Lord Highlander

Chapter 974

In the past two days, Avid carefully inspected the materials for the temporary teleportation circle that Suldak brought back. Except for a high-grade gem base that was pierced by the archer with an arrow, the magic of the temporary teleportation circle Two rune plates were also damaged, requiring Avid to repair them himself.

Of course, what makes Avid scratch his head the most is the high-grade gem base, which cannot be repaired at all, and can only be replaced with a new one. This kind of high-grade gem base may not even exist in Mukuso City on the dry cloth plane. .

Aphrodite has successfully arrived in Hailansa City and checked into the hotel in Garden Square.

So Suldak also took the opportunity to go through the void gate to Hailansa city.

In winter, Hailansa City is covered with snow. It seems that every winter, the snow removal work in the mountain city is the biggest problem. In order to quickly transport the snow out of the city, the city hall has to temporarily hire some four-wheeled carriages.

Walking on some sloping streets, Suldak could easily see the snow-covered oak forest outside the city. This time when he returned to Hailansa City, he did not go to the guard camp to report, but went directly along this road. Main Street rushed to the Magic Union.

There was still plenty of time, and Suerdak didn't take the magic caravan, but just walked under the street trees on both sides of the street.

On the street, a magic caravan parked slowly by the side of the road. Miss Hoyle opened the door, leaned out her upper body from the carriage, and asked Suldak on the side of the street: "Viscount Suldak, are you When did you come back?"

"...just arrived!" Suldak stopped, saluted Miss Hoyle and said, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Bird."

Miss Hoyle has become Mrs. Bird after marrying Tax Collector Bird. In recent years, she has not only become more mature, but also plump.

"Where are you going, if you drop by, I can give you a lift..." Miss Hoyle said enthusiastically.

"Magic union." Suldak replied.

"Come on! I just passed by there." Miss Hoyle said with a smile.

"Thank you for your ride, Madam Bird." Suldak boarded the carriage readily, and Miss Hoyle's maid hurriedly moved the seat opposite.

After Suldak sat across from Miss Hoyle, the carriage started slowly again.

"Viscount Suldak, will we meet Carl, Bird and the others at the old place tonight?" Miss Hoyle asked curiously.

Suldak shook his head and said, "I'm in a hurry to come back this time. I may have to leave immediately after seeing the magician of Lance. The party may have to wait until I have a chance..."

"You've all become so busy recently! You lead the army to garrison other planes, and Darcy has to be busy until midnight every day before she can sleep..." Miss Hoyle said softly.

Suldak didn't take up the topic and continued, but just listened quietly.

Ms. Hoyle is Darcy Christie's cousin, and the two have a very close relationship. Naturally, they know about Dacy's recent situation. She is now the consul of High Lansa City, and she can be regarded as the city's highest chief executive.

Suldak looked out of the window...the trees outside were covered with rime.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the Magic Union, and Miss Hoyle said to Suldak:

"Then goodbye, Viscount Suldak!"

Suldak also withdrew his thoughts, smiled slightly, saluted Miss Hoyle and said:

"Goodbye, Lady Bird."

After finishing speaking, he jumped out of the carriage briskly, stepped on the snow on the ground and walked into the lobby on the first floor of the Magic Union.

The receptionist on the first floor knew Surdak and quickly found Lance.

Lance was wearing a set of dirty magic robes. It seemed that the magic experiment just now must have been unsuccessful. His hair was standing on end, his face was smoky, and the glasses on the bridge of his nose were also shattered. One piece was broken, and the whole person seemed to rush over from the fire that just exploded.

"Why are you back again? After all, it's a border town stationed on the plane. You come back so often, are you sure the military won't trouble you?" Lance asked Suldak.

Suldak said with a smile: "This time I came back to perform a mission. By the way, I came to you this time to ask you to help find a high-grade gemstone base, which is specially used for temporary teleportation circles. ...is there a way to get it?"

