Lord Highlander

Chapter 978: 964. Town of Tanley

At dawn, the wild grass on the bank of the South River in Takale Town was bent over by gusts of morning wind.

A group of black mages flew from the sky, and they flew along the river bank for a while. They didn't find anything unusual on the river bank, so they turned around and flew south.

These black mages flew extremely nimbly in the sky on their magic stews. The robes of the mages made a loud noise in the wind, and they wanted to return to the black flag waving in the wind.

After those black mages left, Suldak and his party poked their heads out from the wild grass and watched the black mages go away.

"Fortunately, we hid in time, these black mages came so fast."

Gulitum stood up straight, walked from the wild grass to the side of the road, and said to Suldak who was not far away.

His boots and trousers were covered with prickly thorns in the wild grass. It was a jujube-sized fruit covered with hidden thorns. The kernels in it were very bitter and would cause diarrhea if eaten too much. Pick the thorns off your pant legs.

Samira jumped down from a mango tree on the side of the road. Fist-sized cyan fruits were still hanging from this tree, but these fruits were not edible yet.

When he found this mango tree, the ogre tried it, and the sourness kept him silent for half a day.

"What shall we do? Are we still going to Bansko?"

Samira looked at Suldak and asked.

Suldak opened the map, thinking that Big Beard and the residents of the town were going to Bansko Town, and the team going there would bring them some unnecessary trouble. He looked at Mukuso City again, and on the map The town of Hatangada was found on the road.

According to the magician Avid, the town of Hatangada is also a large town second only to Mukuso in the Ganbu plane.

"Let's take a look first. Maybe it's good to go back to Hatangada Town. There won't be black magicians everywhere."

Suldak said in a relaxed tone.

"Okay, let's go to Hatangada Town, maybe I can buy the required magic materials there..."

The magician Avid immediately raised his hand in favor.

"Don't worry about the magic materials, as long as you make a list, I'll figure out the rest!"

Suldak said to Avid.

The magician obviously didn't think that Suldak had this ability, so he said perfunctorily:

"After I tidy up, I'll bring you the detailed list..."


The summer on the Ganbu plane is not hot. Suldak believes that the main reason is that there is no scorching sun above the head, so everyone does not need to hide themselves in the shade of the trees.

The Ganbu plane is a small plane with a terrain that is high in the north and low in the south, and all the rivers meander and flow southward.

Going up the Hebei River, out of the outskirts of Takale Town, came to a road leading to the north, and saw many townspeople who fled Takale Town, and they lined up on the avenue to head for Hatangada Town.

Townspeople can still sit in a carriage if conditions permit.

However, there are not many carriages on the road, and most of the people sitting on them are old people and young children.

Many people were disheveled, they failed to take away too many things from Takale, and some even had some injuries on their bodies.

Because the target of the two-headed ogre was too big, Surdak and his party did not take this path. They continued to walk north along the pebble beach by the river, and finally they could only choose a remote mountain path.

According to the map, this road bypasses the Groft Mountains perfectly, and there are probably more than a dozen small towns along the way, and then you can reach the city of Mucuso.

On the Ganbu plane, only Mukuso is defined as a city, and only some villages and towns can be established in other places on the plane.

Towns like Hartangada, Takale, and Bansko look more like a small town, but they are called towns on the Zaganbu plane.

The main reason is that Lord MacDonnell is an earl, and he can rule a city with the greatest authority.

However, the McDonnell family is the actual ruler of the Ganbu plane, so this is why there is only one central city in the Ganbu plane, and other places are villages and towns. There is a huge gap in size and population between towns. There are towns with hundreds of thousands of people, and small towns with thousands of people.

The road that Surdak chose to take passes through more than a dozen small towns.

The mountain road is a bit rough, but the scenery is not bad, and there are not many pedestrians along the way.

Just between the mountains and environmental protection, a small town is hidden on the south slope.

There is a river next to the town, and almost all the mountain streams in the nearby mountains converge into this river. On both sides of the river, small wheat fields and some waterwheels standing by the river can be seen.

The Groft Ridge is located in the northwest of the town, and only a rough outline can be seen.

