Lord Highlander

Chapter 903 889. Second-order magic lines

A phantom staring at Kuang Zhan's face appeared behind him, and the butcher's ax in Andrew's hand burst into flames.

But at the moment it fell, the Phantom Leopard lying under the tree suddenly opened its eyes, and opened its bloody mouth to bite Andrew's wrist.

Andrew's wrist sank, and he wiped the edge of the butcher's ax to the big mouth of the ghost leopard. The head of the ghost leopard was very flexible. With a slight swing, it bit on the handle full of spiral patterns, and then cloud patterns erupted on the ghost leopard. pattern, his claws sank into the soil, and he shook his head suddenly.

Andrew was thrown away by the ghost leopard...

After all, it is only a level 4 monster, and its speed and strength are not weaker than those of the second-rank powerhouse.

The ghost leopard felt that the people who rounded it up this time were very powerful, and had no intention of continuing to fight at all.

It was also frightened by those arrows with lightning, and dared not mess with Samira no matter what.

Turning my head and looking at the ogre with a fireball in one hand and a big stick in the other, I felt inexplicable fear in my heart.

Instantly determining the direction to break through, it chose Suldak, whose dwarf chain shield in his hand had turned into a crumpled piece of scrap iron, and his body turned into a black mist and disappeared suddenly.

Insect wings emerged from behind Aphrodite, chasing after the cloud-patterned ghost leopard. She was almost floating on the ground, holding a kind of thorny vine with no name in her hand, and waving an overwhelming whip with one hand film.

The whip beat the ghost leopard that escaped into the void to reveal its figure, and the whip made the ghost leopard let out an uncontrollable roar. The pain was transmitted from the soul level, and it had a hauntingly strange aura.

Facing the cloud-patterned ghost leopard, Suldak could only bite the bullet and go forward.

He couldn't get out of the way, because once he got out of the way, the ghost leopard would definitely speed up suddenly, open a hole from him and jump out.

Suldak was originally a shield warrior who was good at defense. Facing the frontal attack of the ghost leopard, he lost the dwarven chain shield in his hand that had turned into scrap iron.

Holding a blood red crescent in his left hand and a torch of holy light in his right hand, he then recited a series of rune spells


Emerging under the feet is a magic circle composed of countless runes and magic lines.

Countless ground fires gushed out from the rocks in the magic circle, lightning fell from the sky, and poisonous mist permeated the air, forming a shield of red, white and green elements.

This is the oldest rune language

'Ancient Vow'

It's just that it wasn't attached to the shield, but was summoned by Suldak in the form of a holy seal.

Then, a phantom of a double-faced demon god quietly emerged from behind him, and four golden translucent big hands covered Suldak's body alternately.

At the same moment, the Phantom Leopard felt the resistance in front of it, and it sped up suddenly, dodging a series of arrows shot by Samira from behind. Air and dust, leaving only a row of arrow holes on the stone floor.

The ghost leopard's body disappeared again.

The moment it disappeared, a fireball exploded where it appeared.

The ghost leopard jumped out of the flames, and the flames ignited on its body were blown out by the wind around its body. Sure enough, the flames of the ogre had no power against it, and could only accurately predict where it would appear.

The cloud pattern exploded like a burst of light, the source of power in the body exploded one after another, and there was a series of explosions in the air,

The ghost leopard shattered the elemental shield.

It also used its sharp teeth to crush the four golden hands protecting Suldak's body, and its body stopped because of this. Standing in front of Suldak, it raised its sharp claws and grabbed Suldak's chest. , ready to tear Suldak in half.

At this moment, Suldak instinctively put on a defensive posture, which has almost become an instinctive reaction of his body.

The sword in the left hand and the torch in the right were placed precisely on the sharp claws of the ghost leopard, but the huge power was transmitted through the blade and the fire channel, forcing him to kneel on the ground immediately.

And the other sharp claw of the ghost leopard left four light blades in the air, which actually broke Suldak's blood red crescent into five pieces, and the sharp light blade even cut through the whole body of Suldak. The black iron armor, from the left shoulder to the right rib, cut the armor almost effortlessly, and the salamander leather armor worn inside was also scratched deeply.

A dark ball of light fell from the sky and hit the ghost leopard in front of Suldak.

The ball of light is like a flower bud, which explodes instantly when it hits the ground, and the eight petals envelop the moire ghost leopard from all sides, forming a shadow prison inside.

Then a light arrow shot from Samira's direction, it precisely passed through the shadow prison, and hit the ghost leopard's neck.

At the same time, a lightning column fell from the sky, pierced through the shadow cage, and hit the ghost leopard.

