Lord Highlander

Chapter 972

At dusk in the town of Takale, several time-space reverse currents with dark gray emerged in the orange sky.

The Ganbu plane is like a piece of broken tile floating in the sea of ​​stars. This plane is so small. According to the map of the Ganbu plane, it is only as far as two Bena provinces, and the Ganbu plane It is long and narrow from north to south, narrow from east to west, low in the south and high in the north.

There are no aborigines in the Ganbu plane, and all the residents on the plane are immigrants from the Bena province, and these immigrants mainly come from the Tarapagan area.

During the period when the Ganbu plane was just discovered, countless Tarapa dares who had no land poured into the Ganbu plane.

Although it is close to the reverse flow of time and space, it is a place with abundant water and grass. The biggest specialty of this place is the several oilstone mines from the plane. There is a dry cloth plane 20 kilometers east of Hatangada Town. The largest oilstone mine belongs to the McDonnell family.

Small reserves of lapis lazuli and turquoise mines have also been discovered in other places. The name "Takalai" is a homophony of "turquoise" in the Grimm Empire language. However, due to over-development in recent decades, the The turquoise veins have gone deep into the ground, and the mining cost has increased significantly, but the output has decreased year by year.

Even so, the dry cloth plane with a pleasant climate is still the first choice for young people in Tarapa to start their own businesses.

Now the town of Takale is shrouded in flames of war...


Suldak walked out from the void gate, and couldn't help covering his mouth and nose with his hands.

The choking smell of burning pine logs wafted over the town of Takale, and several houses in the town were ablaze.

On the street outside the house, a group of the lord's private army passed by quickly. The sound of armor rubbing and footsteps made people feel a little restless. Several stragglers from the security brigade were arresting strong men on the street. In the improvised army, the unarmed were escorted to the frontline battlefield.

After all the noise and crying in the street, there were only women, old people, and children left, who didn't even know where they were going.

Many people were sitting on the side of the street exhausted. Some people regretted not believing the news. They ran across the battlefield from Nancheng District to the quilt, thinking that the nobles here would break through the blockade and leave the town. The young man was caught.

Some people hate those rebels because they destroyed the town of Thakale.

Some people hated the security team in the town. They felt that they usually wore black iron armor. When they really fought, they were not only incompetent, but also captured ordinary townspeople and used them as cannon fodder.

Others just squatted silently in place, holding their children and crying helplessly.

Some even fell asleep on the grass after crying.

In the mansion that Magician Avid just bought, there is no food at all.

Suldak went to the market yesterday morning, and the food he bought was only enough for the two-headed ogre to eat. Today, Suldak returned to Wall Village and just brought back some vegetables and frozen meat from there. Toast oatmeal.

There will be no shortage of supplies for the time being.

Everyone gathered for dinner on the terrace of the villa, and Suldak prepared some barbecue, vegetable soup and baked wheat cakes.

The sky had already darkened, and there were no lights in the yard. Gulitham sat in front of the barbecue grill with great concentration, staring at the sizzling meat skewers, and the smoke wafted far away with the aroma of the barbecue.

Samira sat on the stone railing of the terrace, holding an apple in her hand, and silently took a bite.

Avid was lying on the side of the balcony railing, peeking at Sia who was lying in the swimming pool reading a book. There was a horse lantern next to Sia, and the surroundings seemed very dark. The light from the horse lantern dyed her beautiful face. Topped with a drizzle of egg yolk.

Suldak cut a scone into eight evenly with a dagger, and was about to put it on the campfire to bake it crispy, when Samira turned his head and glanced at him.

Suldak raised his head and followed the direction of Samira's finger, and found that there were several children on the wall on the west side of the yard. There was a row of dense palm trees beside the wall, which almost completely blocked the yard.

It was also because of these palm trees that Suldak didn't notice these children peeping in the yard at the first time.

Under the shade of the trees, those small eyes blinked, as if they were looking towards the terrace.

Suldak glanced down at the baked wheat cakes in his hand, and decisively took out a few more wheat cakes from a wooden box, and cut them into eight pieces on the square table.

After thinking about it, I picked up the vegetable soup next to the barbecue grill. The vegetable soup is actually onion, cabbage and tomato sauce mixed with butter and stir-fried, and then I added a lot of water. This kind of vegetable soup is in Wall Village is very popular.

There are no tomatoes in Wall Village in winter, but the tomato sauce boiled by each family is enough for everyone to eat all winter.

With a stack of sliced ​​scones and a bucket of boiling soup, I walked across the forecourt pool and green grass, and stood in front of the children squatting on the wall, and the older children jumped from the wall in fright. On the street outside, the younger children wanted to jump along, but found that the wall was a bit too high, and they were afraid to jump for a while.

Several older children stood on the street and shouted eagerly to the younger ones, "Jump off, run!"

The children were on the top of the wall so anxious that they were about to shed tears. A little girl was squatting on the wall, but in a panic, she stepped on the ground and fell from the top of the wall with her head down.

Holding her body firmly with a big hand, Suldak lifted her up to the wall again. When a group of children were panicking, Suldak handed over a triangular wheat cake and asked the little girl Said: "Do you want to eat something?"

The little girl timidly dared not reach out to pick it up.

Without waiting for her answer, Suldak stuffed the baked oatmeal into her little hand, and distributed a piece of baked wheaten cake to every child on the wall.

Samira followed up from behind, holding a stack of white porcelain bowls, and helped Suldak distribute the vegetable soup to each child. Suldak was still reminding them: "Who wants to have another drink?" A bowl? Hey, be careful, don't break my precious porcelain..."

In fact, the dinner prepared by Suldak was not much, far from enough to satisfy the civilians who ran from the south of the city on the street, so he could only distribute some to a few children.

