Lord Highlander

Chapter 880: 867. Enthusiastic Citizen

The Magical Union of Wilkes City is located opposite the Magical Clock Tower in the fourth block. The Magical Tower is divided into five floors.

The Great Swordsman Chester led Suldak into the magic tower. The law enforcement team of the magic union is located on the fourth floor of the magic tower. inaccessible.

"Great Swordsman Chester, officers of the Luthor Legion are not welcome here." Alfonso of the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team. Captain Bernard stood in front of Chester Great Swordsman with a straight face and said.

Archmage Alfonso has a gray beard, wears a dark green Calmian magic robe, and holds a crutch-like wand in his hand, with this crystal ruby ​​inlaid on the top of the wand.

Behind him stood two young magicians with obvious hostility on their faces.

Chester Great Swordsman spread his hands, indicating that he was not malicious, and said to Archmage Alfonso:

"I didn't come to the Law Enforcement Corps as the deputy commander of the Luthor Legion. I'm now an enthusiastic and good citizen. I heard that a young magician named Joel Singh from the Magic Union is missing. It just so happened that my subordinates found his body in the Invercargill Warcraft Forest, so I made a special trip to Wilkes City to bring this poor young man back."

He was standing at the gate of the fourth floor of the magic tower, and there were magicians passing by around him. Everyone stopped when they heard what the great swordsman Chester said.

Suldak was standing behind the great swordsman Chester, and he could tell that everyone was very concerned about the whereabouts of Magician Joel Singh.

Even Archmage Alfonso's face changed slightly, he took the initiative to give way, pointed in with the staff in his hand, and said, "Let's go in and talk!"

After finishing speaking, Archmage Alfonso turned and walked ahead, walked through a corridor, and walked into a magic laboratory at the end.

The entire laboratory is full of various crucibles and glass test tubes, which are connected with some containers, making Suerdak feel that he may have walked into a chemical laboratory.

Archmage Alfonso was in the rest area at the door of the room, and asked the great swordsman Chester to sit down. Then he took out a sheepskin account book from his magic belt, and asked the great swordsman Chester solemnly:

"Your people found Joel Singh? Where is he?"

Chester Great Swordsman looked back at Suldak and said:

"The body was found in a crevice in the Invercargill Warcraft Forest. Unfortunately, it has been several days since it was found, and the body has completely decomposed."

"Fortunately, the cracks in the ground are cooler and there are no corpse insects, otherwise you can only see a skeleton instead of a complete corpse."

After finishing speaking, the Great Swordsman Chester waved at Suldak.

Suldak walked up with a blank face, pulled a large magic sealing box out of the magic pocket, and placed it in front of everyone.

Archmage Alfonso didn't even open the magic-sealing box, and asked the swordsman Chester directly, "How do you prove that you didn't kill Mage Joel Singh?"

Chester Great Swordsman said with a smile:

"You've been sitting in the law enforcement team for so long, don't you even have the ability to discern this?"

Magician Alfonso put on a straight face, and asked the two young magicians beside him to lift the lid of the magic sealing box. A strong smell of corpses filled the whole room, and the smell almost made the two young magicians want to Spit it out.

They cleverly covered their mouths and noses with white handkerchiefs.

Archmage Alfonso looked coldly at the rotting corpse curled up in the magic sealing box, and ordered to his assistant:

"Go to the family of Christopher Magician and Joel Singer Magician!"

The great swordsman Chester didn't come forward. He had already experienced this strong corpse smell when he was in the military headquarters, and now he was about five or six meters away.

He said to Archmage Alfonso:

"I advise you to inform Mage Joel Singh's family first. Look at this dagger... If you don't know it, maybe someone who is familiar with Mage Christopher will know it."

Archmage Alfonso heard another layer of consciousness from Chester Swordsman's words, and asked quickly, "You mean..."

Before Archmage Alfonso could ask the question, Chester Swordsman hurriedly said: "I didn't say anything, this kind of thing needs to be based on evidence, we are just good-hearted citizens, just happened to find out when we were looking for mines outside. We don't know anything about the body of the magician Joel Singh."

He waved his hands repeatedly at Archmage Alfonso, then patted his forehead again, as if thinking of something, he said again:

"By the way, when we passed by Kieran Town this time, we found the accommodation registrations of Mage Christopher and Mage Joel Singh in the Kieran Town Hotel. The two lived in two adjacent rooms on the same floor of the hotel. , if necessary, you can also get some details from the street girls in Kieran Town."


Great Swordsman Chester continued to interrupt Archmage Alfonso, and said, "We are just good-hearted citizens. We fought against the beast horde in the northern district last month, unlike some fly camp dogs who live in dark corners all day long. Not only can I not see the light, but even my heart is dark..."

Archmage Alfonso snorted with a wry smile, and said to Swordsman Chester, "Swordsman Chester, your words are really as sharp as your sword!"

