Lord Highlander

Chapter 929: 915. Call of War

Suldak was sitting outside the marching tent, looking at the continuous fighting battlefield more than 500 meters away, thinking that the giant male ants might dig holes to come out, he couldn't sit still.

He thought that Aphrodite might know how to deal with such a behemoth, so he thought of calling Aphrodite from Pustules Mountain.

At this time, he jumped up from the stool, thinking of the rune language 'Call of War' that he had not been able to complete.

In the past, I always felt that my own strength was not enough. Now that I have become a rank two powerhouse, although I haven't fully mastered this tyrannical power, I can still try to draw the 'Words of Runes'.

He was right in front of the marching tent. The wounded were crowded here a few days ago, but now the wounded have been transferred to the rear one after another after receiving treatment.

The space in front of his marching tent became very spacious. After he stood up, he didn't try it rashly, but closed his eyes and recalled the extremely complicated pattern of the rune language, imagining how each stroke would be drawn. .

Then he felt the pure power of holy light in his body, almost overflowing from his body.

He began to stretch out a finger, and began to draw the rune language in front of him. At this time, the power of the holy light he possessed was extremely abundant, and he no longer needed to be able to control the power of the holy light. The holy light formed a rune in the air, and combined with the spell, the complex rune language could probably be completed.

The runes and spells did not fit well the first time and failed.

The second rune was not completely drawn at all...

the third time……

Suldak tried eleven times, but all of them failed, which made him a little discouraged.

While sitting down and waiting for the power of the Holy Light to recover, he thought that he had used his "sight" very well, and submerged himself to seriously think about what went wrong, and even re-examined himself line by line. It has been almost a few months on this rune language.

Now it's finally time to try drawing a call to war, and it's certainly not possible to get discouraged by a dozen small failures.

After recovering the power of the Holy Light, Suldak began to recite spells and draw runes again. Facts have proved that "calling for war" is really difficult. He knew the power of this rune language to summon partners, but he underestimated it difficulty.

Three of the five runes were high-level runes, and Suldak seemed to have tried it more than twenty times in front of the marching tent.

Finally, bunches of white holy radiance that seemed to span time and space lit up under his feet. Countless runes in the radiance were constantly changing. He found that the companions that "Call of War" could indeed summon, except for Aphrodite, were actually Can feel the red dragon Iser.

The magic circle under the feet lit up, and a golden gate woven with holy light seemed to stand on the clouds, looking like the gate of the temple of angels.

He tried to contact Aphrodite, but the succubus seemed to resist the summoning, and cut off the connection between the two decisively.

He couldn't communicate with the red dragon Iser in advance, so he tried to cast a "war call" on it. The next moment, Suldak felt that most of the power of the holy light in his body had been consumed by the golden gate.

And that golden door suddenly became five or six meters high, with complicated patterns on the huge door panel, and with golden rays of light coming out of the door, this door was actually opened in front of Suldak. Inside pushed open.

Then a huge red dragon head covered with red scales poked out from the crack of the door, peering outside.

It found itself standing in the center of the magic pattern circle, with an unconcealable surprise on its face, and then it saw Suldak standing in front of the magic circle, so the dragon suddenly uttered an imperial language: "Dark, Why are you here?"

Iser came out of this light door with a 'swish', and under the reflection of the holy light, the smooth dragon scales reflected a gorgeous light like glass.

The red dragon was summoned for the first time, and it was so curious about this brand new world that it kept looking around.

Suldak finally saw Iser's complete body. It was really a big guy. The whole body was a circle bigger than Thunder Rhino, especially the pair of dragon wings folded behind his back, leaning over to face Suldak. At the time, the sense of oppression on the equivalence made Suldak's legs a little weak.

Although they are so familiar with each other, it is a kind of suppression at the level of strength.

It approached Suldak, put a big face in front of Suldak, and asked with some surprise: "You learned the 'Call of War'... It took you so long to learn this, and you still have such a long time Don't come to see me..."

The latter sentence was full of resentment, but then it noticed the battlefield not far away, saw the mountain chain bridge and a camp here, and asked Suerdak with some doubts: "Dark, are you in any trouble?" gone?"

Suldak nodded and said, "It's a little troublesome."

In fact, he just wanted to summon Aphrodite, but he never thought about summoning Iser.

Only now did Suldak realize that Aphrodite was unwilling to come over, probably because she was a summoning gate built with holy light. For Succubus, accepting the baptism of holy light would be no less than disfiguring her ...

Thinking of this, Suldak reacted, hoping that Aphrodite would not be too angry.

The red dragon scales on the chest of the red dragon Yiser suddenly lit up, as if his chest was full of anger, Yiser said to Suldak with some seriousness: "Go, take me there, and see what can I do for you."

Suldak didn't try to climb onto the dragon's back, but took Iser directly out of the barracks.

Everyone I met along the way stared wide-eyed, their legs were weak and they sat on the ground, watching the red dragon Iser flicking the huge dragon tail and walking out of the camp side by side with Suldak.

There hasn't been a red dragon in the Green Empire for many years, and there are no dragons in the Bailin plane.

At this time, Suldak appeared from the camp with a red dragon, which surprised everyone. The red dragon Iser shook his huge head, and followed behind Suldak in a very inconspicuous manner.

After walking out of the camp, it stretched its huge wings once, wanting to fly into the sky, but it still held back.

Just looking at the battlefield ahead, a trace of fire came out of his nose, the smell of sulfur that Surdak was familiar with.

At this time, the red dragon Iser realized that those ghost-striped red ants did not pose much threat to the soldiers here, so it stopped and asked Suldak suspiciously: "Not here?"

Suldak nodded and said, "It's on the other side of this poisonous swamp, but it's been several days, and I'm not sure if those two male ants are there..."

"Then let's go and see, I can grab you..."

After speaking, Iser stretched out its two strong front paws.

Suldak wanted to hide, but he didn't dodge. Then he felt the world spinning for a while, and flew from the sparse forest to the sky like clouds and fog. A large white lake surrounded by a large poisonous swamp...

Iser was a little excited, spread out the dragon wings, and flew into the sky with a light leap forward.

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