Lord Highlander

Chapter 904

The first log cabin erected in the mining camp was naturally Surdak's residence.

Suldak, Andrew, Samira, and the ogre Gullitum sat around on the platform built outside the wooden house. This platform had a very wide view and could overlook the entire mine.

Suldak placed the life patterns of the three fourth-level monsters, the cloud-patterned ghost leopard, the boa basilisk, and the dark bat, on the wooden table, and said to Andrew and Samira: "As I said before, your promotion After the second turn, with more bearing capacity, you can also replant a piece of this kind of magic pattern, and now the three magic skins of the fourth-level monsters are very good, you can choose one of each."

The ogre brothers looked at each other, and Gulitum said, "What am I doing with the devil's skin? I don't need..."

"Gulitham is right. Our brothers participated in the hunt for the purpose of eating in one bite." The ogre mage Naohua'er smiled, and then said in a relaxed tone: "...Of course, if you If you want to make up for us...it's not impossible, Duck, can you find me a magic wand? You see, as a magician, I don't even have a magic wand in my hand."

"When we kill an evil mage in the future, we'll grab one of them..." Gulitum muttered.

Suldak said quickly: "Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. I can ask the merchant Malakom to keep an eye on it for me. What you need is a battle staff."

"Hey, you know me best!" the ogre mage Naohua'er patted Suldak's shoulder with a smile.

"Hey, brother! I don't like your style very much." Gulitum turned his head and said to his good brother Nao Hua'er.

"Okay, okay, let's not make an example, I know, I know!" the ogre mage Naohua'er repeatedly begged for mercy.

Suldak said quickly at this time: "Naohuaer should indeed have a battle staff. Helping you is also helping me. After all, we are in the same group, aren't we?"

Gulitham sat there with some embarrassment, and said bluntly: "It was agreed at the beginning, we eat delicious food all over the world, I am not greedy for other things, just like I like to reason with others, and I don't like to fight... ..."

"Everyone knows that you are an ogre who loves food and reason." Suldak stood up to pat Gulitum's thick shoulder.

Then he said to Samira and Andrew: "Then... it's up to you to choose. The magic patterns of these fourth-level monsters are very suitable for you. Of course, you can also wait for better ones."

Samira and Andrew looked at each other, and Andrew said to Samira: "Ma'am first..."

Samira was also not polite, her eyes turned back and forth between the cloud-patterned ghost leopard and the python newt basilisk, a little hesitant.

She is a cheerful half-elf, and she quickly made a decision for herself, choosing the spirit bone of the cloud-patterned ghost leopard.

This is a magic pattern that mainly increases speed, while slightly increasing strength, and also has camouflage skills. It is almost tailor-made for half-elf archers.

Suldak nodded and said, "This magic pattern is really suitable for you."

With two magic patterns remaining, Andrew chose the magic pattern of the Python Basilisk with electric attributes, and gave up the magic pattern of the dark bat with blood-sucking.

In fact, Suldak felt that the vampiric magic pattern was more suitable for Andrew, and he was desperate to fight.

The next step is the process of colonizing the magic pattern. This time the magic pattern implantation was completed in the copper mine cabin.

Suldak asked Samira to stay first, and the ogre and Andrew had to guard outside the wooden house to prevent anyone from disturbing them. The process of colonizing the magic pattern needs to be absolutely quiet, and no one can disturb it.

Opening the altar, this time he hung four horse lanterns at the four corners of the wooden house.

When the double-faced demon statue appeared in the wooden house, Suldak directly sacrificed the head of the dark bat, and then used the altar to peel off the life magic pattern from the ghost leopard bone.

He asked Samira to choose the location where the magic pattern was implanted. This magic pattern is not too big, and the pattern is long and narrow.

Samira decisively chose the left shoulder.

In this way, her right shoulder is the life magic pattern of the Vigorous Demon Ape, and her left shoulder is the life magic pattern of the cloud pattern ghost leopard, perfectly tattooed into a flower arm.

Samira has a beautiful face with light red eyes, that kind of beauty makes her look a bit coquettish...

The magic pattern had just been implanted in her body, and Samira was still a little uncomfortable. Holding her left arm with one hand, she sat alone on the wooden railing outside the wooden house, slowly feeling the fusion of the life magic pattern with her body.

Gulitham stood guard outside the wooden house, and a row of cavalry stood beside him, all of them staring at the surrounding jungle without saying a word.

In fact, there are some outposts in the dense forest...

Andrew walked into the wooden house, and Suldak sacrificed the head of the python basilisk again. The shape of the magic pattern of this basilisk is a bit strange, and Suldak implanted the magic pattern on his shoulders and chest. Front collarbone position, it merged with his previous magic pattern, and the breath of flames and lightning roared in his body.

Andrew's physical condition is far superior to Samira's, and he can inject strength into the magic pattern without needing time to adapt.

The soul of a berserker burst out from behind him, strode out of the hut, grabbed a felling ax from the firewood pile in the camp, and shouted at the ogre: "Gulitum, do you dare to fight?" ..."

The two-headed ogre immediately ran out from the wooden house, dropped the bone-crushing stick in his hand, pulled out a small tree from the forest area, and used his hands to shake off the excess branches, turning it into a big tree full of branches. stick.

Gulitum swung the big stick in his hand and threw it at Andrew.

Andrew laughed 'haha', raised his logging ax, and faced Gullitum's big stick. Flames and electric arcs swirled around his body, and the arcs turned into electric snakes and went towards Gullitum's arm.

The ogre let out a war howl.

A wave of air visible to the naked eye diffused from the ogre's feet, and the ogre's momentum rose sharply. The ogre magician's brain had already raised a fireball and threw it towards Andrew's big face...

A ball of flames ignited all over Andrew, and the fireball fell on Andrew's body, completely submerged in the flames.

The magic lines on his body lit up one by one during the fierce battle, and flames and electric arcs appeared continuously, permeating the surrounding air, forcing the two-headed ogre to retreat steadily.

After more than a dozen axes were chopped down, only a short piece of the big wooden stick in the hands of the two-headed ogre remained.

The handle of the felling ax in his hand was also shattered in the fierce battle.

Andrew and Gullitum went into battle shirtless under a group of indigenous crowds, and the two of them fought to the flesh. Although the two-headed ogre was more than one meter taller than the Nanai indigenous warrior, and weighed even more Three times as much, but this hand-to-hand combat did not take any advantage.

In the end, the two of them fell exhausted and sat down on a messy grass almost at the same time.

The natives all around applauded and cheered, their worship of the strong came from the heart.

The cavalry in the cavalry battalion noticed that Captain Andrew's strength had grown by leaps and bounds again. The coercion of the second-rank strongman emanated from him, and the mine immediately became silent.

The surveying and mapping officer of the Wilkes Territorial Administration also came out of his cabin, and looked at the open space of the mining camp with a look of shock on his face. After thinking for a while, he decisively took out the map in his arms. A lot of measured dimensions have been densely marked.

Now, without any hesitation, he directly took out the seal from his pocket, breathed a sigh of relief towards the seal, and then stamped it heavily on the parchment map.

Turning his head to the two clerks behind him, he said, "Unfortunately, we will return to Wilkes City tomorrow..."

The two clerks shook their fists excitedly.

The surveying and mapping officer who turned to leave whispered as he walked: "There are so many second-rank powerhouses under him who are still nesting in the Bailin plane, this one is really low-key..."

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