The electric arcs overflowing from the shadow cage spread out overwhelmingly, and some electric arcs drilled into Suldak's body, making him feel numb all over, and his body trembled involuntarily. The feeling of being burned by electric arcs seemed familiar.

Facing the spreading electric arc, Suldak approached the shadow cage step by step. The ghost leopard was howling in the electric column. He injected a force of holy light into the blood-red crescent, and this broken blade actually re-emerged a dazzling holy light. blaze.

Cut down with a sword.

The sacred power turned into a sword light and struck the forehead of the cloud-patterned ghost leopard.

The cloud-patterned ghost leopard was bound in the electric column, unable to avoid it, and the sword glow of the sacred breath of the cloud-patterned ghost leopard's head split open with a sword.

The sacred aura spread out in all directions, instantly dissipating the shadow cage, and at the same time, the electric pillar also turned into countless arcs and dissipated in the air.

Suldak walked out of the countless electric arcs with the broken blade and the holy light torch, and his body was scorched by the countless electric arcs.

Suldak endured the burning and numbness all over his body, and repeatedly used the 'Holy Light' to heal himself.

Andrew, Samira, Gulitham, and Afro gathered from all around.

Andrew and Gulitum went to check the situation of the moire ghost leopard.

Samira felt relieved when she saw that Suldak was fine.

Suldak just took a short break. As a skinner who is proficient in skinning, he still has to peel off the leather of the moire ghost leopard as soon as possible, and put it in the magic sealing box before the blood dries.

He walked up and leaned next to Andrew, inspecting the three-meter-long moire ghost leopard.

After all, it is a level 4 monster, and the entire high-grade monster leather is full of elemental power, with natural magic cloud patterns on it, as if hiding mysterious power.

This kind of Warcraft leather is the most test of the inscription master's understanding of the magic pattern. When the inscription master carved the magic pattern, he probably needed to integrate the magic pattern circle into these cloud patterns.

Andrew split the ghost leopard's skull, and a magic core bigger than an adult's fist was embedded in the skull.

Such a big magic core is destined to produce a high-level magic crystal.

The head was split in half and could not be preserved as a sacrifice. Andrew broke off four crystal clear leopard teeth and threw them to Samira who was holding the Sky Strike Bow and reinstalled the magic spar.

Then Andrew chopped off four sharp claw blades with a butcher's axe.

Seeing the elemental aura from the cloud-patterned ghost leopard's body dissipating quickly, Suldak didn't hesitate, and opened the sacrificial altar to bless himself with the 'Blessed Body' and the 'Eye of Reality'.

Immediately, he found that a very complete life pattern had formed on a rib on the left side of the ghost leopard, and Suldak quickly dismembered the ghost leopard.

High-grade leather, spirit pattern ribs, teeth, and sharp claws are all packed into the magic sealing box. As for the fresh meat of this ghost leopard, half of the box is also packed, and the rest will be everyone's dinner.

Under the night, the cavalry battalion returned to the copper mine camp in a long line.

The copper mine camp suddenly became noisy.


The next morning, Andrew took five hundred cavalry to accompany the surveying officer to conduct field surveys of the copper veins.

Eighteen armed Thunder Rhinoceros were still gnawing on the dewy grass at the foot of the mountain, and they were driven to the middle of the mountain by the driver. Suldak decided to start digging copper mines from here. There are several huge rocks weighing tens of tons , they need to be moved down the mountain, and now they have been dug out by the young natives, and they need to be dragged away by these thunder rhinos.

Three hundred young natives have been digging stones on the mountain side of the camp since the early morning.

These copper ores are sandwiched in the exposed stone layers on the surface. They need to dig out these dark brown ores and smash them with a sledgehammer.

Then use a stone mill for preliminary grinding, and the ground copper ore powder can be immersed in the pool, and an active agent is added to precipitate a solution with copper elements, and finally a catalyst is used to replace the copper.

This involves a lot of alchemists' knowledge of metal replacement. This process is destined to be not the simplest and most efficient, but it is definitely the cheapest, and it does not have those almost harsh ratio requirements for operation.

Since the metal pool has not been shipped yet, Suldak can only let the young indigenous people select the ore first, and then carry out preliminary crushing. When all the stone mills and large iron tanks are shipped, the copper can be further precipitated.

After arranging these things, Suldak selected an aborigine from Duodan Township to be the mine manager of the copper mine, and arranged six aborigines to become foremen, each supervising fifty aborigines. Copper mine frame pulled up.

Suldak brought an iron bucket from Dodan Town, filled it with some copper ore powder and clean water, and added some active agents into it.

A day later, some copper sand really precipitated out, and the copper sand all showed a dark purple color.

These copper ores in the copper mine are not the most valuable. The magic red copper associated with these copper ore veins is usually used to make cheap magic products because of its good magic conductivity. This is another big copper mine. income.

