Lord Highlander

Chapter 963 949. An Arrow in the Darkness

The black mage chased the assassination team away.

The second-rank archer walked around the canyon for a long time, but found nothing here.

Seeing bright yellow lines appearing in the night sky, the army behind still couldn't catch up. He planned to rest in the tree for the night, and then returned to the archer group.

Due to a misjudgment, he lost the assassination team, which made him depressed.

‘There’s nothing to be ashamed of, those people on the opposite side are a group of second-rank powerhouses! ’ he comforted himself.

Climbing up a large crooked tree, crouching on one of its thick lateral branches, he severed a branch with his dagger so he could hang his hammock from the tree.

Wrapped in a blanket and lying in the swinging hammock, the second-ranked archer soon fell asleep.

In the past two days, he has been a little bit exhausted.

In his dream, he saw the face of the other female archer under the black veil, with a few scars engraved on that face, which looked a bit hideous, and then that face turned into the face of a lizard man again. The forked tongue kept licking his lips, making him take two steps back in fright.

Waking up in a dream, the starry sky above his head was still dark red, and he wanted to adjust his sleeping position until dawn.

Just then, he heard a series of brisk footsteps.

Someone stepped on a branch on the ground while running, which alarmed a flock of birds perched on the top of the tree.

'Plop la la' flew completely.

He completely woke up from the haze, his eyes quickly adapted to the surrounding light, and not far from his big tree, a group of healthy swordsmen ran back briskly.

The second-rank archers never expected that the second-rank swordsmen of this assassination team would come back overnight...

Seeing the second-rank swordsman running towards the canyon wall, the second-rank archer quickly jumped out of the hammock and followed them far away.


A small cave was excavated beside the rock crack, and only six people could stand on the edge of the rock wall.

It's very hidden here, and it's not very easy to climb.

However, the steep stone wall is not a problem for these second-rank swordsmen. The great swordsman Quintus climbed up first, saw that the temporary portal inside had been built, and the magician was doing the last step to calculate the space coordinates, so he relaxed a little. Take a breath.

"How are you getting ready?" Quintas Great Swordsman asked in a deep voice.

Suldak followed behind and saw the faint light of the magic pattern circle on the cave floor, indicating that the portal had begun to take shape.

"It will be ready soon..." The young space magician said without raising his head.

Suldak retreated from the crack in the rock, and Xiya was leaning against the rock wall, pouring a water bag from the top of her head, looking a little pale.

This is not good for the Jana Sea Clan. They are half-dead after being out of the water for too long.

"Be patient for a while, the temporary teleportation array will be ready soon..." Suldak said to Siya in a low voice.

Xi Ya nodded slightly. In fact, she was not as uncomfortable as she looked, and even lay on Suldak's back, losing herself for a while...

The two-headed ogre scratched its head aside.

He nailed a metal rune plate to the stone wall above Sia's head, and the light blue magic glow lit up, and countless water elements gathered together and merged into small raindrops, falling on Sia's body.

These scattered small raindrops are more like gentle rain and mist. Xi Ya's hair is wet, and the face is covered with crystal water droplets, and her whole body becomes moist.

There was a burst of uncontrollable cheers from the other side of the rock wall, and some magical light came out from the cracks in the stone.

Suldak squeezed over, only to find a mirror-like door appeared in the center of the temporary teleportation circle.

The space magician wearily loosened the parchment in his hand, which was filled with matrix formulas. His face was a little pale, and he seemed to be a little overdrawn. He said in a soft voice: "The temporary portal is opened. If If the calculation is correct, the opposite should be the teleportation hall of Bena City..."

The Great Swordsman Quintus and the Great Knight Trollope stood at the front.

The two glanced at each other, and the great swordsman Quintus stepped in.

After a short interval, there was no movement on the opposite side, and the Grand Knight Trollope signaled the second-rank swordsmen of Jonson's Legion, Archmage Merlin, and the second-rank swordsmen of Luthor's Legion to line up to follow.

The two-headed ogre stood in the middle of the line, and its strong body appeared unusually tall.

"Wait first... I will adjust the magic hub later, and you can pass through it easily by doubling the size of the portal, but it consumes a lot of magic power, so you must hurry up when you pass..." The space department The magician said to Gullitum.

Only then did Suldak see clearly that there were rows of magic spar in the groove of the gemstone base connected to the side of the magic pattern circle. With the operation of the magic power, the magic spar in the groove of the gem base The pieces shattered.

This temporary teleportation magic circle is like a machine that eats magic crystals like jelly beans, and one will shatter within a few breaths.

Seeing that Gulitham failed to pass, Suldak stood up from the line and prepared to go with him.

Seeing this, Siya and Samira also walked out of the queue, standing aside and waiting.

The twenty-eight members of the assault team quickly passed the temporary portal. The space magician squatted next to the gemstone base to adjust the magic power transmission, and saw that the magic circle on the ground suddenly emitted a strong light, and the central portal also skyrocketed. almost doubled.

The two-headed ogre seemed very happy, and said to Suldak: "Boss, how about we stay in Bena City for a few more days this time, and then return to the Bailin plane?"

"What are you doing?" Suldak asked in a relaxed mood.

The two were just about to walk into the portal...

The two-headed ogre is still saying: "Of course I want to try..."

Before the two of them finished speaking, just as the space magician was about to stand up and walk into the portal with everyone, a black arrow drew a black line in the air and hit the space magician. The magician's back protruded from his chest, and he fell down on the gemstone base, blood gurgling out along the arrow.

The space magician looked down at the arrow in his chest in despair, and shouted to Suldak with almost all his strength: "Hurry up, the portal won't last for a few seconds..."

Suldak quickly ran towards the space magician, grabbed his magic robe, and dragged him to the temporary portal.

He didn't even know the magician's name yet...

Gulitum also came to help, and a layer of ice armor instantly condensed on his body.

Just when everyone was rescuing the space magician, a black arrow pierced the night sky again, and hit the box of the gem base with a 'click' sound, and the box of the gem base shattered instantly. The last few magic crystals placed on it rolled to the ground.

And the portal on the temporary teleportation circle actually went out at this moment...

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