Lord Highlander

Chapter 949

The military headquarters of Bena City is located diagonally opposite the main entrance square of the Duke of Newman's mansion, which is also convenient for the supreme commander of the Bena Legion, the Duke of Newman, to handle military affairs in peacetime.

A flock of pigeons landed on the central square. Suerdak walked past the square with Samira, Siya, and Gulitham. The flock of pigeons only flew a few meters away before landing back on the square. .

The two-headed ogre asked Surdak curiously: "Do people here not usually like to eat roasted pigeons?"

There are two five-meter-high statues of swordsmen standing under the steps of the military gate. These two statues are swordsmen holding swords tightly in both hands. Their eyes are all flying towards the highest roof of the Duke of Newman's mansion in the distance. banner.

"Probably no one eats so much..."

Samira wore a hood on her head, covering her face tightly.

Xi Ya also imitated Samira's dress up.

A group of people came to the gate of the military headquarters and were stopped by the guards at the gate.

This is not the military headquarters of Wilkes City, and Suldak has no ability to freely enter and exit here.

Several people in Suldak were waiting outside the gate of the military headquarters, and some people went inside to communicate. During this morning, there were many people standing at the gate of the military headquarters, and many noble lords also had to blow the cold wind outside, and no one complained.

Samira and Siya showed off their female figures, and covered their faces with hoods and black gauze, which was somewhat eye-catching.

In the barracks, there are almost no women in ordinary soldiers. Only some personal guards or independent combat groups will have some outstanding female soldiers. However, these female soldiers are basically much stronger than ordinary people. Relatively speaking, Sami La's figure was one of those extremely shapely and slender.

Miss Sia was dressed as a magician, but she didn't have the awesome magician badge on her chest.

In this way, her identity is even more curious.


When the great swordsman Chester felt the gate of the military headquarters, he saw the Isenhard magic pattern structure on Suerdak's body, his mouth immediately became an 'O' shape, and he stared at Suer in disbelief. Dak sighed:

"Master Marquis is really willing to give you this set of magic patterns..."

A lot of people gathered at the door. The great swordsman Chester held Suldak's shoulders, stepped forward and muttered to the guard at the door for a while, and then took out a sign to lead Suldak and the others into the army headquarters.

Suldak followed Great Swordsman Chester into the lobby on the first floor of the military headquarters, only to find that it was packed with people, even more chaotic than the free market.

"I can't help it. The recent fighting situation in various places is a bit complicated..." Chester Great Swordsman introduced: "It's not so chaotic here usually."

Suldak and his party followed the great swordsman Chester through the chaotic hall on the first floor.

After going up to the second floor, there are obviously fewer people here, but the corridor here is very long, and there is only one gate at a long distance. Groups of officers walked into these gates in groups of three and four. At that time, I took a peek inside and realized that it was a conference hall.

Suldak asked Chester Great Swordsman:

"You know this set of Ethanhard's arsenal?"

Chester Great Swordsman curled his lips and said with a smile:

"Of course, it's still fresh in my memory. This is the biggest achievement I gained when I entered the big battlefield with Marquis Luther for the first time. Every trace on this magic pattern structure is related to Marquis Luther. He didn't use this set later. The magic pattern is constructed, and I have never been willing to take it out, hiding it at home..."

Suldak thought of Marquis Luther's ardent eyes last night, and felt how generous his father-in-law's grace was.

"Is it really possible to obtain such a strong magic pattern structure on the big battlefield?" Suldak asked curiously.

The great swordsman Chester smiled freely: "What is there to doubt? Didn't you wear it all on your body? It's just not as easy as imagined. Danger and opportunity always coexist..."

Suldak quickly said: "I also want to prepare for entering the big battlefield..."

"What? Are you in such a hurry to see the demons in the tunnel connecting to hell?" The great swordsman Chester stopped on the slow platform and turned to ask him.

The buildings in the entire military headquarters are solemn and solemn, and all the corridors and columns are very tall. Even if the two-headed ogre walks in the corridor, it will feel very spacious.

Suldak squeezed out a smile and said:

"I heard that it is also a place to temper oneself, and many second-rank powerhouses seek self-breakthrough there."

The smile of the great swordsman Chester disappeared, and he asked with a serious face: "Then have you heard how many strong men can come out of the big battlefield alive?"

Suldak said with a guilty conscience: "Someone needs to go there to fight..."

"That's right."

Seeing that Suldak was still so persistent, the great swordsman Chester took him by the shoulders, turned to a conference room, and said in a low voice: "Don't think about these for now, we need to think about it now." How can I return from the Ganbu plane alive..."

This conference hall is not very big. There is only a huge round table made of dark blue indigo wood in the hall. There are some celebrity oil paintings on the walls around it. There is a huge crystal chandelier in the middle of the ceiling, and the lights are scattered To make the conference hall look very bright, a magic crystal is placed in the hollow in the middle of the round table.

There are already many people sitting around the round table. Those who can sit around the round table are almost all wearing a complete set of magic pattern structure, and the powerful aura exuding from their bodies shows that they are almost all second-rank powerhouses.

These people were also divided into several combat teams. One of them looked like a very strong swordsman with two two-handed swords on his back. He sat carelessly on a chair near the door. Suldak walked in, pointed at Suldak and asked:

"Chester, this is...?"

"Viscount Suldak, currently in the Independent Cavalry Battalion of the Luthor Legion." Great Swordsman Chester introduced to Suldak: "This is the Great Swordsman Quintas, who belongs to the Colin Legion..."

"It turns out that you are the knight boy who possesses the holy light technique. I have heard your name before. You performed very well in the Maca plane. If Marquis Luthor hadn't acted so quickly, maybe you would still have a chance to join Colin's army!" The tall swordsman Quintus extended his hand enthusiastically.

Surdak didn't expect that sitting in this meeting hall, a great swordsman would pop up out of nowhere.

After quickly saying a few words modestly, he obediently followed Chester Great Swordsman and sat in the corner.

The Great Swordsman Chester and the Great Swordsman Quintus seem to be familiar with each other. The two got together to chat, and some familiar people joined in:

"Chester, I heard that you went to Bailin to take over the mess from Langdon's Legion?"

Chester Great Swordsman also laughed carefully, and said: "Bai Lin's side is actually not bad, the northern occupied area is not as bad as the rumors, but you, Quintus, I heard that you went to the plane of Rocky, and the people over there How is it going?"

The great swordsman Quintus also said casually: "It's okay, thank Goddess Luck for allowing me to drink in front of the Nacoma..."

"Do you know our mission this time?" Someone asked again.

The speaker lowered his voice subconsciously: "I heard that they are going to dry the cloth plane..."

At this time, the door of the meeting hall was suddenly pushed open, and three senior military officers walked in through the door. The leader was an old nobleman with gray beard and hair. From the badge on his military uniform, it could be seen that this was also a A Marquis, a Legion Commander, and a Commander's Badge.

Marquis Luther was also following the noble old man, his eyes flicked past the great swordsman Chester and Suldak, and he nodded imperceptibly.

After the three senior military officers entered the conference hall, everyone immediately stood up from their chairs.

The noble old man walked to his place and stood up, glanced around the room before nodding slightly, and said, "Very good, I can still see so many old faces and many new faces here, it's all good." Sit down!"

With a sound of 'hula', everyone sat down around the round table, and the door of the meeting room closed.

The noble old man said loudly: "I don't want to talk nonsense. This time I have summoned the elite fighters of the three legions. You are the commanders of each legion. You are called here to form an assault team!"

"You will sneak into the dry cloth plane through the temporary portal today..."

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