Lord Highlander

Chapter 915: 901. Miss Mermaid Sia

After a busy day in the town, Surdak just finished a meeting from the town hall in the evening.

Because he is also an important military and political position in a small town, this makes him have endless things to deal with every day.

Walking tiredly on the wooden platform of the riverside cabin, Surdak felt that the riverside cabin seemed to be a little different from the past.

He stopped, turned around and circled the cabin.

Only then did I realize that the few pillars under the platform of the wooden house that were originally erected in the river are now covered by a thick layer of wood, and a wooden step that is not too wide has been built in the corner of the platform, and there is a building below it. Wooden house in the water.

It looks like a small dock.

It's just that it is not a wise move to build such a dock on the Dodan River, which can almost freeze the river in winter.

However, Suldak also thought that in the early summer, he could buy a small wooden boat and go boating on the river. Thinking about it, he felt very romantic.

With one hand resting on the wooden railing of the platform, he stretched his head to look down the wooden stairs. The stairs looked very narrow, and there was actually a lock on the bottom door.

Surdak held on to the fence of the platform, wanting to see if there was a small wooden boat below.

"Dak, what are you doing?" Signa's sweet voice sounded from behind Suldak.

Suldak turned around and saw Signa standing quietly at the stairs, staring at him with black eyes.

"The dock below was remodeled by Selina and you together? Are there any boats in there?" Suldak asked curiously.

"Do you want to go in and have a look?" Signa asked sullenly, staring at Suldak.

"Of course, if you invite me." Suldak was a little curious.

"The stairs are a bit narrow, you have to be careful..." Signa moved away from the stairs and gestured to invite him in.

Suldak was wearing hard leather armor. When he reached the stairs, he stretched his foot inside, only to realize that the stairs were too narrow. If he wanted to walk in, he probably needed to turn sideways.

He stopped and said to Signa: "I'm still going, I'm worried I'm stuck in the stairway."

Suldak turned and walked into the wooden house, and asked Signa behind him as he walked, "What's in it? I guess it's a wooden boat..."

Signa deftly followed behind Suldak, she tilted her head and asked him:

"Dark, why have you been away from Dodan for so long?"

Surdak changed a pair of soft shoes at the door of the wooden house, walked into the wooden house and sat in the living room, and said to Signa: "I am planning to build a copper mine in the Invercargill Forest. If I have a chance, I can take you there. have a look."

Signa followed, went to the open dining room, poured a glass of water for Suldak, and brought it in front of him.

Suldak took the water glass, thinking that it is really nice to have such a well-behaved daughter.

"Dark, what do you think of aliens?" Sigg knelt on the opposite chair, hugging the back of the chair with both hands, resting his pointed chin on it, with a look of curiosity on his face.

Suldak was slightly taken aback, and said, "I don't know what you are referring to? Meeting on the battlefield or meeting in normal times? There may be two completely different results."

He then added: "If we meet on the battlefield, there is a high probability that we will be enemies. I will kill them without hesitation. If we meet in the city, they are either slaves or envoys, as long as they don't hinder me." , I probably won't do anything!"

He felt a little hungry, touched his growling stomach, and said to Signa: "By the way, the Temple of the Twin Goddesses will organize a celebration ceremony tomorrow, Selena and Nika are at the temple Busy with the final arrangements, I'm afraid no one will prepare dinner for us, what shall we have for dinner?"

"Dark, do you like fish?" Signa asked seriously.

Suldak thought for a while before saying, "It's okay if there are no fish bones. You know I don't like picking bones from those fish."

Signa paused slightly, she looked a little nervous, and then asked: "Do you like to eat big or small?"

"Big one!" Surdak replied straightforwardly.

He felt that such a question-and-answer session between the two parties could enhance their relationship with each other.

Signa seemed a little nervous, and asked Surdak again: "Do you have any other requirements? Such as color, place of origin, etc.?"

