Lord Highlander

Chapter 975: 961. The War in the Small Town

Even the rebels didn't expect the Lord's army's offensive to be so fierce, and they didn't care about the residents of the small town, and didn't care how many houses could be destroyed. In short, it was a continuous bombardment, only ten catapults were used, He even smashed the west side of the town to pieces.

When the infantry regiment pushed the city cart to the west gate of the town, there were not many rebels on the city wall.

In fact, the town of Takale had been quickly evacuated since last night. Except for some archers scattered on the city wall, the rest of the rebels were almost all gathered at the town's pier.

If the lord's army can have a magician riding a scorpion handle and turning around in the sky at this time, maybe he can see the situation in the town at a glance.

It's a pity that with the exposure of Lord McDonnell's friendship with the Black Magic Priory, the magic union on the Ganbu plane has actually completely cut off contact with the Lord's army. They can only temporarily cut off the portal because the portal has been cut off. Leave on a dry cloth surface.

The lord's army almost used up nearly 3,000 flints with a diameter of one meter overnight. When the infantry, under the cover of the cavalry, smashed open the thin gate of the town in one fell swoop, and after rushing into the town, the entire Little West District seemed to be A ruin of broken bricks and tiles, except for some unlucky town residents who were killed by flint directly, the Lord's Army could not see a single figure in this area.

The infantry regiment of the Lord's Army did not encounter any resistance from the rebel army, and directly rushed into the entrance of the town hall in the center of the town.

The most ironic thing is that three flints fell in the courtyard of the town hall, and two of them fell from the roof of the town hall. Now the town hall has only a charred frame left under the fire. A group of officials such as tax officials and clerks in the small town were collectively tied up in the courtyard of the town hall.

They hardly dared to close their eyes this night, they really dared not sleep!

I'm afraid that if I close my eyes, I will be crushed to death by a flint falling from the sky. How inexplicable is that death...

The rebel army evacuated across the board last night, and these officials knelt in the courtyard of the town hall, watching fireballs fall...

When the infantry of the Lord's Army rushed into the courtyard of the Town Hall, some officials were even incontinent. Some of their hands were still tied with ropes, and they began to yell at the Lord's Army in front of them:

"I will hand over half of the taxes to you every month. It's been seven days. You can climb back and forth from the station to Takale town twice,"

"You bunch of dogs, you bastards..."

"A piece of flint is transported to the station, including the labor cost plus the transportation fee, which is about 20 silver coins. How much did you spend in one night, and how much did you spend!"

"You prodigals..."

"They all retreated when you threw the first flint, wouldn't you send scouts to take a look?"

"You blind people..."

The ruins of the town hall have not been completely extinguished, the wind blows over, and charcoal ash is flying all over the sky.

A layer of hot charcoal was spread on the ground, and light red sparks appeared immediately. The skin was sore from the scorching heat. The lips of all the officials were chapped, and even blisters appeared. They were all frothing, and their throats had a tearing hoarseness.

The squadron leader of the 2nd Squadron of the 1st Infantry Brigade of the 7th Infantry Regiment of the Lord Army was also ruthless, and shouted to his subordinates with a dark face: "We have already occupied the town hall. Plant the flag of our squadron..."

When attacking the city, flags were planted in various areas after breaking the city, which meant determining the ownership of the spoils. Other troops who entered the city saw such flags, and if it was not necessary, they would try to avoid stepping into this area, so as not to Unnecessary friction is caused within the army. Usually, in this case, the commander of the legion recognizes the flag but does not recognize the person.

The squadron leader did not rescue the officials of the town hall, but only planted the flag of his squadron at the door, and led a group of infantry to seize the clock tower of the square, which was absolutely ruthless...

As long as the flag of the rebel army on the clock tower is removed and replaced with the flag of the Lord Army, even if it is announced that the Lord Army has recaptured the town of Takale, such a military achievement is naturally the primary goal of the squadrons.

The hoarse curses of the officials in the yard immediately turned into miserable calls for help...

When other infantry squadrons rushed over, the guards guarding the gate of the town hall gave an explanation, and finally said: "...let them warm up inside, maybe they can be more clear-headed."

It continued like this until noon, when the squadron leader remembered that the town hall hadn't gone in to search for the loot, so he returned to clean up the scene.

When they started to rescue, the entire wooden town hall had been completely reduced to ashes, and half of the tax officials and clerks tied up in the yard had died of dehydration, even if they were not dead. The skin on that side was dry and cracked by the fire, or blisters appeared in sheets, and even if you touched it with your hand, a large piece of dry and cracked dead skin would fall off.

At this moment, no one has the strength to shout and curse anymore, but the courtyard of the town hall is full of dead silence. Although all the people who are still alive try their best to cover up, there is still a kind of unresolved resentment in their eyes...

On the seventh day after the town of Takale was captured by the rebel army, it was finally recaptured by the lord army.

In this small town, the rebel army almost cleaned all the nobles and merchants in the town. The nobles who participated in the resistance under their private army were almost hanged on the wooden crosses in the square at the gate of the city, and their bodies were burned by fire. Turned into ashes, many owners of the manors in the rich area died in the hands of the rebels, but these manors were preserved in the flames of war.

When the lord army recaptured the town of Takale, although they did not kill a few rebels, more than a hundred residents of the town died under the flint, and more than two-thirds of the houses in the west were destroyed. Residents are hiding out on the wealthy side, becoming homeless again...

The only thing that no one disturbed was the magician noble like Avid. He only needed to hang his magician badge at the door, and these lords would not rush in to search for the loot.

Standing on the roof, Suldak watched the flames of war subside gradually, but the town had already become devastated, and his heart became mixed for a while, it was really hard to say anything.

"Is this war?" He lowered his head and asked the Avid magician lying on the wicker chair on the terrace.

Magician Avid raised his head and said seriously to Suldak: "Yes, this is war... This time the rebel army is relatively restrained, at least there are not so many tragic things happening... What I said Those tragic events are far more cruel than the present ones..."

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