Lord Highlander

Chapter 970: 956. Rita's Dowry

The town of Takale was in chaos, and the southern area of ​​the town was still the main battlefield.

The battle situation in the north of the town is somewhat better. There are many private troops of noble lords gathered here. They have set up roadblocks at the intersection of Long Street, at least not allowing cavalry to rampage on the street.

Many lords in the wealthy district sent private troops out to get first-hand information on the frontline of the town.

For example, how many people came from the rebel army this time, and if they try their best to participate in the battle, what are the chances of winning...

The lords are also communicating with each other in private, whether this battle will be fought or not.

At this time, the noble lords need to stand up and lead everyone to resist the invaders from outside. This is the responsibility of every noble.

As the noble lords of Takale Town, they need to fight at least a decent battle with the invaders, instead of seeing these rebels, they have to flee here like bereaved dogs. The noble lords fled without a fight and were held accountable afterwards If it is responsible, it is easy to be found guilty of collaborating with the enemy.

Even if you don't accept any punishment during the trial, you may have to pay a large fine.

Secondly, the town encountered intruders, and the prominent noble lords in the town sneaked away, and they would definitely be recorded by the town clerk in the memorabilia of Takale town over the years. Without deserters, this stain will exist in the family for decades, or even hundreds of years.

People like Suldak cannot be regarded as noble lords in the town of Takale. They are just passers-by in this town, and they have no reason to fight for this town.

Now, through the news from the Magic Union, it has been determined that the attack on Takale Town is a rebel army from the southern part of the Ganbu plane.

There was hardly anyone to be seen on the street, except for groups of troops.

Almost all the shops are closed, and there is nothing to buy on the street. Even the homeless on the street will hide in a safer place at this time.

Suldak walked along the long street in the wealthy area all the way back to the manor of the magician Avid.

The two-headed ogre was guarding the gate, and there were even traces of battle here. When Suldak entered the gate, he asked Gulitum, "The traces of fighting outside are the vanguard of the rebel army. ?”

"No, it's a group of lord's private army who wanted us to join their armed battle group. Seeing that I didn't agree, they actually said that I was an internal agent of the rebel army, and they wanted to rush in, but I drove them away..."

The two-headed ogre stood inside the courtyard wall, stuck its head out of the wall, and said in a low voice.

Suldak walked into the courtyard with the magician Avid on his back, and said to the ogre:

"Oh, don't pay attention to them, just throw them out if you dare to break in!"

Immediately afterwards, he said to Gulitum: "The situation is still unclear, but this time the rebels probably came prepared, and the chances of winning may be greater."

"The guards should all be Lord MacDonnell's supporters, so we don't need to help them," Suldak said to everyone.

Shouts of killing can always be heard in the distance, as well as some wailing.

At noon, you can see civilians fleeing from the southern area of ​​the town to the north. It is said that the rebel army has captured the three gates on the east, west and north of the town, and firmly controlled the pier in the south of the town. , It can be regarded as blocking all the townspeople in the town.

Many people wanted to escape the flames of war and leave here, but at this time they could not leave the city.

I heard that some noble lords in the wealthy area in the north of the town organized armed forces to resist the rebels, and some noble lords planned to capture a certain city gate and left Takale town at night, so a large number of ordinary townspeople in the town began to go to the north of the town. Rich people gather together.

In the afternoon, many civilians could be seen on the street looking for shelter.

Surdak stood on the roof and watched the situation outside. The chaotic streets were full of townspeople who wanted to flee.

Samira asked Suldak: "How about we leave here?"

At this moment, Suldak felt that even if he left the town of Takale, the journey would be very hard. At least the rebels had no plans to completely clean up the town of Takale, so he said: "Let's take a look first, at least there are still people here." A shelter from the wind and rain.”

Siya was soaking in the swimming pool in the yard, and the magician Avid was very curious about the Jana Sea Clan, so he sat on the deck chair by the pool and refused to leave.

Occasionally, the two chatted a few words, but Xi Ya didn't seem to be interested in human magicians, and basically just talked casually and turned into the swimming pool.


There was just a light snowfall in Woer Village in winter. Suldak walked out of the Void Gate, facing the cold wind that made his body tremble involuntarily.

