Lord Highlander

Chapter 918: 904. Warrior Academy

Bartra's tax officer is very efficient, or Martino's family already has a model of the Junior Warrior Academy.

On the third day after Suldak returned to Dodan Town, he took Martino and ran to find Suldak, put a plan for the construction of the Warrior Academy on his desk, and brought A model of the Warrior Academy.

When Baron Marin Martineau designed the War Academy, he even fully considered the environmental factors of Dodan Town. He also selected a building site for the Warrior Academy, just outside the town of Dodan. On a small mound.

The only problem is that the land belongs to Baron Lancaster of Dodan, who owns large forests and pastures around Dodan.

But when the Baron Lancaster heard that a warrior academy was going to be built in the town, and the chosen address happened to be a corner of his territory, he felt that this matter could be completely discussed.

In just one afternoon, Suldak signed a land exchange agreement with the Baron Lancaster.

The agreement stated that the mound to the southwest of Dodan Town and the land within ten hectares around it will be provided to the town to build the Warrior Academy, but this land can only be used to build the Warrior Academy. In addition, Dodan Town will divide a piece of land of no less than 20 hectares in the Dodan Canyon to Baron Lancaster.

In fact, Baron Lancaster is also betting.

If Suldak can firmly occupy the forest and hills of Invercargill, then the land he replaced in the Dodan Canyon will have a lot of room for appreciation, but if Suldak cannot hold Invercargill In the territory of the forest, the beast tide will come as scheduled ten years later, so the land in the canyon will have no value.

The negotiation went smoothly, and Baron Cranster was also very forthright, signing the agreement very neatly.

And Suldak also signed the plan of the Warrior Academy, and asked Mrs. Luna to come over, and asked her to bring this plan to Aung San in the town, and let him follow Baron Martino's request , Build up this Warrior Academy.

The college designed by Baron Martino is a building made of huge stones, which is larger than the Temple of the Twin Goddess.

To build such a Warrior Academy, Suldak needed Mrs. Luna to coordinate it. The Batra tax officer was responsible for the special allocation and supervision. The designer belonged to Baron Marin Martino, while the construction party was Ang Aboriginal Labor Corps in Dodan Township, Mt.

Suldak even directly placed the Warrior Academy model made by Baron Martino at the entrance of the hall on the first floor of the city hall, so that everyone who walked into the town hall could see this architectural model.

At that time, if Aung San has any reductions during the construction process, it will be reflected clearly from the model.

On the day when the Warrior Academy plan came out, Suldak also ordered Mrs. Luna to put the property rights of the land between Dodan Town and Warrior Academy under the property of Dodan Town. In addition to a wide stone road, a row of commercial shops facing the street will be built on both sides.

He plans to develop this place into the second commercial street in Dodan Town.


Samira, the captain of the Archer Battalion of the Independent Cavalry Battalion of the Dodan Town Garrison, killed five members of the adventure group in the canyon woodland, and was soon sued by the House of Representatives in Wilkes City.

Almost at the same time, the House of Representatives and the Military Department sent investigators to the canyon forest site to investigate.

However, the whole process of this incident was very clear, and it basically took only two days for the investigators to collect evidence at the scene.

After investigation, it was found that the incident occurred in the private territory of the Viscount Surdak, and there was a very clear sign of 'no entry' outside the territory. These members of the adventure group secretly sneaked into Surdak knowing that there was this prohibition. The territory of Viscount Duck.

At that time, the archers guarding the territory issued a warning by shooting arrows. The members of the adventure group not only refused to arrest, but also shot and wounded one of the archers under Viscount Suldak during their escape.

This led to Samira, the captain of the archer brigade, personally shot and killed several members of the adventure group.

Their bodies were buried in this woodland.

For this kind of battle that occurred when entering private territory, the laws of the Green Empire provided comprehensive protection for noble lords. Soon the House of Representatives passed a resolution of Suldak's innocence, and he didn't even need to pay any compensation.

Moreover, Suldak actually has a more sufficient reason. After so many preparations, this canyon woodland has built a large barracks around the bat cave.

This adventure group is even suspected of stealing military secrets in the woodland.

However, in Wilkes City, many citizens participated in the discussion about the fact that an adventure group sneaked into the newly built military camp and was wiped out by the local garrison almost instantly.

It is said that the direct troops of the Luthor Legion are powerful, and this outbreak of the beast tide has a very dazzling performance.

But no one expected that this cavalry battalion would be so tyrannical.

Several second-rank powerhouses of Suldak have also come into everyone's sight, and there are even some sketch portraits circulating in the hands of the nobles of Wilkes City:

Berserker Andrew wearing the 'Earth Shield', riding a horse.

Samira standing on the platform bed crossbow on the back of the armed Thunder Rhinoceros, wearing a hood

Sitting next to the bonfire, the two-headed ogre Gullitum gnawed fiercely on a cow leg. The good brothers were arguing non-stop during the meal...

It is said that there is also a portrait of Viscount Suldak himself, but this viscount has clearly stamped the Luthor family imprint on his body, and none of the nobles in Wilkes City would introduce their daughters to him at this time know.

It is said that there is a great alchemist behind Viscount Suldak secretly supporting him.

When fighting the beast tide, the whole town of Dodan saw the magic items provided by the great alchemist. Some of these advanced magic items were even research subjects of the Wilkes City Alchemy Guild, for example, they could be popularized in the army Enhancement scrolls, such as explosives that are more powerful than fire scale bombs, etc...

After the second-rank powerhouses under Suldak were exposed, someone immediately proposed to the military that Samira and Andrew, the second-rank powerhouses with human blood, should enter the battlefield for training within the time limit.

The military department quickly replied, and the reason given by the military department was very simple. They did not accept the teleportation pass for the two to go to the big battlefield on the grounds that the Luthor Legion was performing a garrison mission in the Bailin plane.

Of course, it is also possible to accept the two large battlefield transmission passes from the relevant departments, but how to solve the defense problems of the northern area of ​​the Bailin plane and the Invercargill Warcraft Forest requires everyone to sit down and discuss.

In fact, it can be seen from this incident that Marquis Luther has a great influence in the Wilkes City Military Department.

This is probably the reason why Marquis Luther did not let Suldak go with him to the south of Tarapagan to suppress the rebellion.

Years ago there were always these things,

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