When the older children who were about to run away turned around and came back, the few wheat cakes and the bucket of vegetable soup were quickly divided up.

He didn't take out more baked wheat cakes. The food Natasha prepared for him was only a few large wooden boxes. If he wanted more food, he had to wait for Aphrodite to arrive in Hailansa City.

The refugees on the street didn't all gather here just because a few children got some dinner.

And when many people left home, they also brought some dry food.

Everyone was just frightened by the incident of forcibly arresting the strong man just now.


On summer nights, even the grass beside the street is not that cool. The only sad thing is that there are some mosquitoes, but these people have been tense all day long.

At night, many people curled up and fell asleep on the grass beside the road with a strong sense of sleepiness.

The fighting on the southern edge of the noble district also gradually subsided.

At night, Samira slipped out of the yard for a stroll outside under the cover of darkness. The second magic pattern on her body has the ability to hide, and this ability becomes stronger at night, as long as she remains still Hiding in the shadows so that no one will find her.

She ran back from the outside and said to Suldak: "Except that the five streets of this aristocratic area are guarded by the lord's private army, the security brigade tried to recapture the town hall near the central square at noon, but was captured by a rebel army. They broke up, and there are still many corpses in the central square of the town. The rebels are asking some residents of the town to move the corpses there. They have not lost their minds. At home, no one will disturb you for the time being."

"I haven't been able to occupy the town of Takale for so long, and this rebel army probably doesn't have much strength..." Suldak said: "Find out which rebel army is it, and what is the power of this rebel army? What is the purpose of Takale town?"

Samira shook her head, she just went out for a while, never thought of arresting a rebel soldier for interrogation.

Besides, it is very likely that even the fighters of the rebel army can't explain these questions clearly about Suldak.

"Well, we don't need to pay attention to this. Since the town has not been cleaned, it seems that these rebels can still maintain their sanity in the battle, so we can properly help the townspeople outside who can't go home for the time being. ..."

"Tomorrow, I will find a way to prepare some food, at least so that everyone can have a bowl of porridge." Suldak rubbed his forehead and whispered to Samira.

The magician Avid also seemed to have some ideas, and said to Suldak at this time: "I can go to the magic union in the town to seek support..."

But Samira glanced at him lightly, and said to Suldak: "Just now I passed by a trading firm in the town. I saw a few granaries on the side of the commercial bank."

"You mean we'll go over there to get some too?" Suldak immediately understood Samira's meaning.

Samira nodded.

Hearing that Suldak was going to take Samira to rob houses, the two-headed ogre immediately said:

"Boss, I want to go too!"

Suldak didn't want a three-meter-tall two-headed ogre running down the street and causing panic among the people, especially in such an extraordinary period.

"Just guard this yard obediently, and don't run out casually, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble..." Suldak said to Gulitum.


Although Gulitum looked reluctant, he still agreed.


In fact, it is really not technical at all to rob a house with a second-turn Hawkeye like Samira.

She almost avoided the sentries all the way, and led Suerdak directly to the roof of the granary in the backyard of the trading house.

At this time, the logistics vehicles of the rebel army had already parked on the street in front of the trading house, and many migrant workers were moving out various materials from the trading house and loading them into carriages. These rebels were like a group of beggars who had never seen the world. Even the tables, chairs, furniture, washbasins and bookshelves in the house had to be moved to the carriage.

It was precisely because they wanted everything, and they didn't take care of the granary for a while, that Suldak moved more than a hundred bags of wheat flour from the granary. The problem is that his magic pocket can only hold so much... …

However, this night, Suldak and Samira ran back and forth three times in a row, almost completely emptying a granary before stopping at dawn.

In fact, Xi Ya basically didn't sleep much all night. She looked at Samira very enviously, and imagined that one day she could become Lord Suldak's assistant.

Suldak didn't get out of bed until noon, and the battle in Takale town continued.

Probably because other places have basically calmed down, the main force of the rebel army gradually began to gather towards the rich area, the battle at the entrance of the alley intensified, and the private army assembled by the nobles suffered a lot of casualties in a day.

Many nobles have already started to prepare vehicles and pack their luggage in the manor, trying to sneak out of Takale town at night.

In the afternoon, the gate of the magician Avid's manor was slowly pushed open by Suldak, and the residents of the small town gathered in the open space in front of the gate stood up in a large crowd.

Surdak stood at the door and looked at the crowd, selected ten women in a row, pointed to them and said, "Come in, you guys, I have a job for you, one silver coin per day, including one for the whole family." Three meals a day..."

A few women in the crowd were hesitant to look at me and I to look at yours, then a stout woman stood up boldly, pulled a child towards Suldak, and asked timidly in front of him Said: "My lord, you hired us... What do you need us to do?"

"I need you to cook porridge!" Suldak said.

"My lord, I am willing to accept this job..." the woman said bravely.

"Very good, then you will be the captain!" Suldak nodded slightly.

Afterwards, Suldak continued to say loudly: "Master Avid, the noble mage, is willing to take out some food and silver coins to help those town residents who are homeless due to the war. That's right, what he said is true." You, but he doesn’t have enough servants to make these oatmeal, so he needs to choose young and strong ones from among you, preferably with some cooking skills, well, I’ll decide who to choose first..."

Hearing what Suldak said, the women around knew what they missed just now, and they all said that their cooking skills were actually pretty good.

Where would Suldak be entangled in this, he immediately led the selected women into the yard, and their families could also come in and rest in the garden of the front yard, but no one could spend the night in this yard.

Not long after, the first pot of oatmeal that was cooked was carried out of the kitchen by two women. There were still some green vegetable leaves and oil flowers floating on the hot oatmeal...

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