Lord Highlander

Chapter 966

Avid looks young and is also very joking, always with a kind of alternative self-deprecation when he speaks.

Many magicians were good at refining potions, and their actual ages were hard to tell from their faces. Suldak didn't think he was a young man who had just graduated from a magic academy.

All space magicians need to join the Stargatherer's Union. The Stargazer's Union is subordinate to the Magical Union, but has an independent system.

Not all space-type magicians can enter the stargazers, they only absorb the elite space-type magicians, and the stargazer union has built teleportation halls in the capitals of the provinces of the Green Empire. This kind of teleportation hall is only open to magicians and high-level The aristocrats are open and characterized by only one word, that is 'expensive'.

For ordinary nobles, the cost of each transmission will feel like cutting flesh.

Therefore, the benefits of the magicians in the Astrologer's Union are top-notch, and every astrologer is very rich.

The magician Avid asked Suldak to help him up, and Suldak folded a blanket and put it behind him so that he could lie on it comfortably, so as not to cause further damage to the chest wound. oppression.

Suldak opened the curtain of the tent a little to let the cool summer wind blow in.

"You are the most caring noble lord I have ever seen!"

Avid's words were full of gratitude.

"I'm just used to taking care of the wounded. After all, I'm a paladin." Surdak got out of the tent, sat on the wooden pier outside the tent, and saw Samira sitting on a branch of a tree to watch the night , he beckoned to her and motioned her to rest for a while.

Samira pulled up a fishing net-like hammock directly on the tree trunk, and hung herself on the tree deftly, which looked like a cocoon formed by insects among the leaves.

The two-headed ogre is lying on a flat rock, with a piece of log on its head, and always snores loudly when it sleeps.

If there are enemies around, there is probably no need to investigate, just follow the snoring sound, and this small camp can be taken care of in one go.

The cliff wall is covered with some moist moss, these moss is attached to the rock wall, and a lot of water is absorbed in the root system without much soil, the water seeps down from the rock wall little by little, and condenses into water droplets It kept falling to the bottom of the cliff, so a small pool unexpectedly gathered under the cliff. This pool was hidden in the crevice of the stone, just enough for Xiya to lie in it.

Before Xiya went to bed, she moved a pebble the size of a washbasin to the side of the pool. She was lying in the pool, but she was holding the smooth pebble with both hands, resting her head on it, her long hair like green algae spread out, If there is still moonlight shining down, this picture must be very beautiful.

It's a pity that this is the dry cloth plane, and there are only a few light yellow ribbons in the night sky...

Seeing Suldak looking up at the night sky, the magician Avid also looked at the night sky along the gap of the tent.

Although this is a woodland among the mountains, the trees next to the cliff are not so dense, and you can comfortably see the dark red night sky. This kind of night will make people feel very depressing after a long time.

"It is said that those are time-space turbulence, which contains countless collapsed planes, filled with various ancient ruins, ruins, a large number of time-space rifts, and time-space storms. It is the hometown of time-space warp beasts. Only they can survive in that kind of space. Living in a sinister place..."

Avid magician explained to Suldak.

"It turns out that this is the turbulent flow of time and space..."

The Avid magician continued: "My mentor often opened a portal to pick up trash there, but those who can pick up trash in the chaotic flow of time and space are all great magisters."

"Pick up trash?" Suldak asked repeatedly in doubt.

"Yeah! There will always be something left behind in the various ruins abandoned in the turbulent flow of time and space, but if you want to go to the turbulent flow of time and space, the most basic requirement is to be able to see through the gaps in time and space, otherwise you might be walking around , the body is cut into several sections by the free time rift."

Avid smiled and explained to Suldak.

"Is it dangerous over there?" Surdak asked curiously.

"Compared to the foreign star realm, it's relatively safe there. You probably don't know how terrifying the star beasts there are. They specialize in hunting void creatures... fear of the void, predators..."

The magician Avid told Suldak a lot about the star field.

"Have you brought out the building materials for those temporary teleportation circles?" the magician Avid asked Suldak.

