Lord Highlander

Chapter 977

Two stooped old men walked out of the alley one after the other, followed by a panic-stricken child.

The child didn't walk out of the alley, but waited at the entrance of the alley with big eyes, poking his head and looking outside.

The three guards didn't expect that a bearded man was pulling the child's clothes behind the child, for fear that they would hurt the child when they jumped out to kill.

Suldak and Samira stood in the crowd, they did not take the initiative to stand up.

The magician Avid did not say that he would kill the three guards... because Suldak wanted to see what else was hidden in the bearded man's hand.

At night, apart from the sound of the river flowing in the distance, only the hoarse and dry voice of the old man was left: "The house was burned down, and everything was robbed, so I came out looking for something to eat."

With a lot of helplessness in the exhaustion, his face was full of disregard for the soldiers.

"It is expressly forbidden to run around at night, and if I see you running around again, I will arrest you and put you in prison." The soldier standing at the front scolded. They were assigned to stay at the riverside wharf at night and had no chance to earn money in the city. Some small money, my heart is a little irritable.

The old people stood beside the collapsed house without saying a word, neither walking nor resisting.

The soldiers behind reminded their companions: "Leave them alone, do you still want to take them back to the barracks?"

The pier was very long, and the three soldiers quickly returned to the pier where they were on duty, and walked west along the inspection route.

Watching the three soldiers leave, the bearded forehead was covered with sweat, and they sat on the ground with some weakness. If the three soldiers took two steps forward, they would probably find at least two hundred people hiding in the alley.


On the east side of the pier by the river, the bearded man came out of the river carrying a hemp rope almost exhaustedly. He threw the wet rope to the bank, and Suldak stretched out his hand to pull him from the river to the pile of piles. up the rocky embankment.

The bearded man grabbed the rope and at the same time called everyone to come and help.

"Everyone pull hard, we will pull that boat out of the bottom of the river..."

The bearded man whispered to everyone.

At this time, these old women and children were almost used to relying on big beards for everything, so they approached without hesitation.

A group of elderly women and children grabbed a rope as thick as an arm and pulled it back hard.

The soaked hemp rope is very heavy, but no matter what strength a group of old people and women can have, a group of people can't pull it at all.

In the end, it was the two-headed ogre who helped behind him. He didn't even put Avid off his back, he directly grabbed the end of the rope, and alternately exerted force with his arms, one after another. The flat-bottomed boat pulled up from the bottom of the river.

The boat mentioned by the bearded man did not actually float on the river, but was hidden at the bottom of the river.

With the help of Gullitum, the bearded man successfully overturned the flat-bottomed boat, poured out the water in the compartment, and pushed the muddy boat into the river.

This boat is not too big, and it can only accommodate thirty people when the whole boat is full. The bearded man took out two oars from the side of the boat, and jumped onto the boat with bare feet. He also looks like a cobbler, obviously a boatman.

"Magician Avid and the children board the boat first, and I will send you to the other side of the river first, and then come to pick up the rest." The bearded man said to everyone.

Suldak didn't say much, and signaled Gulitum to carry the magician Avid on the boat, and Siya followed suit.

Suldak and Samira stood on the shore and said to the bearded man, "We will go with the last group of people..."

After speaking, he picked up a child and handed him to the boat...

Samira ignored the group of children by the river, she quickly jumped onto a taller warehouse building by the river and looked north.

It is just the early morning of the night, and there are several bright yellow time and space countercurrents hanging in the dark red night sky.

The town was dead silent, and the eyesight of ordinary people could only see more than 20 meters away.

Samira jumped off the roof of the warehouse, and the bearded man and Gulitham had paddled together, rowing the flat boat out of the river bank and heading towards the opposite bank.

"I didn't expect them to find the black magician so quickly."

Samira stood beside Suldak and whispered.

Suldak scratched his head in distress, and said to Samira: "After crossing the river, we will separate from them. It seems that this surprise attack by the great swordsman Quintus has wiped out the Black Magic Priory. People are completely angered..."

"Stop revealing the identity of the bearded man?" Samira asked in a low voice.

Suldak snorted, and said in a low voice, "I don't have so many bad intentions, I just want to see what he's trying to do to take these women, old people and children out..."

Before Suldak finished speaking, Samira looked towards the west side of the pier with pale red eyes, interrupted Suldak and said, "Someone is coming over there, let me deal with it?"

Before Suldak agreed, his body was already hidden in the darkness.

Probably the bearded man didn't understand why the three soldiers patrolling the pier never showed up again...

The flatbed boat left the river bank for the fifth time before it was considered to have transported everyone on the east pier.

And the last time the bearded man felt that he was paddling extremely easily, and the whole flat-bottomed boat seemed to be pushed forward by the waves.

Surdak and Samira stood at the stern of the flat-bottomed boat, looking back at the entire town of Takale, which was completely dark in the night.

Suldak went up and said to the bearded man, "After crossing this river, we will go separately..."

The bearded man was slightly taken aback, but immediately said, "Oh, aren't you going to Bansko Town with us?"

"Let's not go now, we're going to walk around here before talking. Magician Avid has to inform other magicians of this news, at least the magic union in the town." Suldak said.

The bearded man said cheerfully, "Okay, thank you for your help..."

Suldak stood on the boat without saying anything.

A group of people landed in the south of the river, and Gullitum and Avid were waiting on the river bank. Before the boat stopped, Suldak and Samira jumped ashore indiscriminately, and then confronted Gullitmu. Said: "Gulitum, this way... let's go first."

"Hey, Duck, aren't we going by boat?"

The two-headed ogre quickly picked up the magician Avid, and asked behind Suldak.

"Sit down, we have other things..."

Suldak said casually.


The two-headed ogre is not a talkative person, so he just walked away.

Samira walked quickly at the front, and no one in the group asked where Sia had gone...

Those small town residents watched the Avid mage quickly disappear into the night, as if they were going upstream along the river.

After a group of people walked a certain distance, the wet Siya came out of the river. Surdak turned his head to stare at Siya, and asked strangely, "Why don't you swim in the river, aren't you tired from walking?"


At this time, Siya really wanted to knock Suldak unconscious with a fist...

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