Lord Highlander

Chapter 905

The surveying officer lived in Invercargill Forest for more than a month, and finally handed over a map stamped with the seal of the Territorial Administration to Surdak, which means that the Wilkes City Territorial Administration has recognized This piece of land matches the map, and the land circled on the map belongs to Viscount Surdak.

The remaining 60% of the land in Invercargill Forest will be classified as public territory. These territories will be awarded to magicians with noble titles in the next few years, and will also be sold to nobles who are willing to pay for the territory. them.

In the Green Empire, it is not easy to become a nobleman.

First, the title can be inherited hereditary, but if the heir has no military merit, the title will be automatically downgraded every time he inherits it.

Second, participate in the magic awakening ceremony and awaken into a magician through the ceremony. Every magician will be canonized by the empire and will also get a piece of plane territory. Although it may be barren, or remote, or a land that a magician will never set foot in, this wealth will stay with the magician for life.

Third, the promotion of knights requires exceptional knights who have made great contributions to the Green Empire and have outstanding leadership.

In fact, the biggest reason why Suldak was canonized was because he mastered the Holy Light Art. At present, paladins are indeed more important than magicians.

In addition, there are some special circumstances in which nobility can be conferred, but that depends on the mood of His Majesty Charles.


The territory that Suldak owns is at least ten times larger than what he can control with his current title. According to the laws of the Green Empire, these territories will be sold or handed over within a time limit.

It's just that this law has been forgotten by almost all nobles, and the Houses of Representatives of the provinces also have a memorandum of understanding on this law.

Of course, this is done to encourage young nobles to be willing to go to other dimensions to open up territories for the empire.

Otherwise, many small nobles would open up unknown areas, but they would be forced to sell the large territories they owned. Such a thing is not in the current interests of the nobles.

In the empire, every year, the lives of nobles become very poor. They have noble rights in the city, but live a life of common people.

Of course, there are also some outstanding aristocrats who are rising. They have become new stars in the city and have made their mark in the upper class.

The land that Suldak owns on the Bailin plane is much larger than the territory of Hailansa city, but this is after all the border of the plane with vast land and few people.

The only thing worth a little money in the eyes of the nobles is a copper mine.

Invercargill forest is rampant with monsters, and the once-in-ten-year beast swarm in the dark worm valley will reduce Invercargill forest to ruins every time. Except for those trees that can escape, all the others who can breathe They are all dead, and they are fleeing.

In this way, those noble lords who have the strength to occupy this place do not want to trap all their troops here just for this land.

Not to mention being incapable of occupying this place, those noble lords who have no strength will not be able to hold it even if they occupy it.

There are only some speculative nobles who want to take advantage of the ten-year animal tide to seek some benefits in this mountain forest.

So many nobles can't see this land...

'what the hell! It won't be long before the beast tide comes, and this place will be in ruins! ’ That’s what some nobles in Wilkes City always say.


The native tribes are not used to going to the town of Dodan to trade.

Because there are too many imperial immigrants there, the noisy market is always full of too many merchants with small calculations.

The natives are not very good at counting, so they don't like small calculations. It doesn't matter if one transaction is taken advantage of, but two or three times will make people feel bored. There is a trading area for merchants and adventure groups.

The large amount of grain hoarded in the copper mine was originally prepared for the indigenous miners.

The remuneration paid by Suldak to them is not settled with silver coins. The main reason is that the indigenous people do not want to go to the market in Dodan Town for consumption. They usually do not need silver coins. The indigenous people prefer to receive wheat flour, so the salary payment on the mine side All are wheat flour.

Later, an adventure group came to the mine to resupply. They took out fresh meat and traded food with the people in the mine.

Indigenous people saw that they could still do the same.

Some natives will carry the special products in the forest and run to the mine to do business.

The reason why they are willing to come here is also very realistic. It turns out that the miners in the mine are all indigenous people, which not only makes them feel friendly, but also feels safer here.

The trade here supports barter, but the standard of value is wheat flour.

As long as the food is taken out and placed in front of the natives, piled up like a hill, the visual impact can kill everything in seconds.

In fact, if you pay gold coins, you will get so much food in exchange, but the natives don't know how to count.

Based on the principle of 'know only when you see it', the aborigines conduct a large number of food transactions here.

The mining camp has turned into a trading market.

The aboriginal mine manager at the mine reported to Suldak: The aboriginals who came to the mine to trade saw that everything was good, pots and pans, and even those sacks containing grain were all made by aboriginals. The goods in his eyes, several waves of aborigines ransacked this place like a primitive tribe.

