Lord Highlander

Chapter 893

Suldak placed three pieces of copper ore on the stone seat in front of Scholar Ferdinand. The whole body of these copper ores was dark brown, with some dots of red copper particles sandwiched in them, and the larger ones were close to sesame seeds. It's so big, and the smaller ones are like some finely divided coarse river sand, so that the whole piece of copper ore is full of bright spots. It looks like a clod of condensed oily soil, but it feels hard and heavy.

"Copper ore... where did you find these copper ores?" Ferdinand scholar just glanced at it casually and asked in conclusion.

"It's in the northern part of the Bailin Plane, in a forest further north of the border town I'm stationed at. That's an open-pit mine." Suldak rubbed his nose and replied truthfully.

Scholar Ferdinand said with a smile: "Hehe, luck is really good. The quality of these ores is very high. This is pure copper ore. You only need ore dressing, purification and refining to get copper ingots of good quality."

"Scholar Ferdinand, this is why I came to visit you. I want to refine these copper ores into copper ingots." Suldak glanced at the bottles and jars in the laboratory, and then looked at them again. A glance at Ferdinand Scholars.

Scholar Ferdinand sat on the long sofa in the rest area, raised his head and waved to a magic assistant who was cleaning a glass jar not far away, and then said casually: "This is not difficult, Victor, this one It's up to you to do..."

The magician assistant hastily put down the glass jar in his hand, stood in front of Scholar Ferdinand, and nodded seriously.

Scholar Ferdinand thought for a while and added:

"Design a sturdy and durable copper ore screening and refining furnace for Suldak."

The magic assistant named Victor said, "Okay, teacher!"

The Ferdinand scholar said to Suldak:

"However, if you want to get this furnace, you have to wait at least three months. Such a large furnace must be customized by the iron casting workshop. After everything is assembled and adjusted, it will be transported to the Bailin plane. At least one more Many months."

The copper mine in Suldak has just started preparations, so it doesn't matter if you wait for a while, so he nodded and said, "I can wait."

Scholar Ferdinand nodded, and said: "If you only need copper sand, you don't need the furnace. In addition, the ore screening is also done by workers. All you need to do is to build a pool near the mine. , as long as the mineral powder is poured into the pool and soaked with this active agent, the copper sand will soon settle down..."

Suldak listened carefully to Scholar Ferdinand's explanation. He didn't understand many terms very well. What he remembered most was the bottle of light blue catalyst in Scholar Ferdinand's hand.

Seeing Surdak staring straight at the glass container in his hand, Scholar Ferdinand explained:

"Don't worry, the cost of this active agent is not expensive, it can decompose some rocks, whether it is in Hailansa or in Bena City, many mining companies have this thing for sale..."

Only then did Suldak react, and asked:

"That is to say, before the refining furnace is used, I can actually get copper sand if I buy some of this active agent?"

"That's right!" Scholar Ferdinand said, "But if you plan to operate this copper mine for a long time, I suggest that it is more cost-effective for you to build a furnace! Victor is currently engaged in research in this area, and I will ask him to help you first. a period of time."

"That would be great..." Suldak said excitedly, looking at the shy magician standing beside Scholar Ferdinand.

Scholar Ferdinand ordered to the young magician: "Victor, come and show Surdak the process of refining copper ore..."

The young magic assistant agreed:

"Okay, teacher."

In front of the Ferdinand scholars, Victor looked like a hard-working school handyman.

He picked up a piece of ore from the table and took it aside for crushing and grinding. This laboratory is still very complete with all kinds of magic equipment.

Not long after, he came back with a glass of brown powder. He placed the glass in front of Suldak, poured some light blue solution into it, and saw countless bubbles coming out of the black powder inside. It was dissolved and turned into half a cup of dirty mushy viscous liquid.

"This needs to stand for about six hours, and then the solution in the cup can be poured out. There will be some viscous paste at the bottom of the cup, which needs to be diluted into a liquid with a thinner, and then filtered through the filter. , Adding this solution to the obtained liquid can replace the water in the solution to obtain copper sand." The magic assistant Victor explained to Suldak.

Suldak could understand what Victor said, but if he was asked to do it himself, it might not be enough.

