Lord Highlander

Chapter 964

There was a black steel arrow stuck in the magician's chest, and the tip of the arrow protruded from the middle of the sternum. Although the blood was gurgling out, it was not the blood spurting out like cutting off the heart tube. blood foam.

Suldak and Gulitum looked at each other, looking at the temporary portal that had been extinguished, the exploded gem base and the scattered magic spar, Gulitum let out an angry roar, and the brain flower was in the palm of his hand. Li ignited a fireball and threw it in the direction the arrow came from.

The third jet-black steel arrow made a 'ding' and was nailed to the Goethe shield on Suldak's arm.

Samira rushed out quickly, and with the brilliance brought by the return ball, she saw the second-round shooter who jumped down from the canopy.

The phantom of the great elf Windrunner emerged from behind again, and the Sky Strike Bow in his hand also exploded a magic spar. Countless wind elements and thunder elements turned the arrows into bright silver arrows that continuously flashed with electric sparks , The moment the arrow was shot, the second-rank archer fell to the ground as if feeling something in his heart.

The arrow hit the big tree where he lived, and a falling lightning fell from midair, splitting the big tree from the middle, and burning violently.

Samira cursed, and rushed into the darkness like a female leopard.

"Boss, the temporary teleportation circle doesn't seem to work, what should we do?"

Gulitum stood at the entrance of the cave with a depressed face, and asked Suldak, but his eyes were focused on the darkness of the woodland outside.

Suldak squatted on the ground, quickly condensed the holy light in the palm of his hand, a holy light fell on the magician, he didn't dare to pull out the steel arrow rashly, he could only cut off the exposed part with the broadsword, Fortunately, Ethanhard's broadsword was very sharp, and the whole process went very smoothly.

Unbutton the shoulders of the magic robe, and wrap the arrow wound on the magician's chest with a hemostatic bandage to prevent him from dying due to excessive blood loss.

What is certain is that the steel arrow did not hurt the magician's heart, but passed through the gap between the two lung lobes.

"Take away all these magic materials on the ground, let's get out of here, and move to a safe place before making plans!"

Suldak spoke quickly.

Gulitum and Siya hurriedly started sorting out the materials for the temporary teleportation circle. Suldak also pulled out a box from the magic pocket and picked up all the things scattered on the ground, even the exploded jewel base Also packed in boxes.

Everything was packed, Gulitum carried the magician on his shoulders, and Suldak carried Sia on his back.

The two of them were jumping down from the cliff rocks on the mountainside and down the rock walls one by one in the night. With their excellent physical strength and coordination, even if they stepped on the cliff sometimes, they could still jump in time. Adjust back.

Soon falling into the bottom of the canyon, Surdak turned his head and whistled to inform Samira, who was chasing the second-ranked archer in the forest, his direction, and then went upstream along the small river at the bottom of the canyon.

Not long after Suldak left, two black mages rode magic steeds and hovered over the burning tree.

At this time, Samira had already followed up from behind.

The second-rank archer hiding in the dark had no way to catch Samira, and Samira couldn't catch the second-rank archer either.

That guy is like a cunning fox, with a nose that can smell danger.

He was a fast runner and knew the wooded canyon well.

Samira watched him disappear into the shadows deep in the woods.


Beside the dark and secluded river valley, Suerdak walked upstream on the pebbles with Siya on his back.

The two-headed ogre was carrying the mage, and Gullitum muttered that he had already missed the dinner time in Bena City. He must grab that hateful archer, hang him on the grill, and smear the secret sauce on it. ...

The good brother Naohuaer checked the magician's situation from time to time, and reminded Suldak: "His condition is not optimistic...we have to find a place to help him treat his wound."

The three of them walked very fast, and the light at the bottom of the canyon was very dim. Only by the sparkling light from the stream, Suldak could accurately step on the boulders by the river beach.

Siya whispered to Surdak that she could turn into a mermaid and swim upstream in the stream.

Only then did Suldak put her down.

Siya jumped headlong into the clear stream, and immediately recovered into a mermaid body more than three meters long. The three-color fish fins looked very beautiful in the stream. She folded her hands together on her chest, chanted a magic spell silently, and raised her hands above her head. His body stood up in the water, holding a huge water polo with his arms, and slowly sank into the stream.

