Lord Highlander

Chapter 950

The meeting hall became very quiet, and everyone was listening carefully to the arrangement of the noble old man.

Suldak was sitting on a chair against the wall behind the great swordsman Chester. The noble old man looked full of aura. Marquis Luther and a nobleman with two dark beards were sitting on his left and right sides. sides.

The great swordsman Chester leaned back, and Suldak saw that he seemed to have something to say, so he immediately leaned over.

Chester introduced to Suldak in a very low voice: "The one sitting in the middle is Marquis Jonson. He is not only the commander of Jonson's Legion, he is also the commander of the Tarapagan War Zone of the Bena City Army. Commander-in-Chief, and the other is the Marquess of Norton..."

Hearing Chester's introduction that one of the three was the Marquess of Norton, Suldak immediately thought of the young and handsome Baron Cole Norton whom Hathaway had met in Handanar County on the Warsaw plane. He and Darcy Christie also had a lover relationship with Baron Cole Norton at the Benner Advanced Swordsman Academy.

But on the battlefield, this Cole Norton's performance disappointed both Hathaway and Darcy...

I don't know how Baron Cole Norton is doing now.

The Great Swordsman Chester didn't know about these past events of Suldak. Seeing that he was a little lost after seeing Marquis Norton, he said to him: "The group of Norton Legion and our Luthor Legion are not from the same line. If you meet on the battlefield, even if it is not a hostile relationship, you should be careful, they are a group of untrustworthy guys."

Suldak knew that when Hathaway and Cole Norton wanted to date at the Advanced Swordsman Academy, they encountered a lot of resistance from the family. He did not expect the root of the problem to be here.

"As for the Jonson Legion, we also need to keep a proper distance... This is a legion whose mission is to save all suffering people. This kind of belief is not worth admiring, because once you have this lofty belief, some people will inevitably die. .”

"The most powerful legion in the Bena Province is the Bena Legion under the command of the Duke of Newman. There is no doubt about it, but the legion with the most monuments on the cemetery is this Jonson Legion. Duck, you are a paladin. You are good at treating your companions on the battlefield, but you must be careful not to become a good person, once your sympathy overflows on the battlefield, it means that you are not far from death."

"Um, I see..."

The two murmured in low voices, and Suldak looked at the noble old man, who did not expect him to lead such an army.

At this time, the Marquis Jonson had already begun to assign tasks in front of the conference table:

"The assault team that sneaked into the Ganbu plane this time is composed of second-rank fighters temporarily drawn from the three legions."

"I know that you people don't like each other, and no one will obey the other."

There were several dry laughs around the round table.

Marquis Johnson said with a serious face:

"So the three assault teams will act separately in this operation. I just hope you don't forget that you are allies on the united front..."

"The main purpose of this operation is to capture McDonnell, which will be the top priority of this operation."

"Although the location of the temporary portal is very secret, once there is any action here, it is very likely that a certain assault team will bring the pursuers to the vicinity of the temporary portal."

"For fear that the temporary portal will be destroyed and the other two assault teams will not be able to return safely, the operation on the Ganbu plane is only forty-eight hours, and the time for the three teams to return to Bena City cannot be advanced, otherwise the pursuit will be delayed." Lead the soldiers to the vicinity of the temporary portal, but you can't delay, otherwise, once the portal is destroyed, you will be stranded on the Ganbu plane."

"The Luthor Legion and Norton Legion assault teams are responsible for arresting Lord McDonnell. The Norton Legion assault squad ambushed in Mucuso City Hall. The Luthor Legion assault team entered McDonnell Manor. The Jonson Legion assault team looked for a chance. Seize the portal of Ganbu Plane."

"The Luthor Legion Assault Squad and the Norton Legion Assault Squad have completed their mission and returned to Bena City through the temporary portal."

"Jonson's Legion Assault Squad seizes the portal and captures it if they have the chance. If they don't have a chance, they should check the damage of the portal. Then the Mallory Magician of the Stargazer Union will follow you. If the portal can be repaired, you can return to Tanan through the portal, where there are troops waiting in front of the portal, and quickly evacuate if there is no chance."

"But you have to wait until they do it before you act, so as not to affect the capture of Lord MacDonnell."

