Lord Highlander

Chapter 971: 957. Family

At night, Suldak's villa restaurant in the village of Wall is brightly lit.

Suldak entertained all the young knights in the Badlands Vigilante Squadron.

The ten-meter-long oak dining table in the dining room was filled with exquisite dishes. Suldak sat at the head seat, and Danila, the knight captain of the guard battalion, sat at the position closest to Suldak. The rest of the knights lined up in sequence, five Ten people almost filled the entire long row of tables.

All the knights kept their voices down as much as possible, and everyone wanted to make a good impression in front of Lord Suldak.

Cavalier Danila looked a little nervous, he secretly glanced at the restaurant door.

Natasha and Rita brought up three large plates of barbecue from the kitchen with a maid.

Until now, there is only one cook and one maid in Suldak's family, so Natasha and Rita are doing a lot of housework.

In fact, even Suldak contributed to the dinner, as he was responsible for the marinated mutton shank, which tasted pretty good when roasted.

When Rita passed by Daniela, she didn't even squint her eyes, and didn't give Daniela any hints. Daniela was so nervous that she couldn't breathe, she couldn't help loosening her collar, and then drank it again. After drinking the golden cider in the glass, he took a peek at Surdak.

"How's the law and order situation in the barren land recently?"

Suldak lowered his head and asked Daniela while cutting grilled salamander meat.

Daniela hastily put down the knife in her hand, and replied seriously:

"The desert bandits entered the barren land several times, but they only operated in the south of the Great Rift Valley. They didn't find a village to rob, and we found their whereabouts again. They didn't dare to go too deep, so they left hastily. This happened several times... ..."

Suldak nodded slightly, glanced at the knights at the table, and raised his voice and said:

"After this spring, you graduates have been working in the Badlands Guard Squadron for a full year. The internship period here is officially over. According to the practice of the guard battalion, you have the right to be transferred to other areas."

Suldak paused, and said to everyone: "If anyone has such an idea, Daniela can count it, and I will personally give you some recommendation letters. You can think about your wish to go to Hailan in advance. Which squadron of the Sa Guard Battalion, I can also say hello to the squadron leaders in advance..."

Hearing what Suldak said, the knights sitting at the dining table immediately began to discuss in whispers.

Cavalier Captain Daniela was the first to stand up and said seriously:

"I have been on duty in the Badlands for exactly one year, and now I am very familiar with the northern area of ​​the Badlands, and I have basically adapted to the environment here. I want to stay and continue to guard the Badlands. Compared with other suburban towns, the conditions in all aspects are actually not bad..."

"So, I want to stay!"

Cavalier Captain Daniela said.

Suldak smiled, and said casually: "Oh, other people can also talk about it, don't have any psychological pressure, in fact, I hope that there will be more people among you who choose to leave, so that the young people in the village People can have the opportunity to enter the guard camp and become a reserve knight..."

Seeing that the young knights of the guard battalion on the dining table were all thinking a little bit, Suldak waved his hand again and said:

"Of course, if you want to stay, I also welcome it. This kind of welcome is not verbal, but accompanied by some benefits from Wall Village. Wall Village will provide accommodation. You can choose to build a house in the village. For a good townhouse, you can also ask the old village chief, Uncle Brett, to approve a piece of residential land, and build a house according to your ideas."

The young guard battalion knights started talking again.

"Danila, you are their captain, I am very glad that you are willing to stay..."

After the dinner, Daniela was left alone by Lord Suldak without any accident, and the other knights from the guard battalion returned to the security station.

The matter of Captain Daniela and Rita is already a semi-open secret in Wall Village, so it is not surprising that everyone was left behind.

Suldak was sitting in the spacious living room, and Natasha brought sweet black tea.

Rita followed Natasha and brought a plate of exquisite fruits and pastries. Suldak motioned for Daniela to sit down, and Natasha and Rita sat down opposite.

The wicker chair next to the fire was empty. Old Sheila hadn't been in a good mood recently, and she liked to go to bed early.

The crackling sound of burning firewood could be heard in the living room. Knight Daniela was sweating profusely. He held the teacup cautiously and kept silent.

Suldak whispered something to Natasha, Natasha nodded immediately, then turned and left.

Seeing Natasha leave the living room, Rita, who was originally calm, seemed a little flustered at this moment.

Natasha gestured to Rita to go out on business, telling her to stay in the living room.

The living room fell silent, and Suldak was silent for a while before he said to Daniela, "Danila, don't you have anything to tell me about you and Rita?"

Cavalier Daniela stood up suddenly, blushed and said to Suldak in the living room:

"Lord Suldak, I know that my identity is a bit humble. I am still just an ordinary guard battalion knight. I hope to gain your approval through my own efforts. Before I propose to Rita, I can get your approval." agree……"

Surdak looked up at Daniela in front of him, beckoned him to sit down, and then said:

"As Rita's older brother, I'm very pleased that Rita chose an outstanding young man like you. Rita suffered a lot when she was at home, but it was this experience that gave her many excellent qualities."

"Maybe she doesn't understand poetry, dance, and the tedious rules of the ball, and she's not even used to those evening gowns and long skirts."

"But she is hardworking, brave, kind, optimistic, tenacious, and a very nice girl."

"I agree, you can propose to Rita anytime."

"But here, as Rita's elder brother, not a noble lord, what I want to tell you is that if you don't love each other someday, I hope you can return Rita to us like a knight." ..."

Rita's eyes were a little moist, and her nose was red as she said, "Dark..."

"Tomorrow during the day, remember to visit old Sheila. When you have free time, come here more." Suldak said to Knight Daniela.

Daniela hurriedly stood up again, saluted Surdak as a knight, and replied straightforwardly: "Yes!"

"I still have things to do, so I won't entertain you anymore!"

Suldak stood up to see off the guests.

Knight Daniela hurriedly got up and said goodbye.

At this time, Natasha had already prepared some vegetables, frozen meat, and baked wheat cakes in the cellar of the kitchen, and packed them into several large boxes.

Putting the food prepared by Natasha into the magic pocket, Suldak just hugged Natasha and kissed her forehead, then left in a hurry...

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