Lord Highlander

Chapter 907 893.

This kind of large-scale refining furnace enters the Bailin plane from Bena City, and the cross-plane transportation not only requires a large fee for crossing the portal, but Suldak personally rushed to Wilkes City this time mainly for the Get a readiness pass so you can avoid paying huge taxes in Wilkes City.

The Grimm Empire has always had very high taxes for this kind of cross-plane business trade, and the huge tax alone is almost worth a set of magic pattern construction.

For this reason, the businessman Malakom specially wrote to Suldak, saying that if these materials become military supplies, they can avoid taxes reasonably.

Suldak arrived at the military headquarters with a list of supplies, walked upstairs and downstairs, and got a stamped combat readiness pass.

Then he sat in Chester Great Swordsman's office for a while before leaving the military headquarters.


The warehouse of merchant Malacombe was built outside the city, in a not-so-big pasture.

There are dozens of thunder rhinos in the ranch. They gather together and leisurely nibble the staghorn grass on the ground along the grass slope.

When Suldak rushed to the ranch with the heavy cavalry, the magician Victor and the businessman Malakom led a group of people waiting at the gate of the ranch.

When the magician Victor saw the cavalry of Suldak for the first time, he felt an indescribable surprise in his heart. He found that these ancient horses exuded some kind of magical aura. It was hard to say what it was, but these Gu Bolai's horse was carrying a group of heavy cavalry, which in itself revealed a kind of weirdness.

Victor's understanding of Gu Bolai's horse was entirely because a noble lord found Ferdinand scholar last spring. Since he couldn't buy a better quality green scaled horse, he asked the scholar to find a horse that could improve Gu Bo's horse. For the Physique Program in Malaysia, Scholars Ferdinand set up a special research group, and Victor is the deputy leader of this research group.

In fact, according to the direction pointed out by the Ferdinand scholar, they soon developed a strengthening scroll that can improve the physique of the ancient Bolai horse.

It's a pity that the cost of such a strengthening scroll is three magic crystals, which is much higher than the price of the green-scaled horses, and even the black-scaled horses on the market are even more expensive, so the research team was disbanded soon.

But Victor is very familiar with the various data of Gu Bolaima's body.

Gu Bolaima is known for its endurance, but because of its weak physique and lack of explosive power, it cannot be equipped with the heavy cavalry battalion.

But the scene in front of him completely overturned Victor's cognition. This heavy cavalry squadron was actually riding on Gu Bolai's horses, and it seemed that they should have come on a long-distance attack.

When they arrived at the gate of the ranch, all the horses were wet.

The cavalry jumped off their horses, took off their armor one after another, took wood chips to shave their horses, and then led the horses to walk slowly on the grass to soothe their emotions.

‘No wonder I was able to make friends with Ferdinand scholar, it turned out that this man was actually a noble lord. ’ thought Victor.

Suldak got off his horse neatly, strode up to the magician Victor, stretched out his hand and said:

"Magician Victor, thank you very much for making a special trip to the Bailin plane."

His voice is steady and looks very imposing.

Victor immediately stepped out from the crowd and said, "Your Excellency, Viscount Suldak, it is an honor to serve you."

Holding both hands together, Victor said: "What I learned in the Alchemy Guild is metal transformation. Usually, those metal transformation experiments are carried out in magic laboratories. It is rare to have such a good opportunity to go deep into the mining area. I also I hope to gain some valuable experience through this practice.”

Suldak looked up at the warehouse behind Victor. The warehouse door was designed so tall that even Lei Tingxi could enter and exit freely.

"Is our furnace in the warehouse?" Suldak asked.

Victor nodded and said: "Yes, all three sets of furnaces have been shipped this time. As long as they are shipped to the mine one after another, they can be assembled and debugged. I was a little worried that the single furnace could not be transported because the furnace is too large. , since you have prepared the Thunder Rhino transport group here, it would be great."

The businessman Malakom stood beside Victor, stepped forward and hugged Suldak.

The businessman Malakom narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "I also said how you are going to get the refining furnace that only alchemists can master. It turns out that you have such a close relationship with the Hailansa Magic Union and the Alchemy Guild..."