Suldak pulled out a box from his magic pocket, threw it at the door of the tent with a bang, and said, "Well, all the things that can be collected are in this box."

"Please take it easy..."

The ears of the half-elf archer who hung himself on the tree moved slightly...


the next day,

Under the blessing of the "Divine Blessing Body", the magician Avid's mental state also recovered a lot.

He leaned against a rock outside the tent, pointed to the area map of the Ganbu plane, drew a circle in the fuzzy area southwest of Mukusuo City, and said, "This is Groft Mountain, we want to From here to Hatangada town?"

Suldak raised his head and asked, "How about that small town?"

The magician Avid immediately regained his spirits. He took the water glass with some difficulty, took a sip of water and moistened his throat.

For him, this slight swallowing can also cause him pain for a long time.

But this still couldn't stop his eagerness to chat.

"The farther you are from Mucuso City, the weaker Lord McDonnell's ruling power. Originally, the management here was not bad. Many nobles were willing to open up territories in this rich little plane, but as this place is about to become independent, The first batch of nobles who came to open up the plane left one after another, and those who stayed were those who were reluctant to abandon their family business here, and some who took advantage of the opportunity and those who had no financial means to leave here."

"In order to occupy a city in the southern area of ​​Tarapakan, Lord MacDonnell has deployed a large number of troops from almost all over the Ganbu plane. Unfortunately, he didn't realize who he was facing."

He sighed softly.

"He always thought that after the war between the planes broke out, the lords of Bena province would have nothing to do with those brainless hell dark legions, let alone a lord who occupies a plane like him..."

"It's ridiculous... the Constructed Swordsman Group went to the city, only to find that the army they built with huge sums of money is no different from the armies of other lords."

Suldak didn't want to hear the magician Avid spray these lords like a machine gun, he was also a lord himself.

"We are going to live in that small town for a while until you recover from your injury, and then we will find a way to leave here." Suldak said to him.

Samira, carrying a section of crisp branch, emerged from the forest in the distance, jumped a few times on the rocks, came to Suldak's side and threw the section of branch full of small vermilion fruits. to him, and glanced around and said:

"They're still looking for us..."

"The group of black magicians from the Black Magic Priory?" Suldak asked.

"Yeah!" Samira replied.

Suldak patted his forehead, and said to the two-headed ogre next to him who was about to get up to get some food:

"Gulitham, let's pack up and get ready to leave here..."

The two-headed ogre immediately helped Surdak pull out the tent and covered the campfire with a few rocks.

A group of people walked west along the cliff.


Trekking through the Groft Forest on the Ganbu plane may be a dangerous thing for ordinary people, and it may be an experience for college students in the Warrior Academy, but for Suldak As far as the team is concerned, it's really just walking.

Not a single monster can be seen in this mountain ridge, and one mountain ridge is connected to another mountain ridge without end.

Suldak was carrying the water-gathering rune board, so he didn't need to think about drinking water at all. He had prepared a lot of marching rations in his pocket, but he didn't need it at all. When he encountered edible prey in the forest, he could eat people with two heads. The demon will never let it go.

Occasionally, when there is a pause, Suldak will cross the void gate and return to Pustule Mountain, where there is still a large amount of dried red ant meat, and occasionally kill a salamander in the lava mine to improve the food .

The only troublesome thing is the magician Avid. Suldak specially made him a tool like a chair, let him sit on it, and then tied it with cable ties to prevent it from falling off. The other side of the chair can be carried on his back. The shoulder straps on the shoulders are carried directly behind the back like this, carrying the magician all the way across the mountains and mountains.

It is a bit heavier, but it is not a burden at all for a second-rank powerhouse like Suldak.

Most of the time, the two-headed ogre walked forward with the burden, but Suldak would insist on walking for half a day with his back on his back, trying to share the load with the ogre.

On the tenth day, the Surdak team walked west along an unknown river valley.