"Really? If there is a sentence that accidentally hurt you, please don't take it to heart, and then I will leave." The great swordsman Chester raised his eyebrows and replied unceremoniously.

After speaking, he turned around and was about to go outside.

Before leaving, he stopped again, turned around and said to Archmage Alfonso:

"By the way, I will also submit this matter to the Wilkes House of Representatives in writing. I heard that there is a kind of warlock in the magic world who is good at dealing with the undead. Maybe you can get the complete truth from them."

Alfonso snorted and said dissatisfiedly:

"I don't need you to worry about these things..."

The great swordsman Chester raised his hand to his chest, made a knight's salute, and said, "Then I will take my leave."


A parliament is going on in the hall of the House of Representatives. This gathering was called and organized by the Magic Union and the Alchemy Guild at the same time.

This time the Magic Union invited some noble lords from Wilkes City to participate.

These lords are almost all nobles who have close contacts with the magic union.

This time the development of the Invercargill Forest, the magicians of the entire Wilkes Magic Union are ready to participate together.

Although the magicians do not have an army, everyone is very rich, and they also have magic scrolls, magic pattern structures, magic weapons, and magic potions.

No matter what kind of these, the noble lords are in great demand, especially the magic pattern structure and magic potion, so some noble lords are invited to dispatch troops to open up the Invercargill Forest, and they are now negotiating.

Many aristocratic lords didn't refuse outright, and everyone was waiting and watching, because they knew that once they got involved, they would break with the Luthor family completely, and there would be no particularly worthwhile benefits. They didn't want to do such a stupid thing.

The Marquis of Luther has many allies in the Benar Legion, and they are all main combatants who firmly support the Duke of Newman.

The Marquis Luther can stand out among a group of warlords, definitely not because his aunt is one of the many wives of the Duke of Newman, but because of his outstanding achievements in the past twenty years.

At present, there are six noble lords who are willing to join the development of Invercargill Forest. They all have a group of private troops. They have no problem dealing with the monsters in Invercargill Forest, but they don't have the courage to face the beast tide.

The magician Christopher stood on the semi-circular podium in the center of the parliament. Behind him was a three-dimensional image of Invercargill Forest constructed by seven projection magic crystals. He held a short wand in his hand and pointed at Invercargill. Above Jier Forest, the general situation of the entire forest is introduced:

"...We have ten years to build fortifications. As long as we build a 700-kilometer Great Wall on the south bank of the Great Rift Valley in the northern part of the Invercargill Forest, I think we can completely resist the next beast horde."

Hearing what Christopher Magician on the podium said, the noble lords sitting around the podium began to whisper.

Among them, some lords pointed out unceremoniously:

"The 700-kilometer Great Wall, Christopher Magician, do you know how much manpower and material resources are needed to build such a city wall? It may be possible to build such a city wall within ten years with all the efforts of the province of Bena. The city walls can't stop those ghost-striped red ants, they are good at climbing steep mountain walls."

There was a pause in his voice, and he continued:

"I know that the Wilkes Magical Guild has a lot of wealth, but I think the president probably won't invest this money in your territory!"

The Christopher magician coughed lightly. He didn't panic at all, but continued to explain:

"Actually, I have also prepared a second plan. Yes, the second plan is 'plundering'. Currently, the Invercargill Warcraft Forest belongs to the vacant period of Warcraft. There are no Warcraft in the entire forest. We can take the opportunity to occupy the entire forest. , within the next ten years, transport as many minerals and potions as possible back to Wilkes City, withdraw before the next beast swarm, and rely on the natural danger of the Thorn Mountains to resist the swarm of beasts..."

The noble lords around the podium laughed and said:

"But in that case, it wouldn't be counted as opening up the territory!"

The noble lord who was quite rude when he spoke continued:

"If we don't open up the territory, there is no value in sending troops to plunder the resources of the Warcraft forest. The resources in my own territory have not been fully developed. Why go to that dangerous place to plunder resources?"

The lords all laughed and echoed.

Among the noble lords, there are also people who are closely related to the magic union. In such an embarrassing situation, they immediately stood up to smooth things over and said loudly:

"However... If the magic union is in the form of employment, please invite us to develop the Invercargill Forest. After the development is completed, our army will withdraw immediately. This model can be discussed... As for the reward, you can It can be a box of magic potions, or a complete set of magic patterns..."

In this way, many lords who were a little bit discouraged thought it was worth a try.

After all, it is the reward of the magic pattern structure and magic potion, the scene is a bit lively, and more noble lords are asking what should be done.

At this time, a young magician quickly ran in from the outside and whispered a few words in Christopher magician's ear.

Magician Christopher's eyes widened, and he looked at the door of the House of Representatives in shock.

The door of the chamber of the House of Representatives was slammed open from the outside, and three magicians from the Law Enforcement Team walked in from the outside, and the magician headed by it was Archmage Alfonso.

When he stepped into the hall of the House of Representatives, half of the magicians in the hall stood up and saluted the head of the magic union law enforcement team...

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