Suldak laughed and said frankly: "I came out of Hailansa City, and when I encountered trouble, the first thing I thought of was to go back to Hailansa to solve the problem, and I don't think the alchemy guild here can design such a solution. Excellent refining furnace."

Victor looked at Suldak in surprise, and asked with concern: "Do you have conflicts with the Alchemy Guild here? Do you need me to write to the teacher to explain this? He has a lot of connections on the Alchemy Guild, Maybe this can be resolved..."

"No need for the time being, now everyone can guarantee each other's decency!" Suldak replied.

"Actually, I only had a grudge against the alchemist in the Wilkes City Alchemy Guild for territory, but that alchemist has now been exiled to the battlefield."

Victor asked aloud: "The big battlefield...the place where the second-rank powerhouses practice?"

Suldak nodded casually and agreed.


Victor was a little unbelievable, he didn't understand what kind of background Viscount Suldak had behind him, and what kind of means he used to send the magician of the Alchemy Guild there.

That's a big battlefield! The place of purgatory for all magicians.

Thinking of the big battlefield, Victor felt that his back was getting cold, and when he looked at Suldak, he was a little more careful.


The surveying and mapping officer of the Territorial Administration accompanied the group of magic apprentices in the Invercargill Forest for more than a month before dividing the territory of all the magic apprentices.

The surveying and mapping officer did not expect that he would be busy in Invercargill Forest from summer to late autumn.

Originally, he thought that after stamping the map of Viscount Suldak, he would complete his trip to Invercargill Forest, but he didn't expect that there would be these young magic apprentices coming here to divide the territory with all their brains, and he followed This group of magic apprentices returned to Invercargill. If he had known this, he would not have returned to Wilkes City.

The autumn wind was bleak, and the surveyor stood on a big rock in the forest, took out a handkerchief to wipe his nose, and greeted the relatives of the high-ranking members of the Magic Union in his heart.

Hearing the sound of chaotic footsteps, the surveyor turned to the person in charge of the magic union and said, "Your Excellency Berkeley magician, since the division of territory here has come to an end, then we can return to Wilkes City!"

The surveying and mapping officer secretly rejoiced that the entire territory allocation process was smooth, otherwise he would have been busy for a long time, and when the first snow fell in the forest, it would be even more difficult to walk here.

The person in charge of the magic guild smiled slightly, walked up to the surveying officer and said: "Tomorrow, Lord Horsley, the vice president of the magic guild, will visit Invercargill Forest in person to investigate the situation of the placement of magic apprentices in the territory. Fetch Lord Horsley from Dodan."

"Master Horsley will come... Okay! Is there anything I need to prepare here?" the surveyor asked with a relaxed expression.

In the past, the senior management of the Magic Union did not have this kind of routine inspection, and they did not know what the Magic Union was going to do.

However, the great magician Horsley has a great reputation. He is a very famous great magician in Wilkes City and holds the title of earl. Although he is not hereditary, he is also well-known in the aristocratic circle of Wilkes City.

The surveying and mapping officer was an official of the Territorial Administration. He couldn't provoke the great magician, and he didn't dare to return to Wilkes City in advance, so he could only hold his nose and wait in the Invercargill Forest.


A team of magic caravans stopped at the north exit of Dodan Canyon, and then stopped on the grassy slope under the hilly mountains.

There are rolling hills and mountains ahead, and the road is not suitable for magic caravans to go further north from here.

Along the way, some horse teams can be seen carrying heavy cargo into the Dodan Canyon. Although there is already a loess road here, this road winds and falls along the hills and mountains, and the turf has long been trampled bare by passing horses.

Dozens of magicians came down from the six gorgeous magic caravans. These magicians came from the Wilkes Magic Union and the Alchemy Guild. They rushed to Inver this time in the name of investigating the territorial placement of magic apprentices. Kargil Forest.

A young magician jumped out of the magic caravan, opened the door of the caravan, and hung the hanging ladder on the door of the caravan.

Only then did Archmage Horsley, the vice president of the Magic Union, come out of the carriage.

In middle age, Archmage Horsley's hair has turned gray. He is wearing a dark green magic robe with two rows of golden medals hanging on his chest. He purses his lips and looks at the vast area north of the Thorn Mountains. The last time he came here was the year when he just became the vice president of the Magic Union, and he has already wasted five years in this position in the blink of an eye.