Aphrodite was leaning against Gu Bolai's horse, holding the rein with one hand, with faint bruises on her face.

The north wind rolled the snow flakes, like galloping horses on the hillside.

There is only one mountain ridge away from Wall Village, which is regarded as the next-door col.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Suldak did not return to Wall Village to open the gate of the void.

He walked over and took the reins of the horse, motioning for Aphrodite to get on the horse.

Aphrodite gave him a look of "it's better to ride together", and Suldak stretched out his hand to support Aphrodite's soft and slender waist, and easily lifted her onto the horse's back, and then braved the howling north wind, He took the rein of the horse and walked towards Wall Village.

"Are you fighting?" Aphrodite asked Suldak with a smile.

The smile in her eyes is full of the meaning of 'your luck is really bad'.

Suldak's luck has been really bad recently. He went to the Ganbu plane to perform tasks. The rest of the second-rank powerhouses returned smoothly, but when it was his turn, he was left on the Ganbu plane and had to wait for magic. Only when Shi Aiweide recovers can he come back.

It was hard to get out of the mountains and come to live in a livable small town. After staying for half a day, the town was attacked by rebels.

Suldak also said a little depressed: "Well, the local rebels invaded Takale Town, and we are temporarily trapped in the town."

The two walked to the top of the mountain, where the north wind was stronger, and there was almost no snow on the top of the slope, and the strong wind blew it into the valley below.

Wall Village is also at the foot of the two of them. Standing here, Suldak can overlook the entire five-level reservoir. The reservoir has been completely frozen, and it is still covered with a thick layer of snow. There is a gurgling water flowing continuously into the reservoir, but this part of the spring water forms a strange waterway in the reservoir, flowing down the top of the sluice on the east side of the primary reservoir.

Because of the existence of this spring, people in the village have been drinking live mountain spring water.

After the village built the townhouses, the old village head, Uncle Brett, specially built a suspended waterway to bring the spring water directly into the village.

The weather in Woer Village is extremely cold. A thick layer of ice has condensed on the suspended waterway, and there are even icicles like sinkers. Several villagers are braving the wind and snow, holding long wooden poles, and clearing the sharp ice on the waterway. Slip to prevent someone from being injured when passing below.

Aphrodite took out the mithril mask from her arms and put it on her face.

This time she just passed through Wall Village, and was going to take a magic airship from Hailansa City to Bena City. Since the boat schedule has been set, the mountain road must be difficult to travel in such bad weather, so she can stay in Wall Village. Time is very limited.

Suldak also left Wall Village for too long, so he came back here to have a look while Aphrodite was passing by Wall Village.

Aphrodite did not follow Suldak back to the village, but went directly along the snow track to the pass of Pagros Mountain.


Wall Village is located in a mountain depression in the barren land, and a light snowfall will fill the village with snow. However, looking down on Wall Village from the top of the mountain, you can still feel the new atmosphere in the village.

Neat streets, villagers have opened up roads extending in all directions in the thick snow, and many villagers are clearing snow.

A group of guard battalion knights rode on horseback and walked out of the village slowly through the hillside horse trail.

On this road, Surdak saw a familiar figure among a group of girls.

When the guard battalion knights passed by the group of girls, they stopped and greeted politely. The guard battalion captain Daniela greeted Rita in the crowd, and the two chatted casually. Rita Then he followed these girls to the village stream.

The knights of the guard battalion marched out of the village along this horse path.

It seems that the relationship between the two is not bad. Suldak also asked Karl to inquire about Daniela Knight from the side. He heard from Karl that the young Daniela Knight has a good reputation.

Suldak entered Wall Village through the main entrance under the mountain. There were still a few vendors in the free market shivering in the cold wind, and the goods on the stalls were also not afraid of freezing.

The Paglos Mountains are now also covered by heavy snow, and few adventure groups dare to enter the mountains this season.

Therefore, the market in Wall Village has also become depressed.

On the contrary, the original open-air tavern at the entrance of the village has now turned into an exquisite wooden house. The signboard at the door was creaked by the wind, and there was the sound of pushing and changing glasses inside, and a strong aroma of wine came from the door.

The door of the tavern was pushed open, and two businessmen in fur coats came out. Suldak happened to see the bustling scene in the tavern. Among the guests.

