Lord Highlander

Chapter 917: 903. Josh Golding's Plan

Celebrations at the Temple of the Twin Goddesses continue until dark.

All the town residents who participated in the celebration saw the miracle. It is said that the Goddess of Dawn is a very beautiful goddess, even more beautiful than the Statue of Liberty.

The goddess of the night, Shilin, is wrapped in shackles. People who have seen her statue always have a lingering haze in their hearts, but as long as they close their eyes, they can feel the tranquility in their hearts.

With the perception of the light element, Nika was blessed by the Goddess of Dawn and became an envoy in the Temple of Dawn. The light beam she released has the effect of eliminating and purifying. Although it is not a cure, it can get rid of some diseases.

Signa has also successfully become the Saintess of the Temple of the Night. She has a rare dark physique and likes to hide in places where the sun does not shine. She is the purest carrier of "Goddess Advent". It's just that the Goddess of Darkness prefers to descend to Celine recently. Na's body, to feel the world.

As the gates of the Temple of the Twin Goddesses slowly closed, the busy day was over.

In fact, the Temple of the Twin Goddesses is not open to the public every day. In order not to affect the normal life of the residents in the town, the Temple is only open to the residents of the town every five days.

As the saint in the temple, Signa should have lived in the temple, but the living room of this temple still needs to be well-arranged.

So Nika and Signa have recently continued to live in the cabin by the river.


Suldak walked through the bustling commercial street in Dodan Town, and dim street lights were already lit on both sides of the street.

Baron Josh Golding was standing by the window on the second floor of the trading house. He was holding a glass of wine and looking out with his other hand propped on the window sill.

Recently, although the trading firm has been subject to fierce competition from foreign firms, it has to pay a tax to the Duodan Town Tax Office. However, there has been an influx of Warcraft materials in the town these days, and the income from each order has decreased. However, with the The number of orders has increased, and the income of trading firms has been growing steadily since autumn.

But he would not be grateful to the mayor of Dodan Town for this. He is a timid and cautious person who likes to hold grudges, not to mention that the trading house can earn so much in the first place.

Watching Suldak and his woman pass side by side on the street, he turned around, not even wanting to take a second look.

The second floor of the trading house.

This is a living room, with a dining table in the room, and a group of waiters standing aside with plates of dishes.

Although the grilled meat, pastries, and fruits on the plate may not be very delicious, as a nobleman, this kind of ostentation is what he wants.

Baron Josh Golding sat back on the main seat, and when he saw an adventure group leader walking in with a female swordsman, he stood up, holding a wine glass in one hand, and inviting them to sit at the dining table with the other. Sit sideways.

The leader of the adventure group was the one who explored the canyon woodland at night and killed five team members in one night. Now besides him, the female swordsman in the group was also with him. In the morning they went their separate ways.

The two ran out from the Invercargill Forest overnight, and they were frightened almost every night, and they both looked a little haggard.

Any girl standing on the street in Duodan Town will have bigger breasts and rounder buttocks than this female swordsman. Of course, it is impossible to say who is cleaner than the other.

He even took the female swordsman with him all the way back to Dodan, not because they had a brief dewy marriage for a few nights, nor because she was a member of the adventure group, but because her distant cousin married Gore Baron Golding, and Lord Golding is a nobleman in the town of Dodan.

Distant relatives are also relatives.

"...You mean that you were chased and killed by Lord Suldak's men in the Invercargill Forest, and only the two of you came back in the end?"

In the middle of the dinner, Baron Josh Golding dropped the knife in his hand, took a sip of sweet wine, and his eyes showed interest.

Then he said: "If you talk about it carefully, even an aristocratic lord can't casually harm the citizens of the empire. This can't be done by paying a fine."

The leader of the adventure group told the story in detail. Although he didn't enter Suldak's private territory, based on investigation and speculation afterwards, he understood everything, but he didn't know the details of the fight in the woodland.

"But you broke into his territory. With this reason, even if the lawsuit goes to the House of Representatives, do you think those lords will stand by your side?"

Baron Josh Golding looked like a lawyer at this moment.

He touched his chin and thought hard, trying to find out the factors that could be unfavorable to Viscount Suldak.

"Also, didn't any of your team members escape alive?" Baron Josh Golding said with a frown. "Are the members of the adventure group all ordinary fighters?"

"Those members have been with me for many years and have extremely rich combat experience. At that time, there were two experienced rangers and shield fighters who sneaked into the territory." The head of the adventure group said helplessly with red eyes: "But what's the use of that? Lord Suldak has at least two Rank 2 powerhouses under his command, and there was a Rank 2 powerhouse guarding that forest that night."

"A second-rank strongman?" Baron Josh Golding narrowed his eyes, touched his chin and said, "I have an idea. After you return to Wilkes City, you can file a lawsuit with the Wilkes House of Representatives." , to accuse Viscount Suldak of killing the members of the adventure group for no reason, of course, the specific circumstances must be described truthfully, I think you will end up losing this lawsuit.”

The head of the adventure group looked at Baron Josh Golding suspiciously.

Baron Josh Golding said triumphantly: "As long as you can clarify the details, I believe someone will help you get justice, such as how brave and skilled your men are. Your adventure group is in Invercargill Forest How many ghost pattern red ants have been killed in the northern region, the most important thing is that you have to clearly describe the characteristics of the second-rank expert."

"Someone in the House of Representatives will definitely notice the second-rank powerhouse under him. It is estimated that as soon as this matter spreads, the Magic Union will also help."

"At that time, these second-rank powerhouses under him will receive the transmission pass of the big battlefield. Every second-rank strongman in the Green Empire is obliged to enter the big battlefield for experience. There are full of opportunities, but there are also hidden dangers. Huge danger, if you can perform several dangerous tasks inside, it may not be easy to survive..."

Baron Josie Golding had a sinister look on his face.

The head of the adventure group dropped the wine glass on the dining table in fright, immediately staining the white tablecloth red.

Counting an aristocratic viscount, who is also a lord with a strong military background and holds an army and a large area of ​​land, the head of the adventure group only felt the cold wind blowing on his neck and cold sweat on his forehead.

If I had known it would be such a dinner, I might as well hide in the hotel and eat casually...

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