Scholar Ferdinand seemed accustomed to this, and asked casually, "Dark, how long are you going to stay in Hailansa City this time?"

Suldak thought about tomorrow's itinerary, and said, "About two days, if all goes well, I plan to return to Wall Village the day after tomorrow."

"Are you interested in doing a transplant for me?" Scholar Ferdinand asked tactfully.

Suldak asked strangely: "Ah... Scholar Ferdinand, aren't there water magicians among the assistants around you?"

Scholar Ferdinand smiled awkwardly, lowered his voice and said to Suldak: "Compared to those hydrotherapy techniques, I think the Holy Light technique is more reliable."

Of course, it was impossible for Suldak to refuse, so he readily agreed, "Well, if you can set a time, you can find me at the Plaza Garden Hotel anytime."

Unexpectedly, Scholar Ferdinand waved his hands and clapped his hands to decide: "There is no need to bother, then the transplant operation is tentatively scheduled for tomorrow night."

"Okay, Scholar Ferdinand." Suldak agreed.

It was too late to come out of Ferdinand Scholar's magic laboratory.

Lance had an important magic experiment at night, and he couldn't escape, but he sent someone to tell Karl at the guard camp the news that Suldak had arrived in Hailansa City. It is said that Karl was driving from the guard camp. come over.

Suldak did not continue to stay in the Magic Union, he walked out of the gate on the first floor of the Magic Union.


Hailansa is a mountain city.

There is a cool breeze blowing late at night in summer, refreshing and pleasant.

Suldak was standing at the intersection opposite the magic union, looking east and west. A magic caravan was speeding past. The magic caravan was very close to the street, and the carriage almost passed Suldak's nose.

The speed of the car was very fast, and when the two ancient Bolai horses pulling the cart were running, their manes on their necks fluttered in the wind, making them look very majestic.

Suldak saw a young nobleman sitting in a carriage, hugging a noble lady and kissing passionately. The lighting in the carriage was soft, and it was getting close to evening. The curtain of a window was not drawn, and passed by Suldak For a split second, he was just able to peek into the scene in the carriage.

Although he couldn't see the young nobleman's face, Suldak felt a little familiar just by looking at it from the side.

But he couldn't remember who the young nobleman was, and when he looked up again, the magic caravan had already run away.

"Dark, what are you looking at?" Karl patted Surdak on the shoulder from behind, followed his gaze to look at the busy traffic on the long street...

Suldak looked back and saw that it was Karl, so he withdrew his gaze and said, "It's nothing, I just feel that there are a lot more magic caravans in the city than half a year ago..."

Karl and Suldak stood side by side on the street, with a magic caravan parked beside them.

"Although the flames of war in Tanan did not spread to Hailansa City, many noble lords there ran to Hailansa City to take refuge." Carl sighed and said with some helplessness.

However, he cheered up immediately, put his arms around Suldak's shoulders and said: "There is no harassment from the bandits here, it can be said that it is the most stable city near the north of Tarapakan, and there are more nobles living in the city , there will naturally be a lot more magic caravans..."

After finishing speaking, he took Suldak and boarded the magic caravan beside him, and the two sat in a comfortable carriage. A young maid in the carriage poured two glasses of fruit wine for them, and then took out two warm towels , let the two wipe their faces.

Karl spread the warm towel on his face, lay on the soft leather sofa with his head up, and said to Suldak like this:

"By the way, have you heard about that incident?"

"What?" Suldak asked suspiciously.

Karl took the towel away from his face, sat up straight and said to Suldak with a smile: "Dacy Christie has become the new consul of Hailansa City. An inaugural speech."

Suldak immediately thought of Marquis Bernard, and he had a good impression of the consul of Hailansa City.

"What happened to Marquis Bernard Christie?" he asked.

Carl smiled heartlessly and said:

"It is said that they are recuperating in the manor. This time, the power transfer of the Christie family is also very reluctant. At that time, barely half of them passed the appointment..."

"...Hey, Dak, if you succeeded in courting Daxi back then, you may be the husband of the Lord Hailansa now..."

Suldak didn't think the joke was funny at all.

Hearing what Karl said, he suddenly remembered the young man in the magic caravan just now—clearly Darcy's husband—Baron Armand Bulwer.