"Here is the regional map of the Ganbu plane and the urban map of Mukusuo. You need several officers to bring it with you..."

It was only then that Suldak understood the main tasks of the parties involved in this operation. The Luthor Legion, led by Chester Great Swordsman and Quintas Great Swordsman, led a group of second-rank fighters to attack Earl McDonnell's city. outside the manor to prevent McDonnell from hiding in the manor.

Jonson Legion, Trollope Grand Knight and Sabrina Grand Swordsman led a group to seize the portal in the downtown square.

Only then did Suldak realize that there were actually some acquaintances of his own at the venue.

Just followed the great swordsman Chester into the conference hall, and greeted the great swordsman Quintas as soon as he entered the door, and did not notice the inside of the conference hall.

When assigning the task now, it was discovered that the leader of the Jonson Legion was actually the Grand Knight Trollope.

He hadn't seen Knight Trollope for about three years. He didn't expect him to break through to the second round and become the chief combat officer of this operation.

And another great swordsman Sabrina, Suldak, also met once. She was the instructor who led the team to the Warsaw plane to participate in the graduation experience at the Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy.

Norton Legion Archmage Merlin and Knight Basin led the assault team responsible for infiltrating Mucuso City Hall.

After the task was assigned, Marquis Jonson, Marquis Luther, and Marquis Norton left the conference hall first. The meeting was not long, and everyone was anxious to make preparations and then set off.

When he walked out of the conference hall, the big knight Trollope came over, patted Suldak affectionately on the shoulder, and said to him with a smile: "I saw your name on the action list this morning, and I thought Who is the guy with the same name, I didn't expect it to be you..."

He kindly punched Surdak in the chest and said:

"You bastard, did you break through to the second rank in such a short time?"

Suldak saluted Grand Knight Trollope before saying, "I was just promoted half a month ago... Knight Trollope, long time no see!"

"Why... do you know each other?" the big swordsman Chester who was standing aside asked in surprise.

The Grand Knight Trollope smiled cheerfully and said, "Of course, we are already friends in the Warsaw plane!"

The Great Swordsman Chester saw that Suldak didn't make any objection, he quickly put his arms around his shoulders, pulled him away from the Trollope Grand Knight, and said with a serious face: "Dak, don't you fight with me?" This kind of person becomes a friend, this kind of person is a fanatical lunatic who can stab a friend even for his belief..."

Swordsman Sabrina, who was standing next to Grand Knight Trollope, immediately yelled softly: "Chester, don't say such things in front of newcomers."

Regarding this female swordsman, the Great Swordsman Chester acted very gentlemanly, and quickly raised his hand and said, "Okay, Dak, let's go. Although we participated in the infiltration mission together, since our respective legions have different divisions of labor, we shouldn't There will be some intersection, I wish you all the best..."

"..." Suldak was a little speechless.

The great swordsman Chester is really as violent as ever, and he never drags his feet...

Gulitum, Samira, and Xi Ya were all waiting outside the conference hall, and there were also many second-rank powerhouses waiting outside.

However, the two-headed ogre stood in the crowd, and his tall body seemed a bit eye-catching. Because he stood with Samira and Siya, the faces of these two ladies were covered with black veils, and they looked like they were not close to anyone. , so no one took the initiative to strike up a conversation at this time.

Everyone was guessing which legion these three came from. The chief officers came out of the meeting room, and everyone cheered and surrounded them.

The second-rank swordsmen of the Luthor Legion discovered that these strange faces were all newcomers brought by the great swordsman Chester.

Not to mention the two-headed ogre, the most amazing thing for everyone is that there is actually a water magician and a second-rank archer among them...

The strongest part of the Luthor Legion is that there is a Constructed Swordsman Corps under the command of the Marquis Luther. They are composed of a group of pure swordsmen. By.

Each of these second-rank swordsmen wears exquisite magic pattern structures. Here, the expensive magic pattern structures that are out of reach for ordinary people seem to suddenly become ordinary armor. People who pretended to become a different kind.

Just like the two-headed ogre Gullitum, standing in the crowd is a little awkward.

"Chester, these... where did you find them all?"

