Lord Highlander

Chapter 948: 934. Ethanhard

The cold wind was bleak, there were hardly any pedestrians on the street, and occasionally a magic caravan sped past on the street.

Night watchmen in thick fur coats wandered the streets holding lanterns.

Suldak rode back to the Circle Hotel. The waiter at the hotel opened the door, and led Gu Bolai's horse into the yard. When he came to the steps of the inner courtyard, Suldak jumped off the horse and put the reins on the attendant. hand, and threw a silver coin into his bosom.

"Thank you, generous lord, I will prepare the best stables and fodder for your horses..." The waiter quickly saluted and promised, it is not every day that there are such generous guests.

Suldak waved his hand without looking back, and walked up the steps.

The waiter who immediately ran up to the side with a lantern to lead the way walked cautiously in front and asked in a low voice: "My lord, do you need hot water? Do you need juice or alcoholic drinks? We can also provide simple supper here." , or get you a bed-warming young girl..."

"Shut your mouth!"

Suldak threw out a silver coin again, and the waiter happily accepted the tip without saying anything.

It wasn't until Suldak was sent to the corridor on the third floor that he stopped at the stairs, carefully took out the silver coin, rubbed it on the leather on his chest excitedly, and put it back in his arms.


Seeing Surdak riding a horse into the inner courtyard of the hotel, Samira left the window with a cup of hot fruit tea, jumped onto the bed as nimbly as a light cheetah, got into the white quilt, and closed the window. Eyes ready for a good night's sleep.

In the marching tent set up in the hotel yard, Gullitum and Naohuaer were still chatting, as if they were arguing about what to eat tomorrow morning.

The waiter holding a lantern at the gate of the hotel still has some shadows over the two-headed ogre.

At night, he took the initiative to run to the side of the tent and ask the ogre: "Do you need a girl to sleep with..."

Unexpectedly, the ogre actually opened his mouth and asked:

‘How young and tender is the meat? '

'Is it really edible? '

At that time, the waiter was scared to pee.


Siya seemed to have just come out of the bath, and ran out to greet Suldak when she heard the door opening in the next room. Miss Mermaid only showed her shoulders with shallow scales, and immediately retracted after saying a word.

Suldak didn't care. He returned to the room and first ignited the wall lamp on the wall.

I poured myself a glass of water, and after drinking the water, I took out the magic sealing box from the magic pocket, and landed it on the table with a bang.

Now, Samira and Andrew already have a set of primary magic pattern construction, Andrew's set of 'Earth Shield' seems to be scrapped soon, Samira just got a set of 'Serpent's Fang', only two-headed Ogre Gullitum has not yet.

His body shape is too special, and there is no suitable one, I am afraid it will have to be specially customized.

As for the mermaid lady Sia next door, what she probably needs is a set of mage robes.

In the Grimm Empire, things like magic robes are expensive, but they are not difficult to buy.

Magicians are very rare in the first place, and every magician can make magic robes. They will change their magic robes every time they go through a stage, so the shelves of magic shops are full of such magic robes.

Sit in your living room and turn the lights up a little.

Suldak couldn't wait to open the old-looking magic sealing box.

Marquis Luther gave Suldak a second-level magic pattern construction suit, but this construction looks very strange. The suit part is full of weapons and shields, and there is a line of text left on it, which seems to be this The name of the suit.

The name is also a bit weird, it is actually called 'Esenhard's Arsenal'.

Suldak took out the set of magic patterns from the magic-sealing box one by one. There were very few parts in this suit, only a breastplate, a long sword, a shield and a helmet with a visor .

This set of magic pattern structure is already a bit old, it is covered with mottled sword marks, and no magic pattern can be seen on the surface of the armor.

If Marquis Luthor hadn't said that it was a set of second-level magic pattern structure, Suldak could hardly see anything special about it.

Suldak was a little curious. This set of magic pattern structure actually did not have shoulder armor, arm guards, belt, trouser armor, greaves, and boots. It seemed that the suit was a bit too simple.

However, the moment he picked up the broad sword, a simple and simple aura came over his face.

Suldak could feel the magical power contained in the magic pattern structure.

It was a broadsword with a bronze blade that looked like it was made of magical red copper.

It was heavy, and the linen thread wrapped around the handle was coagulated with dried blood.

The blade of the broad sword was about as wide as an adult's palm, and the length of the blade was about four feet. The front half of the blade was very smooth, and there was a shallow blood groove two fingers wide in the middle.

The second half looks like it has been polished into sawtooth, with a row of fine magic runes engraved in the middle of the sawtooth.

Holding it in the hand, the broad blade has a good guiding effect, and it has a good feel that only a machete has.

The armor made of magic red copper looks like a copper vest, and it does not have shoulder pads and arm guards. It looks a bit ordinary, even very crude. Carved into the inside of the armor.

The design of the armor is a bit tight. Surdak belongs to the body type of a northerner. He wanted the vest-style armor on the ship, but the salamander leather armor could not be worn inside the armor...