After hearing the mine manager's report, Suldak immediately ordered some daily necessities, iron pans, pottery, salt, spices, hatchets, logging axes and refined steel arrow clusters to be brought from Dodan Town.

However, how to trade has become a big problem. The natives are unwilling to accept the imperial coins. Unexpectedly, the mine manager has a way.

In order to avoid repeatedly explaining the prices to the natives in these mountains, he placed large and small wooden boxes in front of these commodities.

The value of all commodities is measured in wheat flour.

For example, the wooden box in front of the iron pot is relatively large. To fill such a box, it takes about sixty pounds of wheat flour, which is two silver coins when converted into silver coins.

Buying an iron pot with two silver coins has no concept in the minds of the natives.

But for a box of wheat flour for an iron pot, they know how much they will pay. These natives have some magic materials in their hands. If they exchange them for food, the aboriginal mine manager will actively ask the adventure group. The price, the purchase price given is very fair.

So the natives of the Invercargill Forest suddenly discovered that the old life of hungry and full meals has quietly gone away. There is always half a bag of wheat flour hidden in the dry hole in the house, and they are branded when they are willing to go hunting. Order oatmeal, and drink some porridge when lying at home pretending to be dead, which is much better than drying dried meat.

It was in this situation that a group of indigenous people walked into the copper mine.

When they first came to the mine with monster materials on their backs, they didn’t understand why Lord Suldak hired so many tribesmen to dig stones here. They felt that these young people were wasting their youth if they didn’t go hunting. Could it be that they couldn’t grow old? Honestly go hunting?

But when they returned to the tribe with their food bags on their backs, they went hunting a few times and found that there were not many wild beasts in the forest left after the beast tide, and now a large number of adventure groups came from Duodan Town, hunting for a living Days are getting harder.

Now I can still take out some of the monster materials I saved before, and go to the mine to exchange for some food.

But this is not a long-term solution, these savings will eventually be exhausted.

The more times the aboriginals came to the mine, some people would chat casually with the tribesmen who dug stones here.

When they inquire about the salary here, they will immediately feel:

‘What, digging stones for one day can get enough food for twenty days. This is simply grabbing food. Why go hunting when there is such a good thing? '

The natives who learned about the salaries in the mines always think so...

As a result, this group of indigenous people formed a large reserve force.

They began to look forward to being able to become miners digging stones here one day.

Under such circumstances, the copper mine in Suldak expanded to 2,000 miners in just one month.

He suddenly realized that the tin can he made in Dodan Town was simply too small.

Then so much copper ore is mined from the veins every day, ground into ore powder one after another, soaked in iron pots and slowly deposited into copper sand...

Just after entering September, the copper mines began to produce copper sand one after another.

Although the amount of copper sand produced every day is not even enough to pay the salaries of the natives, but this copper mine is beginning to generate income after all.

Suldak has already started preparing to build a larger pool near the mine near the mountain stream, and all the ore powder can be put into the pool by then.

The first batch of copper sand was born in such a process of construction and mining.

There are currently three blacksmith workshops in Duodan Town, and only one is good at making copperware. The copper sand in Suldak does not even need to be sold to the merchant group, and the copperware shops here can directly eat it.

The first batch of ten tons of heavy copper sand was sold for forty gold coins.

It sounds like ten tons of copper sand, but the amount seems huge.

In fact, only twenty small bags were packed in linen sacks for grain, packed into two large wooden boxes, and transported to the town of Dodan.

Afterwards, Suldak replaced it with wheat flour and some daily necessities from Dodan Town and transported them back to the mining camp. The wheat flour filled the shelves of eighteen Thunder Rhinoceros.

When they arrived at the mining camp, the aboriginal miners stood on the ridge, watching the Thunder Rhino loaded with goods stop in front of the warehouse to unload, and then they went to the stream to drink water and eat beans, and they cheered deafeningly on the mountain.

In any case, the labor they put in these days has finally paid off.

In September, Surdak spent nearly 600 gold coins to pay these native miners, but his income was only 40 gold coins.

The only wealth that can be seen is the mountains of copper ore on the mines.


The magicians in Wilkes City have been paying attention to the upstart of the Luthor Legion in the northern region—Suldak. When they heard that the first batch of copper sand in the copper mine of the Viscount Suldak was only ten Ton, even held a reception in Wilkes City for this.

It is said that the organizer of the reception happened to take out forty gold coins to hold this meeting.

