Lord Highlander

Chapter 937

In the lower room of the riverside wooden house, the walls of the room extending into the river water have been completely frozen by the river water, and there is a very thick layer of ice there.

But the room is not too cold, but Sia can't swim in the Dodan River, and she is a Jana Sea Tribe who can't live without water. Recently, she has been lying in a large bathtub that is not too spacious. Not even a wiggle of the tail fin.

She only needs to flick her tail fin, and half a bathtub of water will fly out...

The room wasn't too cold, but it was a bit damp, and a thick layer of hoarfrost formed on the surrounding walls.

The mermaid Miss Sia was lying in the bathtub. There was a metal rune plate under the bathtub, and a very stable flame was burning on the bottom of the bathtub, maintaining the temperature of the water in the bathtub.

The water temperature was a bit cold, and when she stretched her arms, she always stretched her arms out of the tub.

It felt very cold to expose her wet arms, and now she basically wouldn't float out of the bathtub unless she was eating.

It has been more than two months since I came to Duodan Town in a blink of an eye, and Xi Ya has adapted to the life here a little bit, and is familiar with her temporary shelter.

Since she escaped from Wilkes City, the original magic seal "Forbidden Magic" on her body has expired, and she regained her magic power half a month ago.

Although she regained her magical power, she failed to derive any happiness from this power.

The reason is that both Signa and Nika are very disdainful of her magical power, and even when the three of them are together, they don't talk much about these things.

Miss Mermaid really wanted to let her friends know about her magical power, but after communicating, Xi Ya found that the two girls didn't seem to have so much admiration for magic.

She knew very early on that Nika had mastered the power of the light element, but obviously Nika could only be regarded as a beginner.

She also hoped that Nika would ask her about magic with great anticipation, but it was a pity that Nika never spoke.

Recently, by chance, I found out that Signa was born with a dark physique. According to this statement, once Signa successfully reaches the peak of rank one nineteen, she will be promoted to a rank two powerhouse without any shackles.

Xiya understands this natural elemental physique, just like someone from the Jana Sea tribe was born with a water elemental body.

However, this special physique, even in the Jana Sea Clan, is unique in existence, and will be absorbed by the Sea God Temple as a priest of the Sea God Temple at birth.

She was a little curious, how many people with such talents like Nika and Signa in the human world.

After having such an idea, she was going to try to live in the human world for a period of time. Her magic power recovered, and she could recite the spell that she occasionally recited on the reef, turning her tail fin into legs.

Tonight, she sat on the edge of the bathtub, wiped off the water stains on her body with a towel, and then began to sing the spell like a ballad. Her body was surrounded by magic lines, and the three-colored fish tail slowly turned into two A long leg.

She suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with these two ivory-like fleshy columns. She clutched her round buttocks, jumped from the edge of the bathtub to the floor a little cautiously, walked on the floor twice with bare feet, and found that her steps were light. , and her swimming in sea water are completely two concepts.

In the sea, she needs to use her whole body to swim fast.

But here, you can run fast with just two legs... That kind of wonderful feeling is simply indescribable.

Thinking that Signa and Nika both had shoes, she found that there were no shoes in the wooden house, but it didn't bother him at all. She wrapped her delicate and soft feet with a piece of linen, which was actually very interesting. beauty.

She wanted to give Black Signa and Nika a surprise after dawn, and then borrow a beautiful skirt and boots from them,

She was considering whether to sell a pearl for some living expenses, and this pearl was one of the few possessions in her possession.

Every night seems to be hard to endure. In the past, lying in the bathtub and sleeping deeply did not feel that the time passed slowly, but tonight she has two long legs, and this night is really a bit long.

She was in the room on the lower level of the platform, wrapped around a cashmere blanket and obediently waiting for dawn...

Viscount Suldak seemed to be back last night. The ceiling was making 'squeaky' sounds all night. Ms. Selena was crying faintly in the upstairs room, and Ms. Siya planned to tell this matter secretly. Tell Signa, at least don't let those two silly girls worship this bad guy so blindly.


After dawn, Nika checked the situation of Xiya every morning as usual.

But this time when she opened the door and walked in, she was really taken aback by Miss Mermaid.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, Nika saw Sia standing upright at the door with a smug look on her face...

"You...you can stand up?" Nika lowered her exclamation and called to Sia.

"Yeah, my mana has recovered!" When Xi Ya spoke, the smile on her face seemed a bit annoying.

Nika didn't want to get to know Sia as well, so she decided to leave a breakfast after seeing that she was in normal condition, and then left.

"Nica, wait a minute..." Siya called out to Nika, and then said with some embarrassment: "Do you know where to sell this bead? I'm going to exchange some money."

"Do you want to exchange this bead for money? You don't need it at all!" Nika stared at the round pearl and said loudly: "Magicians can easily make money, aren't you also a spellcaster of the Jana Sea Clan? ?."

Xi Ya's eyes lit up, and she asked Nika, "Then what should I do?"

Nika just glanced at Siya and said casually, "Of course it's selling your magic."

Xi Ya widened her beautiful blue eyes and asked Nika, "How do I sell my magic?"

"It's just to draw your magic, draw it into a magic scroll and sell it, water magic should be very popular." Nika introduced to the mermaid lady Siya, and then said: "I don't know much about this, but I hope Gerna must know, I'll go and call her over."

Nika came back soon after leaving, not only woke up Sigina from the bed, but also brought her a pair of old leather boots and a skirt.

But for Siya, Nika's new loose skirt is a bit tight no matter how she wears it.

Signa sat sleepily in the lower room, and after listening to Siya's question again, she explained to her:

"I heard what Celia Cooper said about the following. I haven't confirmed whether it will work or not. I heard that drawing a magic scroll requires a little capital, including magic ink, magic carving knife, and magic parchment. Justin is going to ask for some, he is a magic pharmacist, and now he is staying in Dodan Town to help Dark refine the magic potion..."

"Is it really possible?" Xi Ya asked hesitantly.

Signa clapped her hands, raised her face and muttered, "If you don't try it... how do you know if it's okay!"

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