Lord Highlander

Chapter 921: 907. The Battle of the Poison Swamp (Part 2)

The cavalry grabbed the reins of their horses one after another, raised their knight spears high, and stood in front of the archers and formed a dense formation. Under Andrew's command, they did not line up and charge forward, but separated Following behind Andrew, Gulitum, and Suldak, they stabbed into the ant colony like a trident.

This greatly avoids falling into the dark pit of the swamp.

The indigenous warriors surrounding the armed Thunder Rhino held alloy bows in their hands, and even followed the cavalry, rushing forward one after another.

Not only are they proficient in archery, but they can also carry swords and shields and follow the cavalry to fight hand-to-hand with ghost-pattern soldiers.

At this time, Andrew released the most powerful fighting spirit, braving flames and electric arcs, rushed into the ant colony, immediately split the heads of two soldier ants, and was stopped by the third ghost pattern soldier ant.

But behind him there was a steady stream of cavalry, and the cavalry at the front all turned and obtained magic patterns. They rushed up from the front of the battlefield, and their strength was not inferior to these ghost pattern soldiers.

Charged with the knight's long spear, as soon as the two sides came into contact, the cavalry picked up and flew dozens of soldier ants.

Of course, there are also cavalry who are less lucky. They rushed to the front and were picked off by the ghost-striped red ants with fork-like pincers, and the two-headed ogre who followed beside them saw this scene. With a battle cry, the ogre mage threw a fireball at the same time.

He rushed over a few steps, rounded the stick in his hand, and slammed it on the head of the ghost-striped soldier ant. Suddenly, the head of the ghost-striped soldier ant shattered like a sandy watermelon hanging on the ground. .

Suldak held the torch of holy light in one hand, and the shield in the other, a halo of power lit up under his feet, and the holy seal on his chest flickered frequently...

After rushing into the battlefield, Suldak discovered that these ghost-striped soldier ants were far more powerful than those ghost-striped soldier ants on the hills and highlands. The holy light torch hit it, leaving only some dents and cracks.

Every ghost-striped red ant is very fierce, and they are not afraid of death, and they don't even try to dodge the cavalry's charge.

Before he died, he had to bite off a bite of flesh from the cavalryman.

Of course, the tribal warriors had never fought against the ghost pattern soldiers like this before. Now they were wearing standard armor, with sharp weapons and strong shields in their hands. When they saw the cavalry rushing up, they rushed up in a swarm.

These tribal warriors are usually a group of experienced hunters. When they held hardwood bows and wooden spears in their hands, they all hunted and killed these ghost pattern soldiers together. Now they hold a sharp and tough heavy sword in their hands, even more Don't be afraid of these ghost pattern soldiers.

The battlefield fell into melee for a while.

From the north, there are ghost pattern soldier ants rushing towards this side.

The native warriors gradually found simple ways of fighting, which they stole from the cavalry who jumped off their horses and fought.

Several warriors who are very familiar with each other gathered together, and everyone had a clear division of labor. From the shield warrior to the main attacker, and then to the back-up knife fighter, the three indigenous warriors formed a combat team, which not only withstood the attack of the ghost pattern soldiers , and frequently succeeded in battle.

The archers at the back lined up in a neat row, and wherever the red ants were suppressed on the battlefield, their arrows would be directed there.

Occasionally, these tribal indigenous warriors on the battlefield will be reminded that the ghost-patterned soldiers who have been killed must be marked, and these will become achievements after the battle is over.

The tribal warriors didn't understand this, and they didn't care about the ghost pattern soldier ants they killed.

After the battle broke out, the allied forces of the adventure group and the mercenary group who followed behind found that Lord Suldak's army had stabilized the situation, and immediately moved forward, looking for those fish that slipped through the net in the swamp behind.

There were so many of them, it was like a big net that was spread out, unexpectedly enclosing a group of ghost pattern soldiers who wanted to circle around in the swamp.

Although they fought on their own when they were fighting, they were actually very effective at blocking a group of ghost pattern soldier ants.

The battle lasted until the afternoon, before the group of ghost-pattern soldier ants left the battlefield with heavy casualties, leaving behind a pile of corpses.

Cleaning the battlefield is the most important job in a battle. It is not only about cleaning up the corpses of the ghost-striped soldier ants, but also collecting all the precious magic arrows shot by the archer brigade.

The biggest harvest of this battle was the forty-one giant ghost-pattern soldier ants hunted by the bed crossbow. The outriggers of these soldier ants were unloaded and moved to Suldak as soon as the ant colony retreated.

