Lord Highlander

Chapter 967

Judging from the regional map of the Gambo plane, Takalai Town is located in the southwest area of ​​the Gambo plane, which belongs to the southern edge of the Groft Mountain Range, and is only a hundred kilometers away from the town of Hatangada in the north.

As for the Bankstown mentioned by the young captain, it is in the southernmost part of the Ganbu plane, which can be regarded as the most marginal area of ​​the plane.

Suldak's team stood on the top of the mountain. The town of Takale was located on the southern slope of the mountain. All the buildings in the town could be seen in a panoramic view. There was a big river in the distance, coming from the gap between the two mountains Flow out and pass south of the town.

On the pier by the river bank, some workers can still be seen carrying various goods.

There are so many tugboats moored on the pier, almost crowded the pier, and there are even a few long tugboats moored in the river outside the pier, unable to dock.

The tallest building in the town is a clock tower. This is a clock tower with six-sided clock dials. It is located in the central square of the town. There is an exquisite Statue of Liberty on the top of the tall tower, but its face seems to be covered by someone. A piece of white cloth, the scepter symbolizing this freedom in his hand was also broken, and the whole town looked a bit bleak.

The town is huge, at least a quarter the size of Hailansa City.

There are many pedestrians on the street, the magic caravan is galloping on the street, and the pedestrians appear to be in order on both sides of the road.

There are high walls and gates at the outermost edge of this town. There are not too many guards at the gates. People who enter the city have to queue up and wait patiently for a while before they can pass through the gates.

There can only be one guard every ten meters on the city wall, but there are quite a lot of colorful flags on the top of the city. The colorful flags are fluttering in the wind, which makes the town a little more lively.

"We will stay here, and when you recover from your injury, we will find a way to return to Bena City!" Suldak said to the magician Avid.

The magician Avid sat on the chair, looking a little excited, and suggested to Suldak:

"We don't have to live in a hotel, it's easy to find our whereabouts, I can buy a property here, this kind of investment doesn't cost much, if I don't need it later, I can sell it, and I can save the rent... ...I have three residences in Mukuso City, if the temporary teleportation circle is set up in the residence, and if there is no unlucky encounter with thieves, I can keep it there forever."

Suldak also felt that the members of his team were too eye-catching, so buying a house to live in would obviously make it harder to be discovered.

"Okay, when we enter the city, we'll go directly to the real estate company to buy a set." Suldak said decisively.

Gullitum did not enter the city with everyone.

Suldak planned to use a four-wheel truck to pull him into the city after everything was settled.


When passing through the city gate, Avid showed his magician badge, and went directly into Takkale Town through the dedicated passage without queuing. .

The shops facing the street in the town seem to be very prosperous, with a wide variety of goods in the glass windows, and there are also a lot of people on the street.

After entering the town, Magician Avid waved directly at the side of the road, and a magic caravan stopped quickly on the side of the road, and several people got into the magic caravan. Magician Avid said to the driver: "Take us Go to the biggest real estate company in town."

The coachman raised his whip, and the magic caravan quickly merged into the traffic.

The steps for the magician Avid to buy a house are very simple. Basically, he tells the receptionist what he wants. After the receptionist finds a suitable house, he sees the first single-family villa worth 80 magic spar. Quickly make a decision to buy it, and then continue to watch...

Next, the land of the second house is larger, and some palm trees are planted on the surrounding walls. There are fountains and swimming pools in the yard, and the green plants in the back garden are also neatly trimmed. A three-story small building is located in it. Such a manor covering an area of ​​1.5 acres is worth 200 magic spar. The magician directly poured out all the magic spar in his pocket, counted 201 magic spar from it, and handed it to the real estate trader. Buy it on the spot.

It was completely like a local tyrant of a magic aristocrat, which directly knocked out the young real estate trader. If he hadn't seen Ivid's sickness, maybe the real estate trader could provide some information tonight. Special service is coming.

Before any means were used, the two transactions were concluded without hesitation, and the real estate dealer almost left the house with ballet steps.

That night, Magician Avid obtained the property right certificate with his name written on it in advance, and when he stamped the seal of the magic nobleman on it, the two houses belonged to him.

Gulitum did not spend the night outside the city, and directly entered the town of Takale in a carriage carrying green plants. That night, everyone sat by the swimming pool of the manor, eating barbecue dishes made by chef Qinglai from the high-end restaurant in the town, drinking Drinking the black pearl wine that is abundant in the southern part of the Ganbu plane, we sat on the deck chairs and looked at the starry sky and chatted together.

"Magic is only a necessary means to become a nobleman. The main thing is that after we become nobles, we have wealth that other people cannot have. How should we enjoy life next..."

After drinking some wine, the magician Avid completely drifted away, and talked with Suldak about what a nobleman is.

Suldak was also relaxed like never before, holding a glass of wine and casually chatting with Avid.

Xi Ya was sitting by the pool, and she had no good intentions to restore the mermaid's body shape in front of everyone, and her face was a little red after taking a sip of wine.

Suldak said that he owns a territory in the Bailin plane, and he wants to come and go freely from the territory to his hometown.

Avid drank a little too much, he waved his hand bluntly and said: "It is definitely impossible for you to build a large-scale portal. There is only one such large-scale portal on every page, except for the construction cost. In addition to the astronomical figures, another reason is that the lord who masters this plane only hopes to have a portal. The most important thing here is to control the taxation of goods entering and leaving the plane. This is a source of income after owning a plane. .”

"You built a portal in your own territory, how will the goods circulation tax be calculated in the future?"

"Although the establishment of large-scale portals is prohibited, temporary teleportation circles are not prohibited. It's just that such temporary teleportation circles are very expensive to transfer, and this kind of temporary teleportation circles cannot be directly connected to the home. The node teleportation gates set up in the teleportation halls of the provinces are used to deal with urgent matters. It doesn’t matter if you go through them once, but if you often go through this kind of temporary teleportation circle, even for you lords, it really affects your life a bit..."

Then the two talked about the materials for building the temporary portal, and the magician Avid whispered:

"The most important part of this kind of temporary portal is the magic hub. The core components inside are made of the spine of the time-space warp beast with life magic patterns. At present, this kind of magic material is mainly in the hands of the stargazer guild. ...The Time-Space Leap Beast is a sixth-level monster, and as a knight, you probably won't be able to catch it in your entire life."

Suldak took a sip of the wine, looked at the bright yellow streamers in the night sky above his head, and said nothing more.

"Then have you ever hunted a space-time warp beast?" the two-headed ogre asked curiously.

The magician Ai Weide said: "That's not true, I can't do it either... It's completely a difference in rank and strength, but my mentor has hunted and killed..."

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