Lance felt like he was eating gunpowder, "Do you think I'm the president of the Bena Magic Union? You can get any resources. This kind of gem base is usually controlled by the Stargazer Union. This thing You may not be able to buy it even in Bena City, it is very difficult to buy even mid-level gem bases here in Hailansa, and basically everyone does not use it..."

"Okay then, I'll go to Bena City to try my luck..."

Suldak said to Lance.

"Hey, you came back here just to buy that thing, right?" Lance said exaggeratedly.

"you guessed right……"

Saying goodbye to the convinced Lance, Suldak hurriedly left the magic union, returned to the Plaza Garden Hotel, used his noble status to send Aphrodite to the magic airship, and chose a luxury cabin before rushing through The Nethergate returns to the Ganbu plane.


On the Ganbu plane, the rebel army took the pier of Takale Town as a breakthrough point, and it took only five days to capture the entire town.

In the wealthy area of ​​the last two streets, the nobles organized a surprise attack last night. Several nobles and their knights successfully broke out from Takale Town, but most of the nobles were captured by the rebels. The cavalry stopped them, and the civilians who followed the nobles originally planned to sneak out in troubled waters, but unfortunately they were all surrounded by the rebels on the square at the gate of the city.

The corpses of a group of nobles and knights who had resisted the rebel army in the wealthy area were hung on the cross erected in the square at the gate of the city together with the knights of the security brigade. There were no less than two hundred wooden crosses erected in the entire square. The earliest one The batch has been exposed to the sun for two days in the square, and the corpse has already emitted a rotten smell.

The soldiers of the rebel army asked the captives to tear down an exquisite wooden attic in the small town, pile the firewood they picked up into a square platform, and burn all the noble knights on the fire to ashes.

In the past few days, most of the fires in the town were caused by the rebel army disposing of the town's corpses, some were their comrades-in-arms, and some of the fires were burned by the resistance forces of the nobles in the town.

A faint smell of corpses and fireworks wafted over the entire town.

At noon on the fifth day, the rebel army had already planted a blood-stained flag on the flagpole on the top of the bell tower, and announced to the residents of Takale Town that they had temporarily taken over the town.

On the street outside the manor, the panicked residents of the small town began to be checked and counted by the rebel army.

It has been confirmed that those residents who did not participate in the battle can return to their residences in the town on their own. Of course, several houses in the south of the town have been turned into ruins. I will pay you for rebuilding a house.

Compared with other manors that were disturbed by the rebels, the manor of the Avid magician was not disturbed by the rebels.

In the afternoon, several clerks sent by the rebel army led people into the manor, and made ID statistics for the group of small town residents in the yard,

There was also a rebel knight who led several men to visit the Avid magician, so Avid led him to wander around the manor, waiting for him to see the two-headed cannibal lying in the backyard garden basking in the sun The demon immediately became serious, declined the invitation of Magician Avid to have afternoon tea on the terrace, and left the manor in a hurry.

Afterwards, the rebels didn't come to bother the Avid magician anymore, but the rebel cavalry patrolling the streets every day increased the frequency of patrols.

According to the information that Samira heard outside, the rebel army did not seem to have any plans to run Takale Town for a long time. They also seemed to know that with their current strength, it seemed that they were not enough to fight against Lord McDonnell's army, so After they occupied the town of Takale, their biggest move was to try their best to move all the supplies in the town.

The treasury of the town hall was opened by the rebels on the night when they invaded Takale town. There were also several military supplies warehouses on the side of the security brigade, and almost all the military supplies inside were transported to the riverside wharf.

In addition, the biggest loss was the trading houses in the town. Almost all the businesses were looted by the rebels.

After the rebels invaded the wealthy area, these manors were also extensively cleaned by the rebels, but there were also some manors that were not looted by the rebels, including the manor of the Avid magician.

It seems that the reason is also very simple. The rebels are not willing to provoke the magic union at present. In addition, they have more or less spent the past two days with the magician Avid to help the fleeing residents in these towns, indirectly maintaining the war in Takale town. order of the period.

