Lord Highlander

Chapter 920 906. The Battle of the Poison Swamp (Part 1)

Even when there is heavy rain in summer, the poisonous swamp is still filled with faint poisonous fog, and the poisonous fog here will gradually dissipate only after the snow falls in winter. It will take many days for the gate of the Dark Insect Valley to be opened to the world.

The fine snow grits continuously covered the poisonous swamp. Although the fine snow completely suppressed the poisonous fog in the swamp, it also completely covered the entire poisonous swamp.

His vision had turned into a vast expanse of whiteness.

It has just entered winter, and a thin layer of permafrost has just formed in the poisonous swamp.

It is covered with thick moss and weeds. If you step on ordinary places, the soft and wet grass can almost swallow the legs of passers-by. This poisonous swamp grass is full of bastard pits everywhere, and even people and horses will fall into it.

Andrew's cavalry opened the way ahead, and the first thing to do was to find a passage with hard soil under the turf in this poisonous swamp.

If it is another legion, even Hawkeye with the "Boundary Sight" cannot do this kind of thing. The safest way is to use infantry to try to move forward, but this kind of exploration like mine clearance will keep the army Stuck outside the poison swamp.

Suldak started the sacrificial ceremony directly in the temporary marching tent, and moved out his sacrifices stored in the lava cave in boxes.

In addition to allowing the 500 cavalrymen who opened the way in front to have the 'Divine Blessed Body', they also used the 'Eye of Reality' on Andrew, Samira and himself.

Although the effect of the 'Eye of Reality' can only last for less than half an hour, Suldak basically used the heads of these soldier ants as sacrifices. Ahead, through the 'eye of truth' to see under the turf.

In their eyes, the water and soil under the turf present two completely different colors.

A flag had been planted at every turf-covered puddle, and small flags had been planted along the three roads that opened.

Three thousand native warriors, five hundred cavalrymen, and eighteen thunder rhinos were divided into three rows, and they slowly approached behind Suldak, Andrew, and Samira.

At the end is the leak-picking coalition formed by the adventure group and the mercenary group.

Fifteen hundred heavy armored infantry guarded the north of the Chain Bridge, guarding the only retreat route.

There were also a small number of ghost-striped red ants in the swamp. They hid in the weeds and formed an ambush team one by one. However, under the survey of the "Eye of Reality" by the three of Suldak, there was no way to hide for a while.

The Thunder Rhino team followed behind Samira. These archers carried a large number of arrows this time, and also shot at the red ants hiding in the wild grass far away to lure them out of the wild grass.

Along the way, only by constantly hunting ghost-patterned soldier ants can the loss of sacrifices be replenished a little.

In the cold weather, the actions of these ghost-striped red ants also become a little stiff. They rely on the magic lines on their bodies to continuously inject energy into their bodies in order to maintain sufficient vitality in their bodies. Their bodies have stiff and thick hard armor. This layer of hard armor also has a certain insulation effect.

However, in this kind of cold weather, they were supposed to hide in the burrows under the soil layer, but now they were going to lie in ambush in the poisonous swamp filled with wind and snow.

The team walked less than 20 kilometers, and the outline of the gloomy insect valley gradually became clear in the wind and snow.

At this moment, Suldak and Samira stopped almost at the same time. Andrew also noticed that there was an abnormal situation ahead, so he raised his fist to stop the cavalry from advancing.

Without saying a word, Samira boarded the armed Thunder Rhino behind him, raised his long legs and jumped onto the console of the bed crossbow. With the sound of the reel turning, the bowstring was slowly pulled in, and the magic patterns on the entire bed crossbow lit up one by one.

A huge crossbow arrow flew across the air, making bursts of explosive noises.

The next moment, he shot steadily at the forehead of the giant ghost-striped soldier ant 800 meters away, and the huge spear head was deeply embedded in the hard armor. The giant ghost-striped soldier ant was originally half hidden in the swamp, and the other half The body was covered by wild grass, and at this moment, the body suddenly jumped out of the grass, and the pair of contact pincers more than one meter long on the head suddenly opened forward, but no matter what, they couldn't catch the huge crossbow bolt.

It crawled out of the weeds like this, and the other giant ghost-striped red ants thought they were going to charge, and shook off the cold and sticky mud sticking to their bodies, and crawled out of the swamp, forming a large black mass in front of the army.

At the front were forty or fifty giant ghost-patterned red ants covered in dark red, and behind them was a large group of red ants, the number of which was too numerous to count.

‘Front arrow formation, line up, prepare to use bursting crossbow arrows, and use armor-piercing arrows in the second round! '

Samira ordered without hesitation.

An orderly quickly climbed to the roof of the wooden house behind her, waved a few simple movements at the row of armed Thunder Rhinoceros behind her, and the Thunder Rhinos following behind quickly adjusted their positions and aimed sideways at the front battlefield. The controls on the platform The hands began to adjust the shooting angle of the bed crossbow.