Half of these magical red coppers were born in this kind of interlayer of mineral veins.

The mine is still very simple and rudimentary, it doesn't even have walls, and only a few work sheds have been built on the mountainside.

This is the Invercargill Forest, which is rich in timber resources. If Suldak wants to improve the livability of the mine, he must continue to build some wooden houses, and these wooden houses will gradually replace those working sheds.

Suldak also hired five women from the indigenous tribe to prepare three meals a day in the canteen of the mine.

Except for oatmeal and oatmeal, the food these aborigines eat is basically in this forest. They like to collect some arbor leaves, smash them into a green slurry with stones, and then mix them into wheat flour and stir them Turn it into a light green paste, spread it on an iron plate and fry it into a palm-sized cake, and then eat it with salt.

Sometimes they also go to the surrounding woods to dig wild vegetables and cook them into soup with a bitter taste.

What Surdak didn't expect was that several aboriginal foremen could actually eat these foods.

Recently, some adventure groups can always be seen nearby, and they have already regarded it as a temporary stronghold.

They came to the mine, and some adventure groups would also carry out some supplies here, probably exchanging fresh meat for some food.

They will carry back the small beasts they hunted in the forest. Often the adventure group hunts down a group of small beasts and kills more than 20 small beasts in one go. The members of the adventure group couldn't finish the meat no matter what, and they couldn't bring it back to Dodan Town.

He can only bring it to the camp. He can exchange the fresh meat for some grain. The camp only hoards grain, and they will not take all the grain away. The mark is stored in the grain depot of the mine, and it can be picked up whenever it is needed.

Occasionally, some handicrafts such as animal bones and animal teeth can be exchanged from the indigenous people.

Of course, there is no such thing as exchanging bread for magic spar, and the natives are not that stupid.

Today, most of the resources of magic herbs in the Invercargill Forest are in the hands of the chiefs of the indigenous tribes, and they all know the value of these magic herbs from Suldak, and have reached a deal with Suldak on the herbs. The agreement will not be easily sold to others.

Relying on these adventure groups, the natives in the mine had more and more opportunities to drink broth.

During this period, Suldak hunted and killed a fourth-level monster python in the iron vein stone forest. It was a monster that could spew plasma balls. Samira's Sky Strike Bow It didn't have any effect at all, and it took four days for Suldak to take four second-rank powerhouses to kill the python salamander in the stone forest.

In addition to obtaining a piece of leather with electric life magic patterns, the teeth of this python salamander are as transparent as crystal, and the degree of curvature is just like a dagger. As long as you install a handle at the root of the tooth, you can get a very sharp Animal tooth dagger.

These are the sharpest teeth Suldak has ever seen. Besides, the leather of the python salamander is also a rare high-end product.

And on the sloping land where the iron wood is hidden, there is actually a hidden cave, where a fourth-level dark bat lurks. This bat is also a fourth-level monster, and there are hundreds of this old bat in the cave. offspring of bats.

To deal with this kind of magical beast trapped in the cave, Suldak's method is much simpler. He directly piled up countless dry firewood at the entrance of the cave, poured more than a dozen barrels of kerosene on it, and then covered it with countless thunderbolts. The feces and moss of the rhinoceros were collected, and finally the hole was sealed with soil, leaving only a half-meter-high fire vent below the hole.

Suldak asked people to ignite the dry wood inside, and when the fire started, he sealed the entrance of the cave with mud...

After the fire burned for most of the day, some thick smoke came out from some cracks in the rocks on the slopes of the entire forest.

The ogre Gullitum simply slept by the entrance of the cave, guarding his bacon every step of the way.

According to Suldak's request, the entrance of the cave here was stuffy until the third day before it was dug up by a group of cavalry. After digging, it was found that the firewood and Thunder Rhino feces piled up at the entrance of the cave were burned to ashes. There is a layer of black smoke oil hanging.

Waiting for the smoke in the cave to clear, the ogre led a group of native archers with sacks on their backs, and happily ran into the dark cave to pick up the bacon.

Under such circumstances, the fourth-level dark bat came out of a crack in the rock, almost desperately pounced on Gulitum, but was shot through by Samira who was guarding the entrance of the cave.

This dark bat is the third level 4 monster that Suldak hunted in the Invercargill Forest.

It was an ice monster. When it bit the ogre brother, it not only sucked his blood, but also froze him with a layer of frost.

If it wasn't for Samira's timely shot, Brother Ogre really wouldn't be the opponent of this giant bat.

Suldak obtained a life magic pattern with blood-sucking attributes from this dark bat, but unfortunately the life magic pattern containing freezing was pierced by Samira's arrow, and the whole magic pattern was completely abolished.

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