Lord Highlander

Chapter 901

The edge of the vein of the Invercargill Forest Copper Mine, which is considered to be the north of the vein.

At the front of the horse team was a local aboriginal guide. He didn't ride a horse, and walked like flying on the dead branches and leaves in the forest with bare feet.

He has a very strong physique, and he is surrounded by animal skins. The exposed skin has a bronze color, and five magic cores are tied to the thin braids on his head. The hard skin of these magic cores has not been completely worn. It just opened a window somewhere, revealing the magic spar containing magic power inside.

He was carrying an alloy hunting bow on his back, holding a wooden spear in his hand, and a dagger hanging on his waist. These weapons all flowed out from the garrison camp in Dodan Town, and basically spread to all the indigenous tribes in the Invercargill Forest. These indigenous tribes are considered residents of Viscount Surdak, so they have all the rights and interests of official citizens of the Green Empire.

Having said that, Wilkes City held the Magic Awakening Ceremony without notifying these indigenous tribes.

This native guide is a warrior of the Monidi tribe. He can understand Imperial language and speak some simple words.

Following him was an adventure group from Wilkes City. This adventure group consisted of twelve members. The group leader was a level 18 fighter who had a valuable magic pattern outfit, but This set of magic pattern structure is already very old, and many magic patterns have been worn to varying degrees. I am afraid that the repair cost will also be astronomical.

A group of team members under him also have the strength of more than one rank, some members have a single-piece magic pattern structure, and all of them have magic weapons, which can be regarded as a powerful team in the adventure group.

A few days ago, they had hunted three low-level monsters in a row according to the locations marked on the map.

But as adventure groups continued to enter the Invercargill Forest, the magical beasts marked on the map were hunted down one after another. In the next few days, they continued to miss nothing, and they hadn't gained anything for several days in a row.

I heard from other adventure groups that monsters are often seen on the outskirts of the mine mountain, and occasionally some high-level monsters are seen. Many adventure groups are trying their luck near the mine. The leader of this adventure group is seeking the opinions of the members. Finally, I decided to venture here.

Aboriginal guides are experienced hunters in the Invercargill Forest of Warcraft.

He knew that there was only such a small river in the valley nearby, and it was the source of water for many herds nearby.

Recently, the hunters in the tribe are also hunting around this mountain. Inside the mountain is like an invisible wall, blocking all monsters from the outside, so this has become an excellent hunting ground in the eyes of the hunters.

It's just that in the eyes of the monsters in the Invercargill Forest, these tribe natives and members of the adventure group are not prey...

This moire ghost leopard has been promoted to a fourth-level monster after possessing the fourth magic pattern. The middle section of the copper mine vein is its territory for a hundred miles. It usually hides in the mountains and forests, hunting low-level monsters for food .

Only when the beast horde broke out did they escape into the Anya Swamp where even the ghost-striped red ants would not set foot.

This time it returned to the Invercargill Forest, and was surprised to find that its territory actually smelled like a dragon. The suspicious moiré ghost leopard did not break in to check the reality, but hovered outside the territory waiting for an opportunity.

It just ate a white-horned deer recently, and now it is just thirsty, so it runs to a water source to drink water.

It is an experienced hunter and very patient. It will never act rashly until it has figured out the true strength of this horse team.

The adventure group was looking for the beast's footprints by the river, and it was lying in the grass on the other side, completely hiding its breath.

In the evening, a group of maned beast family came to the river, four warriors rushed out from the grass by the river, and started to hunt this maned beast with two big, five small and seven heads, several spears cut through In the sky, the maned beasts were bulky in size, and one of them accurately pierced the back of the strongest maned beast.

An indigenous guide stood on a branch of a big tree, looking around vigilantly.

Roaring, the male mane beast 'charged' towards the adventure group alone. A rock-like armor appeared on its skin. It approached a big tree and rubbed the spear stuck on its back, but it didn't even bleed. a drop of blood.

The bristles of the female mane beast stood up, and she fled behind with five small beasts.

The curved fangs in the mane beast's mouth are like two sharp blades. Facing the charge of the mane beast, the leader of the adventure group raised a heavy tower shield, supporting the shield with his body, and at the same time, two members stood with him , intending to resist this charge.

