Lord Highlander

Chapter 913 899. Plastic Sisters

The camp established by Suldak on the canyon slope in the north of the territory is next to the cave where the fourth-level dark bats are hunted.

The native archer who was accidentally shot by Ranger Randy was lying on a stretcher, an arrow pierced his chest, blood was foaming from the corner of the native archer's mouth, and his face was as pale as paper.

Suldak squatted beside the stretcher, holy light gushed out from his palm, and a ball of golden holy light fell on the chest of the native archer.

The arrow protruded from his back, and it had already been cut off by Suldak with a dagger. With this holy light falling, Suldak reached out and pulled out the arrow decisively.

The double-faced four-armed demon god statue emerged, and the 'Divine Blessing Body' fell on the native archer, and his aura gradually calmed down.

Samira, who was beside Suldak, glanced at her, and reached out to fiddle with her messy hair.

Samira was wearing tight salamander leather armor, like a quiet cat, squatting beside Suldak.

Although she has been promoted to become a second-rank powerhouse, she is also a young half-elf who just came out of Wojmara City on the Maca plane not long ago. Before that, she was still in Wojmara City. A local guide in , who is also a thief, always likes to steal tourists' wallets.

In order to feed the children in the shelter, she was even willing to climb up the city wall and shoot those hideous hellhounds below the city.

She has never lacked courage in the face of life, but her disregard for life was gradually formed after she became a strong person.

He waved his hand, and let the archers watching around carry the wounded back to the camp.

"Everyone has a strong curiosity, especially after his ability gives him strong self-confidence, he will ignore the law. It is understandable for them to be curious about this place." This sentence seems to be talking about those The members of the dead adventure group seemed to be talking about Samira.

The half-elf archer blinked his reddish eyes, but said nothing.

Suldak stretched out his hand to pull Samira up, pushed open the wooden house and walked in, poured a glass of wine and handed it to her, and said: "They may have the idea of ​​stealing, but if they only understand the simple idea, they don't With action, we can only warn of evictions."

"You can't assume that someone is a rapist just because someone looks at you." He added.

Biting the rim of the wine glass with her soft lips, Samira sat on the wooden stool near the window, tasting the spicy and slightly sour fruit wine.

"Since Invercargill Forest has become my territory, many things must be judged by criteria. Now that you are in charge of a battalion of archers, you have more responsibilities. To establish correct rules of conduct for those archers, we have no There is a way to kill all those who are hostile to us, at least the laws of the Green Empire do not allow it, and that will also plunge us into endless wars, and sometimes deterrence is also a means of retreating the enemy."

Suldak put the golden cider back on the wooden stand, turned around and said.

He has already built several large wooden houses in this forest area. The walls of these wooden houses are very thick, and there are earthen stoves in the rooms that can be used for heating and cooking. At least this can allow the soldiers to resist the cold in the severe winter.

Surdak plans to build a military camp here, so the wooden houses built here are all built according to the standard of barracks.

"Malakom has sent the bed crossbow and catapult to Dodan Town, this time I will go back and find a way to transport those ordnance here, you stay here and stare at the group of ghost-striped red ants on the opposite side, and at the same time Try to give those adventure groups some convenience."

Suldak lit a lantern in the room, and he hung the lantern on a hook on the ceiling, and the room suddenly lit up.

Looking back, he said earnestly to the half-elf beauty under the light:

"It's definitely a good thing for us that they hunted the red ants on the south bank of the mountain stream. If it weren't for the recent continuous investment of a lot of money in the mines and the army, I even want to provide a financial subsidy to these adventure groups."

"Then it's better to set up a reward list and set that the adventure group that hunts the most ghost-striped red ants every month will get a reward. We only award the top three. It shouldn't cost much." Sami Ra helped Suldak come up with ideas.

Suldak nodded repeatedly, and said with a smile: "That's a good idea, and the reward can be magic lines... Anyway, there are rumors that there is a great alchemist behind me secretly supporting me. I'm afraid it's not a secret."

Samira narrowed her pale red eyes and whispered, "I'm looking forward to it, what kind of actions will those adventure groups take after they hear about this reward..."