Suldak patted his forehead and said: "It's better to live in the sea, I don't like the ones in the river, as for the color, it's better to be golden or red, such as big yellow croaker or red grouper... oh, In the future, I will definitely take you to the seaside to have a look, maybe we can see the Jana Sea Clan there."

Signa lowered her head and asked after a while:

"Dark, how far are we from the sea?"

Suldak drank the last bit of water in the cup, and then said: "We must return to Wilkes City from Dodan Town, return to Bena City through the portal, and then take the magic airship over there all the way to the east. I heard that there is a magic airship bound for Haines City at the airport terminal of Bena City, and it will take about half a month to fly to Haines City."

"So far?" Signa exclaimed with disappointment.

Suldak nodded and said: "If you don't take the portal, it may be far away. Bena province belongs to the inland city of the empire. Why do you suddenly think of asking this?"

"No... nothing. I just want to see the sea." Signa hesitated a bit.

Suldak thought for a while, and said to Signa: "It may not be possible now, but there will always be a chance in the future."

Then he stood up again, took Signa's little hand, and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the town to see if there are any sea fish sellers here. One of my best dishes is pan-fried sea fish..."

Signa immediately followed Suldak's footsteps...

She hardly dared to continue asking.


Suldak did not buy the kind of sea fish buried in ice and salt grains that Suldak was expecting, so he took Signa to settle the dinner at a newly opened restaurant in the town.

Then the two went to the Temple of the Twin Goddesses and waited for Selena and Nika to finish their work there before returning slowly to the wooden house by the river.

The moonlight was like water, sprinkled on the stone road in front of them.

Signa and Nika walked in front hand in hand. In just a few months, the relationship between the two girls became so close...

You must know that Signa is a very introverted girl, and she is also very guarded. She is not so easy to get along with.

Back at the wooden house by the river, he and Selena hadn't seen each other for a long time, so naturally they exchanged words and lay down on the big soft bed again.

Holding a piece of soft fur in his hand, Suldak stroked Selena's smooth back, and couldn't help expressing his doubts:

"When was a dock built below?"

Selena curled up on the bed like a lazy Persian cat. She opened her eyes slightly and asked:

"Why, you also found our new neighbor?"

"New neighbor? Do you know that room?" Suldak didn't quite understand why Selena said that.

Selena hugged the thick blanket and sat up from the bed. She was barefoot, and her two long legs were exposed from under the blanket. She walked quickly to the window and opened the curtains. From here, she could just see the platform Leading to the stairway of the wooden house below, she whispered: "Well, Signa and Nika went to Aung San to build a hut under the wooden house, how could I not know... But I guess you never thought we would There's a new neighbor."

Before Suldak could guess, Selina gave the answer: "It's a mermaid with a fishtail body. I've never seen such a beautiful figure and scales before."

"You mean the Janna mermaid lives in it?" Suldak said with eyes widened in surprise.

"Didn't you go to see it?" Selena asked strangely.

Suldak scratched his head and said, "Signa told me that she owned a wooden house downstairs, and they made the stairs of the wooden house so narrow that they could only squeeze in sideways, so I didn't go down to look. "

As he spoke, he sat by the window and picked up the soft leather armor on the floor, and quickly put it on.

Selena was wrapped in a blanket and stood by the window, the moonlight poured into the room from her back, leaving clear shadows on the floor.

"Where are you going?"

Suldak replied, "I'm going to see the Janna Mermaid..."

"It's so late..."

Selena reminded angrily.

Suldak stopped immediately, stood there awkwardly and said:

"Ha, that's right. I'm just a little curious. How come there are Jana Sea Clans in the Bailin Plane. Could it be that if you go further east in the Three Rivers Plain, can you see the sea?"

"Or go together, I really want to know..."

Selena moved closer to Suldak's side and encouraged her.

After getting dressed carefully, they quietly walked out of the wooden house, and the two walked to the stairs of the platform.

Before the two of them went down the stairs, they heard a childish voice asking from behind, "Mom, Duck, where are you going?"