A member of the adventure group behind was holding a spear in his hand, and the moment it rushed up, its fangs overturned the heavy tower shield, and the three members of the adventure group behind the tower shield flew backwards, and the man in the hand The member of the adventure group holding a spear, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, broke through the solid rock armor in the middle of the mane beast's two front legs, and the sharp spear tip sank into the mane beast's body.

The spear pierced through here, just enough to penetrate the maned beast's heart.

The maned beast made a grunting sound, pressed the spear in front of its chest, and rushed forward tens of meters before falling headlong by the river with lush water and grass.

The magic pattern on his body gradually dimmed, and the layer of rock armor slowly disappeared.

The members of these adventure groups are a group of experienced hunters, and they are very experienced in dealing with these junior monsters.

Just in the direction of the female mane beast's escape, eight members of the adventure group ambushed in the wild grass.

At this time, no one will pay attention to the cubs. Only the adult mane beasts may have magic cores in their skulls, so they will let these young mane beasts leave on their own, but the adult mane beasts cannot escape this kind of ambush hunting .

The female mane beast never charged and fled because there was a small beast by her side. In the end, she was covered in blood and was killed by several swordsmen with a gorgeous sword style.

The leader of the adventure group came over and saw seven holes on the back of the mane beast, his face was livid with anger, and he said loudly: "It's just these two mane beasts that are covered in holes all over their bodies. Not worth a few bucks."

The cloud-patterned ghost leopard crawled towards the horse team...

When the group leader was standing by the river and yelling at his subordinates, the cloud-patterned ghost leopard rushed out like a bolt of lightning. Its aura was so well concealed that even the most experienced hunters didn't notice its existence.

It was like a phantom, with a pair of sharp claws resting on the shoulders of a member, and just as the member turned around in horror, the bloody mouth tore open the aorta in his neck.

The blood splashed on the ghost leopard's fur, since it bounced off one after another...

The cloud-patterned ghost leopard suddenly accelerated in the next second, and its body was like a cloud of blue smoke in the dusk, disappearing with a 'swish'.

"No, it's an adult ghost leopard... run away!" the head of the adventure group roared.

After all the members were stunned for a moment, they all went to the wild grass by the river. Of course, the cloud-patterned ghost leopard would not let them go so easily, and chased after them.

Its speed far exceeds the imagination of the members of the adventure group, and its body is as light as a wisp of smoke. Every time it condenses, it will harvest the life of a member.

The native guide of the Monidi tribe stood on a tree and threw himself into the river immediately, but disappeared.


A moment later, the fragmented corpses of the twelve members of the adventure group in the valley had basically been gutted, and most of the leather armor on their bodies had been torn apart, leaving only some magic weapons scattered in the grass.

Those horses were also killed by wild animals, and some supplies were thrown on the ground at random.

Some beasts who came to drink water took the opportunity to eat these corpses.

The natives of the Monidi tribe ran to the mine in one breath.

When Andrew arrived at the water source with the cavalry battalion, except for some shredded supplies, there was not even bone residue left on the ground.

The cavalry picked up some tattered magic weapons from the grass, and gathered around Andrew.

Andrew picked up a completely scrapped shoulder armor of the magic pattern structure, handed it to the two-headed ogre behind him and said, "It seems that the monsters lurking around here have at least the strength of the peak level three..."

The two-headed ogre mage looked at the neat fracture, and suggested to Andrew: "You can try to find a sharp dagger."

Andrew used his butcher's sharp ax to scratch the shoulder armor of the magic pattern, and the shoulder armor was only scratched with shallow marks.

"It seems that this shoulder armor is stronger than expected..." Andrew said with a gloomy face.

Recently, members of three adventure groups have been ambushed by this head in a row, and this adventure group was the most serious one. The twelve-member adventure group was completely wiped out.

"If this continues, perhaps no adventure group will dare to hunt in the Invercargill Forest." Andrew said with some concern.

The two-headed ogre said happily: "Isn't that just right..."

Andrew shook his head and said, "But the boss hopes that the safety index in this forest can be a little higher,"

After speaking, he rode on Gu Bolai's horse and rushed forward along the valley.

A squadron leader behind him came up from behind and whispered to Andrew:

"I heard that Captain Samira will pass by the mine with a batch of goods tomorrow..."

