Lord Highlander

Chapter 881

As the head of the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union, Archmage Alfonso, in the eyes of the wizards of Wilkes City, has a higher status than the president of the Magic Union of Wilkes City, because he is not only responsible for supervising the authority All the heresies in Wilkes City, and also supervise the bad behavior of all magicians in Wilkes City.

The magicians in the Law Enforcement Corps have long tracked down those evil mages who sold their souls to demons or sacrificed their lives to the undead. Those mages are usually stuck at a certain bottleneck, have no progress for a long time, and are desperate for power .

In fact, the Magic Union's attitude towards black magic and undead magic is not to eradicate it when it is seen.

The main reason why the law enforcement team traced the Black Magic Retreat is also because the black magicians in the Black Magic Retreat always try to open the door of demons, summon the demons in hell, try to obtain powerful power from the demons, and use this to Strengthen yourself.

By doing this, the magicians of the Black Magic Priory were taking risks with the Roland Continent. Once the demon gate opened could not be closed, it would be a disaster not only for the Grimm Empire...for the entire Roland Continent.

The existence of the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union is mainly to allow magicians to restrain themselves and eliminate all unstable factors in the magic world.

Every magician in Wilkes City needs to recite the oath in front of Archmage Alfonso on the day he formally becomes a magician from a magic apprentice, and the 'potential' possessed by Alfonso is An eye that makes all mages fear-the eye of true knowledge.

Magician Christopher has long heard that the eyes of Archmage Alfonso can see through lies and falsehoods.


A group of magicians and lords from Wilkes City gathered in the House of Representatives in Wilkes City, discussing how to get the most benefit from Invercargill Forest...

For the noble lords, as long as they don't provoke the ghost-striped red ants in the Dark Worm Valley, the Invercargill Forest of Warcraft is actually nothing to be afraid of.

However, the Christopher magician needed the red copper mine in Invercargill Forest. He spent so much effort, but in fact he wanted to get that mine in the end.

He was thinking about how to persuade these noble lords to send out troops to completely occupy the forest.

Archmage Alfonso appeared in the hall of the House of Representatives. Holding a long staff in his hand, he stood in front of Magician Christopher with a straight face, staring at Magician Christopher with a pair of deep eyes, and asked him:

"Christopher the magician, I only give you such a chance, I need you to tell me the truth of the whole thing, did you kill Joel Singh?"

Archmage Alfonso asked this sentence, and the entire parliament hall was in an uproar. The magicians stood up from their seats, put their hands on the table, leaned out, and stared at Magician Christopher in shock.

In recent years, as he got older, Archmage Alfonso rarely investigated cases in person.

In the case of the disappearance of Magician Joel Singh, the Law Enforcement Team actually received a report from the family members of Magician Joel Singh, but the sudden disappearance of a young magician is not a particularly serious matter.

Many magicians are autistic and withdrawn. It is not unusual for these magicians to suddenly disappear from everyone's sight.

Some magicians have gone too far. Even if the awakened magic pool is at the peak of life, although life is destined to be a smooth one, they will inexplicably abandon everything they own and leave quietly from the circle they live in.

After Magician Joel Singh disappeared, apart from his family members inquiring all over the city, the law enforcement team didn't pay much attention to it.

"Now that you tell me the truth, I can think that you voluntarily surrendered and confessed some of the facts, which can be properly considered in sentencing in the future..."

Master Alfonso's voice changed, he stared at Master Christopher with his wise eyes, and said to him: "But if you want to lie, I will first deprive you of your status as a magician, You will be put on trial."

The magicians present couldn't help but let out a low cry in unison. Doing so was like telling the magician Christopher that if he refused to admit it again, he would be tried as a commoner.

If Christopher the magician became a commoner, then what he killed was a magic nobleman, and the only thing waiting for him was the gallows on the execution ground.

Archmage Alfonso tore open a magic scroll, and a magic shackle appeared out of nowhere in front of Christopher the magician. The black shackle floating in mid-air surged with a faint magical aura.