Xi Ya likes places with rivers, at least she can soak in the water in the morning and evening. Another advantage of walking along the river valley is that the team can eat grilled fish.

Along the way, it was Samira who was exploring the way.

She stood on a boulder in a river valley, glanced at the river ahead, jumped down quickly, turned around and ran back.

"What did you find?" Suldak stopped and asked.

"There is an adventure group camping by the river ahead, should we go around?" Samira said.

Suldak glanced at the lush mountains and said, "You can't even see half a monster here. How could there be an adventure group... Could it be a training team from a nearby town?"

"Let's go and have a look, maybe we can exchange some useful information."

He added another sentence.


Several brand new tents were stationed by the river, and a group of young men and women were frolicking by the river, looking like they were fishing.

There was a bonfire on the beach by the river, several river fish were pierced on the branches, inserted obliquely on the sand, and roasted beside the fire.

There is also an iron pot on top of the campfire, and some food is cooked in it.

Two girls squatted next to the campfire and prepared ingredients.

Several young people came out of the woodland by the river, carrying a bundle of branches on their shoulders. They were wearing leather armor, swords on their waists, and daggers tied to their legs. I knew this was the appearance of college students practicing in the wild.

Suldak led Samira along the river bank, worried that his whereabouts would be exposed, but the two-headed ogre, Sia, and Avid did not follow, but hid in the woodland behind.

Suldak also took off the magic pattern structure before showing up, and put on the half-new salamander leather armor that he usually wears.

Samira also put away the 'Evil Snake's Fang' magic-weave structure and the Sky Strike Bow, but no matter how restrained the two of them were, it was difficult for them to look like ordinary people.

"Hey, can we exchange some information around here?" Surdak waved his hand from a distance and shouted to the group of young people in the river.

The young people in the river straightened up one after another, looking at the men and women who suddenly appeared in the distance.

Men are muscular and full of explosive power, while women are slender and well-proportioned.

"Of course!" The young captain of the team stood up and said.

"We are an adventure group from Mukuso. We want to cross the Groft Mountains and reach the town of Hatangada in the west." Suldak first introduced his background, and then asked the other party : "Where are you from?"

When they heard that they came from Mukuso City, the young people were a little surprised, as if a little unbelievable, so someone said:

"Why don't you take the big road and cross the Groft Mountains, thanks to the fact that you can figure it out..."

Suldak scratched his head and said directly: "I wanted to see what I could gain in this mountain range, maybe I could meet monsters or something..."

Before he finished speaking, someone interrupted him:

"Where did you get the news, there have been no monsters here a long time ago, and this place is only suitable for simple experience."

Young people are always like this. After a few words, they feel familiar and like to chatter.

"Are you going to Hatangada town?" said a young girl.

"...Then you made a mistake, you probably missed it. Hatangada Town is in the northwest of here, and you can see a road when you walk out from here, and you can reach there by walking north along the road." Young The girl had very long legs, and she jumped onto a boulder briskly, pointing to the woodland across the river valley.

The young captain stood up and said, "This is very close to the town of Takale. If you want to go further north to the town of Bansko, Takale is the place to go."

"Bansk Town?" Surdak repeated doubtfully.

The young captain said with a smile: "Many adventure groups like to go there. It is located on the edge of the plane, where you can see many earth-type monsters and rock golems."

"Oh, we just want to go there," Suldak said.

"I think we can go to Takale Town to replenish some supplies..." Afterwards, Suldak said to Samira.

"Thank you for your information. We crossed the mountains all the way, but we didn't encounter any monsters. Fortunately, we encountered a lot of beasts, and our hunting skills are not bad..."

As he said that, Suldak took out a magic sealing box from the magic pocket, opened the box, and there were some inexhaustible fresh meat in it, and he selected some to give to the group of young people.

Then he said: "You can soak the meat in the stream for half a day, which can get rid of the blood and fishy smell inside. Thank you for the news, and I wish you a smooth journey."

The young captain gladly accepted Surdak's gift, and said happily, "This is what every Takalai should do..."

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