Watching the whole vehicle of supplies being transported from the street at the gate to the small town wharf, this time also fully demonstrated the greatest benefits that a victory in a war can bring.

Standing on the second-floor terrace, Suldak and Gulitham looked at the long line of carriages lined up on the street, and sighed: "It seems that no matter mining or opening up new territories, they are far inferior to robbing towns and gaining Great profits!"

"It is said that the lords of the Grimm Empire often wage wars, but because of the frequent outbreaks of plane battles in the past few years, His Majesty Charles issued a decree to prohibit the lords from launching wars while outside." The magician Ai Weide lay on the deck chair on the terrace On, said with a relaxed look.

The bandage on his chest has not been removed yet, but his complexion is very good, and he has already sat up with his own strength, and can even walk slowly. As long as he does not do strenuous exercise and does not let his heart beat faster, his heart will not hurt.

Suldak asked the Avid magician: "You mean that wars often broke out between the various lords of the Grimm Empire?"

"Wars are not frequent, but any lord who owns a vast land without corresponding military strength will be declared war by other lords. This is quite common..." the magician Avid explained to Suldak road,

"I thought that after I got the land, I got the permanent ownership. It turns out that I can still grab it through this method!" Suerdak suddenly realized.

"However, in the past few years, it has been forbidden to declare war internally. After all, a plane war has broken out!" Magician Avid said: "As long as noble lords participate in foreign wars, they will be protected by the laws of the Grimm Empire..."

Suldak looked at the rebels outside the courtyard, and there seemed to be something extra in his eyes.


The relationship between the Magic Union and the Takale Town Hall has always been very tense. This time the rebels attacked the town and the Magic Union did not come forward.

Therefore, the magicians in Takale Town have not been affected by the war. As long as they are magician nobles, the rebels will automatically skip them. Take care of it.

It's just so realistic...

On the evening of the sixth day, Lord MacDonnell's army had appeared on the hills to the north of the town.

This army belongs to Lord McDonnell's 7th Cavalry Regiment. It was originally stationed between Hatangada Town and Takale Town. It only took one day's journey from the station to Hatangada Town.

This support arrived four days later than expected. The reason was that when the army received the news that the town of Takale had been attacked by the rebels, they were searching for Suldak's assault team in the southeast of the Groft Mountains. It took them three days to come from there.

Lord MacDonnell's flag fluttered over the mountains, and the rebels in Takale town began to garrison the city wall, posing for a fight.

The Seventh Cavalry Regiment arrived outside the north gate of Takale Town, and 500 cavalrymen lined up outside the town...

I thought they would attack aggressively at dusk, but only in the hottest afternoon, a cavalry squadron of 60 tentatively launched an attack, and was covered by a rain of arrows from the archers at the top of the city. Immediately, like a tortoise, he retracted his head.

This cavalry regiment belonged to the light cavalry, and the armor on their bodies was relatively thin. The longbow archers facing the city had nothing to do. They found that the rebel army had at least hundreds of archers on the city, and they immediately dispelled the siege. idea.

At the same time, the rebels in Takale town also accelerated the speed of moving supplies.

But on the surface, they put on a positive attitude to fight. Even on the morning of the seventh day, the rebel army opened the north city gate, and a heavy armored infantry regiment went out to form an array, preparing to fight the lord's army outside the city.

However, at noon that day, the reinforcements from Mukuso City had arrived outside the west gate of Takale Town. This was an infantry regiment of 1,500 people, and their team was followed by ten catapults.

Almost at the same time as the formation was laid down, the catapult behind the army formation began to fire flaming flints towards the town of Takale...

A huge fireball with a diameter of one meter slammed into the small town. The town of Takale, which had only burned seven or eight houses in this war, was bombarded by ten catapult wheels. Hundreds of houses caught fire, and nearly a hundred houses were directly destroyed by flint.

The residents of the small town who had resettled during this war once again fled their homes crying for their parents and mothers. They first gathered at the central square of the town and found that the flints thrown by the catapult seldom fell on the rich area. side.

The residents of these small towns once again hid in the rich area...

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