Lord Highlander

Chapter 936: 922. Chain Bridge Hunting Ground

Today's Duodan Town has entered the lane of rapid development. The prosperous commerce in the town has driven the rapid development of the surrounding agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, and mining. The town is not only building new houses on a large scale, but also renovating old ones. residential area.

Suldak brought back a large amount of Warcraft materials from the Invercargill Forest, which once again became the goods that the merchants in Dodan Town competed for.

Merchant Malakom's Thunder Rhino Merchant Group is mainly responsible for transporting copper ingots from the copper mine, and is not very interested in the hard armor of the ghost pattern soldier ants.

The large amount of hard armor that was hunted in this Northern Expedition was brought back to Dodan Town by Suldak and piled up on the square in front of the military camp. Inquire about the specific information of these Warcraft materials with Bartra tax officer.

Some businessmen also found Aung San, an aborigine who is also considered a popular man in front of Viscount Suldak. He has a labor team of more than a thousand people in his hands, mainly to undertake various tasks in Dodan Town and the copper mine. construction project.

The Junior Warrior Academy in the town of Dodan will also be built by Aung San's labor group, and Baron Marin Martino will be responsible for the design and production.

The entire mound has been piled up with foundation stones of various sizes, and the site looks very messy, and even looks a bit depressed after a few snowfalls.

The construction of the Junior Warrior Academy requires a large amount of stone, which is mainly supplied by the quarry in the town of Dodan, but some fine marble and statues are purchased in bulk from the art center in Wilkes City.

Unlike the Temple of the Twin Goddess, which was built quickly, the construction period of the War College took up to two years. Most of the buildings were built of rocks, and after the college was completed, it would be filled with a large number of artistic statues and reliefs.

Now the foundation of the college has been built, and dense wooden frames have been built around the mound.

Rows of exquisite wooden houses have been built in the large open space between the Warrior Academy and Dodan Town. These wooden houses have been built all the way to the south bank of the Dodan River. These wooden houses have not even been painted, and the original yellowish wood grain is exposed. Lived in the merchants who came to the town of Dodan to do business.

Surdak rode through this residential area and saw many four-wheeled carriages pulling bundles of firewood and selling them to the residents here.

Smoke billows from the chimneys of wooden houses, and you can smell the aroma of bacon and grilled fish standing on the street.

On both sides of the street, some snowmen and castles were built by children. A group of bear children stood in the castle made of snow and threw snowballs at the passers-by on the street. When they were found, they scattered into the back alley run away.

The surface of the Dodan River had been completely frozen into ice, which made him think of the Janna mermaid named Siya. In such a cold weather, even if she hid in a wooden house, she might not have a good life.

Suldak stood in front of the gate of the Temple of the Two Goddesses on the north bank of the Dodan River. Today happened to be the prayer day for the residents of the town. Many residents came to the temple to pray to the goddess. a busy day.

The bell for the end of prayer rang in the temple. A group of townspeople came out of the temple side by side in thick overcoats. Everyone was wearing thick clothes, chatting while walking, making crunching noises as they stepped on the snow on the ground. .

Suldak didn't wear the salamander leather armor. He casually put on a woolen cloak and walked leisurely through the snow to the backyard of the temple, just like an ordinary traveler, so that the townspeople didn't notice it. The man standing in the snow in the courtyard is the mayor.


When it was completely dark, the residential areas of the town were lit up one after another, and the street lamps were also turned on one by one by the night watchmen.

Selena walked out of the temple slowly with Signa and Nika. They locked the gate of the temple, turned around and walked along the small building by the river to the wooden house by the river.

Only then did Suldak go up to meet them, appearing in front of the three of them.

Seeing the hoarfrost on the beard around Suldak's mouth, Selina looked at Suldak in surprise and asked him:

"How long have you been waiting here? It's such a cold day, why don't you come in?"

Her voice was soft and sweet, which warmed Suldak's heart.

Walking closer, he held Selena and Signa in his arms.

Signa broke free from Suldak's embrace, looked up at Suldak's majestic side face, and said with some doubts: "Dak, it seems that you have become a little different from before. It's..."

Signa's voice is still like that of a kitten.

"What's different?" Suldak asked, leaning over for Signa.