There was even a magician at the reception who laughed at Viscount Suldak on the spot. After nearly two months of busy work, the copper sand that was finally found out of the iron pot was only enough for one reception. This is really ridiculous...

But this time, the aristocratic lords of Wilkes lost their voices collectively. They didn't take the opportunity to join in the fun, and no one came to the magician's reception and took the opportunity to build relationships with them.

After all, this reception was just a mockery of Suldak by the wizarding community in Wilkes City.


This summer passed, and at the Magic Awakening Ceremony hosted by the Wilkes Magic Union, a total of fifty-nine young people awakened the magic pool and became magic nobles.

These young people who have just turned twelve years old are about to enter the Wilkes Junior Magic Academy to study.

Correspondingly, these fifty-nine young magic apprentices will receive the baronies uniformly distributed by the province of Bena.

The Bailin plane is vast and sparsely populated, and has ample reserves of public territories.

This time, the senior management of the Magic Union deliberately arranged to arrange the baronies of these young people in the Invercargill Forest. The officials of the Territorial Administration were so angry that they wanted to give these magicians who were uncomfortable if they didn't cause trouble.

However, according to the procedures, the fifty-nine baronets still needed to be surveyed by surveyors to avoid a serious reduction in the size of the rewarded territories.

Once the territorial area is seriously inconsistent with the actual land area, some officials of the Territory Administration will be punished, or they may be removed from office.

Although the surveying and mapping officer of the Territory Administration was very angry, he still wanted to show these young magic apprentices a look at their barony within the specified time limit.

Two-thirds of these young magic apprentices came from aristocratic families, and basically they all looked down on this border forest.

Another third of the magic apprentices were born in commoner families. These magic apprentices from commoner families are from ordinary families. They still care about owning a barony, and even want to move their family members to their own territory. When the time comes No matter what you do, at least you don't have to pay taxes.


A black-painted magic caravan passed through the south gate of Dodan Town and drove into this lively border town.

A group of young magic apprentices pushed open the glass window of the carriage, revealing young and immature faces from inside. This group of magic apprentices, who are generally twelve years old, are the awakened ones this year.

They also came to the town of Dodan to receive the barony assigned to them by the province of Bena. This time, these magic apprentices were accompanied by their families when they traveled abroad.

Most of this group came from the area around Wilkes City, and many of them had never even heard of Dodan before.

Looking at the bustling town of Dodan, they showed joy and curiosity, and jumped off the magic caravan one by one, followed by their parents or other guardians.

Under the arrangement of the surveying and mapping officer of the Territorial Administration, these magic apprentices lived in a hotel in Dodan Town. Each of them had a separate room. Communicate with the hotel by yourself.

"Everyone rest in the town of Dodan for one night, and after breakfast in the hotel tomorrow morning, we will enter the Invercargill Forest through the Dodan Canyon." The surveyor said expressionlessly standing in the lobby of the hotel.

A group of people disbanded in the lobby of the hotel. While it was still early in the day, many parents prepared to go shopping with their pride.

Nowadays, copper wares are the most frequently placed on the commercial streets of the town, followed by some magic materials of ghost-striped red ants. Few vendors display red ant materials.

Of course, there are a variety of other products.

The town of Dodan has now become the largest market within a hundred miles nearby.

These parents took their children to wander around the town. What surprised them the most was that the bread in the town was so cheap. The bread sticks bought for two copper coins were so big that one stick could kill someone. Come back a scone bigger than your face!

"Although it's a bit remote here, the prices here are really good. I guess the salary here must be very low. If we can make money in Wilkes City, it would be comfortable to spend money here." A pair of young civilians The parents pulled their daughter and said with emotion.

Although their daughter looks mediocre, this year she stood out among more than 70,000 children who participated in the magic awakening ceremony test, and officially became a magic apprentice.

The father of another magic apprentice who was traveling with them said triumphantly: "What's the problem! In the future, our child will have a barony near the town of Dodan. If the land is fertile, I plan to put The family moved to the baron, raised some horses, let them graze in the territory at will, and sold them for money at the end of the year, and they could live a comfortable life.”

"Keep your voice down, I heard that the territory allocated to us is a forest..." The woman pulled her husband to prevent him from chattering.

The father, obviously an optimist, immediately said, "The forest is nice, too! A lumber mill could be opened."

A group of people walked out of the bakery, and saw rows of neat new townhouses across the long street.

"Look over there, those houses are beautiful! I'm sure they've just been built..."

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