No wonder he found the nobleman in the carriage so familiar...


Suldak followed Karl to the tavern.

The tavern was still the same, there were not many customers in the tavern, and it was very quiet inside, probably because the price of alcohol in the tavern blocked many people.

Mrs. Mariana was still sitting in the old seat next to the bar, holding a wine glass, chatting softly with the proprietress inside the bar.

Not far away, Bird tax collector and Miss Hoyle, who has now become Mrs. Bird, are sitting in the corner of the bar. There is a chessboard in front of them, and they seem to be playing chess seriously.

Suldak and Karl walked over to greet everyone.

Bird tax officer quickly stood up and gave Suldak a big hug.

Mrs. Marianne stared at Suldak, and said angrily: "I didn't even know that the commander of the garrison of the plane would be so idle..."

Suldak knew that she was still brooding over the matter between him and Daxi, so he could only explain: "There was a beast tide over there just now, and things have calmed down, and they have become a little idle recently..."

Karl seemed to be very yearning for life on the plane, and asked with great interest:

"Beast tide... Is the Warcraft leather you brought back from the Bailin plane hunted by the beast tide?"

He knew that during this beast swarm, Suldak bought a lot of supplies in Hailansa City, and at the same time gained a lot, including high-level monster materials, magic herbs, and hard armor.

Suldak sat down in front of the bar and said:

"Those were all hunted at the beginning of the beast swarm. Later, all these monsters were eaten up by the red ants, so we could only hunt some ghost-striped red ants..."

The proprietress at the bar brought Surdak a glass of amber golden cider. Karl put the glass of wine in front of him and said casually, "Just pour him a glass of ale, yes, and give him a plate of nuts... "

The proprietress of the tavern smiled slightly, turned around and poured a glass of ale for Suldak.

Karl said to Suldak: "I know those red ants, and you let Luke bring so much hard armor. I heard that you made a lot of armor for war horses?"

Suldak sat between Tax Officer Byrd and Karl, took a sip from the wine glass, and then said: "That thing is light in texture and strong enough. It's just that the plasticity is not good enough. Once it hardens, it will produce huge deformation. In the end It is difficult to guarantee the shaping process, otherwise I am going to change all the full-coverage heavy armor into silver armor."

"By the way, why did you suddenly come back from the Bailin plane?" Karl asked a little strangely.

Seeing everyone staring at him, Suldak smiled and said, "This time I brought back a batch of iron wood from there, and I plan to sell it to the trading house in Hailansa City."

Karl let out a strange cry, almost unable to suppress his tone, and said: "Iron wood? You are not kidding, this thing is almost a magic metal in the wood. You got some of this iron wood? And brought them back to Hailan Sarah is here?"

"It's... this kind of wood." After speaking, Suldak took one out of his magic pocket.

When Karl picked it up, he felt that it was heavy in his hands.

Tax Collector Byrd and Miss Hoyle also approached, and Karl asked the tavern proprietress to take out her personal dagger.

It was an exquisite dagger with a black handle, but the handle had been covered with pulp, which looked very shiny.

Karl compared it, and scraped hard on the iron wood of Suldak with his knight's long sword. Hearing the sound of metal and stone from the iron wood, he opened his mouth and said, "It's really iron wood!"

At this time, Mrs. Marianna, who was sitting next to Karl, couldn't help asking:

"Dark, you said that you plan to sell these iron trees to the trading firm in Hailansa City. Have you chosen a partner?"

Suldak scratched his head, and said honestly: "Not yet, isn't this just going to go shopping in the city tomorrow to see which trading houses are interested in this thing..."

"Who else are you looking for? Mary is currently in charge of the largest Christie family trading firm in Hailansa. You might as well take out how much ironwood you have. Everyone sits here and drinks while solving the matter, isn't it? Is it good?" Karl reached out his hand to stop Mrs. Mariana's soft waist, and said to Suldak with winking eyes.

Suldak looked at Madam Mariana.

"I don't know how many such iron woods you have?" Mrs. Mariana immediately became shrewd when talking about business affairs, and even her tone of voice changed.

"This time I brought ten carriages..."

Suldak answered casually.

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