Suldak stepped on the snow on the road and walked up the street.

I met some villagers along the way, and everyone greeted him warmly.

"Dark, are you back?"

"Hi, Dak, I haven't seen you for a while! I heard that you took troops to station on some plane. How are you doing recently?"


Some were familiar faces, some were unfamiliar faces, and everyone surrounded him all the way to the top of the mountain depression. Everyone happily asked Surdak various questions, and he answered them one by one no matter what the questions were.

When they reached the gate of the villa, everyone quickly waved goodbye to Surdak and let him go home alone.

There was a gap in the courtyard door, but it was not locked from the inside.

There was no janitor at home, so Suldak pushed open the gate and stepped into the yard, only to hear the sound of daggers splitting the air from the yard.

Turning around, I saw Little Peter practicing sword swing next to the wooden dummy frame on the edge of the yard. He only wore a sweater, a pair of thick breeches and exquisite riding boots on his upper body, and kept lunging, as if swinging a short sword in his hand. .

In such cold weather, there was a layer of greasy sweat on his forehead, and the few strands of soft blond hair were wet with sweat.


Suldak stood at the door and shouted.

"Dad, you're back!"

Seeing Suldak standing at the gate, little Peter put the dagger on the weapon rack beside him, turned around and rushed forward.

Little Peter's way of running and his young face resembled his father very much, and Suldak was even in a daze at the moment...

Suldak held little Peter under his armpit with both hands, lifted him high, and circled the sky in a circle.

"Hey, you've done a good job recently. I saw that you can smash through the air when you swing your sword. This is a great improvement..."

Suldak put little Peter down, patted him on the shoulder and praised him.

Little Peter puffed out his chest proudly, and said to Suldak, "I practice hard every day!"

Suldak took out a magic long sword from his magic pocket and handed it to little Peter, and said to him: "I want to remind you, don't point the long sword at your friends, and this long sword is very sharp. If your fingers accidentally touch the blade, it is easy to fall off, so this sword is not suitable for practice, you must maintain it frequently, and it will become your partner..."

"Then, next, you do every movement of basic swordsmanship ten times, let me see what's wrong with your posture..."

Suldak began to correct little Peter's basic swordsmanship postures and develop a set of correct basic movements, which is the first step to becoming an excellent fighter.

In combat, many times, there is often no time to think about it and you have to make a response. At this time, whether you can make standard actions will directly affect whether you can win the opportunity.

Just when Suldak was teaching little Peter, old Sheila walked out of the room slowly.

She's aging rapidly these days, and her legs don't seem to be as flexible as before.

Suldak remembered that when he first saw old Sheila, she was not like this, and now the age spots on her face became more and more obvious.

"Dark, you're back." There was also a sense of exhaustion in her voice.

Sulda took little Peter up the steps, stood beside old Sheila and said:

"I happened to pass by the village this time, so I came back to have a look. By the way, I plan to settle Rita's marriage. I'll go find Daniela in the evening. Now he's out of the village to go on duty."

Seeing that Suldak really kept his promise and rushed back from the plane as scheduled for Rita's marriage, old Sheila had a rare and gratified smile on her face.

"Well, it's time to settle down, Rita will be twenty-two years old in a few years..."

After speaking, he pulled little Peter, turned around and walked back to the house.

Natasha supported old Sheila, and took a deep look at Suldak.

Suldak followed into the living room.

Old Sheila was sitting by the fireplace and warming the fire. Natasha took out a towel to wipe the sweat off Peter's head, and asked a young maid to take Peter to take a bath.

She was busy bringing a hot towel to Surdak, letting him wipe his hands and face, and squatting at his feet, helping him put on a pair of soft shoes.

Suldak sat on the sofa, took out the set of magic pattern structure seized from the second-turn archer from the magic pocket, placed it on the carpet in front of him, and said to old Sheila: "This set of magic pattern structure It will be sent to the magic union in Hailansa City for repair and maintenance later, and it will be one of Rita's dowry after repair."

Afterwards, he took out a smaller box from his magic pocket, opened the lid and filled it with bright magic spar, and said, "This is the second dowry I prepared for Rita."

"In addition, I plan to let Charlie build another villa right next to this courtyard, and give it to Rita as a third dowry."

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