Suldak needed to pick out some complete life sigils from these outriggers, and there were 173 outrigger life sigils that remained very complete.

Looking at the outriggers of the life magic pattern piled up like a hill in front of him, Suldak felt that the goal of this northern expedition plan was almost one-third completed.


There was no dry place to camp in this swamp. After the battle, everyone stood in the muddy water, ate some marching rations, drank some water, and continued on their way.

The snow was still falling non-stop, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere on the Poison Swamp.

Only where the army walked, a dirty trail was left on the swamp.

Suldak led the army and finally found a place with trees when it was just dark. At least one foot would not be soaked in ice water here. Seeing the night is coming, they still couldn't see it at a glance. At the end of the swamp, Suldak decided to stay here.

Although the heavy snow covered the poisonous fog, there was still a faint poisonous fog in the place where people stepped on along the way, and the water in the swamp was also undrinkable.

Many soldiers inhaled some faint poisonous mist during this day, and those with weak constitutions began to show some poisoning symptoms of dizziness and vomiting. Suldak had already prepared for this. After arriving at the herbs, this period of time is mainly to prepare two kinds of magic potions, the first is the 'secondary life potion', and the second is the antidote.

Although there are many ways to detoxify, the most effective is the magic potion prepared by magicians.

When Suldak went to the Dark Worm Valley, the first thing he had to face was the poisonous fog on the swamp, so of course he would not fail to prepare the antidote.

Suldak hastily poured some antidotes into the drinking water and asked all the soldiers to drink some, and the symptoms of poisoning were finally effectively curbed.

In order to prevent poisoning, Suldak asked the indigenous warriors not to eat the food in the swamp, nor drink the water in the swamp.

For this reason, he could only take part of the supplies he had prepared.

At night, pile after pile of bonfires were lit in the woodland.

The allied forces of the adventure group and the mercenary group also entered the woods to camp. Some of them were discussing today's harvest, but there were also some people who encountered such and such situations. Most of the symptoms were people who were slightly poisoned. Not everyone could afford the antidote.

At this time, Suldak would not be too stingy. Anyway, if the symptoms of poisoning were mild, a bottle of antidote could dilute a wooden barrel of water, enough for a hundred people to drink.

In the evening, Suldak began to use the holy light technique to treat the wounded. After a series of treatment, the seriously injured soldiers would be transferred to the woodland camp overnight.

Where did the indigenous warriors of the tribe experience this? Seeing that even if they were injured, there was a high probability that they would not die, and their morale immediately rose.

For dinner, the indigenous warriors of these tribes eat something special. It is a kind of poisonous insect like a millipede dug out of the mud under the poisonous swamp. This kind of poisonous insect will hibernate underground after winter, and even if it is dug out, it will be lazy. Effortlessly let himself be slaughtered.

Indigenous warriors said that this is a kind of poisonous insect that likes to hibernate in the swamp, hiding under the grass. Many adult poisonous insects have the physique close to that of a monster, and some skulls can dig magic cores, but their living habits cannot be changed. It becomes very easy to catch in winter.

However, digging these poisonous insects is also a kind of physical work. It is necessary to find the hole, and then test whether there are poisonous insects inside, and finally start digging.

Sure enough, Suldak found some poisonous insects whose bodies were stiff and lethargic, and the magic core could be found by cutting open the skull.

The two-headed ogre thought that the meat of this poisonous insect was very tender, so it had long joined the indigenous warriors and exchanged cooking methods with them.

Suldak didn't want the soldiers' physical strength to be wasted on digging these poisonous insects, so the army didn't carry out extensive digging. Instead, they began to take turns to rest early after nightfall. This northern expedition can't be done in a day or two. It's over, and the days to come are still far away.

However, the news of the millipede poisonous insect in the swamp did not deliberately conceal the adventure group and the mercenary group.

When Suldak walked out of the tent early the next morning, he found that the muddy swamp outside the forest had almost been dug up by these people.

Some people were lucky enough to find it, but more people just searched blindly in the muddy water.

It was in such a chaotic scene that Suerdak had breakfast with the soldiers, and then hurriedly pulled out the tents in the camp, and the large army continued to march.

The Northern Expeditionary Army opened up a passage on the poisonous swamp, and it took another morning to walk out of the poisonous swamp, and saw the high mountain like Tianzhu Peak in the north.

It is said that the Dark Insect Valley is under this mountain.

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