Andrew's eyes lit up, and he said with a hint of joy, "Then wait for her!"


On the day that Samira led 18 thunder rhinos to the temporary camp of the copper mine, he saw Suldak bring 300 tribesmen into the camp.

Eighteen Thunder Rhinoceros gathered at the foot of the mountain, and Samira stood on the platform on the back of Thunder Rhino and waved at Suldak.

Suldak rode to the Armed Thunder Rhino.

Samira slipped down from the eight-meter-high platform along the smooth fur of Thunder Rhinoceros's neck. This time Samira brought back iron and wood with thick trunks, but before putting them on the shelves, they were all wrapped in linen. Now you can only see gray packages stacked on both sides of the platform shelves.

"Is the journey going well?" Suldak asked Samira.

It's been a few days since the half-elf archer's life in the forest made her look a little more wild.

"It's okay, but I met a lot of adventure groups on the road." Samira said with a slight frown, and then she smiled triumphantly and said: "But... I met a monster returning to Invercargill Forest along the way... ...like more..."

The sunlight fell through the gaps in the canopy and was speckled on the glade.

Suldak said: "I sent the map of the monster beast distribution in the Invercargill Forest to the Adventurer's Union and the Mercenary Union, hoping that they would come to hunt in the Invercargill Forest and keep the number of monsters as low as possible."

Suldak rode on his horse and said to Samira again: "We'll be chatting after I settle down the young people from these indigenous tribes!"

Samira strode forward with long legs and followed Suldak's side.

Suldak pointed to these young indigenous people, and introduced to Samira: "I recruited them from the indigenous tribes in the hills and mountains."

Then, as if he had picked up a bargain, he whispered, "I promised them that I would pay them twenty pounds of wheat flour every day. I didn't expect that recruiting miners was easier than recruiting soldiers."

Suldak really did not expect that the local aborigines would be hired at such a low cost.

I thought they were used to the traditional way of life and didn't want to be miners. I didn't expect to recruit 300 people after only leaving two tribes, which greatly exceeded my budget.

On the way, he asked a young native who could speak a little Imperial language why he wanted to be a miner.

The young native was very straightforward, and directly said that he could get twenty pounds of wheat flour every day by digging stones, which was much better than hunting.

For the natives, this job is easier than hunting.

And twenty pounds of wheat flour is far more valuable than a small animal. These wheat flour can make a native live happily for twenty days, but a grouse cannot, and there are not only grouse in the forest.

More than 300 young natives were arranged by Suldak to live in five large and empty sheds. These sheds are still very crudely built, but they can only prevent some stupid beasts from intruding, not mosquitoes, nor can they block them. Live World of Warcraft.

There is no wooden bed even built in the shed, and the workers who originally lived here just spread a thick layer of moss on the ground.

The wooden beds built by the young aborigines themselves are also extremely simple. They just use wooden sticks as thick as arms to secretly spread on the ground, and it becomes a floor bed.

They like to have a thick layer of moss and pine needles on the floor, and the pine branches have a strong smell of pine oil, which many mosquitoes don't like.

When the young aborigines came to the simple copper mine camp, someone immediately cooked some porridge for them. The first batch of workers in the mine were aborigines from the town of Dodan. They could speak some aboriginal and imperial languages. They will not discriminate against these indigenous tribes. Now that Suldak has handed over these young indigenous people to their management, the communication between the two parties should be much easier.

At least there will be no abuse, deduction, discrimination and other imaginations.

Suddenly so many natives came to the camp, it became lively all of a sudden, and the food reserves here immediately became tense.

This time, the armed Thunder Rhino transported the iron wood back to Duodan Town, and also transported a batch of grain from there.

Andrew and the cavalry battalion did not emerge from the mountains until evening.

They returned to the mine camp, and when they heard that Suldak was coming, they immediately rushed to the camp.

The surveying and mapping officer and two clerks of the Wilkes City Territorial Administration were also in the team. They lived in the mountains for half a month, making them look like jungle savages in gorgeous costumes.

I don't know how long I haven't shaved my beard... Maybe I haven't shaved since I left Dodan.

The surveyor did not rush to see Suldak, but instead got into his tent and asked a young clerk to shave him...

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