Lord Highlander

Chapter 914: 900. Junior Warrior Academy

The temple of the twin goddesses in the town has been built, and recently the focus of conversation among the residents of the town has always been around the temple of the twin goddesses.

This is a rare major event since the establishment of the town of Dodan, and it is destined to be included in the chronicle of the town.

To this end, the town of Dodan is preparing to hold a grand celebration ceremony.

However, up to now, the town hall has not yet come up with a feasible plan, nor has it announced the specific date when the celebration ceremony will be held.

Residents of the town have not seen Mayor Surdak for at least a month.

Since the tide of beasts subsided, apart from a few times he was seen on the construction site of the townhouse, it is said that during the construction of the Twin Goddess Temple, he personally inspected it twice. The back garden of the temple is his decided to expand.

For the mayor, the residents of the small town hold two extreme views on him. Those who love him can't wait to talk about his achievements every day. Of course, there are also many people who openly dislike him. The group of people are almost all imperial immigrants, nobles and businessmen.

Mrs. Luna has been a little anxious recently. As the mayor of the town, Suldak has not been in the town recently, and many things have to wait for his signature to take effect.

Compared with half a year ago, Dodan Town has almost changed drastically.

In the past, nothing happened in the town for a month, but now the daily trivial matters in the town are almost overwhelming.

"Is there no news yet?" Bartra tax officer opened the door and asked Mrs. Luna who was sitting in the office.

Mrs. Luna put down the quill in her hand, and could only say: "The merchant who came back from the Invercargill Forest said that he is already on his way back."

Batra tax collector also has a lot of things for Suldak to make up his mind. Recently, the taxes in Dodan town have continued to rise, and the tax money in the treasury has been increasing.

According to Suldak, only a certain amount of tax money needs to be stored in the treasury. This amount only needs to be able to pay the salaries of all public officials in the town for six months. Only by investing in the urban construction of Dodan Town can the town have a long-term development.

Now there are more and more gold coins piled up in the treasury. During the period when Surdak was no longer in the town, almost no one asked him for money. Looking at the gold coins in the warehouse that were about to be full, Batra tax officer was inevitably a little worried. .

"The mayor is back..." A young clerk ran in from the corridor and reported to the Bartra tax collector.

"Where is it?" Tax Officer Bartra stood up suddenly and was about to go out, his eyes filled with excitement and joy.

The clerk rubbed his nose and whispered in embarrassment: "The mayor just arrived at the barracks on a Thunder Rhino..."

"Go prepare the magic caravan, I'll go to the barracks to find him." Batra tax officer didn't stop at all, and ran out of the corridor quickly.

Batra's tax collector's assistant hurriedly followed him and ran outside together.

When he came to the barracks, he saw that Suldak was directing a group of people to move some heavy goods wrapped in linen to the warehouse. The Batra tax officer didn't care what they were carrying, and walked quickly to Suldak before.

"Mayor Suldak, you haven't been to the town hall for a long time..."

The Batra tax officer complained, and then said: "There are many documents in the town that require your signature, and those decrees signed by Mrs. Luna will not take effect at all..."

Suldak stopped and turned around, staring at Batra tax collector, and asked strangely: "But shouldn't Mrs. Luna come to me in person for this kind of thing, or do you two have overlapping government affairs?"

"Hey, I just said it casually!" Batra's tax officer immediately retracted his belly and puffed up his chest, and said seriously: "Mayor, now the tax office in the town receives a lot of tax money every day, I always want to As you have explained before, if the money is to be spent, it is best to spend it on the urban construction of the town..."

"So?" Suldak waved his hand to signal Thunder Rhinoceros Driver, he can leave directly after unloading.

Batra tax officer immediately said: "Wait for you to establish a project..."

Suldak patted his head, put his arms around the tax officer's shoulders, and said to the tax officer in front of Lei Tingxi: "I just want to find you, I plan to build a junior warrior academy in Dodan Town, you go find someone Do a budget and see how much the town needs to spend."

The Bartra tax officer asked in surprise: "Are you going to build a warrior academy?"

Suldak nodded and said: "Junior college, whether it is an imperial immigrant or aboriginal in the town, it has always been a troublesome thing for children to go to school. I plan to build a junior college in Dodan Town, which can at least teach them some The basics of combat."

"The address is right next to the river bank opposite the Temple of the Twin Goddesses..." Suldak added later.

The Bartra tax officer immediately bowed to Suldak in good spirits, and replied cheerfully, "I'll do it right away."

After leaving this sentence, he hurriedly left the barracks.

In fact, Suldak wanted to discuss some other matters with Batra tax officer, but before he could finish speaking, Batra tax collector had already run away out of sight.

Suldak stayed in the barracks for a while, listening to the captain of the city defense brigade here report on the recent defense situation of the northern city wall, and also heard the recent situation of the heavy armored infantry regiment, and then went to the barracks to collect supplies Warehouse, to check the bed crossbows and catapults brought by merchant Malakom from San Carlos.

The warehouse manager heard Suldak ask about the batch of bed crossbows that had just arrived in Dodan Town, immediately found a bunch of keys, and led Suldak to another warehouse door.

Unlock the iron lock and push open the warehouse door.

The warehouse was filled with a strong smell of engine oil. Suldak saw that all the bed crossbows were wrapped in a thick layer of oil paper. When he walked to a bed crossbow, Suldak cut off the bed crossbow with a dagger. Coarse twine stuck on top.

When the oil paper was lifted, there was a brand-new bed crossbow inside. The bowstring was not installed on it, but there was no scratch on the arm of the crossbow. All the places with worm gears and anti-retraction ratchets were covered with a thick layer of white grease.

The bed crossbow bolt grooves are also polished very smooth, and three magic rune plates are nailed side by side on the crossbow body. This is the most characteristic feature of these magic bed crossbows.

As expected, the merchant Malacombe was not lying, these bed crossbows were all brand new.

Then he opened the oiled paper of a catapult, and the catapult wrapped inside was also very exquisitely crafted, and it looked really worth the money.

"Choose a few randomly tomorrow, roll them out and install them casually. I want to see the design effect and accuracy..."

Suldak gave instructions to the warehouse manager who was following him.

"Yes, Commander..."

The warehouse manager quickly agreed.

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