Samira didn't intend to save money for Suldak. The first two waves of arrangements were giant crossbow bolts bound with black powder, and giant magic crossbow bolts with 'armor-piercing' effects just shipped from the imperial capital. The crossbow arrows are worth thirty-five silver coins, and the eighteen thunder rhinos will smash out twelve gold coins in one wave.

Andrew immediately moved the cavalry closer to the armed Thunder Rhinoceros.

He didn't intend to charge towards these giant soldier ants, which were six or seven meters long. War horses didn't dare to run around in this poisonous swamp.

The three thousand native warriors behind Suldak saw a large group of ghost pattern soldier ants suddenly appearing in the poisonous swamp in front of them, and immediately screamed strangely to pass on the message.

Suldak shouted and retreated behind the armed Thunder Rhino, they couldn't understand at all.

A group of indigenous warriors took out Paglio's spears one after another, scrambling to squeeze forward, trying to throw the spears in their hands when the giant ghost pattern soldier ants entered the throwing range.

Suldak almost yelled out his throat, and grabbed a few excited native leaders in the crowd one after another to calm them down.

These native leaders can understand some imperial language, and after listening to Suldak's order, they realized that their group of people did not need to use their flesh and blood to block these giant bugs.

The indigenous leaders hurriedly yelled, leading the tribal warriors in standard armor to quickly hide behind the armed Thunder Rhinoceros.

They were not slow at all, leaving Suldak at the end, and every native could walk four or five meters in one step on the Poison Swamp.

At the same time, the first wave of exploding crossbow arrows had already been shot, and hit the giant ghost-patterned soldier ant 600 meters away head-on. With a series of explosions, the sky and the earth cracked, and soil and soldier ant stumps flew up in the fine snow. high altitude,

In this violent explosion, a row of giant ghost pattern soldier ants rushed out.

They start to run faster...

Samira stepped on the bed crossbow control console with one foot, watched the armed thunder rhinos lined up behind him in a wild goose-wing pattern, and shouted to the herald on the roof again: "Another wave of armor-piercing crossbows."

While the herald was waving the flag in his hand, the second wave of armor-piercing giant crossbows had already been fired. These giant crossbows were obviously much lighter than the first wave of exploding crossbows. Thirty-six giant crossbows melted into long and narrow snow lines in the air. Hit these giant ghost-striped soldier ants rushing forward.

The armor-piercing giant crossbow instantly shot these giant ghost-patterned soldiers on their backs, and the sharp point of the arrow cut into the hard armor, as if there was no obstacle at all.

The ordinary ghost-patterned soldier ants in the back are like a red sea tide, stepping on the body of the giant soldier ants in front, rushing towards the armed thunder rhinoceros.

The third wave of armor-piercing crossbow arrows shot out, and there was no longer a giant ghost pattern soldier ant among the charging ants.

Ordinary ghost-patterned soldiers had already rushed two hundred meters away from the armed Thunder Rhino. Half of the thousand archers were standing on the shelves of the armed Thunder Rhino, and the remaining half of the archers lined up at the Thunder Rhino's feet.

The flag bearers standing on the roof changed to a large flag and shook it vigorously in the air. These archers pulled the bowstring without hesitation, and threw it at a 45-degree angle towards the sky. A rain of arrows flew towards the sky. , After reaching the highest point in the sky, relying on gravity to fall smoothly.

This rain of arrows has very limited damage even to ordinary soldier ants, but the rain of arrows is dense enough that they can be nailed into the joints of the ghost-pattern soldier ants if they happen to hit the weak joints.

In the past six months, she and Andrew have been cleaning up ghost ants in the hills and mountains and in the Invercargill forest. No one knows how to hunt and kill these big guys better than them.

All of a sudden, soldiers and ants fell on the poisonous swamp again.

The indigenous warriors crowded behind the Armed Thunder Rhinoceros saw the ghost-patterned red ants in front of them fall one after another, how could they stand honestly behind, and squeezed out from behind the Armed Thunder Rhinoceros. Three thousand indigenous warriors instantly drowned the archers, They took a few steps to run up and threw the Paglio spears in their hands vigorously.

These natives are so explosive that the thrown spears can fly more than 150 meters.

This kind of war spear is not the kind of smooth and edgeless javelin that flies smoothly. It pierced into the body of the ghost pattern soldier ant, and fell down a large piece.

Suldak had been doing business with the indigenous tribes for the past two months. The weapons in the hands of the indigenous warriors had already been replaced by guns. They untied their alloy bows one after another and stood shoulder to shoulder with the archers.

The 1,000 archers tripled in an instant, becoming 4,000 archers.

All the archers lined up in three rows amidst chaotic yelling, each row went forward when they were ready, shot the arrows on the bowstring, and then retreated quickly.

The alloy bow is not a longbow, and the power of the projectile is limited, but the distance of the flat shot is only within 60 yards.

All of a sudden, the rain of arrows was shot out, but I saw those ghost-patterned soldiers were nailed like hedgehogs by the arrows, but they were still rushing forward...

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