Lord Highlander

Chapter 902

Andrew's recent task is to take the surveying and mapping officer of the Territorial Administration to survey the land near the copper mine every day. The surveying and mapping officer will use a large amount of data to check whether the map of Invercargill Forest is accurate.

However, the Cavalry Battalion will also perform some emergency tasks, such as rescuing the adventure group in distress nearby.

But there is a prerequisite for this, that is, someone must rush to the mining camp alive, usually these people are tribal aboriginal guides.

Surdak stood in the clearing, pointed to the clearing in front of him and said to Samira:

"This time I need your armed Thunder Rhino to help me bring over a few large iron cans. These iron cans are still being crafted in the blacksmith workshop in Dodan Town. I want them to be as big as possible. I guess only these Thunderbolts A rhinoceros can carry a load..."

Samira listened quietly from the sidelines, with an expression of indifference.

Her archer camp was set up at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by 18 thunder rhinos. This time she brought nearly 300 archers to the slope of the canyon on the edge of the dark worm valley. There was no monster attack.

Andrew and Gullitum ran up from the foot of the mountain.

"Boss, why are you here?" Andrew shouted loudly, his voice was so loud that it could almost echo in the valley.

When Andrew came close on horseback, Suldak said:

"I went to Hailansa City this time and found a way to process copper ore, so I hired some young people from the tribes in the hills and mountains to start extracting copper sand."

Andrew had no interest in copper mines, so he jumped off his horse and said to Suldak excitedly:

"You guys came just in time. Recently, a ghost leopard appeared in this area, and it has attacked four adventure groups in a row. I haven't found it for several days in a row. I was thinking of asking Samira for help when she passed by. I didn't expect you to come too."

Suldak asked: "Can you determine the approximate direction?"

Andrew said very positively: "It is active on the edge of the mountainous area in the middle of the vein, and it has never left that area."

"That piece of land shouldn't be too big. Let's go there tomorrow to have a look..." Suldak nodded and said.


Samira squatted on the crown of a cloud-top tree. The crown of this towering tree is like a cloud. As long as you can climb to the top of the tree, you can easily look down on the surrounding mountains and forests.

Holding the Sky Strike Bow in her hand, she stared at the movement near the valley.

At the exit on the east side of the valley in the distance, the eighteen thunder rhinos are like a wall blocking there.

Suldak led 500 heavy cavalry, lined up in the valley on the west side, and began to search the valley, which was not too big.

I can confirm that the cloud-patterned ghost leopard is hiding in this valley, and I also want to thank the group of armed thunder rhinoceros. When this group of giants passed by in line in the valley, there was too much movement. The cloud-patterned ghost leopard was originally hiding on the top of the tree Sleeping, but was awakened by the rumbling shock, it jumped down from the tall tree vigorously.

Although his body was as fast as lightning, he was still caught by Samira's keen gaze standing on the Thunder Rhino platform.

So Andrew directly led 500 heavy cavalry to block the exit on the west side of the valley, and eighteen armed thunder rhinos blocked the exit on the east side. If the cloud-patterned ghost leopard could not be seen, the knights lined up in a horizontal row and walked along the valley. Valley rug search.

In fact, the place where the ghost leopard was hiding was very secret. The cavalry of the cavalry battalion went back and forth three times in the valley, but they couldn't find the cloud-patterned ghost leopard.

It's a pity that at the last moment, the two-headed ogre relied on its excellent sense of smell to smell the cloud-patterned ghost leopard.

—Of course, according to Gullitum himself, it is meaty.

The moire ghost leopard's whole body lit up with magic patterns, jumped down from the top of the tree, stagnated in mid-air for a second, and immediately turned into a puff of gray smoke, floating in the air.

Just a second before its body disappeared, an arrow engulfing the lightning flashed across the sky and passed through the gray smoke.

Although the arrow did not hit the cloud-patterned ghost leopard, arcs of electric arcs passed along the gray smoke and landed on the cloud-patterned thunder rhinoceros, and then with a crackling sound, the cloud-patterned ghost leopard finally landed on a huge rock. Wrapped in electric arc, let out a violent growl.

The cloud-patterned ghost leopard curled up, and then jumped up like a taut spring, directly pounced on Samira on Thunder Rhino's back.

Ghost Panther thinks only Samira can hurt it...

The next moment, Suldak took a few steps forward, raised the dwarven chain shield in his hand, and threw it out without hesitation.

Gulitum's good brother Naohua'er also threw the fireball out at this moment.

The dwarf chain shield only caught the afterimage of the ghost leopard. The ghost leopard turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared again, but the small fireball exploded in midair.

At the same time as the fireball exploded, the lightning-like figure of the ghost leopard bounced up again.

The fourth-level monsters didn't care much about this powerful fireball at all, but the fireball happened to make the ghost leopard show its figure again.

It was through this appearance that Samira on the platform shot another arrow, and the magic spar on the back of the bow instantly turned into countless crystal powders, and the arrow pierced the night sky like a white lightning, slashing fiercely on the ground. On the ghost leopard.

Forcibly nailing the fast-moving ghost leopard in place, the ghost leopard's fur stood up...

Gulitum chased up from below, swung the bone-crushing stick in his hand, and swung it fiercely at the ghost leopard falling from mid-air.

The clouded ghost leopard was in a paralyzed state, unable to dodge at all, and was firmly hit by the ogre with all its strength. Suldak heard the cracking sound of bones on the spot, but the clouded leopard counterattacked. A sharp claw just touched the bone-crushing stick, and three clearly visible claw marks were drawn on the bone-crushing stick. Gulitum was pushed back several steps by a huge force.

At this moment, the ghost leopard didn't take advantage of it.

Its body slammed into a loud tree, and its strong body immediately caused the big tree debris to fly, and the whole tree shook violently.

From the moment the ghost leopard was discovered, it was beaten helplessly.

It had already been scared out of its wits, how could it dare to stay and fight, and struggled to get up from under the tree, its body immediately became translucent, ready to use its natural ability to hide and escape the pursuit of this group of strong men.

But he didn't notice that Aphrodite behind Suldak, the spell, and the magic rune culture had become a huge magic circle.

A huge eyeball rose from the center of the magic circle, and then appeared on top of Aphrodite's head. The moment the eyeball opened, a ray hit the moire ghost leopard.

The ghost leopard's body was crumbling, and it lay down under the big tree. The moment it closed its eyes, it still couldn't help roaring.

The cloud-patterned ghost leopard was lying on the ground, and Andrew rode up to catch up with him, carrying an axe, and the flaming butcher's ax was raised high, slashing fiercely at the ghost leopard's neck...

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