Lord Highlander

Chapter 968

Outside the Lava Mine of Pustules Mountain, two Kobold slaves led an ancient Bollian horse to the entrance of the cave. The lava waterfall at the entrance of the cave spread out waves of heat, which scorched people's faces sorely.

Gu Bolai didn't want to get too close, shaking his head and kept retreating.

The kobold slave couldn't hold the horse, and let out a threatening growl.

The two kobold slaves wore leather hoods on their heads, and a copper wax stand was inlaid on the hoods, and there were half candles on it.

In the sulfur mine, only those who have worked diligently for 30 consecutive days will be rewarded with such a unique hat.

But it is precisely such a hat with a half-candle that has become the pursuit of almost all kobold slaves during this time.

In fact, if you know these kobold slaves, you will know how difficult it is for this group of kobold slaves to come all the way from Bena City to today, but it is undeniable that life has improved a little bit.

When they were in Bena City, the biggest wish of these kobold slaves was probably to survive. The slave owner Da Xijin almost slaughtered them en masse and buried them under the flowerbed of a farm on the outskirts of Bena City as fertilizer.

If Suldak hadn't brought them to the barren land, maybe their bones were already covered with rose roots.

When they arrived in the barren land, the wishes of these kobold slaves changed. At first, they hoped to eat porridge with whole grains.

However, this wish was fulfilled when the drainage channel was dug.

The kobold slaves who are full of stomachs further hope to move from the shack surrounded by reed mats to a brick house with some wooden compartments. Although it is still a big shop, if some adult kobolds need it, at least You can use reed mats to divide the Datong shop into single rooms. Although it can't be soundproof, who cares about those!

However, the realization of self-worth in the end was still in the sulfur mine camp on Bump Mountain. The kobold slaves finally realized that life here, although there is no freedom, seems to be better than the poor tribe they used to live here.

With the sulfur mines collected by the lava river every day, everyone is not worried that Lord Suldak will bury you in the farm as flower fertilizer.

In the past two years, the kobold slaves even gave birth to many cubs.

Now their pursuit is a bit more advanced. What they pursue is the sense of approval of the supervisors and the respect of other kobolds. What can reflect their achievement is the leather hat with a half candle.

This method was thought up by the old village head. The sulfur mine will select ten outstanding kobold miners every month. The ten kobold miners will not only get a higher level of food quota, but also get such a leather hat , they are all excellent models among miners.

However, these ten outstanding kobold miners will be re-selected every month.

In the past three months, the production of sulfur mines has continued to grow...

Aphrodite walked out of the sulfur mine and said to the two kobold slaves: "During the time I'm not here, you two have been guarding here, eating and sleeping here, and you can't leave for a moment. Others are forbidden here. Someone broke in, you know?"

Although the Kobold slaves didn't speak the Imperial language very well, they had no problem understanding it.

Turn over and ride on the Gu Bolai horse, and walk along a narrow path to the temporary warehouse for storing sulfur mines at the foot of the mountain. Luke is waiting here.

He saw Aphrodite riding down from the mountain, and immediately rode up to meet Aphrodite, and said to Aphrodite: "The airship ticket has been bought, and we have to arrive at the airport terminal of Hailansa City before tomorrow night. "

Wearing a mithril mask, Aphrodite said lightly: "We have to rush back to Wall Village first..."

She followed Luke, and the two rode along a concrete road covered in volcanic ash towards the village of Wall.


town of takale

In the morning, Suerdak ran around the residential area outside the manor. There are many such manors covering an area of ​​one or two acres all the way to the river in the south of the town.

There is also a slightly higher mound over there, where the larger manors are gathered...

There is no free market here in the residential area. Surdak ran seven streets to find a market along the street. There are bakeries and vegetable and fish stalls here, but it seems that the grain store has the most traffic. Almost all those who bought wheat flour or miscellaneous grains complained that the price of grains had risen again.

Surdak asked a fish stall owner strangely: "Don't we have a wheat-growing area? Why is the price of food going up?"

The owner of the fish stall also shook his head worriedly, and said: "I heard that the wheat production in the grain-producing area may decrease this year. Now that Mukusuo has cut off the connection with the outside world, the price of the grain may not be as high as it is now." will go up."

He first bought a few river fish, and then bought fifteen fat chickens that had been slaughtered at the meat stand.

Suerdak didn't carry it by himself, he only needed to write down the address, and there would be a special person in the market to deliver the food to the door.

out of the market.

