Lord Highlander

Chapter 973: 959. Hope

The news that the magician aristocrat Avid provided free Chinese food to the soldiers and civilians of Takale Town quickly spread. The townspeople hiding in the streets of the rich district came to drink porridge, and more and more residents gathered at the gate. .

In the beginning, there were only a few hundred people.

At night, hundreds of town residents had gathered in front of the gate of the house.

It looked very crowded outside the gate.

Surdak could only let the old people and children who had been staying in front of the gate enter the front yard of the manor and rest on the grass by the pool.

Until very late, the women cooking porridge finally finished their work. They dragged their tired bodies out of the kitchen of the manor and found their families on the front lawn.

Suldak, Samira, Gulitum, and Sia could only stay in the villa.

Although there were many people sitting in the yard, it was still very quiet.

When it was getting dark, Suldak helped the haggard and sickly magician Avid out of the room, and said a few words of concern to everyone on the steps of the villa door, and then asked Samira to come out of the room. Some blankets were taken out of the house and given to those in need.

That night, many residents in the town were talking about the magician Avid as a real noble gentleman, with two beautiful maids and a brave knight by his side, and so on. Adventures……

The fighting on the street at night still did not stop, the sound of fighting was very close to the manor, the swords were slashing, screaming and cursing, as if the rebels and private nobles were fighting outside the wall.

On the balcony on the second floor, Suldak could even see the wounded being brought back from the street.

However, these people seem to have completely ignored the manor. Even though the gate of the manor was full of town residents, these noble private soldiers did not take a second look into the yard.

Although they did not forcibly recruit battlefield cannon fodder from the town residents like the town security team did, they are planning to use the street in front of Avid Manor as a follow-up battlefield. The town residents gathered on this street must either leave or To be involved in the battle.

In just one night, the rebel army captured two streets in the south of the wealthy district, and the living space of the fleeing residents of the town was reduced to a minimum.

In the morning, Suldak still provided free porridge to all the refugees on the street. He even considered waiting for Aphrodite to arrive in Hailansa City to buy more food and vegetables from there. At least let these refugees townspeople fill their stomachs.

However, things changed a bit on the fourth morning. Several knights from the private army of the nobles broke into the manor from outside with a group of followers.

The magician Avid lying on the hospital bed could only drag his sickly body, standing at the door of the villa, staring coldly at the group of rude intruders.

Suldak stood on the steps holding a sword and shield.

In order to conceal his identity, he didn't even wear his noble badge...

The leading knight gave a knight salute to the magician Avid, and then looked at Suldak seriously. Seeing that he was well-proportioned and strong, he nodded with satisfaction, and then said impassionedly to Avid: " Your honorable mage, the battlefield in front of the wealthy area of ​​Takale Town is in urgent need of manpower, I heard that your entourage knight is very brave, I wonder if you can send him to the front battlefield to fight side by side with us?"

When the knight spoke, he seemed polite.

The magician Avid glanced at him indifferently, and scolded him arrogantly:

"Are you talking to a magician nobleman?"

The knight was obviously slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Master Avid to be so arrogant.

"Your Majesty, Mage, I hope you can draw out your entourage and fight with us. This is not only to protect the safety of the wealthy area, but also closely related to your vital interests..." The knight said to the Avid Mage Dayi said solemnly.

The magician Avid lowered his face, ignored the knight at all, and just said coldly: "Please leave my yard, I don't want to see you again, and I don't want you to continue to think about me. Otherwise, I will complain to the Magic Union of Takale Town!"

The knight quickly defended, "You're like this..."

Magician Avid didn't even give him a chance to defend himself, and directly interrupted his words: "Okay, you are not welcome here, you can leave."

The knight wanted to argue: "Don't you want the rebel army to invade the rich area, rob us of our property, and then hang our heads high on the flagpole?"

Magician Avid stared at him coldly and said:

"What will be stolen will only be your property, and the head hanging on the flagpole will only be yours. Please note that I am different from you, I am a magic nobleman!"

The knight was flushed with anger, and said angrily: "You will see the brutality of the rebel army, and I will also remember what you said today. You will definitely regret what happened today, Ai Vader Sorcerer!"

The Avid magician waved his hand blankly and said, "I hope you can survive and leave Takale alive. I wish you good luck."

"how could you do this?"

The knight wanted to go forward to argue, but was blocked by Suldak with a shield.

"Your Excellency, isn't Magician Avid not clear enough?" Suldak asked the knight, and said, "You can leave now!"

"How could you follow such a magician..." After finishing speaking, the knight left the manor with a group of followers angrily.

According to yesterday's practice, Suldak asked Magician Avid to walk around in the yard, and then comforted some of the fleeing town residents.

It is nothing more than saying: This battle is about to end, and when the battle is over, no matter who takes over the town, everyone can continue to live according to the old way of life. At this time, we just need to hide and wait quietly for this war to end.

Magician Avid stood in front of a group of small town residents and gave a loud speech, but received a lot of applause, and the faces of the small town residents showed excitement.

Until Magician Avid returned to the villa, the residents standing in the yard were still encouraged.

At this moment, even queuing up to get the porridge seemed orderly.

And those cooks also knocked hard on the iron pot, shouting loudly: "Your Excellency the magician Avid, let the children and the old people come to the front, let the children and the old people come to the front..."

The town residents in this yard acted quickly. They even divided the lawn in the yard. Children and the elderly were given special treatment. They spread blankets on the lawn...

When everyone looked at the house, their eyes became brighter, as if there was more hope in their eyes.

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