Suldak was taken aback, but Selena obviously had a better mental quality, so she turned to Signa and said, "Of course we want to visit your new friend..."

"But it's so late." Signa protested softly.

"Signa, aren't you going to introduce your new friend to us?" Selena asked standing at the stairs.

At this time, the wooden house under the stairs was pushed away by a pair of white and delicate hands, and the mermaid Xiya poked her head out of the wooden house, and said apologetically to Selena and Suldak on the platform: "I'm really sorry , I’ve been staying at your house, and I haven’t greeted you proactively, I’m really rude..."

Xi Ya always spoke as if she was singing, and the delicate face revealed from the door was so soft and beautiful.

Before Selena could speak, Suldak looked at Siya in surprise and said, "Why are you?"

"You know each other?" Selina asked suspiciously.

Suldak touched his nose and explained to Selina: "Well, I saw her twice in Wilkes City, oh no, it should be three times."

"The first time was at a private auction. At that time, I wanted to buy a batch of dwarven slaves, but the last lot was this lady mermaid."

"The second time was on the arch bridge of the inland river in the northern part of Wilkes City. I obtained the right to open up the Invercargill Warcraft Forest and was about to return to Dodan Town. At that time, I saw this lady mermaid in the inland river. He was being chased by a group of guards."

"The third time was at the gate beside the moat at the north city gate. At that time, I was waiting to leave Wilkes City at the gate of the city. A cart was blocked on the drawbridge of the moat. She was next to the fence at the water outlet. I think She shouldn't be locked up in that city, so I threw a magic dagger at her."

"I thought she might be able to swim into the sea if she wasn't caught, but I didn't expect her to swim from the Wilkes River to the Dodan River..."

Suldak told how they met.

The mermaid Siya was also very surprised. She didn't expect to see the nobleman who saved her here. It turned out that he was still a lord.

Thea blinked her beautiful blue eyes and wrapped the holy towel a little tighter as she sat in the warm tub with a Spotfire magic rune panel under it.

It is estimated that Signa and Nika should have spent a lot of thought in order to buy this metal rune tablet.

"Thank you, Lord Suldak, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I would have been captured by them the same day I was in Wilkes City."

"Hey, Miss Sia, don't get me wrong, I just accidentally dropped a dagger into the moat, it has nothing to do with saving you, of course you don't need to thank me, but if you picked up the dagger As for the dagger, can you return it to me if it is convenient?"

"Of course!" Although Xi Ya was a little reluctant, she still returned the exquisite magic dagger to Suldak.

Suldak took the dagger and put it back into the magic pocket.

Then he asked Miss Mermaid:

"I also want to know, if you go down the Wilkes River, shouldn't you go to the sea or the big lake? How did you swim here?"

Xiya has an inexplicable affection for Surdak, and replied truthfully:

"The end of the Wilkes River is a bottomless abyss. It is not a lake or an ocean at all. I swam from which side and got lost in a dense canyon channel. I didn't expect that the selected river would kill me. Bring it here."

"So the end of the Wilkes River turned out to be the bottomless abyss..." Suldak didn't expect such an answer.

However, he is also very interested in the lower reaches of the Dodan River. After all, one-third of this large forest land north of the Thorny Mountains belongs to his territory. In addition to the Dark Worm Valley in the north, there is also Anya in the west. swamp.

Of course, he would also like to know what is the downstream of this river, but he only knows that there is a large Three Rivers Plain to the east of the Thorn Mountain Range.

Listening to Siya's story about his adventure, Suerdak couldn't help but exclaimed: "You mean there are many monsters in these rivers?"

"There are a lot of monsters in the river downstream, that's why I hid here..."

Sia said truthfully.

"Miss Siya, thank you for bringing us so much precious information." Suldak said.

Suldak and Selena looked at each other, and finally said: "You have become friends with Signa and Nika, so let's stay here temporarily, but try not to be discovered by other people in the town, Once your information is released, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to keep you..."

"Thank you! Lord Suldak..."

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