He stood up straight, looked at the rolling hills all around, turned his head and said to a group of magicians behind him:

"Leave the magic caravan here, the road ahead is not easy to walk, I think we might as well fly at low altitude on the magic scorpion."

Two directors of the Alchemy Guild came from behind. They came to Invercargill Forest this time in the name of investigation to see what happened to the copper ore vein lost from Christopher.

In Wilkes at the moment, news of the Invercargill Forest lode is buzzing.

Some people say that this mine does not produce many copper ingots at all, and Viscount Surdak has to pay huge salaries to the native miners every month out of his own pocket.

Some people also say that this mine has been able to break even, but it has not been profitable.

The report that the Alchemy Guild received from Christopher clearly stated that this is a copper-rich mine with very rich copper reserves.

For the Alchemy Guild, many agreements had already been signed with Christopher. This copper mine would bring a huge amount of benefits to the Alchemy Guild, but it was a pity that all of them fell through in the end.

This time, the two directors of the Alchemy Guild came to Invercargill Forest to investigate whether the copper mine was really as bad as the rumors said.

Or something happened to Viscount Suldak's business. If that's the case, the Alchemy Guild is going to propose this mine acquisition plan to Viscount Suldak, and he won't be able to make money anyway.

The director of the Alchemy Guild, Magician Kit, said with a smile: "That's a good idea. Flying at low altitude in the hills and mountains should be very fun. It would be great if we can regain the air supremacy of the Bailin plane."

Archmage Horsley narrowed his eyes, and said casually: "We can't decide this kind of thing. We need to communicate with the higher authorities. It is estimated that Duke Newman will return to Bena Province from the Warsaw plane."

While talking, one after another magic scorpion was dragged out of the magic pockets of the magicians.

With the development of magic civilization to the present, this kind of magic handle that allows magicians to fly freely in the air has completely lost any characteristics of the handle.

This magic handle is composed of three parts: control part, seat part and driving part.

The most primitive magic stick is just a simple single-handle wooden handle in front, the seat and the handle are connected together, and only a cotton cushion is wrapped around the wooden pole. There is no power part at all, and it depends entirely on the output of the magician's own magic power.

After so many years of transformation, the grip of the magic scorpion has become very comfortable, and it is easier to control the direction of flight. The grip is divided into two parts, the left and the right, which look a bit like bull horns.

The seat part is already a leather saddle with a slight depression, and there is also a cross brace for the feet to step on under the saddle.

In the power part, a small floating magic circle is designed. In addition to the magic spar inlaid on the handle of the magic horn, the magician only needs to continuously transmit magic power to the handle of the magic horn to drive the magic circle in the sky. flight.

However, the price of this kind of magic shield is not too cheap. Even magicians who can get a large amount of academic research allowance every month, not everyone can afford it.

Dozens of magicians flamboyantly flew along the hills and mountains on the magic handles at the north exit of Duodan Canyon. The scene is also very spectacular.


In May, there was an animal swarm here, and the ghost-striped red ants ate everything that could be eaten.

But in October, the bushes and grasslands in the hills and mountains have recovered, but there are few small animals.

At this time in the past, the mountains and plains were full of mountain rabbits scurrying around with their big butts twisted, as well as groups of wild boars with their families and their mouths, and junior monsters can be seen everywhere, but now you may not be able to meet a few kilometers away. hare.

The same goes for Invercargill Forest, which has grown lush in just a few months.

As the weather gets colder, the leaves start to turn yellow.

The surveying officer and the head of the magic union were waiting at the edge of the Invercargill Warcraft Forest early on,

These newly promoted magic apprentices saw a group of magicians riding magic handles, flying around the mountain and flying in a row close to the ground, and they immediately stood on the top of the mountain and cheered enthusiastically.

Being admired always puts the officials of these magical unions in a good mood.

They all jumped down from the handle of the magic scorpion. The archmage Horsley who was walking in the front looked at these newly awakened magic apprentices, holding a ruby ​​wand in his hand, and nodded slightly to the magic apprentices.

The surveying and mapping officer and the head of the magic union rushed to meet him.

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