Almost all the houses in this small town are built on a gentle slope. At the bottom of the valley is a road that can accommodate four carriages in parallel. There are no walls to prevent foreign enemies from invading, but two wooden buildings are built at the intersection of the town. The watchtower, on which stood several militiamen with longbows on their backs.

When I walked under the sentry tower, I saw a stone tablet on the side of the road that said 'Tanley Town', and on the back there was the origin and some history of this town.

Under the indifferent gaze of the sentry tower guards, Suldak and his party walked into the town.

The residents of the small town were not so friendly to outsiders, and no one on the street smiled at them along the way, only eyes full of vigilance and alertness.

There are almost no homeless people in this small town, but the houses are a bit dilapidated, but some traces of repair can be seen.

There is only one commercial street and one hotel in the town, and Surdak has almost no choice but to stay in this hotel.

This is a rural hotel with local characteristics. The yard is large, and the rooms are some independent wooden houses built on the hillside behind the hotel. It seems that there should be ten rooms.

The room rate is very cheap, and breakfast and dinner are also provided. If you don't want to eat, you can waive this part of the meal fee.

A group of local young people squatted under the tree opposite the hotel to play cards. They saw Suerdak and his group enter the hotel. At that time, everyone only focused on the two-headed ogre. , cannot be ignored.

When Suerdak and his group came out of the hotel and were about to find something to eat at a restaurant in the town, these young people saw the two women in the team.

Samira is slender and well-proportioned, with light steps. Her legs are round and slender wrapped in red leather armor. Although she is wearing a hood, her face cannot be seen. Those young people are staring at Samira's slender waist and long legs, almost drooling. It's about to flow out.

Siya has a graceful figure and a soft waist. The Jana Sea tribe has a habit of twisting their waists when they walk. Even if she has two legs, she can't change it. The rhythm of the waist swinging is easy to imagine.

A local young man put down the cards in his hand, wiped his hand twice on his chest, walked up boldly, stood in front of a group of people and asked, "Are you an adventure group from outside? Do you need a guide? I grew up I grew up in this town and I know it well!"


Suldak said calmly.

While speaking, he touched the hilt of the sword with one hand, the young man's face changed slightly, he quickly stepped back two steps, spread his hands on his chest and said: "I have no malice, if you don't need a guide, then forget it!"

After watching Suerdak and his party leave, other young people dared to come forward.


The restaurants in the town are not very good either, except for a cook with breasts like dough pockets, there is only one extremely indifferent waiter, and there are not many foods to choose from in the restaurant, the main meal is a kind of The local grilled fish, seeing the catfish swimming in the muddy water in the wooden basin at the door, Suldak really couldn't get any appetite.

Fortunately, Samira found a fruit stand and a butcher shop in the town. The fruit stand was a roadside stall. There were some round green and red mangoes on the stall. Samira picked some mangoes and bought them. .

As for the butcher's shop, it was a bit horrible. From a distance, it looked like a hut standing on the side of the road. It was simply surrounded by some wooden boards, and fortunately it had a roof.

However, on one side of the bloody meat table, there were big rats whose gray fur had been burnt off. The surface of the skin seemed to have been scraped by a knife, making it appear pitch-black. The belly of each big rat was bulging and long There is a big knot on the tail, which can be hung on the hook on the meat case.

In addition to these big rats, there are two dried chickens and rabbits hanging in front of the meat table, two cow legs are hanging on the hook, one of which has been cut in half by a knife, and a cow with bones The ribs were spread on the table, and some flies flew around the fresh meat.

The two-headed ogre reached out and picked up a gray mouse with a round belly, and said to Surdak with a happy smile: "This thing is delicious. The bones are soft after roasting, and the more you chew, the more delicious it becomes..."

Both Samira and Siya had ugly faces and stood far away.

Suldak scratched his head and said to the ogre, "Why don't we just roast a beef leg and eat it casually, and forget about this...?"

