Lord Highlander

Chapter 879: 866. Returning to Wilkes

The sky lit up with a fish-belly white.

Sitting on a boulder, the little skull watched his body being put into a large magic sealing box by Suerdak and others. The body was rotten and stinky.

The sun hurt his bones so badly that he jumped off the boulder and hid in the shadows.

Earl Fornak turned his head and said to Joel Singh, the little skeleton, "Let's go back!"

The little skull gently stroked the magic sealing box with its scorched hands, and the fire of the soul kept jumping and flickering.

"It's no longer you. You can see it as your previous body. Your current life exists in another form. In this form, your body can be infinitely reshaped. As long as your soul If the fire never goes out, you may have eternal life.”

Earl Fornac put his hand on Little Skull's shoulder lightly, and said softly to him.

The little skull looked up at the tall Earl Funak, he lowered his head to look at the land under his feet, followed in the footsteps of Earl Funak, and walked towards the blood-colored thorn gate on the rock. After the gate opened, countless ghost hands rushed out Squeezed, but was tanned by the first ray of sunlight in the morning, black smoke came out, and those skeleton hands shrank back into the bloody door.

A black mist appeared around Earl Fornak, blocking the rays of sunlight for him. He led the little skeleton Joel Singh into the bloody gate slowly.


The door to the undead world is closed again...


The magic sealing box is actually a small enchantment barrier. The original reason for the magician to create it was to prevent the loss of magic power of magic items. Later, it was discovered that putting some fresh fruits and fresh meat in the magic sealing box can also Keep it for a long time.

Fresh food stored in a magic sealing chest will not rot, and even rotten food will remain in its original state.

But the prerequisite is that these storage items must be dead objects.

Living creatures cannot exist in such an enchanted space.

Suldak took the magic sealing box containing the body of the magician Joel Singh, and returned to the town of Dodan in a mighty way.

It took almost a day to ride horses from Invercargill Forest to Dodan Town. Suldak led the army from Invercargill Forest in the morning. At dusk, the colorful flags flying on the north city wall could already be seen.

Two familiar figures appeared on the city wall in the distance, wearing exquisite light leather armor, they were Hathaway and Beatrice.

They looked at Suldak's cavalry battalion and stood on the top of the tall archery tower.

Suldak rode his horse through the door opening under the north city wall, and Hathaway and Beatrice also ran down the steps from the city wall.

Suldak jumped off Gu Bolai's horse, took off his helmet and hung it on the saddle, and went straight forward.

Holding the slender waists of the two girls with both hands, they did not dare to hug them forcefully. There were sharp needles at the joints of the full-cover black iron armor.

Seeing Hathaway and Beatrice waiting in Dodan, Suldak asked in surprise:

"Why are you here?"

Hathaway was wearing a set of light leather armor, and the heels of her riding boots were high, which made her figure even more slender, and almost allowed her to look directly at Suldak. She blinked her emerald green and gem-like eyes, with a smile on her face. With a sweet smile, he said to Surdak:

"Father sent us over immediately after receiving Uncle Chester's letter, and said that if the consul of the Bailin plane doesn't cooperate with us to save the situation, the Luthor Legion will withdraw from the Bailin plane, so we went to Here, waiting to return to Bena City with you."

Suldak didn't expect Marquis Luther to be so decisive, but the Luther Legion had just resisted a beast tide in the Bailin plane, and now there are still some victories that have not had time to digest, such a hasty evacuation will inevitably make other Luther Legion The general was dissatisfied.

"Marquis Luther really said that?" Suldak asked.

Hathaway nodded. She has been working in the office of the Foreign Affairs Bureau for a while, probably because she hasn't been exposed to the wind and sun for a long time, and her skin is dazzlingly white.

With a tall figure and a beautiful swan neck, even nodding makes people feel a kind of indescribable elegance.

"Of course, my father said that Luthor's army can withdraw from the Bailin plane, and they can also participate in the counter-insurgency on the Ganbu plane, or they can go to the Maca plane to open up territories. No matter where they go, it is better than stationing in the Bailin plane. " Hathaway said with a smile.

There was a kind of aristocratic pride in her smile, although Suldak didn't like it, it should be regarded as a kind of honor brought to her by the family.

"Maybe I still have a chance to get the territory of Invercargill Forest this time." Suldak held Hathaway and Beatrice at the same time, and said to the two.

"Really?" Hathaway asked suspiciously.

Suldak pulled them out of the way, allowing the cavalry behind to pass through the passage on the north wall one after another and return to the garrison camp.

Then he explained: "Well, this time I found enough evidence to push Magician Christopher to the gallows. For the territory of Invercargill Forest, he did not hesitate to kill his student Magician Joel Singh , You must know that Joel Singh is also a magic nobleman."

"How do you know?" Beatrice covered her soft lips and asked Suldak in surprise.

