Lord Highlander

Chapter 930 916. Red Dragon Iser (Part 1)

It is a young red dragon, only over eight hundred years old.

He has been living on the plane of Istandur since he was born, without parents and partners, and survives alone on a plane full of danger.

In the memory of the young dragon, it has been nesting in the crevice of the forest behind a small fishing village near the big lake. It is not a dragon cliff at all, nor is it a dragon cave full of lava, but just a shelter for a young dragon cub. Place.

Every day it finds the right time to rush to the fishing village by the lake, where there are some stupid murlocs, a kind of demi-human with two big fish bodies and two thin arms, they have some intelligence , can communicate in simple local language, live by the lake and make a living by fishing every day, the group of this kind of murlocs is not large, and the place where they live is also built in a simple shack.

Several years later, when Iser left the small fishing village, he swore that he would never eat fish again in his life.

But it turns out that it has a good appetite. When it grows up, Iser can eat almost anything, as long as it is a monster.

Still by chance, it found that its appetite was so good that it could eat a kind of red spar, and after eating this red spar, something in its body began to fission, and it found itself becoming stronger rapidly.

Now it can swim in the sky near its territory, and that kind of pleasure is something it has never enjoyed before.

Then it found a partner who was both a teacher and a friend. It was going to find a way to help him pass through that magical rock wall and take him to the magical Istandur for a stroll and enjoy the blue sky there , the sea, the top of the mountains, and then travel through the clouds...

But I didn't expect the two to fly for the first time, it was actually in the small plane of Bailin, and it seemed to be very cold here, with white snow and pine needle forest everywhere.

It didn't invite him to ride on its back, after all, it was related to the dignity of a dragon, and he flew across a swamp that wasn't too wide.

This swamp has been covered with snow, only the puddles have some ring-shaped depressions, which have also frozen over.

Then it saw a lake and a big mountain, and it flew to the lake with only a few flaps of its wings. Some red ants were running fast on the ground, probably going through the swamp to fight Duck's army, which made it a little bit irritable.

It felt that this inferior creature did not deserve red at all, which was the lucky color of dragons, just like its scales and Dak's leather armor.

That's why.

After thinking about the reason for the fight, it spread its wings and flew over, sticking to a place where the red ants were densest in the sand by the lake, so that these red ants could feel the heat of the dragon clan.

It hovered in mid-air, with countless runes lighting up its entire abdomen, its belly constantly swelled, and hot flames condensed in its throat...

A mouthful of the red dragon's breath left a river of flames on the sand by the lake, and countless ghost pattern soldiers became scorched roasted ants. They didn't even have a chance to dance in the flames, and they directly turned into coke and stood in the flames. In the middle of the day, when the north wind blew, their scorched hard carapaces bloomed with the luster of burning charcoal, and then the whole body became bright, and finally turned into ashes and dissipated in the cold wind.

It flew over the Stone Bridge camp, which had turned into ruins, a row of dismantled bed ballistas lined up on the hillside, and a giant male ant was digging the black powder inside the powder keg to eat , Dark magic lines appeared on its body, and its huge body looked extremely bloated.

Apparently at this moment, it also found Iser in mid-air. It opened its head to the sky with six tentacles beside it, and let out a low humming sound, as if it was demonstrating.

Iser's idea was relatively simple. When he swooped down to face the ghost-striped male ant warlord, he breathed a dragon's breath, which immediately turned the giant male ant into a burning flame, covering the ground with a sea of ​​flames.

Suldak was in a daze at this moment, he happened to see gunpowder barrels piled up around the giant male ant.

He didn't even think about it, he took out the square tower shield from his back with his backhand, and released his 'momentum' in the next second, a golden archangel spread its wings and hovered behind him and Iser.

At the same time when dozens of gunpowder barrels exploded, the golden archangel surrounded Iser and Suldak with its wings, and formed a golden light shield in front of Suldak.

All the black powder exploded, landslides and ground cracked, Yiser and Suldak were pushed into the air by the huge impact.

The angel holding Suldak turned into a golden streamer and disappeared in an instant. The remaining shock wave hit the shield in his hand, hitting his chest hard, and the pain made Suldak want to vomit blood.

Iser in the sky was also taken aback, but it was safe from the big explosion, except that some ashes were stained on the red scales.

It was a little worried about Suldak on its paws, and flapped its wings to try to maintain balance in the air. It looked down at Suldak and found that he was holding a shield in both hands. He seemed to be in good condition, so he stabilized his body.

The huge dragon wings flapped in mid-air, making a fierce sound of breaking the wind.

Suldak looked down, and there was a big crater in the place where the black powder was placed in the camp, but the giant male ant survived the explosion, but two outriggers on one side were blown off, and the abdomen was blown off. There are also two cracks that are oozing blood, the dragon's breath on his body has not been extinguished, and the hard armor has exploded at the burning position.

Its body was still covered in fire, and at this moment it was desperately digging the soil under it, trying to sink its huge body into it.

Of course, Iser would not let the giant drone go so easily. He swooped down again and poured a mouthful of dragon's breath on the giant drone. Half of his body had sunk into the soil, and the giant drone completely turned into a ball of flames.

Iser circled in the sky and swooped down for the third time. He firmly grabbed the back of the giant male ant that was almost completely submerged in the soil, and pulled the giant male ant out of the huge pit with the momentum of gliding. When it came out, Iser couldn't lift the big guy. The red dragon's huge claws left several deep scars on the back of the giant male ant, and the thick hard armor was obviously scratched by it.

With this momentum, the giant male ant rolled down the slope towards the lake...

Suldak felt that even though he was caught in the air by Iser, the flames on the ground still roasted him dry, and he felt that if he was lower, he would probably be roasted soon.

Regardless of the pain in his body, the giant male ant found that he could not escape, so he fled along the lake to the nearest burrow.

The ghost pattern soldier ants in the vicinity avoid it one after another, lest they be stepped on by the giant male ants.

It had two legs broken, so it crawled very slowly, limping and drawing wavy lines in the sand.

There is a smell of meat in the air.

Just at the entrance of the crypt, the ghost pattern warlord collapsed heavily on the ground, the dragon's breath on his body has not been extinguished until now...

A group of ghost-striped soldier ants shy away from approaching, and the entrance of the crypt is crowded with ghost-striped soldier ants, and they dare not come out.

"He seems to be dying..."

Iser circled in the air, and when he slid to the bottom of the sky, he threw Suldak down, and then landed beside the giant male ant...

New Year's Day, good luck

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