As the magic pattern circle dimmed, a huge wave suddenly surged in the stream, a soft and simple head and strong arms appeared in that wave, it gently blinked its transparent blue eyes, and glanced at the mermaid beside it Sia, then nodded slightly.

The next moment, Suldak, Gulitum, and Samira only felt their feet being lifted up by the waves, and then the huge wave suddenly accelerated, engulfing the water in the river and going upstream, and the rushing speed was getting faster and faster. The faster it was, there was even the sound of a tsunami.

The waves overflowing to both sides washed some trees to pieces. This torrent lasted for a quarter of an hour. Directly from the river branching outside the valley, the waves hit the huge rocks on the bank, like a pair of gentle With big hands, they helped everyone onto the rock, and then they disappeared into a piece of pure white foam.

The receding water returned to the river, and Xi Ya re-formed into a human form, standing on the rock with everyone, and gently waving towards the receding waves.

"What's that?" Suldak could sense another form of life in the river, and it wasn't a simple magic.

Xi Ya said softly, "They are the water elves in this river..."


The second-ranked archer followed behind the entire group of Suldak's team with a lingering ghost.

At this time, the river was in a mess under the impact of the tide. He watched as if a flood suddenly erupted in the valley, and continued to chase the team he had left on the Ganbu plane along the river beach in some distress.

He nimbly jumped onto a boulder and continued to chase upstream along the river valley, and soon disappeared into the night.


Surdak found a quiet tree hole among the mountains.

Gulitum very politely invited the owner of the tree hole, a brown bear weighing more than a thousand catties, out.

Now the brown bear has been cut into several large pieces and placed on the grill of the bonfire outside the entrance of the cave, and the bear skin has been hung on the branches of the trees to dry.

Suldak performed a sacrificial ceremony in the tree hole. This time he not only blessed the injured magician with the blessing of God, but also took out the steel arrow that remained in the magician's body. But has been in a coma.

After everyone in the team blessed the 'Divine Blessed Body', Suldak called out Aphrodite again.

When she knew that Suldak was trapped on the dry cloth plane, she looked out of the tree hole and whispered to Suldak:

"I have a way to bring you back, but they can't, this kind of thing is related to the magic contract..."

Suldak glanced at the comatose space magician. He still didn't know his name, and said, "Whether we can return to Bena City depends on him..."

Aphrodite spread her hands, looked at Suldak with a puzzled expression and said, "Then find a way to revive him, but I'm not good at healing, you shouldn't call me here specifically to discuss this matter Bar?"

Suldak waved his hand and said, "Of course not. I want to get rid of the tail that follows us. There is a second-ranked archer who has been following us. He is the one who prevented us from leaving."

Aphrodite leaned against the entrance of the tree hole, folded her arms around her chest and looked out of the tree hole, and asked:

"So... you called me to help you deal with that archer?"

"Yeah!" Suldak said.

There was a hint of color on Aphrodite's face, seeing Samira sitting next to the tree hole with the Sky Strike Bow on her back, she said with a smile:

"Leave this to us... Oh, Samira and I, I have a solution!"


The second-rank archer pushed aside the bushes in front of him. With a dry camouflage on his head, he carefully looked around. There was a towering tree in front of him. There was a huge tree hole under the tree. The bonfire at the hole had been completely extinguished. , but the animal bones scattered on the side can still show that someone stayed here not long ago.

'They should have hunted a brown bear... It seems that the two-headed ogre is quite edible. '

The second-rank archer thought to himself.

The team he was chasing had two-headed ogre warriors, knights, archers, and magicians. It was almost a perfect team match, and everyone was outstanding.

He followed carefully, taking every step carefully, for fear that he would be too careless and fall into their trap.

The female archer who was as nimble as a female leopard was always looking for opportunities to shoot him. If the two had the same weapons and equipment, then he would not be afraid at all, and even felt that he might be able to stabilize the other side.

But he is not only wearing a set of 'Magic Snake's Fang' magic pattern structure, but also holding a 'Sky Strike' sharp bow in his hand, this bow is a bit too powerful for him, after all No one wants to walk and be struck dead by lightning in the next second.

He knew very well that he killed the magician with one arrow, and the second arrow destroyed the temporary teleportation circle, leaving a total of five people on the Ganbu plane.

