Lord Highlander

Chapter 906: 892. Copper Mine

Surdak and Aung San were standing on the roof of the townhouse.

The housing reconstruction project in the slums has been completely completed, and the aborigines in the town have already lived in these small townhouses.

In the past few days, the imperial immigrants in the town who had been watching this incident finally came forward recently and kept looking for Mrs. Luna. Ask her to renovate their houses as well, and it is best to build that kind of beautiful townhouse.

Suldak called Aung San this time to discuss this matter.

The two of them stood on the second-floor terrace of the townhouse, discussing the feasibility of this matter. Mrs. Luna wanted to fight for some benefits for these imperial immigrants, rebuild the townhouse for free, and return the squeezed out land. all in town.

However, Aung San was not very interested in this matter, mainly because the construction of the townhouse this time required dealing with imperial immigrants.

Aung San is very prestigious on the side of the aborigines. He built these small townhouses, and no aborigine would jump out to find fault, but if he built small townhouses for those imperial immigrants, Aung San was not sure that they would not pick Problem, when the time comes to make trouble, it's better not to pick it up now.

Now the Temple of the Twin Goddess is about to be completely completed. Aung San plans to follow Suldak's plan. There is still a large area of ​​land south of the Dodan River to plan some more high-end residential areas. Although it will not be built immediately, it will be dug in advance. Draining the culverts, paving the road, planning the homestead, etc. These things are far simpler than rebuilding the imperial immigrant residential area.

Moreover, Aung San is also preparing to transfer some manpower to participate in the construction of the Invercargill Forest Copper Mine.

There are only so many aboriginal laborers in hand, and there is no way to spare extra manpower.

Suldak didn't say much after learning about these situations.

Seeing a few young magic apprentices standing on the street in the distance, Aung San smiled "hehe", and then said to Suldak:

"Mayor, I heard that some new neighbors have arrived near your territory."

His eyes fell on those magic apprentices, and he said:

"It seems to be these newly awakened magic nobles. When the Wilkes Magic Union allocated the baronies this time, they were all stuffed into the Invercargill Forest. Shall I privately inform the indigenous patriarchs and send They all squeezed away?"

Surdak turned his head and asked Aung San, "Why did you squeeze them away?"

"I think it would be nice to have some magician neighbors near the territory!"

Looking at those immature faces, Surdak smiled and said to Aung San:

"There are so many useless lands in the Invercargill Forest, rather than letting them go unused, it would be better for someone to develop them..."

After saying this, he just wanted to take a step to leave, but stopped after taking a step, patted Aung San on the shoulder and said:

"Oh, by the way, the sedimentation pond built by your people at the mine this time is very good! It should be done like this, leading the people in the town to create value together, and then improve everyone's living standards."

After finishing speaking, Suldak walked down the small townhouse slowly, along the noisy street, and walked towards the town hall.

Soon it disappeared into the crowd of people coming and going.


Entering the end of September, a large refining pool has been built beside the creek.

The pool is built like a swimming pool. The bottom and side walls of the pool are riveted with iron plates. In order to prevent the spliced ​​iron plates from leaking, the pool has undergone repeated leak tests.

Subsequently, a large amount of copper ore powder was pushed into the pool by the indigenous miners one by one.

Recently, five to six tons of copper sand can be extracted from the pond almost every day, and the mine has finally maintained a balance of income and expenditure.

However, due to the increase in the output of copper sand, so much copper sand cannot be eaten by the small copperware workshop in Dodan Town.

In fact, the blacksmith workshop is also aware of this problem. Their workaround is very simple, and they will smelt these copper sands in time to make copper ingots that are more convenient for transportation.

The Thunder Rhino caravan led by businessman Malacombe transported these copper ingots to Wilkes City.

However, Suldak knew that this was not a long-term solution. When the refining furnace customized from Hailansa arrived in Dodan Town, standard copper ingots could be extracted directly at the mine, and there was no need for blacksmiths at all. The workshop smelts copper ingots.

At that time, the blacksmith workshop will still have to return to the original way of making copper utensils.

As the Invercargill Copper Mine began to continuously deliver copper ingots to Wilkes City, the nobles of Wilkes City discovered that this copper mine had reduced the price of copper utensils in the city in one day. Thirty percent.

Many people who originally planned to stand aside and watch Suldak's good show have now shut their mouths.

They don't want to have any grievances with a noble lord, especially a lord who holds military power and keeps getting richer.

Everyone did not expect Suldak to move so fast. In just two months, the copper mine has already produced a large amount of copper sand.

Among them is Zazaks, the largest slave owner in Wilkes City. He has been feeling a little anxious recently, because the dwarven slave who was supposed to be sold to Viscount Suldak is currently on his way, and the Invercargill Copper Mine It seems that everything is on the right track over there. If the auction price is too high for these dwarf slaves, it is very likely that Suldak will not participate in the auction.

The wizards of Wilkes didn't throw any more ironic celebratory receptions this time around.

They were very upset with Viscount Suldak, and at most they called on people around them to boycott copperware, but even among magician aristocrats, there were not many families who could afford gold and silver vessels in Wilkes City.

Copperware is still an indispensable part of everyone's life. Compared with those cheaper sub-lead tin pots, many middle-class families like to buy copperware with better value preservation.

This time, the magic apprentices took over their baronies within the Invercargill Forest, and Viscount Suldak did not deliberately make things difficult for them because of his grievances with the Magic Union. At the same time, these territories did not deviate greatly from the notes on the map. The location and boundaries are extremely clear.

In particular, certain rivers in the forest are important sources of water. Surdak did not rely on the advantage of "territory selection first" to include all rivers into his own territory. Many rivers exist as territorial boundaries.

The benefits of this are also obvious, so the small lords who will be assigned territories later can at least find water sources in their territories.

This kind of generous aristocratic style won the favor of some neutral-minded magicians for a while.


By October, the refining furnaces transported from High Lansa through normal channels passed through the portal smoothly and were piled up in the warehouse in Wilkes City.

Together with these three melting furnaces, which cost 4,500 gold coins, arrived in Wilkes City, as well as Victor, the magic assistant of the Ferdinand scholar.

Suldak hurried from Dodan Town to Wilkes City, where he joined the merchant Malakom and the magician Victor.

All the horses in Suldak's cavalry battalion had been strengthened with magic patterns, and the physique of each ancient horse was at least twice as strong as before. They could even march in a hurry all day without sleep.

Suldak galloped to Wilkes City with a cavalry squadron of sixty men. Only four days had passed since he received the news that Victor had arrived in Wilkes City.

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