"No matter what, you will be temporarily detained by the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team."

Master Christopher's face turned pale, and he held the podium with one hand, his hair was a little messy, he hesitated and stretched out his hands, lowered his head and said in a very low voice: "I killed Joel Singh! "

When he said these words, the entire council hall erupted.

Magicians are actually a community of interests. Even if there are some grievances and grievances between the two parties that cannot be resolved, they will generally not lead to the death of the other party.

What's more, Mage Christopher has recently been touted by the magicians as the hero of the Wilkes Magic Union. In order to fight for his due rights, he did not hesitate to stand up and fight against the traditional forces of the noble lords.

Many noble lords even want to cooperate with him to jointly develop the Invercargill Forest... He has been stealing the limelight in Wilkes City recently.

He even became the diamond man in the eyes of Mrs. Wilkes.

If Christopher Magician hadn't pleaded guilty on the spot, no one would believe that he actually murdered a young magician.

Many magicians immediately thought that maybe someone was deliberately framing it...but Archmage Alfonso was standing here again.

Afterwards, everyone watched as the magician Christopher stretched his hands into the shackles floating in the air, like an ostrich with its head stuck in the sand, and was taken out of the House of Representatives by two young magicians from the Law Enforcement Corps. hall.


In the past few days, the people of Wilkes City have been paying attention to the murder of Christopher Magician.

However, the interrogation process was extremely simple. Magician Christopher voluntarily confessed his motive for killing Magician Joel Singh. It all stemmed from the fact that Magician Joel Singh came to Wilkes City from a According to the aboriginal people, they heard that there is a copper mine in the Invercargill Forest of Warcraft.

After Joel Singh knew about this, he immediately found Christopher, his alchemy mentor, and wanted to invite him to explore the Invercargill Forest together.

Christopher the magician readily agreed to his student invitation, and the two also chose to enter Invercargill Forest during the gap period after the beast tide.

However, things changed when Magician Christopher saw the faults in the veins of this copper mine, and the natural magic red copper was actually precipitated.

Such a huge amount of wealth made Christopher Magician's blood boil, and it was also when Joel Singh climbed out of the rock crevice, his defenseless appearance made him feel that he had an opportunity...

The first thing Master Christopher needs to do is to compensate—to compensate the family members of Magician Joel Singh. He spent almost half of his family property to buy a sentence from the family members of Magician Joel Singh. 'forgive'.

Yes, Magician Christopher was forgiven by the family of Magician Joel Singh and paid a large fine.

Afterwards, the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union publicly announced that Christopher Magician would be exiled to the Great Battlefield. He needs to live in the Great Battlefield for 30 years, or successfully kill a thousand Crypt Demons before he is eligible to return to the Grimm Empire. .


After such a scandal occurred on the side of the Magic Union, the good image of the Magic Union in the eyes of the citizens of Wilkes City plummeted.

In order to restore the image of the Magical Union, the Magical Union published an apology letter in Wilkes City's weekly newspaper on July 24th. The apology was aimed at all citizens of Wilkes City. I apologize for the appearance of such a magician who lost his conscience.

But even so, before this trend completely subsides, the magicians in the entire Wilkes City will be stabbed in the back by the people...

The Territorial Administration of Wilkes City Hall finally could not withstand the pressure of public opinion, and the director of the administration made a public apology speech on the Wilkes Municipal Plaza.

On July 26, the House of Representatives announced that Viscount Suldak's application for territorial development rights to the Invercargill Warcraft Forest had been officially approved.

At this time, the garrisons of the various towns of the Luthor Legion have received the military order to cancel the return to Bena City, and restarted the rectification of the various towns, and started to clean up the remaining ghost-striped red ants in the wild.

The turmoil finally subsided.


In Wilkes City's municipal square, a large number of hard armored skins of ghost-striped soldier ants have been stockpiled. A team of porters responsible for moving the hard skins lined up to transport these hard skins to Bena Province.