Five figures also appeared in the mountains ahead, and they were walking south along the mountains.

The second-turn archer was not in a hurry to catch up. He got out of the bushes, first circled around this huge towering tree, and then carefully observed some bonfires. The broken arrow without tail feathers and arrowhead, with blood stains on it, happened to be the one he shot.

He got into the tree hole and found that the ground was stained with some blood, and there were even shredded tourniquet bandages.

The moment he lowered his head, he suddenly felt as if there was someone behind him. He didn't even dare to turn his head, his body tensed up, and he rushed towards the entrance of the cave like a spring, but he took out a hunting bow and a Arrow, forcibly twisting the body in the air, twisting the elbow joint at an incredible angle, pulling the bowstring, and shooting the steel arrow in his hand behind him.

There was a series of pleasant chuckles behind him...

The arrow flew out and stuck into the wall of the tree hole, but when the second-turn archer turned around, he found that there was no one behind him.

He didn't stop, and his body got out of the tree hole.

It's a pity that at this time, not more than ten meters away from the tree hole, the female bow was half-kneeling in the forest clearing, holding the sky-strike bow in her hand, and she had already drawn the bowstring to aim at his chest.

His body was as nimble as a swift, and the moment he jumped out of the hole, he turned back and hid his body in the empty tree hole.

At this moment, he was inexplicably terrified. He clearly saw all five of the other party leaving, so he ran over to investigate.

How did the female archer appear here?

But what made him feel desperate was not Samira who was squatting outside the tree hole with his bow and arrows, but the second weird laughter coming from the tree hole, and he glanced in the direction of the sound in horror.

It's the top of the dark tree hole...

A giant eyeball with a diameter of more than one meter hung on the top of the tree hole, constantly moving its transparent eyelids, staring at him without blinking.

A pair of golden eagle eyes emerged from behind the second-turn archer, and he decisively shot an arrow towards the eyeballs in the tree hole.

And the second-rank archer also retreated immediately. He stepped on the ground hard, and the moment his back touched the wall of the tree hole, a powerful force burst out, forcefully knocking out a big hole in the one-foot-thick wall of the tree hole. With this momentum, the man got out.

It's just that he saw that eyeball after all, and just felt dizzy at this moment...

The eyeball hanging on the top of the tree hole also seemed to be pierced by a water polo, and fell down with a splash, and the viscous liquid flowed all over the ground.

Aphrodite was floating behind her eyeballs, a pair of transparent insect wings gave her the ability to stay in the air, the steel arrow flew past her cheek, cutting off a strand of her hair, and the side of the mithril mask also appeared A scratch.

If she hadn't turned her head subconsciously, she might have been nailed to the top of the tree hole at this moment...

Samira squatted outside, waiting for the second-turn archer to come out, but she didn't expect that he would break through the wall of the tree hole, and broke through at a dead corner where her Sky Strike bow could not shoot, and rushed out.

She took two steps forward, hastily drew the bow all over the sky, and shot out the arrow attached to it.

The second-turn archer staggered a little, as if he didn't notice the flying arrows.

When he came back to his senses, it would be too late to avoid the arrows.

He could only twist his body as much as possible to avoid the vital points. One of the two feathered arrows pierced into his left shoulder, and the other arrow went out against his ribs, leaving a scratch on the left side of his abdomen. The pair of pierced finger holes.

The second-rank archer didn't dare to stay any longer, and ran desperately towards the densest bushes in the forest.

It's just that his mind is still a little groggy at this moment.

Suldak emerged from behind a tree, the shield in his hand slammed into his face.

The second-turn archer managed to dodge, grabbing a dagger and stabbing Suldak with his backhand.

With a 'ding' sound, it hit the shield.

Suldak kicked the second-turn archer's thigh, and he could even hear the bones breaking...

The second-turn archer turned around, still running forward without hindrance.

With the whistling sound of the wind, a big stick slammed into the chest of the second-turn archer. The second-turn archer was like a sandbag. His whole body immediately changed direction and flew backward...

The two-headed ogre glanced naively from behind the tree, Gulitum and his good brother Naohuaer had another dispute:

"I told you to control your power, but if you still don't listen, look at how you've smashed people into you now..."

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