The helmet was like an upside-down iron bucket with three holes. When it was worn on the head, Suldak realized that the comfort of the helmet was not bad, and the vision windows for the eyes were also well made. Some restrictions, the head originally had a 180-degree turn angle, but when wearing this helmet, it was immediately shrunk to 120 degrees.

He gently placed the bronze helmet on the wooden table, and Suldak always felt as if something was staring at him.

Although the helmet is unpretentious, it looks like a masterpiece of a master artist. The mask has an indescribable charm in it.

There is a goethe shield lying on the bottom of the magic sealing box. This style of shield is much larger than the iris shield, and it is not as square as the tower shield. It is a streamlined design with a wide top and a narrow bottom. There are scales, and there are exaggerated sharp horns on the edges of both sides.

This shield is Suldak's favorite part, no matter the size or style, it is in line with Suldak's understanding of shields, and as a paladin, he has never had a shield that can be used .

Even the thick steel plate of the dwarven chain shield had caused him to wear out several sides.

Although a better magic shield has now been replaced—a commemorative shield, this square tower shield with runes is not suitable for horseback riding.

Suldak took off the salamander leather armor, and put this second-level magic pattern set on his body.

Since there are only four pieces and only the breastplate and helmet need to be worn on the body, the process of donning is very simple.

The most important thing is the breastplate and the helmet, which don't need much bearing capacity at all...

Suldak put it on, and found that the effect of the suit was triggered, the magic pattern on the breastplate and helmet lighted up slightly, and a source of power was transmitted from the structure to the body. The feeling was simply indescribable, like an instant Become a lot stronger again.

Since he successfully broke through the second round, he has a stronger carrying capacity.

The pressure from the keel at the throat disappeared, and now there is no problem at all wearing two magic-weave structures.

He tried to pick up the shield in the living room, and his body really felt a sense of weight, but it was acceptable, and he waved the shield twice without any slowness or hindrance.

Holding the broad sword in his hand again, Suldak felt that he had reached the limit of what he could bear mentally in an instant, but he could bear it.

All the magic patterns of the four pieces of magic patterns are all lit up, as if there are invisible magic patterns closely connected between them, a stream of magic power is injected into the body from the armor.

It was a kind of magical power that the 'Earth Shield' couldn't feel. It was a very strange feeling. Although I didn't feel much increased power, I just felt that my body was very different from before.

The shield seemed to be lifted up easily. Although the shield was much bigger, it became easier to lift the shield. Such a change made Suldak amazed for a while.

When Suldak swung the broadsword, he could also feel the hissing sound of piercing through the air. The blade just passed over the table, and the glass water bottle on the table was cut open without a sound. Clear water dripped all over the table.

Unexpectedly, the sword was so sharp that Suldak didn't dare to stay in the living room.

He steps up to the terrace.

Suddenly, there was a very clear feeling that the steps he took seemed to be a little longer than before. This change in the span even made him a little uncomfortable.

Is this the change brought about by the second-level magic pattern structure? Suldak thought about it.

Being promoted to rank two powerhouse will greatly improve the strength, and the body can even directly communicate with the surrounding sacred aura, possessing endless power of holy light in a short time.

However, it is said that this magic pattern structure can give Suldak an overall improvement in his physical condition.

The pace is bigger than before, which means that Suldak's movement speed has been significantly improved under the same frequency.

The magic pattern structure has very good defense and magic resistance, and the shield block has also changed significantly...

These changes made Surdak very satisfied.

"This magic pattern structure is very good..."

Samira stood barefoot on the railing of the terrace next door. The cold winter night wind blew her fine hair.

Her magic pattern structure is a set of 'magic snake teeth' brought back from the imperial capital by merchant Malakom. This is almost the top level primary magic pattern structure that can be found in the current auction house.

As for the second-level magic pattern structure, no matter whether it is in the auction house or in the market, almost no one will sell it.

"A sword and shield is a complete set." Standing on the terrace, Suldak waved the broadsword in his hand casually, sparks flashed on the stone wall on the terrace, and a few shallow marks were left on it .

Samira leaned over and saw a line of small characters at the bottom of the shield, and said in surprise:

"Does it still have a name? It's really a good magic pattern structure..."

Suldak also felt good, not knowing how much better than that set of Earth Shield, so he said: "It is said that this set of magic pattern structure was obtained by Marquis Luthor from the big battlefield."

"Then after we finish this mission, let's go to the big battlefield to try our luck." Samira said.

Suldak lifted his visor, patted his forehead and said, "Originally, I planned to clean up the Anya Swamp."

"How long will it take to clean up the Anya Swamp? As long as this area is opened up and the adventure groups and mercenary groups can gain a foothold, people will come to take risks and practice!" Samira is not worried about the swamp at all. Lurking powerful monsters.

Suldak nodded and said, "It's better to complete this mission first, maybe on the big battlefield, we can find armor suitable for Gulitum..."

Xi Ya sat on the wooden bed with the quilt in her arms, and she could just see Samira and Suldak chatting on the terrace through the window. She leaned her head against the wall and looked towards the deep night sky...

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