Someone saw the Great Swordsman Chester and the Great Swordsman Quintas coming out of the conference hall side by side, and immediately surrounded him and said kindly to him.

Obviously Chester Great Swordsman is very popular in the Constructed Swordsman Group.

Some people came up and asked: "Chester, I heard that you went to the Bailin plane, and I heard that the girls there are all fair and beautiful..."

Chester said to everyone solemnly: "Let me introduce to you..."

Immediately, he introduced Surdak, Gulitum, Samira, and Sia to everyone.

Immediately, seeing so many people gathered in the corridor, somewhat obstructing the traffic, he said to everyone:

"There are many people here, let's go to the yard..."

The great swordsman Quintus has the highest prestige among these people, and he ordered: "Everyone checks the weapons and equipment later, and we are going to the teleportation hall."

All the second-rank swordsmen began to check the weapons and equipment they carried with them.

Suldak asked curiously:

"Teleportation Hall?"

Chester Great Swordsman explained:

"Well, the teleportation hall is a teleportation circle developed by the Stargazer Union. It is distributed in the main cities of the Green Empire. This kind of portal can not only teleport between cities, but also connect with temporary portals. Now the main cities The most convenient way to travel between them is through this kind of portal, but the cost of a single teleportation affects life a bit, and it takes about one-third of a set of magic pattern constructions at a time, which is not something ordinary people can afford."

A group of swordsmen got together and walked down the second floor of the military headquarters.

Suldak asked in a low voice: "One person needs to spend at least fifty magic crystals for one teleportation?"

Chester Great Swordsman nodded and admitted: "Yes, if the transmission fee is not too expensive, I am afraid that the airport terminals in various places will be abandoned."

The great swordsman Quintus also interjected at this time: "It is still the most comfortable to ride a magic airship, it's only a week or two, it's like a vacation on the airship..."

What Suldak thought of at the moment was that the House of Representatives and the military department of Bena really spent all their money in order to capture Lord MacDonnell. This time, the three legions gathered nearly forty second-rank powerhouses. Prepare to enter the dry cloth plane.

In the back yard of the military headquarters, a group of second-rank strong men from the Luthor Legion gathered together.

In fact, Marquis Luther has eleven second-rank swordsmen under his command. Among them, Quintas and Chester are the deputy commanders of the garrison.

The other nine second-rank great swordsmen are from the Constructed Swordsman Corps, and they are the squadron leaders of the Constructed Swordsmen Corps at the lowest position. Ya, there are a total of fifteen people in this assault team, and the assault teams of the other two legions are all ten-man teams.

For this transmission fee alone, the House of Representatives of Bena Province will spend 2,000 magic crystals.

Everyone gathered in a pavilion, and the great swordsman Quintus spread a map of Mukusuo City on the dry cloth plane on the table, and introduced the specific situation there.

The great swordsman Quintus has a beard on his face, he is big and muscular. Just listen to him say: "Lord McDonnell has seven second-rank strongmen in Donnell's army. In the Battle of Tarapakan, two second-rank strongmen fell in the battle of Gukan River. Now follow Mike Lord Tang Nai will definitely not have more than five Rank 2 powerhouses entering the Ganbu plane."

He smiled lightly and said confidently:

"Even if we meet the opponent's second-rank powerhouse, they can't stop us. Our mission is to bring Lord MacDonnell back. Don't think about it."

"However, you have fought in Tanan for so long, and you have a deep understanding of Donnell's army. You should know that their ordinary army is also very powerful. We can't love to fight in the manor. Once McDonnell's personal guards surround us , and with some ordnance, it is estimated that it will be difficult for us to resist."

"Of course, this is only the military power on the surface. I heard that Lord MacDonnell also has close ties with many bandit groups and rebels. In addition, there should be some members of the Black Magic Priory here, so everyone must be careful in this operation. Be careful..."

He turned his eyes slightly, landed on Suldak, and said:

"Viscount Suldak is the only paladin among us, so you have to remember your responsibilities and team position."

"At any time, you must stand behind. We still count on you to be able to take care of you when you are injured. Once you are the first to be injured, it will be embarrassing to lie with other injured companions..."

Suldak opened his mouth, barely knowing what to say.

Did that put him in the medical team with just one sentence?

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