Lord Highlander

Chapter 894

Mrs. Mariana didn't expect that Suldak would bring back the iron wood of ten carriages at once this time.

I was stunned for a while, and then I realized that I had lost my composure, and immediately said: "Then do you understand the market conditions of Ironwood?"

Suldak shook his head honestly, and then said, "I heard that the price of iron wood is about the same as magic black iron."

"Weighing is indeed the same. Although iron wood sells for money according to its weight, it is not absolute. In addition, it depends on the quality and yield of iron wood. The most precious part of iron wood is to use it to make hardwood bows. This is almost The ceiling in a hardwood bow, so whether this piece of ironwood is valuable or not depends generally on whether it can be made into a bow arm, that is, if this kind of ironwood is too short, it will grow crooked, and its price will be high discount."

After finishing speaking, Mariana took out a small file and filed it back and forth on the iron wood a few times, and found that there was not much chipping, so she said: "It looks a little thinner, but it should be an old tree, and the age is fine... ..."

"The iron wood I brought this time is almost like this." Suldak said.

Mariana ordered to the proprietress of the tavern: "Give me a ruler..."

The proprietress of the tavern turned around and took out a roll of measuring tape from the cabinet under the bar. Mrs. Mariana carefully measured it on the iron wood, then nodded and said: "This one is in good condition. If the iron wood you brought back is all This fineness, you can sell it to me, and I will give you an ideal price!"

Suldak didn't expect that the business between the nobles was negotiated in the chat, instead of requiring him to run from one firm to another with iron and wood.

"The current market price of a pound of magic black iron is 40 silver coins. I can also buy your iron wood at this price. You can send all the iron wood to Christie's firm tomorrow morning." Mrs. Mariana said.

This time, Suldak just wanted to know about the market situation of Ironwood, but now that he has talked about it, he said straightforwardly: "Tomorrow morning, I will personally send Ironwood to the trading company, and wait for your people to inspect the goods... ..."

There was no magic contract, and there was no complicated bargaining. This time the business was negotiated directly.

Suldak was in the tavern, and introduced them to the situation of the Bailin plane, told the story of the beast tide, and also talked about the grassland of the Bailin plane.

Hearing that Karl was a little fascinated, he couldn't help saying to Mariana: "Whenever we let go of what we are doing, we will go to the Bailin plane for a while."

Mrs. Mariana naturally would not reject Xiaoqing's kindness, and replied with a smile: "Okay!"

"I always live in a mountain city, and my mood is almost depressed by the overlapping mountains..." The proprietress of the tavern also said beside her: "Dark, you just said that your Luthor Legion arrived on the eve of the beast tide The Bailin Plane, who will succeed the Legion of the Langdon Family?"

The proprietress of the tavern raised her fair forehead, her eyes were also beautiful, but no matter how delicate her makeup was, she couldn't hide the traces of time on her face. She looked about the same age as Mrs. Mariana.

"Yes!" Surdak replied.

The proprietress of the tavern said to Mrs. Marianna: "The Langdon family seems to have fallen into disrepair recently, and all investments in various planes ended in failure. Felt a lot more comfortable.”

Even though she said that, there was no happy look on her face.

"It's all happened a long time ago, why mention them..."

Mrs. Mariana pinched the greasy face of the proprietress of the tavern, and comforted her.

It was only then that Suldak remembered that Karl had told him that Mrs. Mariana's ex-husband seemed to be named Kenneth Langdon, but it had been so long that he had completely forgotten it.


Back at the Garden Plaza Hotel, the succubus Aphrodite had already gone to bed early.

Suldak also wanted to discuss with Aphrodite how to get rid of the dark stars in his body. He walked to the door of Aphrodite's room with a hint of alcohol, but he didn't have the courage to knock on the door after all.

Hearing the footsteps at the door gradually weakened, the succubus Aphrodite opened her eyes again. She lay on the soft quilt, squeezed her sexy lips, and couldn't help muttering softly: "No courage... ...' before closing his eyes again.

In the dream, she was the succubus with a pair of black flesh wings that could fly freely under the sky.


Early the next morning, Suldak and Luke came to the Christie Family Trading Firm located at No. 17, Doronval Street, Hailansa City. Suldak is very familiar with this street, and Hailansa Junior Knight Academy is located this street.

But they never noticed that this tall building was actually the trading firm of the Christie family.

When Suldak arrived at the trading firm, Mrs. Mariana was not here. She probably hadn’t woken up yet. Only the manager of the firm and Mrs. Mariana’s maid received Suldak. Suldak remembered that he was at the magic In the caravan, the maid also handed him a hot towel.

The manager of the firm asked the employees in the firm to remove all the tarpaulins of the ten four-wheeled carriages, and bundles of iron and wood were neatly placed in the carriages.

The firm has a special appraiser, and the price of iron wood is high. The appraiser inspected almost every piece of iron wood carefully, and finally signed his name on the quality certification document.

During this time, Suldak was sitting in the manager's office of the firm.

By the time Mariana arrived at the trading house in a long dress in a magic caravan, the transaction had already been completed.

A total of 4,000 gold coins are converted into 570 magic crystals.

Originally, the manager of the firm wanted to pay with the authenticated black magic crystal, but Suldak felt that gold coins would be more valuable, so he insisted on the gold coin transaction.

Mrs. Mariana finally signed the document, and the transaction was considered to be successfully completed.

Before leaving, Suldak asked Mrs. Marianne if there would be any other iron wood for the trading company? Only then did Madam Mariana realize that Suldak had more ironwood in his hands.

"Of course!" she replied decisively.

After selling the iron wood, Suldak didn't go directly to the magician to meet with Ferdinand scholar, but went to Hailansa Swordsman Academy.

There, he handed a bottle of lesser magic potion that Justin gave him to a girl with a sweet face. It seemed that he had a very unusual relationship with Justin, but Suldak didn't ask any more questions.

Near noon, I had another lunch with Aphrodite.

In the afternoon, he also went to the High Lansa Guard Camp and reported to Captain Sauron some recent developments of the Badlands Security Squadron. He came to the Magic Union before dinner.

Scholar Ferdinand's magic assistant was already waiting in the hall on the first floor of the Magic Union. When he saw Suldak walking in from the outside, he immediately took him to the magic laboratory of Scholar Ferdinand.

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