Lord Highlander

Chapter 908

The surveyor looked a little cautious standing in front of Archmage Horsley.

"Have these children's territories been divided?"

Archmage Horsley asked the surveying and mapping officer of the Territorial Administration with a straight face.

The surveying officer quickly replied: "Master Horsley, everything has been allocated."

Archmage Horsley asked those magic apprentices again: "Are you all satisfied with your territory?"

The magic apprentices were excited, and they didn't care that this place was located in a remote frontier. Everyone shouted in unison: "Satisfied..."

The surveying and mapping officer let out a light breath, and immediately let go of his suspended heart.

A group of magic apprentices surrounded Archmage Horsley to say hello, and the atmosphere at the scene became warmer.

Archmage Horsley stood on a big rock, raised his hands, and the surroundings became quiet.

"Very good! It is a great honor to witness that you young children who are full of vigor can become magic apprentices! You are welcome to join us and become a member of our community of magicians. You are the future of the magic world, and you are responsible for creating... "

The magic apprentices around listened with gusto.

Only the young assistant of Archmage Horsley kept wiping off his cold sweat. He took out a speech from the information bag in his magic pocket, on which was written 'Magic Awakening Ceremony Speech'.

His heart beat violently a few times.

Speech... I got the wrong one!

He hammered himself on the head, feeling a bit out of shape these two days, somehow took out the old speech, which was used on the day of the Magic Awakening Ceremony...

But no one cared what the stinky, long speech was about.

Anyway, when you stop...just applaud.

The atmosphere was very warm, and Archmage Horsley even answered the questions of several magic apprentices on the spot.

Then he followed the owner of the territory around the territory.

The surveying and mapping officer followed behind the team, thinking that this would be the end of the show. He even asked his men to prepare the horses and prepare to return directly to Dodan Town later.

"Master Horsley, prepare for the field trip, get ready!" the head of the Magic Union whispered to the surveyor.

"How many places do we have to go?" The surveying and mapping officer was a little dumbfounded, "Why is it not over yet?"

The person in charge of the Magic Union blinked and said blankly, "Listen to the announcement!"

The person in charge turned around and left after speaking.


The officials of the Magic Union happily climbed to the top of the highest mountain in the territory and looked around. The scenery on the edge of the Invercargill Forest was still very beautiful. Everyone walked around the territory, and they couldn't get enough.

So he clamored to go to other territories to have a look. The only fly in the ointment was that there was hardly any game in the forest.

The surveying and mapping officer took everyone to three territories in a row. There were no wild animals in the forest, but the soil full of humus was very fertile.

Everyone deliberately avoided talking about the Invercargill Forest of Warcraft, at least it does not have Warcraft now.

The two officials of the Alchemy Guild wanted to visit the copper mine, and the director of the Alchemy Guild, Magician Kit, came out from behind and asked the magic assistant next to Vice President Horsley about the next itinerary. It's been said.

The magic assistant turned his head and asked the person in charge of the magic union in a low voice: "How far is it from the copper mine here?"

The head of the trade union immediately took out a map, pointed out the location of the copper mine to the magic assistant, and pointed out where everyone was.

"The copper mine is here, and now we are here. It takes half a day to ride a horse, but recently there are always thunder rhino caravans going there, so the road is not difficult..." said the head of the magic union.

The magic assistant hurried to Horsley's side and whispered a few words.

Archmage Horsley looked up at Magician Kit, and then said to everyone: "I heard that there is a free market near the mine, and today our final destination is there. In the future, when you build your territory, you must go to this place." Come on the market...let's see what's in this market?"

"I heard that their market is very backward, and the current transaction still maintains the habit of bartering... If you want me to say, this problem needs to be corrected, otherwise they will buy a set of magic pattern structure, and they don't even know the need for it. How many carts of food are you transporting!"

Everyone laughed out loud when they heard what Archmage Horsley said humorously.


The surveying and mapping officer brought a group of magicians from the Magic Union and the Alchemy Guild to the mine camp. They made various guesses on the way, and when everyone turned over the last mountain in front of them, the scenery in front of them suddenly became clear.

On the southern slope of the mine vein, the wooden houses built are neatly arranged on the mountainside, and the wooden houses are spread all over the entire mountain, so many that it is impossible to count how many there are.

Surrounded by these wooden houses is a very lively market. A large number of indigenous people can be seen trading in this market from a distance, but their trading method is very special. Many stall owners have bags of wheat behind them.

The aborigines are crowded in the narrow aisle, and everyone carries grain bags behind them, grabbing some goods in their hands and bargaining with the stall owners here.

However, the group of magicians standing on the opposite mountain, including Archmage Horsley, did not set their sights on this crowded market.

Archmage Horsley pointed to the giant monster that was emitting thick smoke on the top of the opposite hill, and asked solemnly:

"Kit, what's that?"

The director of the Alchemy Guild, Mage Kit, and another member of the guild looked at each other, hiding the horror in their eyes, and said calmly, "Um, that looks like a refining furnace..."

Archmage Horsley frowned, stopped and turned to ask Mage Kit: "The Alchemy Guild recently received such a big order, why is there no movement at all?"

Wizard Kit wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a wry smile: "Master Horsley, how could the Alchemy Guild accept the order from Viscount Suldak!"

Archmage Horsley had calmed down at this time, and said to Mage Kit: "It seems that they bypassed Wilkes City, and it should be a custom-made refining furnace from Bena Province."

Two of the three chimneys on the top of the opposite mountain are emitting thick smoke.

Apparently there were two refining furnaces in normal operation, and Archmage Horsley asked with a sullen face: "Kit, you are the director of the Alchemy Guild, can you calculate the daily output of these three refining furnaces?"

Magician Kit shook his head and said, "If you don't go to the scene and take a closer look, I'm afraid it's hard to estimate."

Archmage Hollis looked a little ugly, and said, "Forget it, I just asked casually, this time the Invercargill Forest territorial resettlement, your Territorial Administration has done a good job."

The latter sentence was addressed to the surveying and mapping officer. After he finished speaking, he seemed to have forgotten that he had decided to stay at the mine before, so he turned around and asked the magic assistant beside him:

"What's the next itinerary?"

The magic assistant still didn't understand that Archmage Horsley didn't want to go to the mine, so he quickly took out a sheepskin notebook from his pocket, and replied solemnly: "Mr. mine."

Archmage Horsley nodded slightly. He reached out and patted Mage Kit, and said, "This time the schedule is quite full, so I don't think we will stay here at the copper mine..."

After speaking, he climbed onto the magic handle with a sullen face, took a group of magicians from the magic union, and flew away without looking back.

Only the two directors of the Alchemy Guild and the surveying and mapping officer were left on the top of the mountain, and the magic apprentices were still behind and did not catch up!

The magician Kit told the magic assistant beside him: "Go and see which fraternal union received the order. They are making money across regions, why don't they say hello to us!"

"Yes, Mr. Kit." The magic assistant agreed, and then rode the magic handle and flew towards the mining camp.

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