psychic circle, he walked directly in front of the blood-colored thorns, opened the blood-colored door, and stretched out a hand to pull a skeleton inside.

The skeleton kept waving its arms and legs, trying to break free from Earl Fornak's grasp.

Earl Fornak threw him on the rocky ground. He couldn't even keep his balance, and fell down on the rock.

The white pelvis even lost a piece of broken bone. A rusty iron knife hung from the skeleton soldier's waist, and he stood up unsteadily. Seeing that there was hardly any worn armor on his body, it should be the most powerful skeleton soldier among the skeleton soldiers. Cannon fodder units without status.

Although the fire of the soul seemed a little weak, his expression was full of fear towards Earl Fornak.

Earl Funak asked him, "Joel Singh, do you still remember this place?"

Hearing the name, the little skull was startled for a moment, then tremblingly looked at the surrounding scenery.

It's a pity that you can't see how far you go at night.

The blue soul fire flickered in the skull's eye sockets, and he seemed to have an independent consciousness.

She looked at the trees around her, and at the stars in the night sky through gaps in the trees.

He bent his knees and half-kneeled on the ground, almost sticking his face to the ground, looking at the rock slab under his feet.

Not long after, the skeleton stood up and nodded to Fornak, his jaws opened and closed, but he couldn't make a sound

It was only at this time that Furnak explained to Suldak:

"I just injected his soul into this skeleton. The body can move freely temporarily, but nothing else can be done. In the world of the undead, there is no need to drink or eat, but it needs to absorb the power of the soul to maintain the consumption of the fire of the soul. Although he is still very weak for the time being, he has a lot of room for development in the future, after all, he was a magician before his death, and he has the basic skills of magic, so he can easily be promoted to become a skeleton mage in the future."

Then he ordered the little skull: "Joel Singh, since you remember this place, then you will lead everyone to find your remains."

The little skull nodded repeatedly.

He casually held the handle of the iron knife hanging from his waist, stepped on the uneven hillside and rocks, and staggered to the front, walking away from this mountain ridge.

Suldak and Andrew looked at each other in blank dismay. They never expected that the rock crevice was not on the mountain ridge.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, Suldak did not let Andrew bring the cavalry battalion. After all, Earl Fornak was still a secret of Suldak, and only the three of them followed the footsteps of the little skull and continued to walk northwest.

After turning over two hills in a row, I stepped on a very hidden valley and found the crack. Although the land here does not look like a copper mine, I can look into the dark depths along this crack.

Andrew quickly took out a magic scroll of gathering fire, unfolded it casually, and threw it into the crevice of the stone as soon as the fire was exposed.

With the firelight on the fire-focusing scroll, Suldak quickly saw the copper rust on the rock wall of the crack, which were two completely different colors from the moss on the rock wall.

No wonder Suldak couldn't find the crack in the rock. It turns out that the copper ore veins here are not limited to the mountain ridge, but also include the two valleys on the left side of the mountain ridge. There are copper-bearing ores underground...

Calculated in this way, this copper mining area is much larger than what Suldak estimated.

It is very likely that the mining area is five times larger than what Suerdak estimated before, and it is more than enough...

This time Andrew almost didn't ask Suldak. Just when the little skull stopped by a gap, Andrew immediately jumped down from the rock gap with his bare hands, and quickly climbed into the gap with the help of a little fire in the gap. Among the cracks in the road.

When Suldak reappeared, there was a package full of corpse smell behind him. He struggled to crawl out from the crevice of the stone, and threw the blanket corpse package on the ground with a look of disgust.

The little skull stood aside, looking at the corpse package a little dullly, as if it just realized something at this time.

It hugged its bare head with both hands, raised its head, and opened its mouth wide, as if roaring silently into the night sky.

At this time, Andrew also endured the suffocating corpse smell, and slowly opened the blanket, revealing a corpse that was almost completely decomposed, so festering that the rotten flesh was almost falling off the skeleton.

However, the magic robe on this corpse was still very clean, only a hole was broken in the chest, and a simple-colored dagger was stuck obliquely in it.

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