"I don't know!" Signa shook her head with some hesitation and said.

The four of them walked side by side along the path by the river. Selina leaned against Suldak, raised her chin slightly and looked at him and asked, "I heard that this northern expedition is not going well?"

"It's okay." Suldak said with a slight smile.

"Back this time, the Northern Expedition is over?" Selina asked with concern.

"It's over!" Suldak exhaled, looking at the river covered with thick snow, and said.

Signa cheered, "Ha, that's really great..."

Three magic caravans were parked at the gate of the cabin by the river.

Suldak and his group came over.

Mrs. Luna, Batra tax collector, and Aung San pushed their respective carriages away, quickly got out of the carriages, and faced Suldak, their eyes full of eager desire to talk.

Surdak looked around, then looked at the wooden house without any fireworks, hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Everyone hasn't eaten dinner yet! Let's go, find a warmer place to eat something together, and by the way, listen to what you have gained during the recent period, and what difficulties you can't solve."

Mrs. Luna and Bartra tax officer hurriedly asked Suldak and Selena to board the magic caravan.

Aung San smiled, and without arguing about this, he quickly walked back to his magic caravan and let the magic caravan follow behind.

Batra tax officer sat in the magic caravan and suggested to Suldak: "Then go to the newly opened barbecue restaurant in the town. The chef of that restaurant is from Bena City, and his cooking skills are very good."

Suldak nodded, and asked Batra tax officer: "Is there any financial problem in the town?"

"It's the end of the year, and some documents need your seal to enter the file..." Batra tax officer said

"With such a Warrior Academy, is the financial pressure on the town?" Suldak asked again.

Batra Tax Inspector leaned forward and said to Suldak: "Junior Warrior Academy paid one-third of the construction fee, and the quarry basically pays monthly, so the pressure is not too great. "

This newly opened barbecue restaurant in the town is not far from the wooden house on the Surdak River. It is built on the west side of the Central Commercial Street in Daonan. It is a one-story wooden building facing the street. The glass windows at the door are very clean. Through the glass window, you can see that the chefs are sending skewers of roast meat into the huge oven, and there is a delicate aroma of oil floating outside.

The open design structure of this kitchen allows customers to see the situation inside the store at a glance.

There are many customers eating in this restaurant at night, and there are even more than a dozen customers waiting in line at the door.

Batra tax collector got out of the carriage first, and then asked Suldak, Selina, and Mrs. Luna to get off. The waiter at the door seemed to know Batra tax collector. He hurried to the lobby to invite the restaurant manager out.

The well-dressed restaurant manager respectfully invited everyone to a well-decorated box inside.

This action inevitably caused the guests waiting in line to protest, but a waiter immediately stepped forward to appease.

It was only when the hall manager introduced the special dishes of the restaurant to Suldak that Suldak knew the so-called specialties here, that is, to use silver oak nuts as charcoal to roast the gray rock iguana, a specialty of Bena province...

Everyone didn't have much interest in iguanas, so they just ordered some food such as smoked fish and leg of lamb.

While waiting for the appetizer, Suldak asked the three of them:

"Now, what do you want to tell me?"

Mrs. Luna coughed lightly, and then reported to Suldak: "President Buckley wants to apply for fifty hunting certificates from the Mercenary Union at the Chain Bridge Hunting Ground..."

Suldak snorted and said noncommittally:

"Tell him to come and see me at the Town Hall tomorrow morning."

Hearing what Suldak said, Mrs. Luna knew that this matter was probably useless, and she couldn't help complaining slightly to the president of the mercenary union.

At this time, the Batra tax officer hurried over and whispered: "Epson, the owner of the tailor shop, heard that the miners in the mine want to order uniform clothing, but the styles of the clothes they sent did not pass. I would like to ask you for information..."

Suldak seldom asks about such trivial matters recently, and the manager of the copper mine can basically decide these trivial matters...

Suldak said: "What's the point of asking, Aung San, what kind of clothes would you wear if you were a jungle hunter?"

Aung San was at the dining table, using a silver knife to deal with a piece of fried meat. At this moment, he quickly raised his head and said without hesitation: "Of course it is leather armor, and some jungle camouflage is also needed."