This is the fourth time that the businessman Malakom has transported hard armor leather to Bena City. Nacheng, working as a short-term laborer for half a month.

A magic caravan was parked next to the municipal square, and Hathaway and Beatrice's personal maids were waiting outside the magic caravan.

At this moment, the car was full of parting sadness, and did not do those indescribable things.

Hathaway's eyes were red, she had just cried.

"Why are you crying? It's not that I haven't seen you for a long time. In fact, Dodan Town is not too far from Bena City. I will go to Bena City to see you in a few days." Suldak sat beside Hathaway. , holding her slender and soft waist with one hand, comforting her.

Although the tight leather armor completely insulates the good touch, it can outline a nearly perfect body curve.

Hathaway has become thinner recently, and when she nodded and wiped her tears, the collarbone on her shoulders looked extraordinarily delicate.

Sitting in the magic caravan, she held Suldak's arm tightly, thinking that it would take a long time before they met, and she felt infinitely sad in her heart.

The hustle and bustle of the square could not wash away the melancholy here.

"Remember to write us a letter every two weeks..." Hathaway, who had just cried, spoke with a heavy nasal voice.

Suldak's heart warmed, and he immediately said: "I will write every week, and I will write in detail all the trivial things that happened in Dodan Town."

The round-faced Beatrice didn't feel much parting. She stared bravely at Suldak with big eyes, and at this moment said to him, "Why don't we just stay... you."

"Aren't you afraid that your family will send someone directly to arrest us and detain us?" Hathaway glared at Beatrice and reprimanded in a low voice.

"Just don't let them find it!" Beatrice said optimistically.

"And then... what about our wedding?" Hathaway said with a headache.

Beatrice smiled heartlessly, and the sad mood faded a lot for a while.

"When the garrison mission of the Bailin plane is completed this time, when Marquis Luther returns to Bena City from the Tarapakan area, and the business of the Gefiro family gradually improves, I will return to Bena City to marry you! Suldak pinched Beatrice's greasy face and promised softly.

"Yeah." Beatrice readily agreed, and then said distressedly: "It seems that we have to wait for a long time..."

Lovers always feel that time passes quickly when they get along, and the three of them didn't feel like talking for long in the magic caravan. They heard the maids knocking on the door gently outside, reminding Hathaway and Beatrice in the car, He will soon return to Bena City with the flow of people in the transport team.

Hathaway just pulled Beatrice out of the magic caravan, their golden curly hair was extremely dazzling in the sun.

Suldak had been sent to the portal before waving goodbye to Hathaway and Beatrice.


"Viscount Suldak, do you have time tonight? I have an appointment with the largest slave owner in Wilkes City. I heard that a group of dwarves came to his slave camp recently. Don't you want to buy some who are good at digging? The dwarves of the mines?"

The merchant Malakom came out from behind Suldak and said to him.

He had just seen Hathaway and Beatrice, waiting in the distance.

The businessman Malacolm has his own rules of dealing with things. He thinks that if a noble lady from such a noble family cannot be favored by the other party, it is best to stay away.

At the beginning of the month, Suldak mentioned to the merchant Malakom that he wanted to buy miners, but he still remembered it!

"Okay!" Suldak agreed.

Originally planned to leave Wilkes City in the afternoon and return to Dodan Town.

But now he had to change his itinerary and stay an extra night in Wilkes City.

Merchant Malacombe had to wait for the supplies at the Municipal Square to be transported before he could escape.

Suldak took the opportunity to go shopping in the nearby shopping street, and bought some small gifts for Selena, who was far away in Dodan Town, and Natasha, Rita, old Sheila, and little Peter at home. .

The vicinity of the Municipal Square is the most prosperous area in Wilkes City, and the products in the shops here are also items with a touch of luxury.

Although Suldak got a lot of magic spar in this beast tide, his own consumption concept has not yet changed, and he is not very interested in these jewelry that can only be bought with a few pieces of magic spar Son.

In the end, I bought a set of silver tea sets and a few bolts of magicweave cloth from a trading firm.

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