"Samila, you must remember that our enemy is not the adventure group hunting red ants for a living on the south bank of the mountain stream, but the ant tribe on the opposite side who wants to compete with us for land and all resources." Sulda Ke sat opposite Samira and said to him again.

"If you know it, you know it's long-winded!"

Like an agile leopard, Samira rushed out of the window with a 'whoosh'.


Eighteen Thunder Rhinoceros were carrying a batch of iron trees and walked south along the forest road. In the early morning, there was a faint mist in the forest. In the mist, the trees in the woodland where the leaves were gradually withering and yellowing were faintly visible.

There is no need to worry about these Thunder Rhinoceros getting lost in the forest. The leading Thunder Rhino just walks along the ten-meter-wide forest road, and the exit is not too far from the north exit of Duodan Canyon.

Suldak stood on the platform of Thunder Rhino, waved goodbye to Samira who had climbed to the top of the tree.

"Are you going to build a military camp here?" Aphrodite pushed open the door of the wooden house on the platform, stepped out slowly, and asked Suldak overlooking the hillside in the morning mist.

"Well, I'm going to transfer the northern line of defense in the occupied area of ​​​​the Bailin plane to this side, and the report has already been transferred to Chester Great Swordsman!" He smiled at Aphrodite, and said: " I always have to go to the insect valley in the north to take a look..."

Aphrodite took off the mithril mask on her face, stretched out her hand to caress the bed crossbow on the platform, and reminded Suldak: "As long as you don't think that the ant queen in the worm valley will meet the beast tide Those green ant queens who haven't lost their wings have the same strength and means, and there is no comparison between them. In the insect valley, the one who stands out the strongest among the millions of ant queens, and The ant queens we met in the beast horde haven't even reached maturity yet."

Hearing Aphrodite's warning, Suldak suddenly felt that he was taking the Northern Expedition a little lightly.

He thought of the black powder being prepared in Wall Village, so he asked Aphrodite:

"How is the preparation of the black powder over there in Wall Village?"

Aphrodite said: "The first batch of gunpowder has arrived at the sulfur mine camp, and that's why I came here. It's too dry there, and if there is a little open flame, the batch of black powder might be detonated. It is still necessary to transport it here from the sulfur mine camp in advance."

Hearing what Aphrodite said, Suldak felt that the succubus seemed to have regarded Pustule Mountain as his home.

He agreed: "Okay, I will transfer as soon as possible."

Aphrodite asked: "Why are you in such a hurry, isn't it ten years? If we let us delay for a year, the situation here will be much better!"

Suldak shook his head, and then said: "I found out about Viru's whereabouts, and I heard that he brought an indigenous tribe northward, following the footsteps of the indigenous ancestors and entering the extreme north, to find the ancestors for the indigenous people. rise up shelter."

"Now this dark worm valley is here, blocking our exploration to the north, and we must always try to eradicate it. I think that after the ant infestation is over, it is also a period of weakness for the dark worm valley. We can only take advantage of this opportunity." Go deep into the depths of the worm valley." Suldak said.

Then he said: "In addition, the army has now expanded to 3,000 people, which is much larger than ever before. To maintain the army's will to fight, the ghost pattern red ants here are a good choice."

Suldak looked to the north, but his sight was blocked by a high mountain. He continued:

"The soldiers in the army need the inscriptions of the ghost-striped soldier ants. Even for the 'strength and tenacity' of the magic-stripes, I will continue to fight these ghost-striped red ants."

"Did they think that returning to the insect valley beast tide would be over?"

"It's not that simple..."

"It's up to them to decide when this battle starts, but it's up to us when it ends."

"As long as I can continue to gain benefits from this war, I will continue to fight until I completely overthrow this worm valley."

Aphrodite suddenly felt that the light in Suldak's eyes was as sharp as a sword.

To prepare for the battle this time, Suldak not only prepared a large amount of black powder in Wall Village, but also bought a batch of bed crossbows and catapults from the businessman Malakom. Unfortunately, he couldn't buy a more powerful magic cannon.