Suldak asked again: "Batra, you are a tax officer. What kind of clothes do you usually wear?"

"Just wearing a suit, the chest pocket can hold a charcoal pencil, and you can also put the account book in the pocket..." Batra tax officer replied.

Only then did Suldak explain to the Bartra tax officer:

"What the miners in the mine need is a kind of work clothes made of tough and relatively cheap linen cloth. That kind of pullover skirt made from linen bags, without sleeves or trouser legs, and anti-smashing leather shoes, by the way, please invite the owner of the shoe shop to my town hall tomorrow."

Batra tax officer nodded quickly and said, "Understood, I'll bring him over in the morning!"

In addition to the tailor shop owner Tobatra, the tax officer asked Suldak about the details of the miner's uniform, and several businessmen entrusted the Batra tax officer to ask Suldak how to deal with the monster materials...

Suldak thought for a while before saying: "These monster materials and frozen meat will be transported to Bena City. There is a leather goods firm in Bena City that can handle these hard armors, and the frozen meat will be sent there for free trade. The market, but the amount of supplies brought back this time is huge, and it is not impossible to do business with me. Businessmen who can produce ten recent tax payment receipts can come to the town hall to find me..."

Mrs. Luna and Bartra the tax collector got the answer they wanted from Suldak, and shut up and stopped talking.

Aung San began to report to Suldak the progress of the Junior Warrior Academy project, as well as the housing renovation of the imperial immigrant residential area and the construction of the residential area on the south bank of the Dodan River.

In the past year, Aung San has transformed from an ordinary hunter to a small town builder. Not only has he created countless wealth for the aborigines, but his life has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

All this probably happened after he served as a guide to Suldak.

Not only the town of Dodan, but also the Aung San labor group in the copper mine and the canyon camp.

"Viscount Suldak, do you want to build a long wall on the cliff on the south side of the mountain stream?" Aung San looked up at Suldak, and said to him respectfully: "This is a big project. If you have such a plan, I will take people to cut wood in winter, and start building it next spring..."

Suldak put down the table knife in his hand, took a sip of the rum, and said: "There is no need for a defensive fence now, and you have a general understanding of the terrain over there. In fact, I have also had some considerations these days, that is, It is planned to build a hunting ground in the area north of the Chain Bridge Camp and south of the Poison Swamp..."

Aung San did not expect that Suldak would adopt such a radical plan, and he immediately thought that this northern expedition seemed to be a complete victory.

Thinking that the cavalry battalion under Suldak really has the ability to fight against the ghost-striped red ants, he said: "The hunting ground, this idea is really good, then I will build some wooden houses in the chain bridge camp..."

But Suldak shook his head and said, "The next point of your task is to lead the labor group to the tribes."

He touched the clothes on his body, tapped the plates on the dining table with his fingers, looked up at the room in the restaurant, and said to Aung San: "We will gradually change the living conditions of the indigenous tribes. The initial stage is nothing more than It is to change their basic necessities of life.”

"In the future, we will let the children in the tribe enter the Warrior Academy to study. Since I am a subject in my territory, I have the responsibility to improve their lives."

Signa and Nika sat at the dining table a little cautiously, looking at Suldak with admiration.

The candlelight reflected on their flushed faces, making their eyes shine brightly...

It wasn't until the dinner was over that Suldak and Selena took Nika and Signa back to the riverside cabin in a carriage that Selena asked Suldak in a low voice: "Then can I ask the natives The tribe passed on the teachings of the Dark Goddess?"


Seeing the trace of gold in Selena's eyes, Suldak immediately replied without thinking.


Samira received a letter from the city of Wojmara on the Maca plane, which was sent to Samira by the old nun in the asylum.

The general meaning is that they have received a large sum of money, so they plan to renovate the house of the asylum and take in more children. This money will allow the asylum to last for a long time, so there is no need for Samira to continue sending money .

The main thing in the letter is only this one thing, and the rest are all kinds of blessings from the children. Some wrote blessing words and their own names on the letter paper, some drew some patterns, and there were some small gifts mixed in the envelope. Dolls with cloth heads, grasshoppers woven with grass leaves...

Samira sat in front of the bed in the attic of the garrison camp, her eyes softened by the moonlight...

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