Lord Highlander

Chapter 912 898. The Arrow in the Night Sky

An indigenous archer hiding in a tree took advantage of the night to see these members of the adventure group sneaking into the territory passing through the woodland.

He stood on a branch at the top of the tree, held the hunting bow behind him in his hand, drew the bow and set an arrow, and aimed at the person walking in the front in the dark. He hesitated a little, and shifted the arrow tip forward.


An arrow flew past the skinny ranger and firmly nailed to a tree in front of the skinny ranger Randy.

The tip of the arrow pierced deeply into the tree trunk, and the tail feathers of the arrow trembled slightly in the night wind.

Randy gasped in fright, his heart almost popping out of his throat.

The other members of the adventure group quickly hid behind the tree, and Randy also lay down on the ground and waited for a few seconds. He didn't dare to move around at this time, hoping that the black coat on his body would give him enough shelter.

The shield warrior stared at the direction of the arrow, and subconsciously touched it with the big round shield.

There were a total of five of them, and they had cooperated very well with each other. The other members could only bite the bullet and follow up, covering both sides of the shield warrior.

The thin ranger chased after him, trying to pull his teammates back.

The native archer on the tree shouted in the imperial language that he was not yet proficient in: "Who is it?"

Seeing the dark shadow in the woods moving towards him vaguely, the native archer immediately shouted nervously: "You have broken into the private territory of Viscount Suldak, if you go any further, we will shoot you , I ask you to stop immediately..."

After speaking, he shot another arrow at the shield warrior's feet.

Arrows stuck in the dirt.

The shield warrior pursed his lips, spit out a mouthful of smear, and wanted to continue to charge forward with the shield.

The skinny ranger Randy caught up from behind, held his shoulders, and whispered:

"let's go……"

The shield warrior wanted to rush forward, but was pulled back abruptly by the thin ranger, and they quickly ran towards the way they came.

"Stop, we will shoot anyone who tries to run."

The native archer shouted, and pulled the bowstring again. This time, he aimed at a shadow in the forest, hesitated, and shot the arrow at the tree trunk.

The shield warrior felt the cool wind on his neck, and the arrow flew past his neck just now, almost scaring him to pee.

With red eyes, he wanted to turn around and kill back.

The thin ranger Randy held his arm firmly, and said quickly:

"Leave them alone, let's go quickly, if they chase after me, I'll let them taste the trap..."

The swordsman behind also quickly grabbed the shield warrior, and the five of them quickly drilled into the dense forest.

Several archers emerged from the woodland behind the native archers. They were also secret sentries on duty in this woodland. When they heard movement here, they immediately ran over to support them.

The archers who rushed over walked like flying in the woodland. They were very familiar with this woodland, and they quickly surrounded it from the left and right sides.

Seeing a group of people chasing up from behind, the shield warrior gritted his teeth and asked Ranger Randy:

"They really caught up, what should we do?"

Ranger Randy rushed to the front, at this moment he could only stop and hold the hardwood bow in his hand.

His archery skills are not outstanding, and at this time he returned one or two arrows, just for those chasing soldiers not to follow...


There was a muffled groan and snapping of branches in the distance. Someone had fallen in the woodland.

The swordsman following behind exclaimed: "Hurry up, it seems to have been shot."

Ranger Randy wanted to slap himself, he really wanted to stop and check what the hapless guy he shot with his arrow looked like.

The next moment, he felt like a ferocious beast sprang out from the woods behind him. The cold killing intent even made him tremble while running.

A sharp piercing sound came from behind Ranger Randy, and the swordsman beside him looked back, only to see an electric arc flying over from the woodland, and then passed over everyone's heads.

The moment the arc flew by, the entire woodland was illuminated brightly, and Ranger Randy and the members of the adventure group were all exposed to the strong light of the arc.

"What's that?" The swordsman running behind, panting, asked Ranger Randy.

"Lightning." Ranger Randy said casually.

As soon as he finished saying this, he felt a sharp pain in his back, so painful that he couldn't breathe, his feet went limp and he fell into the woods, his whole body felt numb.

Ranger Randy's eyes widened, he couldn't do it even if he wanted to shout to his companions, 'Leave me alone, run'.

He fell to the ground, unable to get up.

He wanted to look at the other members behind him, but the moment he turned his head, two swordsmen running up from behind were hit by arrows one after another and fell to the ground.

When the young ranger saw his companion fell down, he stopped quickly and wanted to carry a companion away, but he saw the ranger Randy behind him staring at him, and shouted hoarsely: "Hurry up..."

It's a pity that it was too late, the fifth arrow with an electric arc flew out, and was precisely inserted into the back of his neck. The sharp point of the arrow passed through the back of the neck and turned out from the front throat.

The young ranger covered his throat with his hands, and his eyes widened.

He struggled to turn over and lie on his back, but he couldn't do it. The whole person was completely frozen in the woodland, and his body lost all vitality.

The five members of this adventure group who came to explore the woodland at night all collapsed in the woodland.


It didn't take long for Samira to catch up from behind with a sky-strike bow. After checking the identities of the five people who had sneaked into the forest, she realized that they should be members of a nearby adventure group.

She said to her subordinates who followed behind, "Bring them all over, dig a bigger hole and bury them."

It was when Suldak started filling the corpse with soil that he got the news and rushed over.

"It's not a big mistake to break into the territory, they don't have to die!" Surdak stood by the pit, looked at the dead body, patted his forehead helplessly, and said to Samira.

Half-elf archer Samira looked up at Suldak and said in a hoarse voice:

"They killed my people..."

Then she jumped lightly, jumped in front of Suldak, and asked him:

"If one day I was killed by the enemy on the battlefield, would you avenge me?"

Suldak admitted: "Probably will!"

"I also want to give an explanation to my archers. It doesn't seem too much to shoot them all." Samira narrowed her eyes and said to Suldak.

The two stopped talking about this matter, and trespassed on the lord's private territory and were shot by the guards, which conformed to the imperial law.

Suldak returned to the woodland here from the northern border of the forest at night. Samira knew that he was going to the other side of the canyon to study the ghost-striped red ants in the forest on the other side of the valley, so she asked him, "Have you gained anything this time?"

Suldak shook his head first, and then said:

"I heard the tribe's native elders say that the poisonous fog outside the dark worm valley in the north becomes extremely thin every winter, but the activity of ghost-striped red ants will also be correspondingly frequent, and there will be other monsters infesting. Even so, it is still The best season to explore the Dark Worm Valley..."

"We are going to go to the Dark Insect Valley this winter."

After speaking, Suldak walked forward.

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