A ray of sunlight pierced through the fog and shone on Suldak's body.

Thunder Rhino slowly crossed the mountains.


Hoarfrost had formed on the meadows outside Dodan, a sign that winter was coming.

Selena opened the window to let the cold morning breeze blow in. She hugged the quilt and leaned against the window, her round shoulders exposed outside instantly became cold.

She quickly retracted her body, put on a knitted sweater and a long black skirt, rearranged her loose long hair, put on warm moccasin boots, and she had to go to the market in the town early.

She didn't even have a window, and the water splashed under the river surface, and the blue scales showed dark red...

The weather was so cold that the river didn't want to flow, but luckily the river wasn't frozen yet.

Winter is coming, and the Janna mermaid was shivering in the river. She quickly got into the temporary nest under the wooden house, quickly got out of the river, and picked up a bath towel from the clothes hanger on the wooden wall beside her. On the body, the huge fish tail flicked twice and got into the warm bathtub slightly steaming.

In order to accommodate this friend, Signa and Nika have exhausted their minds recently.

The girls even asked Aung San to build a brand new underwater room under the wooden house in the name of Surdak. Half of this room is deep in the river, and the other part is exposed to the river. The riverside wooden houses are connected into one.

It looks and feels like a basement, with a stepped basement floor that descends down to the river.

This basement contains a fireplace and a large bathtub, which is a small den specially built for the Janna Mermaid.

There is also a stove under the big bathtub that can be used to keep warm. The Janna Mermaid is lying in the warm fish tank, closing her eyes under the steam...

There was a knock on the door, and Xi Ya raised her ears to listen carefully, and then raised her hand to shoot a stream of water. The stream of water was like a flexible ribbon, curling in the air and hitting the door bolt. The door bolt was hit by the water flow. Pushing open, the wooden door was pushed open from the outside.

There were two immature faces of Signa and Nika at the door. Seeing the mermaid Siya soaking in the bathtub, the two girls breathed a sigh of relief, and walked into the dark and damp wooden house hand in hand.

"When I passed the river bend this morning, there was a thin layer of ice near the shore." Nika said, carrying a bag of wheat cakes and placing them on the shelf next to her.

She glanced at Sia with some concern, and said, "I'm afraid this place will become more and more hilly in the future, and the entire river will freeze over."

"Don't worry, you can live here forever." Signa said nonchalantly.

Nika said with a somewhat troubled face: "We are going to the temple too. I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you here during the day. I will put a lock on the outside of this room to prevent anyone from breaking in."

"We don't know who to turn to to help you. I asked some rich people in the town. When they faced a homeless Janna Sea Clan, the first thing they thought of was always to take you as their own." Or sell it to a slave owner, probably no one will be willing to put you back into the sea, after all, the sea is simply too far away for the people here," Nika said.

She did ask some people in the town recently, and she didn't even say it. Both of these statements sound more reliable.

Some people simply said that there is almost no seafood here in Duodan Town. If you can meet a Janna Mermaid, you can try it grilled.

Or make a specimen while young and beautiful, and hang it on the ceiling of the living room...

Signa didn't have so many worries, and said directly to Sia:

"If we want to save you, first we need to save some money, then we need an excuse to sneak out, and the most important thing is that we need to find a place with a sea."

The girls were a little worried, and the room suddenly fell silent.

"Otherwise, let's discuss it with Duck!" Signa suggested: "He is the sheriff of the Badlands and the lord of the Invercargill Forest, I think this matter is not difficult for him. "

Nika thought of Suldak's serious face, and asked Signa with some embarrassment: "What if he doesn't want to help us?"

Signa blinked, and quickly said: "We can ask him first, if he has such thoughts, let's not talk about Sia, I heard that he will be back soon, because the Temple of the Twin Goddess A celebration ceremony will be held soon, he is the mayor of Duodan Town, he must rush back for this kind of thing."

Nika muttered softly: "You know, he is my master, I don't want to deceive him about anything..."

"Got it, I'll go talk to him." Signa's bright eyes were like a silent night.

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