Gulitum is definitely an ogre who is willing to listen to other people's opinions. Hearing what Suldak said, the good brother Naohua quickly echoed: "Well, I think this beef leg must be very good to eat directly... "

So, under the surprised eyes of the butcher shop owner, Suldak bought the whole beef leg for fifteen silver coins.


After returning to the hotel, after consulting the owner of the hotel, Suldak lit a bonfire in the yard and grilled the whole beef leg.

Lying on the rattan chair in the yard, Magician Avid looked at the two-headed ogre who was trying to turn over the roast beef leg, and sighed: "If other lords know, they only need to eat some roast beef every day to impress you. Someone is willing to give you a pasture..."

The ogre squatting next to the campfire was trying to cut a piece of meat from the undercooked beef leg with a knife.

Hearing what the magician Avid said, Gulitham immediately asked a little strangely: "Why are you sending me to the ranch?"

The good brother Nao Hua'er stuck to Gullitem's ear and said: "What Avid means is that you can raise cattle as you like at that time!"

Gulitum shook his head, and immediately said: "I like eating beef, but that doesn't mean I like raising cattle. I raised gazelle in Wall Village. You must not know that you worry about the gazelle running away every day. Every morning and evening How troublesome it is to have to count the sheep.”

Nao Hua'er swallowed her saliva immediately, and said, "Gulitham, I think gazelle is better than beef..."

"Of course!" Gulitum nodded, and said with emotion: "Speaking of you, you have never eaten the sheep I raised. When we have the opportunity to return to Wall Village, I will treat you to a drink of sheep soup." , the mutton soup cooked by Selena is the most delicious broth."

The two-headed ogre chatted and started its own chat mode.

The two brothers sat in front of the bonfire, chatting to themselves while cutting a half-baked beef shank.

It takes at least a few hours for a simple roast beef leg from roasting to eating, but for the ogre brothers, when they can finish eating depends on how sharp the meat cutter is in their hands...


The smell of barbecue in the yard wafted outside, attracting a group of children from the town.

They didn't get close either, they just leaned on the wall outside the hotel, looking into the yard curiously.

When this group of children saw the ogre, the timid children immediately ran back, only some courageous children refused to go...

The clothes worn by children are almost all made of the cheapest rough linen, which is almost always used for sewing bags in Bena City, and the clothes made of them will feel slightly itchy when worn, and sewing clothes The fabric is more delicate.

Suldak came out of the house, cut some pieces of meat from the beef leg, skewered them on willow branches, put the meat skewers back on the fire and roasted them, sprinkled some salt, got up and walked to the wall Side, one for each child.

The children didn't dare to take it at first, but the tallest boy tried to take one, and the other children quickly snatched up all the meat skewers in Suldak's hands. They grabbed the wall and started to gobble it up .

"Who can tell me where this is?" Surdak asked the children.

"Tanley Town!" said the child closest to him, "Didn't you see the stone monument at the entrance of the town?"

"How long have you been here?" Suldak took the opportunity to ask him, looking very smart.

The child blinked his eyes, and said as if he had thought seriously, "I've lived here since I was born."

Suldak asked curiously again: "Then what do your parents do? Hunters, farmers, tanners, lumberjacks...?"

Afraid that he would not be able to tell, I mentioned the possible occupations one by one.

The child replied: "My father is a farmer, and my family has a wheat field on the other side of the river." After finishing speaking, he pointed to the wheat field beside the river outside the town.

"My family too..." Several other children said that their family also had a wheat field.

A child pointed to the child on the outermost side and said, "Only his family is different. His father is a butcher, and the beef shank you are eating was bought from his family."

Following the direction of the child's finger, Suldak saw a shy child holding a skewer, looking at Suldak in panic, with a somewhat embarrassed expression and a look of bewilderment.

"Then do you have any troops here?" Suldak asked.

The child bit off a large piece of meat, ate it with relish, and replied straightforwardly: "Yes, the Lord Army will come to collect taxes twice a year."

"Is there any army in this nearby mountain?"

The child was slightly startled, the meat skewer in his hand trembled imperceptibly, looked away and said, "I don't know, do you know?"

"have no idea."

"I haven't heard..."

The other children said immediately, but their voices were much lower.

Today's update

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