Suldak planned to cross this street from the west and return to the manor in the east.

The houses here are basically three-storey attics built along the street, but these houses are very old. Some poor people gathered on the side of the road and saw some ornately decorated carriages stopped by the side of the road. Everyone stood up and surrounded them.

The employer in Chinese clothes stood at the door of the carriage, yelling loudly, basically shouting: "Eighty copper coins a day, eighty copper coins a day, free lunch, bags on the pier, young and strong young man..."


"Look at me, I'm strong enough..."

"Hire me!"

More and more people gathered, Surdak didn't expect that this street was actually a labor market, and the whole street was actually crowded with people waiting for work.

"It's just you guys, come with me!"

The employer randomly selected a few people, let them sit on the luggage rack behind the magic caravan, and left quickly in the magic caravan, and the people waiting for work on the street dispersed again.

Surdak crossed this long street and found that there were hundreds of townspeople waiting to do odd jobs on the street.

These townspeople who couldn't find a job, some slept against the wall, some chatted together, and some gathered together to gamble. It can be seen that their attitude towards life is not positive, and they only want to continue to mess around. In life, if you make money, eat something good, if you can't make money, then eat whatever you can...

This is the town of Takale in the eyes of Suldak.

Crossing this long street of hired workers, Suldak passed the central square of the town again, and saw the bell tower with a height of nearly 70 to 80 meters. Just north of the bell tower is the Warrior Academy in Takale Town. At this moment in the morning, a group of young students are entering the school one after another.

The two sheriffs were wandering back and forth in the central square. They were wearing standard leather armor and long swords around their waists. This season happened to be summer, and their leather armor was also very cool. Some parts of their thighs and arms were not covered with leather. , with a red tassel on the top of the leather hat.

There is no chance to see any adventure groups in this town, probably because there are no resources around, and adventure groups generally do not stay in this small town.

Suldak happened to see Samira and Siya, standing in front of the fruit stand on the side of the square, picking cactus fruits. When he walked over, the two had already chosen the fruits.

Seeing Suldak appearing in front of them, the two were not surprised at all. Xi Ya pointed to the tall clock tower to Suldak with anticipation, and said to Suldak: "We want to see Look, do you want to go together..."

"Okay, let's go and have a look!"

Suldak said to the two girls.

Walking to the bottom of the bell tower, I saw two middle-aged men in uniform sitting at the door of the bell tower. There was a square table in front of them, and a notice board was erected beside the square table. People need to pay a viewing fee of one silver coin.

When the middle-aged man saw Suerdak walking over with the two girls, he immediately regained his spirits and asked Suerdak, "Would you like to go for a walk up there? Climb to the observation deck above, and the whole tower The town of Calle will be unobstructed...”

Suldak paid three silver coins, and the middle-aged man left to help them open the gate below the bell tower, asking them to climb up the spiral staircase inside the building, and telling them not to get too close to the big bell above, When it's one o'clock, the big bell will be rung, and it's easy to hurt your ears if you get too close. It's still half an hour before the next time chime...

In the empty bell tower, there were only three people including Suldak and his party. Walking up the spiral staircase, they could clearly hear the friction sound of the mechanical gears turning inside.

Climbing to the top of the building, there is indeed a viewing platform above.

Standing on the viewing platform, you can see the panorama of the whole town. Almost all the balconies of the houses near the square have some flowers and plants, and many trees are planted along the street. It seems that the whole town is full of vitality.

Samira leaned on the railing with both hands, looking towards the mountains in the distance...

Xi Ya took out the water bag, splashed some water on her face, and looked at the big river in the south of the town, as if she still wanted to go for a stroll by the river.

"It turns out that this is a human town. I am very different from the undersea city of our Jana Sea Clan..." Siya said standing next to the railing.

"Next we will live in this town for a while, and I'm afraid we won't be able to send you back to the Seventh Sea for the time being!" Suldak said apologetically to Sia.

Xi Ya blushed slightly, and whispered to Suldak: "It's okay to say everything, I think it's really good to have the opportunity to walk around..."

Samira on the other side of the fence turned her face away. The wind on the roof was a bit strong, messing up her broken hair. She wrinkled her delicate nose and said nothing.

"What's going on over there?"

Following the direction of Samira's finger, Suldak saw several thick smoke rising from the pier by the river. It seemed that there was a fire on the pier, and groups of soldiers with weapons in their hands came out of the pier. Jumping off the tugboat, they quickly occupied the pier with black cloaks behind them...

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