"It may take a long time to talk about it, and it just so happens that we have enough time on the road." He waved to the magic caravan behind him, and a black magic caravan stopped beside the three of them. He opened the door of the carriage and invited the two women to walk in.

The two maids appeared from nowhere, followed Hathaway and Beatrice into the carriage, and Suldak followed.

Sitting on the sofa opposite the two women, Suldak said:

"I'm sorry that you have come to Dodan Town for the second time, and you still can't entertain you well. I want to expose this matter before the Luthor Army withdraws from the Bailin plane."

Hathaway and Beatrice looked at each other with smiles, and at the same time slightly lowered their heads and whispered: "It's okay, as long as I can be with you, it's the same no matter where I am, Suldak."


Suldak felt that July should not be regarded as his lucky month, because the first half of the month was completely wasted on the road.

The wheels of the magic caravan ran over the light green grass with white edges, leaving a deep rut.

The grass outside the window is covered with white wild chive flowers, making the grass look like a sea of ​​white flowers.

Under the blue sky and white clouds in the distance, groups of horses galloped on the vast grassland like dark clouds.

It's a pity that most of the horses raised here are ancient Bolai horses that are not very valuable. As for the fine stallions of the blue-scaled horses and black-scaled horses, they are all in the hands of the great lords of the western provinces of the empire. There are no high-quality war horses.

I met several adventure groups along the way, all of whom were expelled from the northern area because there were magicians in the team.

They expressed their strong dissatisfaction with the Luthor Legion. Under the force of the cavalry battalion, they finally did not blatantly curse.

This time almost all the time was spent on the road, except when the horses needed to rest, the carriage would be stopped, otherwise they would have been on the road.

I didn't even stay in a small town hotel along the way. Fortunately, this kind of magic caravan suitable for long-distance travel has all kinds of facilities. Although the space is a bit small, this bathroom with standing shower can still satisfy Heather. Vi and Beatrice have daily bath needs.

It's like a five-day trip.

The three of them sat in the carriage almost all day, and occasionally went out to ride horses and come out for some activities.

Hugs and kisses, Suldak has tried them all.

However, the aristocratic family strictly forbids the act of stealing the forbidden fruit before marriage, making Suldak feel that this kind of life is both a kind of enjoyment and a kind of torture.

When they arrived in Wilkes City, Beatrice and Hathaway even had the hope that the journey would be a little longer.

Suldak pushed open the window and breathed in the fresh air of Wilkes City.

The magic caravan passed through the Wilkes city gate, and Suldak didn't immediately go to the hotel to settle down, but sent the coachman to the military headquarters.

Hathaway and Beatrice saw a very luxurious hotel on the way, they shouted to get out of the carriage, and they planned to stay in the hotel.

The five-day trip made them almost moldy, and they couldn't wait to get out of the carriage.

When the two got out of the car, Surdak helped them take down their luggage.

"See you tonight, Suldak."

Hathaway wrapped her hands around Suldak's neck and kissed him passionately.

"See you tonight, Miss Hathaway, Miss Beatrice..."

Suldak said while handing the luggage to the waiter who pushed the luggage cart from the hotel.

The two maids helped put the suitcase on the luggage cart before following Hathaway into the hotel.

Suldak then hurried to the military headquarters.


Great Swordsman Chester was sitting in the office, sorting out some documents here, when he saw Suldak walk in, he said in surprise:

"Why did you withdraw so quickly? Didn't you inform that you would evacuate the station before the end of the month?"

Suldak strode in, sat on the chair opposite Chester Great Swordsman's desk, poured himself a cup of tea, drank three cups in one go before stopping, and said:

"Chester Swordsman, I came here from Dodan this time, but I didn't lead the army."

The Great Swordsman Chester stared at Suldak.

Surdak spread his hands and explained:

"In the past few days, I have found out a murder case related to Wizard Christopher. He killed his student Magician Joel Singer in Invercargill Forest."

The great swordsman Chester took a breath, with disbelief in his eyes.

Surdak continued:

"We happened to be in Invercargill Forest when he did it."

"I didn't think about it at the time. The last time I came to Wilkes City, I happened to hear that Joel Singh's family members were asking about him on the street. That's when I knew that Joel Singh The magician is the assistant of the magician Christopher, and the two disappeared shortly after they left Wilkes City, and it was only when they passed Kieran Town on the way back to Dodan Town that this time that they realized it was strange."

"Christopher Sorcerer told the family of Joel Singer Sorcerer that after he and Joel Singer Singer left Wilkes City, the two separated, but according to my investigation, the two did not actually Separated, but went together to Invercargill Forest..."

Suldak told what happened in detail.

Chester Great Swordsman asked more carefully:

"What evidence did you find?"

Suldak lowered his voice and said:

"I found the body of Magician Joel Singh..."

Chester Great Swordsman sat in front of the desk, pondered for a while, and then said:

"Oh, I will report this matter to the Consul Florian, and then I will report this matter to the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team. I want to see if the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team is the same as the rumors..."

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